oooh cool another travis python import clusterfuck. i love those.
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cr1901_modern, i assume the tests work on your machine, right?
I've never run them tbh lol
can you try?
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latest new branch should pass all tests
Yea sure. Is this b/c travis is being a fuckup?
is there a global script I can run, or just run them individually?
cd migen/test && python3 -m unittest
ahhh, right
I don't have verilator installed, but 41 tests passed before that
I'll compile/install that now
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(this takes a bit of time on Windows b/c POSIX emulation in general is crap)
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sb0: While I'm waiting for Verilator to compile... is the new VPI going to essentially be a top level module that has an instance of every single external module that was instantiated by Migen, and the relevant set of signals as regs?
Okay, verilator is installed. The verilator test passes when I run it manually (0 return code), but Python claims non-zero return code when I run python3 -m unittest
Running that command manually, and then "echo $?" results in 0 printed to stdout
can you get the verilator log somehow?
I'm not sure... I don't see anything suggesting that verilator has a log
wait nevermind
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I retract the former statement; that was verilator complaining about bad command line parameters (I've never used Verilator)
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sb0: I'm not sure what information you want: running verilator --cc produces a number of C++ objects, and compiling them with the resulting Makefile outputs an archive file
haven't figured out how to get a binary yet
well why that test fails
[migen] sbourdeauducq pushed 2 new commits to new: http://git.io/vnnEE
migen/new 1767eef Sebastien Bourdeauducq: fhdl/visit: support Constant
migen/new 74b0cfc Sebastien Bourdeauducq: doc: remove outdated or moved parts, cleanup
anyhow, that's not what travis is whining about
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m-labs/migen#98 (new - 74b0cfc : Sebastien Bourdeauducq): The build is still failing.
sb0: I think personally think the verilator test should be skipped on Windows, b/c it depends on a bash shell existing, which is no guarantee for a Windows user >>
However, changing line 43 of test_syntax.py to the following fixes the test: