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<bashintosh> So I figured that all the issues I am seeing are display related - in my setup I need to use eDP as display out. I've rebuilt a kernel with the same config except using HDMI out this time with related DTS changes. Linux loads, comes on display (via HDMI) and all it's merry. When using eDP the display stays blank but there are no evident errors around framebuffers or eDP initialisation. The only clue I
<bashintosh> have are these errors from the lightdm logs:
<bashintosh> ** (lightdm:1029): WARNING **: Error using VT_GETSTATE on /dev/console: Inappropriate ioctl for device
<bashintosh> ** (lightdm:1029): WARNING **: Error using VT_ACTIVATE 7 on /dev/console: Inappropriate ioctl for device
<bashintosh> ** (lightdm:1029): WARNING **: Error using VT_WAITACTIVE 7 on /dev/console: Inappropriate ioctl for device
<bashintosh> naobsd: I made sure that the bootloader boots the SD properly and no eMMC activity is involved - so all the board is loading is purely from SD! :) Thanks for the advice
<bashintosh> The interesting difference between my kernel and the firefly_linux_defconfig ( is CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE=y - not really sure of how that could affect the display from coming up at all but I will give it a go
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<naobsd> I think vt switch ioctl will not work without it
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<bashintosh> naobsd: you mean I need other options enabled other than CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE=y ? I have CONFIG_VT also =y
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<bashintosh> just recompiling now with CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE=y
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<bashintosh> naobsd: works... :)
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<wadim_> do you know if the rk818 and rk808 PMICs are compatible with each other?
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