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<naobsd> I think stock(RK) bootloader on NAND/eMMC try to boot from SD(and USB mass storage)
<naobsd> if you just want to load kernel/ramdisk from SD, it should be enough
<naobsd> if you want to load bootloader from SD, you need to prepare IDB area on SD as like as RK3288
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<naobsd> hm
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<naobsd> hmm
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<naobsd> mmm
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<naobsd> .
<naobsd> ..
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<naobsd> hm
<naobsd> hmm
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<naobsd> well
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<bashintosh> naobsd: quick question, if you have time: when booting from SD (linux) with kernel, resource, rfs, parameter etc. (all on SD) does it matter what is on eMMC?
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<naobsd> bashintosh: no bootloader on SD? then at least eMMC must have bootloader
<bashintosh> naobsd: sorry yes, also bootloader on SD
<bashintosh> SD filesystem created with create-linux-sdcard from
<bashintosh> on the eMMC I currently have a 4.0-rc1 kernel and a minimal initramfs - no Android or related partitions - I was wondering if that could affect the proper execution of linux from SD
<naobsd> bashintosh: on RK3288 and RK3368 (and probably other recent SoCs), eMMC is prior than SD card. if eMMC is bootable, bootloader on SD card will not be used
<naobsd> bashintosh: bootloader on eMMC can or cannot boot from SD card is another matter
<naobsd> bashintosh: if you're using u-boot mainline on eMMC on RK3288, it should be able to load kernel etc from SD card too
<naobsd> bashintosh: if you want to boot from bootloader on SD card, you have to disable bootloader on eMMC
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<bashintosh> naobsd: it actually boots fine from SD - including whatever kernel I put in (with my changes, debug traps etc. etc.) - what I am not sure of is what happens when linux loads. I've tried at least 3 or 4 different RFSs - they all get stuck at some point. I am suspecting that linux wants to use some partition on eMMC but I have no evidence yet. Just driving me insane because it should just work :(
<bashintosh> Thanks for your tips though - I will double check what's happening on the eMMC bootloader side
<naobsd> no
<naobsd> if you get problem while booting linux e.g. after mounting root file system, you have to see linux kernel/userland, not bootloader
<naobsd> it's possible to refer eMMC on linux if you configure linux to refer eMMC
<bashintosh> naobsd: right! It might well be a kernel issue - I am using RK 3.10 (their tree) - I might try the Firefly 3.10 which might be more stable and definitely runs linux :)
<bashintosh> I will try that path tomorrow... Hopefully better luck!
<naobsd> I'm still not sure you're using bootloader on SD or eMMC because both RK u-boot and mainline u-boot on eMMC can load kernel etc from SD too
<naobsd> there are many possible configuration. to get proper answer, more information need to be explained
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