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<naobsd> oh I didn't notice there is libmali for X11 for RK3288 r6p0
<naobsd> (and for fbdev too)
<naobsd> binaries for chromebook is still r5
<naobsd> and it seems r6p0 binary supports OpenCL
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<naobsd> mmind00: is your mali r6p0 branch based on chromeos-3.14?
<naobsd> I thought kernel/userland release ver. need to be same... chromeos kernel uses r6 driver, but userland seems to be r5...
<naobsd> or I missed something?
<naobsd> btw
<naobsd> (no idea about userland)
<naobsd> userland seems to be included in chipspark px2 ubuntu image
<naobsd> interesting part in ubuntu image is,
<naobsd> it has usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
<naobsd> it seems to use /dev/rga
<naobsd> buildroot for firefly? interesting, but, oh, somewhat-stable? :)
<c0d3z3r0> mmind00: some time ago you sent me that patch "net: ethernet: arc: don't create holes when allocating new skbs fails". is there any reason you didn't send it to the mailing list?
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<mmind00> c0d3z3r0: most likely because I didn't know if it was correct :-)
<mmind00> naobsd: yep the kernel part is from chromeos ... and it seems someone pressured ARM to keep r5 and r6 stuff compatible
<naobsd> I see :)
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<mmind00> naobsd: although when looking at the arm binary, 2mb on the chromeos side vs 21mb on the arm binary look suspicious ;-)
<mmind00> but in general the arm binary seems to run
<naobsd> mmind00: nice:) arm binary should have more function such as OpenCL
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<naobsd> hmm... sometimes oom-killer does the work on firefly with mainline kernel
<naobsd> but there is no heavy process :(
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<topi`> I wonder when we get the first boards based on the new RK3399...
<topi`> that's certainly a promising chip, and supports usb3.0 which is what's needed for connecting SATA disks without the slowness of usb2 bridge chips
<topi`> I wonder if it will be as expensive as the RK3288 initially was? I think I saw a figure of $40 for RK3288 but back in 2014
<topi`> the rk3368 has a slow memory interface (I just received a Geekbox and tested the memory perf), but it seems they have fixed that in RK3399
<naobsd> I think rk3368 target is not performance...
<naobsd> mmind00: opencl seems to be working with linux-next + mali related patches in somewhat-stable
<mmind00> naobsd: although that new driver version doesn't necessarily increase my opinion of the developers at the ARM graphics department ;-) ... I see hangs in the webgl demo and strange new artifacts in glmark2
<naobsd> oh :(
<naobsd> I cannot try GLES yet... (no display/X11 system on my test env for now)
<naobsd> vdd_gpu: ramp_delay not set
<naobsd> hm
<naobsd> sleepy
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