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<topi`> anyone here with the Geekbox (RK3368)?
<topi`> I'm trying to get real armv8 linux running on it, but ...
<topi`> it ships with ubuntu, architecture is armhf (32-bit)
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<naobsd> topi`: just install arm64 userland. or is there any issue?
<naobsd> personally I don't use RK 3.10 kernel so much... I'm using mainline based kernel with ubuntu arm64 userland
<topi`> do I need to compile a custom kernel to enable 64-bit userland?
<naobsd> topi`: generally, if it's arm64 kernel, it should be ok
<naobsd> but, generally, android kernel is not so good for linux userland
<topi`> the geekbox shipped with some 3.10 based image
<naobsd> you may need some kind of "custom kernel" to make things better
<topi`> let me see... I'll boot it up to recheck :)
<topi`> the geekbox guys advertise that you can boot "anything" on the geekbox :)
<topi`> I wonder if I need a custom U-BOOT as well to support 4.5+ kernels
<naobsd> I use (almost) stock RK u-boot
<naobsd> I changed u-boot console from UART2 to UART4 to use SD slot and console at same time, but you may use stock u-boot binary
<topi`> does the SD slot conflict with UART2?
<naobsd> rk3368 shares uart2 tx/rx pins with sdmmx d0/d1
<naobsd> sdmmc
<topi`> oh, interesting
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<BBss> Hi everyone guys, i am already a little bit expert in android and in general linux operation, but now i need help. I have an rk3066 unknown tablet (in an Xtouch) and i am not able to put in in recovery (tried Vol+ and power, also tried to use a little Reset button, but nothings !)
<BBss> someone know some strange mode for put it in recovery ?
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<bryanp> Hello everyone. Was wondering if anyone had any experience with rk3066 and audio cuts from phy down/up?
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