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Tony_ has joined #linux-rockchip
<Tony_> hi body.
<Tony_> rk616's capture vol is static volume, how to modify to dynamic ?
<Tony_> like a "alsa control" Mic volume or Mic boost.
<Tony_> #define CAPTURE_VOL 24 //0-31
<Tony_> naobsd, would you help me ?
<Tony_> naobsd, or give me some advice.
<Tony_> from snd_kcontrol_new rk616_snd_controls[]
<Tony_> I can seen this.
<Tony_> SOC_SINGLE_TLV("PGAR Capture Volume", RK616_PGAR_CTL,
<Tony_> RK616_PGA_VOL_SFT, 31, 0, pga_vol_tlv),//0x0a bit 4 is 0
<Tony_> but I can't fond it by alsamixer
<Tony_> I don't know why.
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<Tony_> ;)
<Tony_> got it.
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<naobsd_tony> ;)
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mm13 has joined #linux-rockchip
<mm13> hi
<mm13> I'm trying to learn about dts by making one from a 3.0.36 kernel
<mm13> but i can't find which gpio this 3.0.36 kernel it use
<mm13> does someone can help me retrieving files form the board used in my config ?
<mm13> or any other way ??
<mm13> where the hell are they defined !!??
<mm13> no oen
<naobsd> what's "this 3.0.36 kernel"? what's your board?
<mm13> still nobody
<mm13> have a good day
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<naobsd> oh...
<rperier> :/
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<naobsd> hm, popmetal. I'll check it...
<naobsd> lately too busy :(
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