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<Tony__> hi, I want to create a new permission for android.
<Tony__> I tried to modify /system/etc/permissions/platform.xml.
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<Tony__> When I install App, Android said that Unkown permission.
<Tony__> Anybody can help me ?
<Tony__> okay, I try to add a groups id into a exist (permission) string.
<Tony__> it works fine.
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<naobsd> I cannot remember, someone has/uses minix neo x5 for development, right?
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<Tony__> has minix neo x5 some feature only itself ?
<naobsd> I'm talking about someone has x5, not x5 has something
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<rperier> hi all
<PaowZ_> hi alone !
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<karlp> nashpa: I have minix neo x5 mini,
<karlp> I haven't done much recently sorry, been working on other things :(
<karlp> hrm, bad tab completion,
* karlp hid parts/joins and missed naobsd leaving :(
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<naobsd> karlp: you're not using x5 anymore?
<karlp> I only ever had the x5 mini.
<karlp> I think there was someone else who had an x7 (full size) ?
<karlp> I still have the x5mini, it's in a box by my desk, I've just been working on other things.
<naobsd> I see, I just remembered someone talked it
<naobsd> no problem :)
<karlp> was there something you wanted to be tested or looked at?
<naobsd> no
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<naobsd> I pushed rk3066 4.2.2 sdk to mirrors, but just for the reference
<naobsd> ah, I guess no one refer
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<karlp> well, I never even found a 4.0 sdk that matched my hardware anyway.
<naobsd> I just talked what I did :) and it's Rockchip SDK, not any specific product SDK
<naobsd> just for reference.
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