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<dan64b> hi, I'd like to debug why system kernel doesn't load root file system. What's best method to access logs or debug the kernel boot sequence? Is enabling FIQ in kernel the way to go? Anymore info would help.
<dan64b> anyone :) ?
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<naobsd> dan64b: is there any serial console output?
<dan64b> hi. I see 4 serial pins on board, I'm assuming it's UART as I can identify ground, tx and rx and vcc
<dan64b> my question is, can the linux kernel be compiled to output dmesg to these tx/rx pins for Rk3188? I don't know how FIQ debugging works (any docs, or tutorials) would be appreciated.
<naobsd> here is easy tutorial: connect ground, tx, and rx and see output
<dan64b> I tried that once (not with my compiled kernel) and I got no output. But now that I can compile kernel I have more thing though, is there kernel setting to ENABLE this type of debugging??
<naobsd> which kernel are you talking about?
<dan64b> Linux 3.0.101 or main line at some point.
<dan64b> which kernel setting corresponds to serial UART? Is it just ttyS0 in parameter file?
<naobsd> Linux 3.0.101 doesn't support Rockchip
<naobsd> you can use ttyS2 with mainline
<naobsd> (more accurately, other ttySn can be used if there are pins for it)
<dan64b> 3.0.101 by omegamoon does claim to support rk3188
<naobsd> RK 3.0 kernel supports ttyFIQ0 or ttySn
<naobsd> I don't know detail about that kernel, but it should be RK 3.0 kernel with changes for 3.0.101
<dan64b> I'm still puzzled on how FIQ works...where does it output to? What tools/software I need to work with FIQ debugging?
<naobsd> again
<naobsd> connect ground, tx, rx, use ttyFIQ0
<naobsd> more accurately, try stock kernel without any modification
<naobsd> with stock parameter
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<dan64b> alright, I'll try your suggestion by setting paramtere file to ttyFIQ0 and hook the tx,rx wires...thanks!!
<naobsd> btw I cannot support that kernel
<naobsd> I don't know which board are you using
<naobsd> you need to explain more information to get more answer
<naobsd> rx/tx should be 3.3V. use proper cable
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<dan64b> sound good, thanks for your support.
<naobsd> if you want to use latest RK 3.0 kernel, I recommend
<naobsd> you may need to add board specific changes
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<dan64b> sounds good...who maintains this version? It's insane the number of different existing repositories of rk kernel.
<dan64b> ah...I don't see defconfig in linux-rockchip/arch/arm/configs/ for my test box MINIX Neo X7
<naobsd> repos on github linux-rockchip organization are maintained by linux-rockchip community. mirror/* branches in linux-rockchip repo on linux-rockchip organization are came from Rockchip RBOX SDK, all changes are made by Rockchip
<naobsd> now I know you're talking about MINIX Neo X7
<naobsd> I said you may need to add board specific changes
<naobsd> that repo I pointed is mirror of Rockchip SDK, not MINIX SDK
<naobsd> do you have SDK for MINIX Neo X7?
<naobsd> in addition to defconfig, you need modifications in other files (e.g. drivers) in kernel source tree
<dan64b> I don't have the SDK I'll try to find it.
<naobsd> google "x7.tar.gz"
<naobsd> but at first please try stock firmware image to see tx/rx works
<dan64b> 3.3GB wow, that's large frame work, download...
<naobsd> it's android sdk
<dan64b> ok
<naobsd> probably android 4.2.2 sdk, not latest
<naobsd> you can make diff between rockchip sdk and minix sdk
<naobsd> then you can merge diff into latest sdk/kernel
<naobsd> several days ago I made diff between RK SDK and X7 SDK
<naobsd> but it seems I deleted diff file...
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<dan64b> excellent point for the diff...will do.
<naobsd> it's big git repo with history, you can get diff easily
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<naobsd> ah I found my workdir for X7
<dan64b> context info: you're referring to "RK SDK", I thought RK stood for Rockchip the SoC manufacturer...all these devices have RK SoC, so is "RK SDK" referring to something native? :)
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<naobsd> RK SDK = original SDK from Rockchip. board/product makers made modification for their board, what you need is this modified version
<naobsd> if you need only kernel part of X7 SDK, I can push to somewhere
<dan64b> Is it same thing as I'm downloading 3.3GB or it has your modifications?
<naobsd> whole X7 SDK is 3.3GB, what I talked is only kernel part
<naobsd> no my modification
<naobsd> I'm not providing better/best source code at all
<dan64b> cool, sure, I'd love to try it. I'm not setup for push...could I just pull/download from a link or ftp?
<naobsd> I'm talking about things for the reference
<naobsd> well
<naobsd> try == use?
<naobsd> it's from old Android 4.2.2 SDK, are you really want to use it?
<naobsd> what I'm talking is
<dan64b> oh reference is I'm learning about Linux and Kernel through this exercise
<naobsd> here is latest kernel source from 4.4 SDK
<naobsd> but it needs modification for your board
<naobsd> you can see "modification" between RK "4.2" SDK and X7 4.2 SDK
<dan64b> alright, maybe better excercise will be to get the latest kernel and add the mods from x7 sdk
<naobsd> you can make own kernel based on 4.4 SDK kernel with modification
<naobsd> I'll push "modification" soon
<dan64b> yes yes, that's better plan, I'll go with it, thanks again!!
<naobsd> but please use stock firmware to check uart pins
<dan64b> will do, I'm bit iffy on that, as the stock firmware I have on x7 is original and I think it's buggy as it doesn't event allow me to upgrade to latest I downloaded from minixforums.
<naobsd> ah, sorry
<naobsd> no need to use stock/first/original one, please use latest but "official" one
<naobsd> then
<naobsd> "cannot upgrade" is very strange
<dan64b> yeah, i suspect there is an incremental process to go through as you cannot just upgrade from version 1 to version latest directly...
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<dan64b> hey, you gave me a ton of good info, thank you very much. I'll spend next few days working on it.
<naobsd> is it incremental ota update zip? most maker provides single full update image
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<dan64b> by the way, I keep seeing your name, "naobsd" on lots of places here. Just curious, are you a co-founder of this community, do you have a profile with technology background?
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<dan64b> It was you copy to SDCard...I gave up on it as I'm exploring linux now then android.
<naobsd> I'm not first person who start to use "linux-rockchip" name, but old community was inactive long time. then, some months ago, some people who currently active here discussed about refreshing community.
<naobsd> then, I have admin rights for here, github, google groups
<naobsd> I'm software engineer, but I have no relation to Rockchip and any rockchip based products.
<naobsd> well, "I have no relation to Rockchip and any rockchip based products on the job".
<chazzz> anyone here know which marvin build will get me a minimal shell for minix neo x7?
<chazzz> the neo-x7 kernel source tree gives me just a logo, not sure how to see kernel logs with just the minix logo :/
<naobsd> dan64b: I pushed here I don't maintain it, it will be removed at some point
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<dan64b> awesome, I'm soft-eng too, getting my hands dirty with hardware :)
<naobsd> dan64b: probably "git diff 99e7f59a3c75ff570056bbd6fd9ea3c4b26ac2c9..mirror/minix-neo-x7-jb" show "modification"
<naobsd> there are many unnecessary modifications :(
<naobsd> old mode 100644 -> new mode 100755
<naobsd> source code difference is not so many
<dan64b> consumed! Thanks.
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<naobsd> oh I remembered that I need to make some kernels based on RK 4.4 SDK kernel... I'll maintain that repo for a while ;)
<naobsd> (NEO X7 is not my target, sorry)
<dan64b> no worries, what's your main target, if you don't mind me asking for my context.
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<naobsd> Radxa Rock series, ChipSPARK Rayeager PX2, Olimex RK3188-SOM, KDDI Open Web Board, and probably new RK3066 board from Mozilla Japan
<naobsd> I don't want to have SDKs for each one on my machine ;)
<naobsd> one is enough
<dan64b> wow, you'll turn into an octopus :p
<naobsd> there are RK3288 boards here, 8 legs will not be enough...
<naobsd> dan64b: if you need full Rockchip SDK,
<naobsd> r-box branches on github are extracted from full SDK, if you only need kernel, github repo is enough
<chazzz> can someone point me in the right direction to boot from an SD card then use a root filesystem from a usb hdd?
<chazzz> on rk3188 (minix neo x7) device
<chazzz> I broke my mini-usb connector on the board, so i can't flash any more :(
<dan64b> That's a great link. Thanks.
<naobsd> chazzz: how about follow standard way like: "root=/dev/somewhereforhdd" in CMDLINE ?
<chazzz> I would do that in the parameter.img, correct?
<naobsd> yes, or you can define/force it in kernel config
<chazzz> ah good to know, thanks! so my next problem, would kernel should I use for the x7? I tried but I just get the "minix" logo when booting
<naobsd> chazzz: please see my talk with dan64b in log
<chazzz> sure, how do I view the rest of the log?
<naobsd> see topic here
<naobsd> I don't know that repo you pointed. please ask repo owner about it.
<dan64b> I did get that repo to work but it's basic and slow. Hence I moved to latest 3.0.101 kernal and got stuck (due to missing updates) next plan is to try the suggestions naobsd said above....I'll report back in couple of days or so till I get a chance to hack again.
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<naobsd> rk3188_box_pancake_kitkat_defconfig in mirror/rk3188-rbox-kk is the base for box style products. it might work as is
<naobsd> work != perfect
<naobsd> if it boots you may use it and add modifications from 4.2 one by one
<naobsd> sorry, I'm busy for now
<dan64b> Thanks!! I've got to go too. TTYL.
<naobsd> ah, forgot to say, you must use serial console for this kind of work :)
<naobsd> there must be some amount of errors
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<Tony_> there is a question about alsa on rk3188 & rk616.
<Tony_> from PC, with alsamixer I can fond a "mic volume" item, but from rk3188 there is no this item.
<Tony_> who can tell me more detail about alsa ?
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<Tony_> from adjusting it, the "Front Mic Boost" is for adjusting mic's gain.
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<Tony_> ;(
<Tony_> go home.
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<chazzz> hey, anyone know why rk kernels use a fake ramdisk? and what for?
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