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<zenmetsu> hey amitk, did you ever get wifi working on your chromebook2 with mainline kernel?
<amitk> zenmetsu: nah! I messed around with the DT for a few hours but then got distracted by other more urgent tasks
<zenmetsu> bah, bummer. i finally managed to bring up all 8 cores with mainline kernel, but can't figure out the needed DT changes myself
<amitk> zenmetsu: I'm trying to get the Mali driver's kernel shim to work
<sjoerd> amitk: hey, did you have a kernel branch for the XU3 someplace ?
<sjoerd> I started playing with it, but it's covering me with imprecise aborts (can't even start init)
<amitk> sjoerd: Try https://git.linaro.org/people/amit.kucheria/kernel.git khilman-3.19-mali
<sjoerd> amitk: great thank you
<amitk> sjoerd: it is based on a branch khilman just created on top of linux-next and has changes to try to get mali working
<sjoerd> oh extra nice
<sjoerd> that's one of my things on my todo list as well so :)
<sjoerd> (that and also have it workin on the cr2 with the same kernel)
<sjoerd> amitk: will give it a try later on
<amitk> sjoerd: at present the mali kernel driver fails to initialise due to lack of platform data
<amitk> sjoerd: yes, we're targeting a tree that boots on both cb2 and odroid
<sjoerd> great!
<sjoerd> I'll keep you posted on my progress as well, hopefully you branch allows me to at least start userspace though.. that would be a good start :)
<zenmetsu> would be nice to see mali added to a more recent kernel. kept running into ancient linaro kernels that lack DT support for the chromebook2 :/
<sjoerd> zenmetsu: i've got a working 3.17 branch
<zenmetsu> with mali?
<zenmetsu> i wouldn't mind checking it out if you have a link to the repo. i'm looking into getting an XU3 as well
<sjoerd> the mali patches mostly come from the samsung refernce tree
<sjoerd> not sure if they updated for newer kernels yet
<sjoerd> if you want to play we also build images for the chromebook, but without any UI bits (I don't want to redistribute teh binary blobs): https://images.collabora.co.uk/singularity/daily/ceti/latest/ :)
<zenmetsu> ok, let me try that one out, my current kernel works mostly, but i just noticed RTC isn't working either, so i'll probably give up on it
<sjoerd> javier__: is doing a bunch of work on upstream chromebook2 bits and pieces
<sjoerd> iirc teh rtc should be working with recentish kernels
<zenmetsu> i'm a gentoo person myself. i can get the binary blobs from the malideveloper site
<zenmetsu> which version is in the exynos-combined tree? r4p0 or r4p1?
<sjoerd> i'd have to double-check, p1 i think
<amitk> sjoerd: I tried the build images on the cb2 but got a blank screen, I would've expected it to atleast show console.
<sjoerd> it should have really
<sjoerd> curious
<sjoerd> anything on serial?
<amitk> sjoerd: haven't soldered on serial on this cb2 yet
<sjoerd> ah
<amitk> sjoerd: I assume I just had to dd the image onto the sd card
<sjoerd> Yeah dd the image onto the sd card and hit ctrl+U on boot
* amitk nods
<sjoerd> I'll check what's going on there
<sjoerd> one downside to doing lava test, we know it boots but we can't currently detect if anything is on the screen
<zenmetsu> btw, is there a guide somewhere on breaking out the serial? also, what signaling voltage does it use? 3.3V? less?
<sjoerd> 1.8
<zenmetsu> wow, i don't even have a level shifter for 1.8... ;)
<sjoerd> works fine on both peach pi (chromebook 2 13") and snow (original samsung arm chromebook)
<sjoerd> khilman posted a picture on his G+ with the location of the pads
<zenmetsu> sweet, i'll look into it
<zenmetsu> surprisingly, i haven't even torn this thing open yet, and i usually hack up everything i get. any chance there is an i2c or spi bus hiding in there also, maybe even some gpio?
<sjoerd> there is the debug header
<sjoerd> I destroyed on cr2 with soldering on that one though, i suspect i managed to erase the EC flash but i'm not sure what happened
<sjoerd> It did give me the EC serial though, which was cute while it lasted
<sjoerd> http://www.chromium.org/chromium-os/servo has the info and schematics at the end
<sjoerd> Unfortunately if you buy a chreombook it doesn't have the debug connector on it, but the pads for it are exposed
<javier__> zenmetsu: the RTC should work (both the S3C and the one in the max77802 PMIC)
<javier__> zenmetsu: what kernel version are you using and what problem you have exactly? (e.g: RTC driver not probed, /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/time not incrementing, etc)
<javier__> zenmetsu, amitk: I may have today to give wifi a try and see what's missing in the DTS
<javier__> *time today
<zenmetsu> sorry, was dealing with my puppy. I was getting rtc0 and rtc1 in /dev, rtc1 gave me an error when reading, and rtc0 takes forever to read and doesn't increment
<zenmetsu> and i was using 3.18.0-rc6
<javier__> zenmetsu: ok, I'll take a look
<javier__> it was working last time I tried
<sjoerd> javier__: see that's why you need to put some test into our lava for that :p
* sjoerd runs
<zenmetsu> it was khilman's branch though, pretty sure it was the wip/exynos/v3.19-integ
<javier__> sjoerd: agreed
<javier__> zenmetsu: thanks for the info, that branch is based on next-20141125 so I'll test it on linux-next then
<javier__> zenmetsu: btw, the G+ post from khilman that sjoerd was talking about is this one https://plus.google.com/114361737637935606044/posts/BoSG5WyQ511
<zenmetsu> oh geez, that looks horribad... :)
<javier__> zenmetsu: fortunately you haven't seen any soldering I did :)
* javier__ still has to solder serial on his peach pi
<zenmetsu> there looks to be enough room in there to stick a level shifter. i'll probably give mine a 3.3V serial port broken out to the case. female headers are a great idea though, low profile and relatively high durability
<zenmetsu> i'll probably opt for using some of my wire-wrap wire for this job, those pads look pretty small.
<javier__> amitk: I confirmed that latest sin/ceti image does not bring display on peach pi, I'll take a look, thanks a lot for reporting!
<zenmetsu> btw sjoerd, i ran into an issue compiling from that branch. getting cat:/drivers/gpu/midgard/platform//modules.order: input file is output file maybe my build environment is hosed o_O
<amitk> javier__: thanks
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<ukki> amitk: any chance your branch would work with arndale octa?
<amitk> ukki: it should, Kevin does some basic testing on arndale octa I believe
<amitk> but I don't
<sjoerd> oh that's curious
<sjoerd> my kernel build does boot via tftp with a patched upstream u-boot
<ukki> amitk: thanks
<ukki> does Kevin use irc? would like a chat with him
<sjoerd> ah that' sa fluke as newer u-boot does seem to load the initramfs correctly
<sjoerd> amitk: when grabbing your kernel branch: error: Unable to find 214d8ee537ae186c47f0278dee88752617f5fca5 under http://git.linaro.org/git-ro/people/amit.kucheria/kernel.git
<javier__> ukki: yes, he is nickname is khilman and he is in #armlinux and #linaro-kernel at least
<ukki> javier__: thanks
<zenmetsu> sjoerd: disregard my previous comment. I double-noobed. First, i somehow configured the mali bits as built-in, not as modules. After resolving that, i ran into another error because i didn't have CONFIG_KDS set
<sjoerd> yeah those patches relaly aren't pretty
<zenmetsu> looks like it is compiling though, i'll know in a moment if it boots
<zenmetsu> should teach me to not try to compile the kernel, dtbs, and modules on one shot; missed the fact that zImage failed to compile
<zenmetsu> wondering if my .config is invalid
<javier__> zenmetsu: can you post a complete log of your build failure and what config are you using?
<zenmetsu> sure thing, i'm rebuilding after a make clean, and with -j1 this time. It was complaining about a truncated drivers/gpu/arm/midgard/built-in.o could be sd-card wonkiness, if it fails again, i'll post the code snippet online
<javier__> zenmetsu: ok
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<zenmetsu> failed again. :/ http://pastebin.com/A8B3U5NB
<zenmetsu> not getting much for build errors since it is failing with LD. didn't see any failures prior to that.
<zenmetsu> going to have to build again and pipe the output to a build log to make certain
<javier__> zenmetsu: are you using ccache? I've only seen similar errors when my ccache got confused and I had to flush the cache before building a new branch
<zenmetsu> nah, i don't even have ccache installed on this box
<zenmetsu> building natively though, and i did verify that i'm not using distcc either
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<sjoerd> mdrjr: If i want to send you an spl to sign to become bl2 what build target do you need ? u-boot-spl.bin or smdk5422-spl.bin
<amitk> sjoerd: I just rebased and force-pushed on top of that branch, can you try again?
<amitk> zenmetsu: are you saying that mali needs to always be compiled as a module (sorry, mali noobie here)
<sjoerd> amitk: no my branch has some hacks to maek ti work one way or the other (i can't remember which way round)
<sjoerd> it should work either way
<sjoerd> amitk: same again
<sjoerd> Cannot obtain needed object 214d8ee537ae186c47f0278dee88752617f5fca5
<mdrjr> sjoerd: smk5422-spl.bin :) please for reference use the odroid_defconfig on our u-boot
<sjoerd> mdrjr: ok
<sjoerd> comparing with the X2 u-boot looks like the u-boot size got load from 512K to 328K for the XU3
<sjoerd> mdrjr: just wondering , was tehre a reason for that or just happened to be the size of your u-boot?
<mdrjr> sjoerd: not my u-boot, I don't own hardkernel. And I have no idea why.. atm that XU3 was on bring up I was on another project.. so I didn't took part on that
<sjoerd> Ok
<sjoerd> mdrjr: Well you're the only one from hardkernle i know, so you get to be the target of my questions :)
<sjoerd> mdrjr: hmm, silly question, looking at the u-boot code from hardkerenl, it looks like MOVI_UBOOT_POS only gets used when booting from SD card not when booting from EMMC
<mdrjr> nope.. it should use for eMMC too
<mdrjr> hmmm
<sjoerd> that was my reaction as well
<mdrjr> unless for eMMC its using CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE + some offset ?
<mdrjr> I don't know lol
<mdrjr> afair emmc = sd -1
<mdrjr> for the positions
<mdrjr> but just looking at that now I can't remember... I remember changing that on 4412 bootloader...
<sjoerd> the 4412 code follows the same pattern
<sjoerd> in your other branch
<mdrjr> also.. I don't see image_info being used there
<mdrjr> is CONFIG_SMC_CMD enabled? (I think it should be)
<sjoerd> It is
<mdrjr> in that case 128 will never the executed..
<sjoerd> hmm?
<mdrjr> the code clock on coldboot()
<mdrjr> has a #ifdef
<sjoerd> the L128 link was from the otehr branch
<mdrjr> ahhh
<mdrjr> lol.. my bad :(
<mdrjr> I just saw the L128 and looked at line 128
<mdrjr> :P
<sjoerd> :)
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<sjoerd> How is the SMC programmed? It looks like in case of EMMC boot both for odroid X2 and XU3 you only give it a size & destination but not the source of u-boot
<sjoerd> ditto for TZSW
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<mdrjr> that requires a quick check on the manual.. hehe
<sjoerd> the manuals i have for exynos don't seem to document the smc
<sjoerd> or maybe i'm just not looking at the right chapters
<mdrjr> sjoerd: look at the trustzone mark
<sjoerd> right but i'm failing to see any documentation abou tthe secure firmware that's running
<sjoerd> maybe that's just not in my versions of the manuals though
<sjoerd> mdrjr: Anyway, do the manuals you have explain the behaviour for loading u-boot from emmc on the XU3 ?
<mdrjr> sort of.. hehe
<sjoerd> do tell
<mdrjr> sjoerd: gimme a second let me check on our internal svn :P
<sjoerd> Thanks!
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<zenmetsu> sjoerd, i threw the source at a different compiler, same result. i think my .config for my chromebook2 is the problem. compiles fine if i leave the mali bits out