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<javier__> Swabbles: there is a #tegra channel on freenode and linux-tegra@vger.kernel.org, I would ask there
<Wizzup> javier__: the thing is, this happens for pi, pit and snow too iirc
<javier__> Wizzup: what happens?
<Wizzup> compilation problems, iirc
<Wizzup> but let's wait for Swabbles :)
<javier__> Wizzup: well I think he was talking about 2 different things a) build nv-u-boot from the chromiumos repo b) booting a tegra nyan-big chromebook
<javier__> Wizzup: AFAIU from his comments, a) worked for him but b) didn't
<javier__> he mentioned venice2 DTS but I don't understand why since that seems to be the DTS for another board
<Wizzup> you may be correct
<javier__> arch/arm/boot/dts/tegra124-venice2.dts
<javier__> arch/arm/boot/dts/tegra124-nyan-big.dts
<javier__> Wizzup: about a), yeah I tried building u-boot as a standalone but had build issues it depends on cros/vboot/
<javier__> my understanding is that people could built it though by mangling some Makefiles and removing those build deps
<sjoerd> did i not publish my hacks
<sjoerd> hrm
<sjoerd> ah i did indeed not publish the branch we build for pi
<sjoerd> But that doesn't seem to get the display going so might not be that useful anyway
<javier__> sjoerd: interesting, I wonder what's missing there since the kernel shouldn't rely on any hw setup made by the bootloader
* javier__ wish he has a pi
<sjoerd> javier__: Oh i meant i don't get output on the screen in u-boot
<sjoerd> the kernel manages to get it up just fine
<javier__> sjoerd: oh, right. Sorry I misunderstood
<sjoerd> I which upstream u-boot would wrok on the pi though
<sjoerd> As far as i can tell the difference is in the low-level memory setup, but that's quite annoying to debug
<javier__> yeah, that would be nice indeed
<sjoerd> I guess i should try to hack up the upstream one to just not (re)setup the memory given it's already setup by the flashed u-boot
<sjoerd> so i can test that theory ;)
<javier__> nod
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<Swabbles> javier__: where can I find that dts then, because it is not in any of the branches I have tried. Unless you are talking about the kernel-next repository.
<Swabbles> There is no nyan-big DTS in the u-boot repository (only branches that are available for nyan are firmware-nyan-5771.B and factory-nyan-5772.B, and neither of those have such a DTS).
<Swabbles> Also, I know vboot is a dependency, but that is not the problem. I have described on the wiki how to get around that (by actually telling u-boot where to find it).
<Swabbles> But for snow, spring and nyan-big the problem is that the DTS-files won't compile at all (in fact, I've only had that working for the peach-pi and the peach-pit).
<Swabbles> sjoerd: check linux-exynos.org, I've got the u-boot console working (but had to enable it).
<Swabbles> For peach-pi and peach-pit, that is.
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<javier__> Swabbles: I see it in 3.18-rc3, it seems it made it during the 3.18 merge window
<Swabbles> javier__: so to answer in your a/b-style questions: b) is easy for me to do, once a) produces something useful (which is u-boot.bin + DTB, signed to be nv u-boot).
<Swabbles> Yes, but the problem is: u-boot doesn't use the kernel DTS, afaik.
<Swabbles> This is one of the things I have tried back with peach-pi, the kernel DTS won't work for u-boot.
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<javier__> Swabbles: oh, sorry I missunderstood. I thought you were talking about the kernel DTS not the u-boot DTS
<javier__> Swabbles: yeah, unfortunately the kernel and u-boot DT bindings are not the same
<Swabbles> Well, what I am currently encountering as a problem is that the u-boot device trees don't seem to build, not for snow, not for spring, not for nyan-big (I am assuming venice2 is correct here).
<sjoerd> Swabbles: i don't care much given i've got serial ports
<Swabbles> sjoerd: that works.
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<Swabbles> javier__: the instructions in that link are the ones I am using, except branch is firmware-nyan-5771.B (and I run make chromeos_venice2_config).
<Swabbles> Know anyone who could help me figure out what I am doing wrong?
<javier__> Swabbles: no but if I were you I would contact Dylan Reid <dgreid@chromium.org> since he was the one that added the nyan-big DTS support in mainline
<javier__> Swabbles: so sending an email to him with linux-tegra@vger.kernel.org as cc asking how one could test that DTS would be worth
<sjoerd> #tegra is also quite responsive
<javier__> Swabbles: tbh I just tried once to build u-boot once for peach pit has I had done for dozens of platform before, found the vboot dep, gave up and then found the prebuilt nv-u-boot binary and moved on
<Swabbles> When I tried the prebuilt nv u-boot binaries weren't available yet :P.
<Swabbles> But thanks for your help. Hopefully, I'll be able to get somewhere.
<javier__> Swabbles: you are welcome, sorry that I can't be of too much help here
<javier__> in fact I have a nyan-big here but didn't have time to even look at it yet, more urgent things keep coming out :)
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<suihkulokki> arndale network on 3.18-rcX was broken by 3cc81d85ee01e5a0b7ea2f4190e2ed1165f53c31
<suihkulokki> according to my bisect
<suihkulokki> asix: Don't reset PHY on if_up for ASIX 88772
<suihkulokki> will have to look more tomorrow
<SteveCapper> suihkulokki: thanks that explains the problem I had with my Arndale with 3.18 :-)
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