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<dlan> afaerber: wizzup point me to you that you have mainline kernel running on odroid-u3? so what's the status? most drivers works
<dlan> I'm current running odroid's vendor kernel 3.8, would like to try mainline's
<Wizzup> 03:14 < leming> afaerber, how much do you have working on that branch?
<Wizzup> 03:16 < afaerber> leming, latest additions beyond my DT+LEDs series on the list were I2C, PMIC and USB, i.e. USB 2.0 rather than SD rootfs and SSH are working
<afaerber> dlan, no, on the odroid-xu
<Wizzup> 03:17 < afaerber> not yet investigated are any graphics or sound
<Wizzup> Ah, really? I remembered U3
<Wizzup> XU3*
<Wizzup> darn
<dlan> Wizzup: that's different
<dlan> but anyway, i checked, it also include dts file for u3
<dlan> so basically it should works
<Wizzup> My reading skills have degraded intensely lately
<Wizzup> a dts means it may do something, but is not a guarantee that it will ``just work''
<dlan> Wizzup: it should just works, just you don't know how much it works
<javier__> dlan: iirc all peripherals worked with exynos4412-odroidu3.dts (USB, eth, HDMI, display, MMC, etc)
<dlan> javier__: great!
<dlan> also do u know if i need another u-boot to get fdt support
<dlan> the one I using was from hardkernel(the vendor)
<javier__> dlan: you can use the hardkernel one but you have to append a DTB iirc
<dlan> great, I will give it a try, thanks
<dlan> btw, any docs about how to mainline kernel for u3 if someone already written down...
<javier__> dlan: mainline u-boot now has odroid-u3 support as well if you want more fancy stuff (e.g: load a zImage instead of a uImage, eth support for tftp, etc)
<dlan> no fancy stuff I particular needed, be fine with just boot from mmc .
<dlan> current it use zImage, guess it should also support uImage
<dlan> I'll adjust boot.scr and give it a try, thanks
<javier__> dlan: something like this should work:
<javier__> $ export ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-
<javier__> $ make exynos_defconfig
<javier__> $ make -j4 zImage modules exynos4412-odroidu3.dtb
<javier__> $ cat arch/arm/boot/zImage arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos4412-odroidu3.dtb > zImage.dtb
<javier__> $ mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x40008000 -e 0x40008000 -n Linux -d zImage.dtb uImage
<javier__> dlan: and then just replace your current uImage with the one you have just created
<javier__> dlan: since you are appending a DTB there is no need to modify your current boot.scr
<javier__> dlan: sorry, I didn't read that you mentioned it currently is loading a zImage currently, I thought CONFIG_CMD_BOOTZ was not supported on hardkernel u-boot
<javier__> dlan: then afaik you can just omit the last command to generate a uImage
<dlan> javier__: thanks, afaik, uboot's bootm command should support "bootm uImage dtb initrd"