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It would appear we are setting up backref from an informal look
enebo: hmm, I think it uses match instead of search in joni matcher
enebo: a profile would be useful
matchPos uses search
search goes through additional fast skipping algos
match enters interpreter loop directly
so it might be this
they shouldnt differ in semantics
this code is a little confusing to me since I see holder[] and setBackRefInternal
Is it if we pass in a holder it sets that value object instead of the real context backreg?
match should produce backrefs right ?
match? should not right?
match should
t should not
or at least I think that was why match? was made
so we I think still do match but we don't save the data anywhere or something like that
but we make the data
but I was thinking you would understand the impl a bit more
maybe we could reuse DontCaptureGroup
I'll poke at mri first though
but I dont recall anything special
lopex: MRI gets a big gain out of not capturing so I figure we should get some gain from it
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[jruby] junaruga opened issue #5257: NameError: uninitialized constant Errno::ENOMEDIUM
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