jruby/master 5c280fa kares: [refactor] get rid of date/format's Bag internal - use Hash...
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kares: you know if bad was replaced with a class which just had all those fields defined as named methods it would probably even be faster
kares: also we sync lib/ruby/stdlib with a branch on jruby/ruby so changes should be commited there as well so we don't nuke them on next stdlib sync
kares: my theory is we will inline nicely ruby through ruby
kares: although I notice it seems to want to to_hash so hmm I guess I don't know
jruby/master 9892b3c kares: move Date's s3e internal into native (based on MRI's C impl)
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[jruby] kares opened issue #5255: Date parsing (still) noticeably slower than MRI https://git.io/fNn7P
enebo: hey, the internal Bag got away
if you're refering to that
hmm jruby/ruby I wonder how much it will matter since these aren't updated by MRI's end
kares: yeah I just mean it might be faster to make Bag use real methods than a hash but then I saw it requires being made a hash anyways so I was less sure
enebo: MRI uses a Hash internally - so I aligned that
kares: it only matters that headius will copy that repo over the top of this one so if we have commited date/format or whatever there it will replace on next sync
there was some time being wasted on method_missing + args boxing but not that much
kares: oh yeah I saw that message
haven't looked further ...
kares: I just meant it might inline better as ruby to ruby
kares: I don't know if it actually will though :)
maybe I did that one method since its called at the end of every one and I was able to nuke 3-4 regexp matches
oh which method?
just a simple one s3e let me find a commit
oh I see that above
I was only commenting on the bad replacement
heh bag
bad bag!
yeah I cannot spell bag without a lot of effort
some of these formats would be much better served as actual parsers but that is a lot of work :)
well yeah its also a lot of work moving them around
haven't done profiling but I expect MRI to be doing the same amount of matching
I was also curious in that benchmark ebcause we have been testing against graal a lot lately
at least I have seen most of it in C - they pbly avoid all of the global $1 etc
yeah they probably still use oni for regexps internally?
heh I guess these changes might matter less on graal
yeah I am surprised when it works well or not
yy internally its pretty much a direct C replacement of what we have in format.rb
except they avoid some of the garbage
so its either that or those 'big' regexps do not perform that well
an allocation-less parser which sets value into some value object would be the big winner
kares: is there a dominant date parse method which rules in RoR? like iso8601?
yy they use all of those I posted in the benchmark code
all of them get used iso8601, Date.parse as well as Date._parse
this bench took out the _strptimes but those are already reasonably good I think those are also native
parse/_parse for sure on type extracting from DB
pretty common type too
yy those are fine
for a db
yy + Date._parse gets reused for datetime as well - so its not only date columns
my default options run is very similar to yours but a little bit faster. My laptop is an i7 from about 1.5 years ago
I ran java 8 first too
my should be newer
but I think I had -Xmx1G
I think indy is not nearly as good in java 9+
second run I am trying compile.invokedynamic just to see
rehearsal is already 5% faster
parse 68 -> 61s so improvement but not massive
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parse is 44s on graal CE rc1
funny thing I disabled fixnum cache because PEA tends to eliminate the box but it absolutely killed perf for this code
I should also point I had not updated to your changes for those runs
44? that might be still worse than MRI
altough nice that it shaves 20s away
29s on graal with your changes
44s was before your two commits
najs so it made some sense, for now :)
MRI 2.5 is 10s so still 3x best result on graal
I don't know if 2.6 made opts so it may be worse...I guess I should update some shit
oh you have 10s ... which one is this _parse?
there wasn't much work around date in 2.6
I expect it to be the same as 2.5
second to last iso8601 on MRI is about same as graal numbers
although last one is also about 3x that
so its likely that they eliminate some regexps along the way
do you think like joni is on par with oniguruma?
elimination of regexp would help us a lot since we need to record frame info
kares: I don't know. I remember us being faster in the past for many benches
I see they have a custom String#sub
and avoid "frame" dependance due $1 ...
so that might be it
the first 8601 bench does much better than the rest
makes sense since it does the least amount of work - only 3 =~ at worst case
oh but the DateTime version is pretty much the same
so it must be taking the very happy path - no time seen
taking a break - will follow up on GH if you find smt interesting :)