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<siery> Hej guys! I just discover JRuby and thought that may be a good way to port my game to Android. That may be a stupid question, but did any one try Gosu with JRuby? I am using some ffi to ship some C methods, is that posible to comile all that to JVM and run on Android?
<siery> That will be cool to know your opinion, cause I never been developing for Android.
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<headius> siery: Gosu being the Ruby graphics framework? If so that probably won't work because it has a very large C extenion and JRuby does not run CRuby extensions
<headius> but there's other graphics options...perhaps not the answer you want if you already have a game working on Gosu though
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<enebo> reasonable top me
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<enebo> ye
<lopex> y
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