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lopex: Do you know when rb_enc_fast_mbclen, rb_enc_mbclen, and rb_enc_precise_mbclen should be called?
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eregon: so we were about reinventing the wheel
nirvdrum: let me recall
eregon: do you recall tuning it this way to reduce memory?
nirvdrum: there's also onigenc_mbclen_approximate
lopex: Yeah. I'm looking at the usages and I'm having a hard time really working out why there's both rb_enc_mbclen and rb_enc_precise_mbclen.
I have wondered why one is chosen over the other
And then there are macros like MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_LEN that do nothing.
non-precise when you don't have to actually know length vs it being more than 1 sort of thing
enebo: I assume it's a CR_BROKEN vs non-broken thing. And maybe to ensure that your head pointer isn't in the middle of a multi-byte char sequence.
nirvdrum: I think we should talk about their semantics since those names are hopeless
and then assign those to the names
nirvdrum: ah so precise may just explode in bad strings
nirvdrum: easy to get lost
nirvdrum: I see at leeast three, non validating, validating returning number of missing bytes, validating with fallback to 1 as length
I think it just returns a negative number if it needs more bytes.
nirvdrum: unigmo uses last one for parsing so it doesnt enter infinite loops
Okay. It's probably used for CR_BROKEN then. I've noticed on invalid byte sequences, the length is treated as "1".
nirvdrum: the bigger issue is where they have extra guards in client code
nirvdrum: or unknown
Where do you see the difference in validating vs non-validating?
nirvdrum: validating, like where the client code always checks for negative ?
As far as I can tell, in jcodings it always validates and it's up to the caller to determine whether to ignore negative valuse.
nirvdrum: but some client code might pass the result unchecked
I meant "validating" as in "validating the byte sequence is valid for the given encoding".
But even that's weird because the return value only considers the first character, correct?
yeah, for truncated / broken
but that is not valid?
nirvdrum: no
sorry I will not interject :)
nirvdrum: utf8 goes throught a number of tables for each postion
nirvdrum: so it walks the char
But if you give it a byte sequence with multiple characters, you only get the byte length of the first one, no?
This further confuses the semantics of these length functions for me.
I think where I'm driving at is if we know a String is not CR_BROKEN, as most strings are, I don't think we need to be doing all this extra validation.
You'd need to be careful that you're on a proper character boundary, of course.
nirvdrum: but there
But UTF-8 has a special bit sequence to indicate continuation bytes.
nirvdrum: there's two options like failing altogether or falling back to 1 just to safely advance right ?
nirvdrum: that's why the default returns missing bytes
I'm ignoring the CR_BROKEN case for the moment.
in jcodings now
and unknown right ?
No. I'm particularly interested in CR_VALID.
CR_7BIT is trivial. Always return 1.
and for valid the same just the length of a char
CR_UNKNOWN sounds like it always needs rb_enc_precise_mbclen.
nirvdrum: or approximate
enebo: mostly for access and building speed + escape analysis I think
So, I'm confused by the use of rb_enc_mbclen on CR_VALID strings.
nirvdrum: yeah, it's a wasted effort
enebo: and avoid too many allocations so less memory used too
eregon: ok yeah graal seems to do better with unwrapping boxed values (like hash)
hashcode as Integer
nirvdrum: we're on the same page I guess
lopex: Why is Encoding#length(byte) deprecated then?
Being able to use the UTF8EncLen table looks like it'd be much faster.
nirvdrum: at was a remnant of an old oniguruma api
hotspot will not escape those so then we have to entertain part of the triple maybe being 2 arrays
nirvdrum: it's was totally non validating
enebo: yeah, most operations on small Hash can basically fold at compilation if the Hash is escape analyzed
nirvdrum: we should add two length methods on Encoding I think
sorry I meant cache hashcode value as boxed int in that array not Ruby Hashes
nirvdrum: precise and approx
enebo: yep, we didn't care about it so far, but maybe we should
lopex: So backing up. Because I want to really make sure we're talking about the same thing.
eregon: seems Graal is pretty good at figuring that case out so you maybe don't need to
enebo: if the Hash doesn't escape then no need to box, and no allocation ever. But if it does escape we'll box those 1 to 3 hashes to Integer
lopex: Actually, what's the difference in rb_enc_fast_mbclen and rbc_enc_mbclen then? They both validate the byte sequence for the given encoding, right?
eregon: yeah
eregon: That was what I was trying to say
eregon: corollary for us is most people still use hotspot so we are tailoring more for that
eregon: since your impl probably will never care about hotspot primarily I would just do the simpler thing if graal figures it out
nirvdrum: lopex: can one of you add some comments explaining semantics to StringSuport or wherever those methods are once this conversation is over?
I admit I tend to just use precise and I can see that probably was a big mistake :P
I would almost be in favor of fixing the names and just adding an rb: comment
nirvdrum: they both use ONIGENC_PRECISE_MBC_ENC_LEN
nirvdrum: but they have precise_mbc_enc_len function pointer on encoding so on this we're compatible on this in jcodings
so everything goes through enc->precise_mbc_enc_len
nirvdrum: without a table with those names we wont be able to talk though
which does what in mri code
So, rb_enc_precise_mbclen returns either the MBC byte length or a negative number indicating more bytes are needed. rb_enc_mbclen calls rb_enc_precise_mbclen and if it sees a negative number, it returns 1 if the encoding's min. char length is less than or equal to the remaining bytes. But what does rb_enc_fast_mbclen do? Does it do any byte sequenc
I think I get a bit confused, too, because jcodings only has Encoding#length. The rest is implemented in StringSupport.
nirvdrum: but I'll go through all those with the writeup
lopex: I want an english description of what it actually does vs just the relationship alone
enebo: I want too :P
hahah ok
the problem is that it's an evolving api on mris side
nirvdrum: I would like those moved into jcodings if possible so we can make an optimized length on valid and then share that logic
and yes, they do a LOT of unnecessary work
So onigenc_mbclen_approximate calls ONIGENC_PRECISE_MBC_ENC_LEN as well.
nirvdrum: hence we want additional non validating length on encoding
This is nutty.
nirvdrum: last question is where to fail and where to advanc by 1 on invalid char
And I'd love to know what "fast" means in rb_enc_fast_mbclen, because it looks like it does much the same work as the others.
I think for the purposes of the API, I'm willing to accept as an invariant that the caller only sets the head pointer to a byte position corresponding to the first by in a character. By accepting that, I can assume the CR of the full string can be respected. In particular, if the full string is not CR_BROKEN, then any individual character in it can
not be broken.
nirvdrum: and for valid utf-8 you could use that fast walking thing
without array lookups
nirvdrum: actually would it work as an c ect ?
*c ext
I think the MRI rules are if you modify a String in an extension, you're responsible for updating its code range as well.
nirvdrum: I mean the code which treats char* as unsigned int*
I guess it would, but you'd have to cross a native boundary so I'm not sure how much you'd gain.
But with valid UTF-8, that's not really an issue. You only need to look at the leading byte.