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<pikajude> lol
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<pikajude> it is [CURRENT YEAR] and java still doesn't have a good free code coverage tool
<ljharb> of course, it's also [CURRENT YEAR] and people are still writing java
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<jfhbrook> there's an early episode of deep space 9 where obrien gets salty at the legacy cardassian stack at ds9 and begs sisko to let him do a full rewrite
<pikajude> ljharb: jvm has a shit ton of optimizations in it
<pikajude> it at least has some good qualities
<ljharb> well sure, but jvm != java
<ljharb> jfhbrook: there's also a lot of episodes where if they had done the rewrite, people wouldn't be dead
<jfhbrook> I'd believe that
<ljharb> but there's also at least one where they survived only because they didn't do the rewrite, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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