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alexgordon has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
<gq> ops
<gq> lol
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<gq> ops oops
gq was kicked from #elliottcable by ELLIOTTCABLE [ops oops D:]
<incomprehensibly> hi ELLIOTTCABLE
<incomprehensibly> hi alexgordon
<incomprehensibly> hi gq
<alexgordon> hi incomprehensibly!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> incomprehensibly: omg so much radio-stuf
<incomprehensibly> I have 2 finals and 2 assignments left
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: yeah antennas are the weirdest shit on earth
<ELLIOTTCABLE> did you know radio-frequency electricity (like, not A/C @60Hz, but shit at multiple-megahertz),
<incomprehensibly> ELLIOTTCABLE: I wanted to know about visible-range antennas
<incomprehensibly> in order to make like a
<ELLIOTTCABLE> *only travels along the surface of a conductor*
<incomprehensibly> light-ear
<ELLIOTTCABLE> and like I totally understand how it works too
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but I never ever ever would have *guessed* that
<alexgordon> I don't
<incomprehensibly> that injects band-pass responses direct into your audio nerve
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<gq> rude D:
<gq> lol
<incomprehensibly> ELLIOTTCABLE: explain
<ELLIOTTCABLE> "visible-range antennas?"
<incomprehensibly> yeah
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: photons within the visual spectrum
<ELLIOTTCABLE> as in ... like ... UHF or whatever? high-frequency, poor propagation, high available bandwidth?
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: dude.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> also think about that
<incomprehensibly> hahah
<ELLIOTTCABLE> your eyes are tiny antenna arrays
<incomprehensibly> well yeah
<incomprehensibly> but I don't think that those are quite as directly
<incomprehensibly> antennas
<incomprehensibly> some chemical shit goin on
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I mean that's becoming semantics
<ELLIOTTCABLE> they resonate with magnetic fields, right?
<incomprehensibly> but yeah i guess they are just as applicable to what i want to do
<ELLIOTTCABLE> tbh I don't understand light so?
<incomprehensibly> because i want to have
<incomprehensibly> intense 1-dimensional signal processing of light
<incomprehensibly> rather than like, throw away most 1d info but have a big dense spatial array
<incomprehensibly> also the reverse would be interesting but possibly really useless
<incomprehensibly> to do with audio/pressure waves
<incomprehensibly> probably need to have much bigger array
<incomprehensibly> than your eyes
<ELLIOTTCABLE> "intense 1-dimensional signal processing of light"
<incomprehensibly> ELLIOTTCABLE: as in, your ears each take a 1-dimensional signal in
<incomprehensibly> and they extract so much out of it
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: nobody fucking understands light
<incomprehensibly> whereas each photoreceptor receives a distinct 1-dimensional signal, and throws away almost all the information in it
<incomprehensibly> whacks it through either 3 or 1 band-passes
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I also know that two of the photoreceptors are *almost the goddamn same*, like just, baaaarely different
<ELLIOTTCABLE> indicating that we evolved the ability to differentiate, uh, what is it, blue and green, relatively recently in our evolution
<alexgordon> well birds have 4 different kinds of receptors
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I wonder if that has any relation to the grue/bleen linguistic phenomena
<alexgordon> not that we evolved from birds
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: are you SURE tho
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I mean we all know about the Indiana Incident
<gq> we?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> the government is hiding this shit, you know
<alexgordon> hm
<alexgordon> you got that the wrong way around
<incomprehensibly> ELLINIMINO: would be interesting but probably not related to the linguistic thing considering that closely related primates are also trichromats
<incomprehensibly> so it predates language
<alexgordon> inimino says "hm"
<alexgordon> that's where I got it from!
<incomprehensibly> ELLINIMINO: indiana?
<ELLINIMINO> alexgordon: duh
<ELLINIMINO> incomprehensibly: lol just being silly, ignore me
<alexgordon> most of the chicks I met could only see 3 colors, but science says that birds can see 4. so maybe science is wrong
<incomprehensibly> oh Carrier lol
<ELLINIMINO> hahaha get the Echolink app and listen to the cute old men chewing the rag tonight
<ELLINIMINO> there's a nightly net on one of my local repeaters
<incomprehensibly> ELLINIMINO: yeah i'm busy #ashell till monday then free
<incomprehensibly> ELLINIMINO: echolink?
<incomprehensibly> sounds cool
<ELLINIMINO> so HAM radio is like,
<ELLINIMINO> 30% antenna / low-power / propagation people, 30% long-distance / HF / DX people, and 30% digital-modes / packet-radio / repeaters / SDR people
<ELLINIMINO> with, obv, lots of overlap
<ELLINIMINO> but yeah a huge chunk of HAM nowadays is very techie shit - arduinos with VFO circuits running experimental packet-switching radio networks or whatever, slow-scan TV on HF (‘one frame every few minutes’ lol)
<ELLINIMINO> echolink is, uh, idk i'm fuzzy, but I think it's "stick an arduino / SDR on a frequency in your area, sign up for echolink, and broadcast that frequency-at-your-location over the internet"
<ELLINIMINO> so lots of HAM clubs that run repeaters, *also* publish that repeater over the internet for the (very small number of?) people who want to listen to it, that aren't locals
<ELLINIMINO> and if you're a licensed HAM, then you can transmit through the echolink repeater, i.e. with your iphone
<ELLINIMINO> idgi, doesn't appeal to me? like why ... would you ..... there's Skype for that shit? w/e
<ELLINIMINO> but anyway: one of the two big local HAM clubs in Chicago, of course runs several repeaters, and one of the members publishes them on echolink, or so I was told today
<ELLINIMINO> (omg btw it's so cute how they treat newcomers)
<ELLINIMINO> like I had my radio on and scanning today as I was driving chellio around, and then charging,
<ELLINIMINO> and everytime somebody came online and started monitoring, a guy who'd already been around was like “Oh, hey, we have a brand-new HAM, by the way! say hi to Elliott, KL4JC, if he's still listening"
<ELLINIMINO> idk it's like old-fucking-school irc and it makes me happy
<incomprehensibly> that's cute and great
<incomprehensibly> have you seen contact
<incomprehensibly> pensacola
<ELLINIMINO> have you read Seveneves?
<gq> haha that's sweet
<incomprehensibly> haven't
<incomprehensibly> oh it's new!
<ELLINIMINO> it's sooooooooo fucking good
<ELLINIMINO> unFUCKINGbelievably depressing
<incomprehensibly> fuck, reamde came out in 2011
<ELLINIMINO> literally the most fucked-up book I've ever, ever read
<incomprehensibly> i read it when it was new
<incomprehensibly> lol
<incomprehensibly> so long ago
<incomprehensibly> i was in high school...
<ELLINIMINO> but like *amazingly* well-written too, if you're ... mentally-stable enough to not kill yourself while reading it? )_)
<ELLINIMINO> anyway there's a HAM bit at the start
<incomprehensibly> i still really need to read snow crash and diamond age
<ELLINIMINO> aG=a0w[foe
<incomprehensibly> god i have so much sci fi to get to
<incomprehensibly> i've been reading the life cycle of software objects by ted chaing
<incomprehensibly> chiang
<incomprehensibly> author of the short story arrival is from
<incomprehensibly> and also of understand which is like my favorite short story ever
<incomprehensibly> it's a really cute book and i love it
<ELLINIMINO> ugh that movie made me just fucking melt
<ELLINIMINO> I saw it with someone who ... I wish't I hadn't
<ELLINIMINO> b/cuz like it was UNEXPECTEDLY good, and like, so very Elliott™
<incomprehensibly> it's so so so so so good
<incomprehensibly> top 5 or 10 movies for me
<incomprehensibly> immediately
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<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE:
<ELLIOTTCABLE> my electronics-fu is limited af
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so wish me luck
<alexgordon> oh cool
<ELLIOTTCABLE> need to figure out how to do a ducking circuit basically
<alexgordon> I am building my typed assembly language thing
<alexgordon> hmm should I use python or javascript
<ELLIOTTCABLE> javascript
<ELLIOTTCABLE> it's the language of the ... well, now
<alexgordon> lulz
<alexgordon> ok
<alexgordon> I WILL
<alexgordon> so first I need to represent my assembly language in JSON
<alexgordon> because all good assembly languages are serialised in JSON
<alexgordon> let's write a hello world
<alexgordon> null is too long to type, let's use "nope" instead
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<alexgordon> hey it's working!
<pikajude> if you squint, you can see that nope and null are actually almost the same length
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* gq chants
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<alexgordon> pikajude: no way
<alexgordon> hmm need to enforce SSA
<pikajude> alexgordon: way
<alexgordon> nope
<alexgordon> one thing I realised is that assignment is just the identity function!
<alexgordon> a = b... is the same as a = f(b) where f = id
<alexgordon> hm I am going to end up building a constraint based type system here :S
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<incomprehensibly> ELLIOTTCABLE: you're building a mixer? :)
<pikajude> ooh, fun!
<pikajude> those are good for making cake and bread
<incomprehensibly> ELLIOTTCABLE: i wanted to make one of these
<incomprehensibly> but stereo
<incomprehensibly> as in 4 stereo channels
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<ELLIOTTCABLE> incomprehensibly: like, idk, ish
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<ELLIOTTCABLE> when u accidentally start collecting images of ridiculous HAM shacks?
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