re st2: it's st3 (doesn't matter), and it has my hack for hidpi on linux
but it has a fixed pixel height hardcoded somewhere
I see
also you can't really enlarge the sidebar font, which also sucks
well I didn't realize there was an st3
and selector (Shirt+Ctrl+P, etc)
all reported to the author but he's kinda lazy
why did I even bother to buy it
I'm happy with vim
<3 ocaml
Let it be known that whitequark hearts ocaml.
fduscsh or something
haven't paid much attention to cyrillic
wrong layout
whitequark: oh yeah, I noticed it was OCaml... never used it myself but it just looks like any other FP-oriented language to me lol
it's "practical"
which means people actually use it and it allows you to do weird shit if you want
like bypassing type system
like unsafeCoerce? :)
I like practical things
I'll take a second look at haskell when monads will start to compose nicely
aka, when I will be able to present a pure interface from impure implementation.
a huge plus of ocaml for me is that it has LLVM bindings
and those mostly (as I've learned tonight... :/) don't segfault if I misplace a thing somewhere
LLVM fucking loves to segfault
look at it the wrong way, boom, you have a coredump
monadic IO is shitty, but presenting a pure interface from an impure implementation in a good™ way means, to me, using contracts of some sort
elaborate ?
essentially, if you're going to do that, you should have to guarantee to the compiler that your code is safe
a lot of imperative languages hit a bit of a wall with optimization
because they have to assume a lot of things are out of their control
you can apply a lot of optimizations to pure Haskell code because the compiler knows absolutely everything that can possibly happen with that code
a lot of languages try to cram insane amounts of invariants in the type system
I think it's simply a wrong way to do it
since your type system, no matter how expressive it is, is not absolutely expressive (or otherwise you'd solve the halting problem)
and in practice, you're bound to have and need an invariant which it cannot express
the simplest form of it is "a remote service"
and Haskell solves that rather crudely by putting anything that involves IO "outside the box" so to speak
in Foundry, I use the type system mainly for generic programming--inferencer "fills in the blanks" in the generic code
and there are some very very very basic invariants which also give disproportionally huge benefits when optimizing
such as immutable bindings
optimizers <3 immutable bindings
I don't really think that stuff like laziness and parallelization should be handled by the compiler in the general case
since that means that people will have a hard time reasoning about the behavior
Foundry's optimizer is a) really dumb: it's a partial evaluator which evaluates *all* paths it could, and eta-expands a certain subset of functions
and b) predictable: you cannot even disable it.
fair enough. I'm not convinced they should be either
not saying Haskell is some kind of godly language, because it isn't; there are many instances in which I just can't use it because it would be so horrible
there are also things it does very well
* whitequark
OOP in OCaml is unusable
for example, it cannot type two classes with a parent-child link where the parent creates the child
the inferencer chokes somehow and I never found a way to fix it, or got anyone to fix it for me
I blame early binding
I really don't like how OCaml binds *everything* excessively early
makes any metaprogramming an incredible PITA
I mean, I see how it is designed in a consistent way and that way probably even makes sense in theory
but after ruby, this is goddamn painful
haha, yes, if I have a very general-purpose program that doesn't need to be horribly fast and is fairly non-abstract, you bet I'm going to use Ruby
Foundry has two phases, so it is not a problem for it... first metaprogramming, then early binding
also did you read my article?
on metaprogramming in foundry
I didn't
it's fairly dense so unfortunately most of people I know kind of passed it :/
didn't regret it even for a second. only a masochist would implement a language in ruby.
ocaml is not ideally suited for it, but is lightyears ahead ruby
like it very much.
whitequark: reading through your article
this is very exciting
I love it
from the looks of it you've basically made something that feels just like Ruby but compiles to machine code, is statically typed, and is fully transparent to the underlying machine, the latter point being frequently overlooked in new "systems programming" languages
there are a few incorrect stances in it due to various modifications I added since I originally wrote it
for example Foundry will support true polytypes
that's required for proper region inference
generally, this does not work well if I want precise garbage collection, so it's probably not worth it to support polytypes generally
should investigate that though
this looks really great
finished reading btw
whitequark: how's C interop right now?
right at this moment the compiler I have at hand doesn't have it :) but for that matter it's very much WIP so I'll explain how its basics combine
so. I have a set of basic types, e.g. parametric width integers and tuples, which map directly to LLVM types
so if you need simple C interop, you do smth like "def self.c_method(x, y) : (Unsigned(32), Unsigned(32)) -> Signed(16) = external "c_method"
that however doesn't deal with memory lifetime
so, since regions allow me to do it very cleanly, I add a *limited* form of RAII, just to manage the memory allocated inside C code
so if you have foo_create, foo_perform and foo_finalize, that'd be a class with def initialize, def perform and def finalize
which map to the C operations and integrate with object lifecycle in Foundry
you could also tweak the regions with the standard language tools, e.g. if your foo_create allocates shit at heap, you explicitly stuff the outermost region in the class you define
and if foo_create initializes a memory region you provide for it, well, you can also express that
if you want to call Foundry from C, well, you can also do that--Foundry will create a function for every method you export, and decent LTO will get rid of call penalty for field access
if you want to *allocate* Foundry from C, things get tricky
honestly I've no idea how/if I will provide that
most likely you'll have to write some shims yoursel.f
fair enough
well Foundry sounds really great to me
working really hard right now to get it in shape
I have some demo boards already, and everything should be good for a small demo on 27th Sep
when you do I'd be willing to help with stdlib I guess
oh that's really nice
you'll get a free demo board :)
but first I need to figure out why they literally explode
what do you mean by demo board lol
it's a PCB with an STM32 ARM chip on it, a small monochrome display, several buttons and a buzzer
like a very very old handhend game console, sorta
and you wanna run foundry on it?
dude that's awesome
20k of RAM
that's like a boatload
yeah you can do a lot with 20k when the architecture doesn't make things gigantic :)
and Foundry really shines when you have similar interfaces (eg SPI I2C) but very different underlying hardware.
heck, you can properly work with registers
RCC.cr.set(hsien: true)
which translates to an RMW cycle
with proper atomic access and alignment
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and the register definitions are plain Foundry code in headers, in the ruby dsl style :)
you are a god o/
register :cr, 0x100 do field :hsien, :bool, 1 end
like this.
i just wrote a partial evaluator
dunno why it never occured to anyone else before
so, I realize regexen probably aren't a core feature of the language (lol), but is there any way we can get something nicer than new Regexp("this.is.a.regex.string") grossness?
I actually need it very much, because embedded's kind of centered around various efficient FSMs
and most of them are regexps essentially
you might've seen a section on language composition in the article
what I want is to have a "quasiquotation for languages"
so that I could for example write a "ragel literal", then interpolate my Foundry code back inside this literal
my idea of how to implement that is twofold
first, restrict the interface, both inwards ("interpolation") and outwards ("value") to procedures
oh that's a nice way to do it
i.e. a "language literal" returns a closure, and its interpolations also appear as closures.
then, in your host language you probably want pattern matching or at least nice structure decomposition
so for example you could do smth like: %bison{ lp=lparen xs=args rp=rparen #{ (lp:, xs:, rp:) { ... } } }
here I am using the Foundry keyword argument syntax
it's not as beautiful as e.g. parser combinators, or PEG combinators, or that funky thing Alan Kay does
but it's like 1000 times simpler
and you could retrofit existing LR parsers to work with this.
(incidentally, implementing an FSM engine in Foundry will also make it optimize really, really well. and all you need to do is to make a bunch of closures.)
the best part about it is that you don't even need to parse the literal yourself
you can offload to existing tooling.
just need to generate some shims, which you can do, because, duh, metaprogramming!
the %bison thingy is simply a piece of syntactic sugar for passing the very simple (two node types) AST to a certain function