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<vnwildman> Can't download using:
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<deasy> Yes it's down
<buZz> horrible!
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<pacopad> Hi Guys,
<pacopad> i'm playing with 3.4 kernel for cb2, i'm don't have a TTL cable yet , is there a way to keep a boot log somewhere ?
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<benn> have you connected to monitor ?
<pacopad> i got "no signal" on my screen
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<benn> HDMI output ?
<pacopad> yes
<benn> are you porting driver for cb2? why not use the prebuilt image for cubieboard2 ?
<pacopad> cause i'd like to activate cedarX
<pacopad> and i didn't see cedars support in 3.3.0 kernel
<benn> i think there is no cedars for linux distro currently. cedars works fine on android os now
<pacopad> i tried the factory flash android but i found it wasn't great about gfx handling
<pacopad> it was quite slow and buggy
<pacopad> does exist an other android image ?
<pacopad> it's the same as pre flashed ? if i build my own image, would i have an other result?
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<benn> the images may have some different
<benn> and the URL i just provided also have android 4.2.2 SDK
<benn> so you can build the android image by your self :D
<pacopad> i'll try that
<pacopad> tai you
<pacopad> thank you
<benn> :)
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<montak> where can I find A20 SoC kernel (allwinner tree) for android ?
<montak> I can't see nothing on Allwinner chinese home site
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<montak> buZz, thanks for link :)
<buZz> first hit on google ;)
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<montak> sigh... I don't trust so much in google search
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<jwallden> !ls
<jwallden> !ls display-support
<jwallden> ls display-support
<jwallden> !ls display-support
<jwallden> !display-support
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<br> hi. does cubieboard2 have battery connector?
<alcides> nope
<alcides> but cubietruck does
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<joph> can we have a cubietrucktruck? :P
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