Some things to consider: 1. It's running on my server and allows arbitrary code execution; 2. JavaScript closures are converted to Tcl lambdas so you can build NodeJS with no Node: http://www.rkeene.org/viewer/tmp/edonjs.js.htm
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Also, it's colorful if you do console.debug()
and 3. It knows how to convert to/from Tcl data types: JSON.stringify(runtime.array.get('tcl_platform'))
<watzon> Oh nice :)
It's a pretty interesting blend of two different languages that actually ended up working out
runtime.after(1000, function() { console.debug('Running in the event loop'); }) that's the Tcl after(n) command ( https://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.6/TclCmd/after.htm ) running a JavaScript lambda that's been automatically translated
There's even a C compiler thrown in there, in case you're into that sort of thing
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<mavu> I appologize in advance, but it is just too much fun to annoy /r/ruby people with mentioning crystal whenever sorbet comes up :)
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<acoolstraw> hi
Blacksmoke16 why crystal book is so slow to merge pr? :|
<acoolstraw> is there any 3D model of the crystal logo available?
<benrivero> I have been searching over Google and can't find a solution to this: I am making a report, on the Details part of the report there's a data that sometimes can have a lot of text. But this text doesn't show up
<Blacksmoke16> that doesnt work either
include & extend works on instance methods of the parent module, not the class methods that class_* macros define https://carc.in/#/r/73mq
well, it does what extend does
you can never extend the class methods of an existing module
you need to create a module which you use with extend
<watzon> That's what I'm saying, I don't like that behavior. I know Crystal and Ruby are two islands, but Ruby allows the inclusion of everything, class and instance methods, properties, etc.
<watzon> Oh well
ary would be the one to answer that
i doubt it'll change
<watzon> I doubt it too
it's just one of those opinion things where sometimes you want to inherit cvars and sometimes you don't
<watzon> But it would be nice
we have the ability - albeit more verbosely with extend
it's just tradeoffs and speculation of common usecasesd
so making any change ends up not worth it
<watzon> Yeah
<watzon> Question, is there something existing in crystal that replicates Ruby's `enum_for
<watzon> Basically taking a method with a block and turning it into a method that spits out an Enumerable
there was talk of adding it but it'd involve using fibers and channels
and it was slow so it never got merged
<watzon> Ahh I see
what do u mean using fibers and channels
Nim is doing it without and is very well off
well you can do it with complex compiler state machine transforms, yes
do people care to add such complexity to the crystal compiler? no
I'm still amazed that the compiler without any caching techniques is as fast as it is
im just saying, "google will never seriously consider it" is not a good place to be
<j8r> bazel is in Java :o
I'm not saying it's not important or I'm not keeping it in mind
But, it'll take a while
Its not a 1.0 blocking feature to be ready for google
RX14, im somehow convinced that incremental compilation will never happen
<j8r> Why everyone talk about this, shared libraries are as important
<j8r> This will prevent to recompile project libraries
oprypin: I'm 50/50
Which aren't great odds
But what else can i do? Give up?
Not everything can be perfect
do what's needed to ensure that it's possible, before it's too late
Yeah, that's what I've been pushing but nobody seems to listen
I know bcardiff wants it
And is probably the only one who can implement it in the near term
But he seems to always work on other things
<j8r> Is there a vote on Crystal, "what's youe most awaited feature?"
<j8r> I know there was one in 2017
j8r, probably has been done before, but it's hard to make such a vote not biased
the decision whether to group some semi-related features in the vote is hard
(from what i remember, that was done poorly)
* FromGitter
* Blacksmoke16 most wants less broken generic inheritance
<j8r> We could open a forum post,
<watzon> Does the forum currently have a polling option?
<j8r> IMO that's important to have goals on par with the people expectations
<Blacksmoke16> prob
i've probably said this before, but incremental compilation implies not being able to instantiate methods with types that haven't been used before
j8r, eh in most OSS projects people just do what's interesting, anyway
<watzon> Ahh beautiful
<j8r> oprypin right, still when we have several interesting things :)
RX14, so actually could the first step towards it be the ability for the compiler to instantiate methods less granularly / group things by nearest base class and such
bah it's all been said before
then someone says yeah but that's not backwards-compatible
aha, so Nim doesn't have incremental compilation. nor surprising, they have all the same problems, and then some
oprypin: the key ability for me is to be able to type methods with fully specified type signatures
That's not something the compiler can currently do, and it should be able to
I didn't understand that
Fixing that is a breaking change but an edge case one
One that people wouldn't notice much
That's what i want in before 1.0
It also improves a lot of things that other people complain about like uncalled methods not being type checked or compile errors being too long
i didn't understand what you just said
from the first sentence
I'm on my phone I'm not going to explain actually what the change is
<watzon> I'm curious too. what do you mean by "fully specified type signatures"?
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Hey, is there any crystal-preferred code repository platform other than github?
<watzon> Gitlab?
<watzon> Ok so is there any way to do this? ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ currently it fails with `can't use `yield` inside a proc literal or captured block`, which I don't get because `headers.each` is literally doing the same thing. [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5d0d358fbc834f76a4ba27fa]
<watzon> Well yeah I suppose I could do that for the sake of brevity. I just don't get why the second one works and the first doesn't.
What does "->" do in a line "def files(&block : String ->)" ?
<Blacksmoke16> return type from a block
yes, but which type is the return type ?
<Blacksmoke16> doesnt matter
<Blacksmoke16> would be more clear to do `String -> _`
would it work if "->" wasn't specified at all?
<Blacksmoke16> im going to go with no
<Blacksmoke16> since then it wouldnt be a block restriction?
<watzon> > every_page.map(&.headers).each { |headers| yield headers } ⏎ ⏎ actually this doesn't work because `every_page` expects a block as well
<Blacksmoke16> wait really?
<Blacksmoke16> mm well makes sense i guess