<Blacksmoke16> gotta be sure to not close STDOUT
<Blacksmoke16> if you're doing like `@io.close` somewhere
<PlayLights_twitter> Interesting, it doesn't work, also the "puts" method doesn't print anything. 🤔 (I know it is running because it works)
<Blacksmoke16> hm
<PlayLights_twitter> @Blacksmoke16 Alright, looks like it could be an issue on Crystal 0.28.0 or on crystal 0.28.0 on docker hub
<PlayLights_twitter> changing it to 0.27.2 everything is working fine
<Blacksmoke16> try nightly
<PlayLights_twitter> let's see
<PlayLights_twitter> Getting this ´/usr/bin/crystal: 105: exec: /usr/bin/../lib/crystal/bin/crystal: not found´ Looks like I would need to compile crystal to use it?
<PlayLights_twitter> I see that too, so by now for some reason 0.28.0 is not printing to STDOUT or at least on docker, im not an expert on how it works so I can't say why
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<PlayLights_twitter> Hello, I just sent a test with artillery.io to a web socket on kemal crystal and I got this ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ Im not sure what is the problem, some kind of problem between GC and OS [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5cf4278f702b7e5e761a93b8]
<watzon> Is it possible to use libgen to generate bindings based on just a header file?
<watzon> I'm trying, but it's saying that `.h` is an unsupported format, which makes sense because you can't compile a header file
<watzon> I figured that part out, but now for some reason it's saying there's nothing to import from my header
<watzon> Figured that out too. I thought the `prefixes` option was something different
<watzon> Gahhh linking issues
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<watzon> So here's the problem, let's see if anyone knows if this is possible. I have a c header file, webview.h (https://github.com/zserge/webview/blob/master/webview.h), which I'm trying to link. According to the instructions here (https://github.com/zserge/webview) you should be able to just include the header in a c file and use it, which I was able to confirm is working on my system.
<watzon> I guess I'm just wondering how you can link a header file. I've tried everything I can think of.