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<FromGitter> <omidathari> @watzon Interesting indeed. ⏎ The task ahead of me is I am trying to link to a C library and call a function that takes a uint8 * as argument (which is actually a string in C). And it appears that the pointer I provide to the function is causing issues. Have you ever attempted this before?
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<FromGitter> <watzon> I definitely haven't
<FromGitter> <omidathari> Thanks @watzon
<FromGitter> <watzon> @omidathari wait, so since it takes a UInt8* you're trying to pass bytes in? You know you can still pass it a string right?
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<FromGitter> <watzon> Multi-threading ftw
<FromGitter> <watzon> Also, my laptop sucks
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<FromGitter> <bararchy> @watzon hmmmmm interesting
<FromGitter> <bararchy> how much
<FromGitter> <bararchy> how come*
<FromGitter> <watzon> Just not enough ram and not a new enough processor. Not good enough for training neural networks anyway
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<FromGitter> <bararchy> Hahahaja story of my life
<FromGitter> <bararchy> What neural net are you building?
<FromGitter> <watzon> I'm actually working on an implementation of GLOVE for Cadmium. It's like Word2Vec, but better for multithreaded workloads
<FromGitter> <watzon> And I've actually got it working too which is the exciting part
<FromGitter> <bararchy> Ohhhhh interesting , using multiple processes ?
<FromGitter> <watzon> Yup!
<FromGitter> <watzon> Still playing around and trying to make sure it's working right
<FromGitter> <watzon> But so far it seems to be
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<FromGitter> <bararchy> Cool! Will explore once its in ;
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<FromGitter> <watzon> You know, that explains a lot
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<FromGitter> <yxhuvud> I take that as a "no" :P
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<FromGitter> <bararchy> @z64 I saw you took the discordcr under your wings ?
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<z64> @bararchy in a way, yeah. i've been contributing to the library and working with its users for a long time; since i dont have push access atm, its been more convenient for me to maintain a fork since the other maintainers have been busy
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<FromGitter> <j8r> mps we have a problem with the recent update of shards 0.9.0
<mps> j8r: didn't know. can you tell what is the problem
<FromGitter> <j8r> for example, take this shards.yml:
<FromGitter> <j8r> `shards install` seems to be stuck if there are too many dependencies
<FromGitter> <j8r> sorry mps, that's probably a shards bug - unrelated to your work
<mps> np, I suspect that there is 'heisenbug' somewhere in crystal, so maybe also in shards
<FromGitter> <j8r> heisenbug?
<mps> Heisenberg's principle of indeterminacy (translation to english from head)
<FromGitter> <j8r> i see
<mps> bug which appears randomly in strictly same environment and context
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<FromGitter> <j8r> this one seems to be linked to performance
<mps> I've seen bugs (segfault, iirc) when compiling crystal binary (apk) and just repeating build bug doesn't appears. sometimes have to repeat two times. and mostly on aarch64
<FromGitter> <j8r> weird :/
<mps> I can post log with this bug later. I'm out right now
<FromGitter> <j8r> I have git bisected it, it succeded
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<FromGitter> <alex-lairan> > Crystal is a programming language with the following goals: ⏎ > - Have a syntax similar to Ruby (but compatibility with it is not a goal) ⏎ ⏎ Is this line should stay ? Because the syntax moved a lot between the two languages ⏎ Ruby : `5 |> to_s` ... []
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> there was a discussion about the pipe operator
<FromGitter> <alex-lairan> Hope we don't implement the same as the ruby one
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> its prob not going to happen
<FromGitter> <wontruefree> I totally dont get the ruby one
<FromGitter> <wontruefree> it is just dot syntax
<Yxhuvud> I suppose it might happen IF it turns out to be reasonably common and ideomatic in Ruby-land.
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<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> read thru that issue, unless someone has a good use case of them being useful that cant be done already without them as nicely, then no point in having them
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<FromGitter> <watzon> Is there a good way to test for memory leaks in Crystal
<FromGitter> <watzon> I'm pretty sure I have a pretty massive one
<Yxhuvud> valgrind? but it probably won't catch references that you hold but don't want to
<FromGitter> <watzon> Thanks I've never used valgrind before but I've heard of it
<FromGitter> <watzon> Trying it now
<FromGitter> <asterite> the way I test memory leaks is looping and then trying to reduce the code (sorry, my tools are always very primitive)
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<FromGitter> <watzon> I think I found the issue. My Matrix class in my linear algebra library is supposed to be immutable, so every time you retrieve a row or column from the Matrix it creates a new vector and returns that. I think that's causing issues.
<oprypin> it really shouldn't by itself
<oprypin> but also: don't make it immutable
<FromGitter> <watzon> Yeah I'm going to change that
<FromGitter> <watzon> Hmm is there a reason this ⏎ ⏎ ```@text = @text.gsub(/([^[:alpha:]]+)|((?=\w*[a-z])(?=\w*[0-9])\w+)/, " ")``` ⏎ ⏎ would be giving me an `Uninitialized Read` error? []
<FromGitter> <watzon> With Dr. Memory and Valgrind
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> shouldnt this have a `DEPRECATED` tag on the docs since its annotated as such? i remember that being a feature of the annotation
<oprypin> Blacksmoke16, bring it up regardless
<oprypin> (as in, an issue)
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> 👍
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<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> also made one for the UUID slice issue discussed a bit yesterday
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<oprypin> 👍👍
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<z64> :)
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> camel case should prob default to lower = true
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> pretty sure thats pascalcase :S
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<FromGitter> <j8r> I hope shards 0.9.1 will be out soon : /
<FromGitter> <j8r> The new SAT solver has issues with long dependencies lists
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