<Blacksmoke16> `We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%.`
zip looks nicer because we have the value directly, instead of arr[idx]
<Blacksmoke16> readability is an impt factor as well
<tenebrousedge> always use higher-order iterators if possible
<tenebrousedge> ```code paste, see link```
<Blacksmoke16> is what i do to generate the config file on install
<watzon> Hopefully shards will be able to do that in the future, but yeah, for now you need a script
<watzon> Make can handle it as well
<Blacksmoke16> ye
<tenebrousedge> make D:
Blacksmoke yep ^^
<Blacksmoke16> or really just add the binary to your github release and they can just download it and put it where they want w/o having to use crystal
<watzon> @tenebrousedge that's actually a rubocop thing
<watzon> Ameba as well
<tenebrousedge> @watzon my opinion may be shared by bbatsov, but I promise I came by it honestly. Did you mean to respond to alex though?
<watzon> Nope, just letting you know that your preference is actually a standard
<watzon> so 👍
<tenebrousedge> well, I do get the impression that you're probably a step ahead of me with regards to Crystal, but I'd like to think that I have the Ruby standard library and rubocop rules memorized. I'm not sure whether I would feel happier if that were or weren't true, though
<watzon> Well I should say that the standard is this: use if/else or unless whenever you want, however avoid unless/else.
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<bararchy> unless else is the devil
<tenebrousedge> I think I actually tried to use it in a Crystal program recently, but it didn't work, and that was probably a good thing
straight-shoota: j8r: have you seen my msg last night => build of 0.29.0 failed in 'abuild check', with this http://tpaste.us/P0D1
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<mwlang> I don't do unless / else, either. Would rather do if / else and just flip contents of the blocks around. ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ when you use unless in a block, you're separating the logic from the action and that's what's making it challenging to follow the flow. [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5cfa6c27cea82952790b0e40]
<tenebrousedge> 👍
<tenebrousedge> I'm not sure I realized the subject was conditionals *within* a block. Those are usually best avoided altogether
<j8r> yes mps
<mwlang> @Blacksmoke16 > should just have to do ServerResponse wrapped in back ticks -- then it doesn't link automatically if I just do `ServerResponse`
<Blacksmoke16> are you referencing it within a different namespace?
<Blacksmoke16> if so yea, would have to provide the full "path"
<Blacksmoke16> when you run a file code is run top to bottom, so stuff you require first runs first, plus whatever code should execute that that require has
<Blacksmoke16> so like
why foo is successfully called but not defined yet?
in ruby t.rb:1:in `<main>': undefined local variable or method `foo' for main:Object (NameError)
<Blacksmoke16> maybe someone else can confirm this, but as far as i know compiler has a pass earlier on to identify/type everything so that when it runs it know about it
<Blacksmoke16> thats my understanding at least
make sense but surprise me
<Blacksmoke16> since its a compiler lang, vs ruby when is just executing it line by line
in a program, what is the benefits of using `Module Name; {code-here}; end` instead of directly `{code-here}`?
<Blacksmoke16> namespacing
which editor are you using Blacksmoke16 btw?
<Blacksmoke16> so you avoid name conflicts with other libs/crystal itself
<kinxer> BlackSmoke's example is better. :P
<Blacksmoke16> sublime
<Blacksmoke16> with crystal plugin
and remove the main function to put the body of main directly in the module?
<Blacksmoke16> yea
<Blacksmoke16> but might be better to take a more OOP approach than just one big block of code
<Blacksmoke16> like could you split any of this out into objects?
<Blacksmoke16> which would also make testing easier as you could test each piece of code on its own
I’ll try to improve my Crystal-fu
yeah I realized that
I’ll start by removing the main function
<Blacksmoke16> 👍
<PlayLights_twitter> hey is there any reason why HTTP::Server::Response is write only? I need to read it to write the response body on the log :(
<Blacksmoke16> cant you just call `gets_to_end` on it?
<Blacksmoke16> but it runs globally and isn't scoped to a specific `describe` block
<Blacksmoke16> but yea, a common way to doing it is to define something in your helper class that you can use in each spec
<Blacksmoke16> i can get you an example if you want
<Blacksmoke16> @PlayLights_twitter could maybe set the output IO of the response to a multiwriter and then writes to the response body would also be written to the other IO?
j8r: patch arrived, thanks
<r00ster91> When iterating through something and I want to know whether this iteration is the last one, are there better ways to find that out than ⏎ ⏎ ```array.each_with_index(1) do |value, index| ⏎ index == array.size ⏎ end``` ⏎ ⏎ ? [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5cfa860465392c3b60d70326]
<j8r> mps 👌
<PlayLights_twitter> @Blacksmoke16 yeah I ended up doing that, im was messing with too many variants of IO
<Blacksmoke16> 👍
Blacksmoke16 yeah I would like a good practise to using data / test
<Blacksmoke16> then within my specs you can do `create_message(message: "Some message")`
<Blacksmoke16> to override specific values, or just do `create_message` to get the defaults
<Blacksmoke16> np
<Blacksmoke16> @r00ster91 not as far as i know
<tenebrousedge> @r00ster91 why not just deal with that element separately?
<r00ster91> @Blacksmoke16 I think I will go with the `array.each_with_index(1) do |value, index|` variant. I thought it's slower but it isn't actually ⏎ @tenebrousedge why dealing with it separately? I'm building a string with all the array elements so I'm iterating through the array and when I would want to do that seperately, outside of the loop then I would still have to check if it's the last element
<Blacksmoke16> im assuming so you dont want to add like a `,` to the last one?
<r00ster91> yep
<Blacksmoke16> i mean could just add a like `.chomp(',')`
<r00ster91> oh and because I want to use an "and" for the last element
<bew> similar, but without creating intermediate array `arr.each.first(arr.size - 1).join(", ") + " and #{arr.last}"`
<PlayLights_twitter> Hey, please some help, Why is this code invalid? `puts {success: true}.to_json` returns "Syntax error in eval:1: expecting token 'CONST', not 'true'"
<bew> try adding parenthesis for puts
<tenebrousedge> @bew are you entirely sure that `first` doesn't create an intermediate array?
<bew> yes
<bew> with `arr.each` I make an iterator, then doing `first` on it will just give me the first N elements when I want to iterate on it (in `join`)
<PlayLights_twitter> Interesing `Error in line 1: undefined method 'to_json' for NamedTuple(success: Bool)`
<Blacksmoke16> whichever one you find more readable
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j8r: I'm building 0.29.0 on both arches and preparing to push it to repo. Do you mind to put you in commit message in relation to patch you posted
thought to put full name but wasn't sure will you agree
<tenebrousedge> Crystal != Ruby, but Crystal is derivative of Ruby, and many things that make sense for Ruby also make sense for Crystal. And vice versa, but the Rubyists seem to have a knee-jerk attitude against adopting any Crystalisms
<j8r> Really? That was a one line patch, I don't mind
<j8r> :)
<tenebrousedge> Crystal is more open to good ideas, no matter their source
<watzon> True, just saying the core devs don't really accept "A is in Ruby so Crystal should also have A" as an argument
anyway, you helped a lot to have crystal in alpine and you deserve credits
<j8r> I guess, thanks mps 😅
and straight-shoota (between others) of course, to not forget
<j8r> How did you do it so fast?
hmm, I thought I'm slow :)
I started last night with building with different options and test to see what will be 'best' for now