<watzon> Libgen can't be used on C files huh? Only headers?
<watzon> That's unfortunate when I have a library with no header files
<tenebrousedge> can you generate the header?
<watzon> Just tried using makeheaders, but the output header isn't complete for some reason. Doesn't include `#includes` or other things that are necessary.
<sam0x17> is anyone familiar with overriding the default startup message in Kemal? I found https://github.com/kemalcr/kemal/pull/291 however doing `Kemal.run { "custom message" }` does not override the default startup message
<Blacksmoke16> so like running your code then this asserts it did what it was supposed to?
<Blacksmoke16> hm
crystal impl could be more terse because I don’t have to deal with colored output, count failures, etc.
<Blacksmoke16> whats your thing do? that would prob help
it collects directories, then in a loop, cd into it, test if whether the directory hold a valid test (contains stdin, stdout files), then run the test using ./batch < stdin > stdout; if stdout != expectation, it is an error
<Blacksmoke16> i mean your actual code that this tets
<nsuchy> I work with temporary VMs to debug and write apps to avoid whatever I was last working on from affecting my new app (e.g. broken database/etc configs, env vars, etc), doing all the stuff by hand is a lot of googling each time around, this script takes less than 2 minutes to prepare everything
<nsuchy> working on integrations with Hetzner Cloud next
<nsuchy> So it can automatically create a virtual machine and ssh you into an environment after the script does the install
lucasb has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
<sam0x17> @Blacksmoke16 is there a way I could "monkey-patch" that method? I need to replace the "Kemal is ready to lead" part
<Blacksmoke16> thats what i said
<sam0x17> oh cool didn't know crystal could do that
<Blacksmoke16> i mean could just do `arguments = Array(String).from_json(File.read("arguments.json")) + ["--no-confirm", "--editor", %(cp file "${@}")]`?
<Blacksmoke16> and drop default/extra args
<Blacksmoke16> or even save default args to a const
<Blacksmoke16> @vladfaust you have to make sure you define all initializers at the same level, otherwise the initializers of the subclass will override those of the parent.
<vladfaust> Well, it's broken. Hope someone would come with a simple solution then
<Blacksmoke16> 😬
<nsuchy> @vladfaust I don't think there is one, the change makes sense from a technical standpoint, but I'd opt for a warning rather than breaking the constructors
<nsuchy> A bunch of stuff is broken right now without a patch
<Blacksmoke16> indeed, granite serialization is broken, since apparently it was implemented on the basis of a bug
<vladfaust> I'll wait for what granite comes to then
<Blacksmoke16> i dont know how to fix it
<Blacksmoke16> managed a workaround using the mapping macros, but then something caused invalid memory access
<nsuchy> Team at Ulayer is at a loss
<nsuchy> (to be fair, we're fairly new to crystal ecosystem)
<Blacksmoke16> @vladfaust you know it better than i do, but try defining all your intializers within a like macro included
<vladfaust> That's not modular
<Blacksmoke16> i mean just to see if that fixes it
<Blacksmoke16> as thats what is going on, a level lower defines a diff initializer which overrides the parent
<Blacksmoke16> could also just redefine the initializers on the lower level and just call super
<Blacksmoke16> that would prob do it as well
<vladfaust> But I do need both initializers
<vladfaust> Damn
<Blacksmoke16> all specs passed after i moved ` include Onyx::SQL::Serializable` to outside the macro included
<Blacksmoke16> :shrug:/
<vladfaust> Nope, try running db specs
<vladfaust> It's a module and module inclusion doesn't include static methods
<vladfaust> And `Serializable`'s `macro included` is not run if moving `Serializable` away from `macro included` in `Model`
<Blacksmoke16> hmm
<vladfaust> I can't make `Serializable` a class or struct, because it would apply constraints. And `Serializable` objects aren't necessarily classes, for example, they could be just non-mutable business objects, ideal for stack memory
<vladfaust> I had great composition model and now it's breakingly broken
<vladfaust> So Serializable can be a module only. And modules don't allow class methods... But serializable objects must be, um, deserializable, i.e. instantiate-able from some payloads
<vladfaust> If I could change Crystal, I'd made class methods included as well. So many times I faced issues with it
<watzon> Sameeee
<watzon> One of the biggest pains in the ass
<Blacksmoke16> @vladfaust move your `def initialize(**values : **T) : self forall T` inside the macro included
<Blacksmoke16> wrapped in a `{% verbatim do %}`
<Blacksmoke16> and try that, crystal and sqlite passed
<watzon> That's what I've had to do anytime I need to include class methods as well
<watzon> Can anyone tell me why this is failing? I'm at a loss. https://carc.in/#/r/71ry
<vladfaust> You're the hero, @Blacksmoke16. It works!
<Blacksmoke16> 👍
<vladfaust> You're officially a macro professor
<vladfaust> Would try integration tests to see if it works
<Blacksmoke16> yea i dont have anything setup
<Blacksmoke16> id be interested in seeing if it works when including like json serializable within a model
<Blacksmoke16> or if that kills the other initializers
<vladfaust> Not my case, though. Onyx::SQL doesn't allow other serializables to be included yet
<Blacksmoke16> really?
<vladfaust> BTW, the change also works with 0.28.0, no breaking changes then 🎉
<vladfaust> @watzon you have `|n|`, which is clearly not `Nil`
<vladfaust> `&block : Node ->` maybe
<watzon> Whoops, wrong direction
<vladfaust> @Blacksmoke16 I'm pleased with the fact that someone actually uses Onyx::SQL on such a low level. I've spent much time on designing and documenting the low-lvl API, and `schema` is just a newbie sweet wrapper :D
<Blacksmoke16> like any reason why you cant determine its not nil via the type of the property?
<vladfaust> As far as I remember, yes, it doesn't matter. But for most of cases, when you do arbitrary queries which would have absent columns, `schema` defines a nilable property
<vladfaust> It's just more natural than `user.name?` and runtime exceptions
<Blacksmoke16> no i mean, make it so you dont need the `not_null: true`
<Blacksmoke16> if your type if `Int32`
<Blacksmoke16> but `Int32?` would be same as `not_null: false`
<Blacksmoke16> something like `ivar.type.nilable?`
<vladfaust> Ah, sorry, I've misread it. Well, again, an arbitrary query can return an absent column (you just don't `select` it), therefore a value would be `nil`
<vladfaust> So it's natural to have nilable types in a model, which doesn't say anything about the DB column
<Blacksmoke16> orm we use at work just returns an associative array when you do that, could use a namped tuple in crystal case?
<Blacksmoke16> but yea, makes sense
<vladfaust> I've put many thought in returning a strict type from a query, but haven't come to a solution yet
<vladfaust> You can have `Serializable` objects, though. They can be initiailized from a model query as well
<Blacksmoke16> id imagine you would have access to the types of the columns selected
<Blacksmoke16> then could be like `NamedTuple(col1: String, col2: Int32).from hash_from_rs`
<vladfaust> I think we haven't come to a solution yet
<Blacksmoke16> fair
<vladfaust> Not every model field/reference should be annotated
<vladfaust> Which is similar to other serializables
<Blacksmoke16> how would that work with ivars from other shards tho?
<Blacksmoke16> i could just reopen and add the ignore annotation i guess
<vladfaust> The same as with `JSON::Serializable`. If you want a var to be ignored in JSON, you explicitly add an ignore to it
<Blacksmoke16> that at least has a common way to do that
<vladfaust> Ignoring is not trivial, as I have lots of places where ivars are iterated. I can't work on it right now, but I keep it in mind
<Blacksmoke16> hmm, ill see if i can work around it then
<Blacksmoke16> rip `Cannot implicitly read field EveShoppingApi::Character@validator : (CrSerializer::Validator | Nil) from a DB::ResultSet at key "validator", because its type is not <= DB::Any. Consider applying a converter to EveShoppingApi::Character@validator to make it work ⏎ `
<vladfaust> Damn, I see
<Blacksmoke16> yea, is assuming every ivar is a column atm
<vladfaust> I'll try to fix it tomorrow if it doesn't bring new bugs :)
<Blacksmoke16> 👍
<Blacksmoke16> cheers
<vladfaust> Yeah :) Thanks for the bugfix! And good night
<Blacksmoke16> np o/
<watzon> Why is it that ` Bytes` is an alias to `Slice(UInt8)`, but `String#bytes` returns an `Array(UInt8)`? Shouldn't it be returning a `Slice`?
<watzon> Should I create an issue for that? Because I feel like it's a glaring inconsistency.
Has anyone used the package "duktape.cr" ? I'm trying to use it and it appears to be pretty much completely undocumented
<watzon> rkeene nfortunately a lot of people don't document their code. May be a good project for you to go in, figure out what things are doing, document, and pull request
In this case (and probably most cases) it's easier for me to just use something else -- I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing the documentation somewhere
<watzon> Is there something else in Crystal that you can use in place of duktape? I don't think anyone has added bindings for v8 yet.
I mean use something different like Go
<tenebrousedge> D:
<watzon> Ohh, well that's sad making
<watzon> Duktape doesn't look too terribly undocumented