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nowthatsamatt_ [nowthatsamatt_!] has joined #ruby
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<CannedCorn> got it
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<hooper> Hi folks, I have a question about optparse. I'd like to use multi-chars in my shortopts, ie, -ld, -lw, -lm, as well as longopts for the same flags, --local-daily, --local-weekly, --local-monthy.. is this possible?
<hooper> -> opts.on("-ry", "--remote-year INT",
<hooper> 'Remote year retention') do |ry|
<hooper> options[:ry] = ry
<hooper> end
<hooper> er. sorry for the spam
Starwiz [Starwiz!] has joined #ruby
<bookpage> best site for learning ruby?
<Starwiz> Does anyone know how I could simplify a URI from something like '' from that to ''
<bookpage> Starwiz: modify your .htaccess?
<Starwiz> In ruby.
<Starwiz> For something like a web crawler.
<Starwiz> I should have been more descriptive =P
<bookpage> no idea sorry - I'm trying to convert my first program to ruby atm
kenichi [kenichi!] has joined #ruby
<Gate> bookpage: are you an experienced developer or are you looking for a beginners guide to ruby?
<waxjar> just replace (.)/.. with / using regexpes?
<Gate> waxjar: is the first string supposed to be a regexp or a literal string?
kemet [kemet!] has joined #ruby
<waxjar> a little bit of both, forgot the + in (.+)
<bookpage> Gate: i'm an experienced developer, so i want to jump straight into OO stuff
<Gate> bookpage: has a few guides "from other languages" that may be beneficial
<bookpage> Gate: cool, ill read up this thanks
<Gate> waxjar: so do you mean this? gsub(/(.)\/../, '/')
<Gate> which will remove the character before and the two characters after a slash
<waxjar> it's not a correct regexp, bit that's the idea, yea
<waxjar> *but
<Gate> so if you want to match literal periods, just put a \ in front of them
<waxjar> yea
techhelp [techhelp!] has joined #ruby
<waxjar> actually Gate, use File.expand_path
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<hooper> no optparse pros to help with an easy question about short opts?
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<Gate> Ah
<Gate> I didn't realize that was what you were gunning for
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<RubyPanther> hooper: it looks like you already know what you want to do, and wrote it, it either worked or it didn't, right?
<CannedCorn> thanks for the help before RubyPanther
<RubyPanther> yw
n00b_gloves [n00b_gloves!] has joined #ruby
<shevy> yawn????
<shevy> bookpage I would recommend that you should try to arrange the code logic into (standalone) classes whenever possible
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<gigamonkey> Hmmm. I'm plaing around with the ruby koans thingy. In an attempt to understand something I tried testing what the specific character in a string is with something like assert_equal 'abc'[0], 'a' which fails yet assert_equal 'abc'[0], 'a'[0] passes.
<shevy> bookpage, you should still work through at least once, if you are experienced it will be super easy and thus super fast
<gigamonkey> Yet in irb 'abc'[0] == 'a' is true.
<shevy> gigamonkey perhaps because of the ruby version
<shevy> not for me
<shevy> 'abc'[0,1] == 'a' should be correct in both 1.8.x and 1.9.x
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<gigamonkey> Ah. Indeed.
dankest [dankest!] has joined #ruby
<Gate> gigamonkey: 'abc'[0] is an integer, assert equal probably does a type comparison
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<Gate> or not
<Gate> :/ I misunderstood, ignore that
<shevy> Bill Gates shall not be ignored!
<gigamonkey> Looks like in 1.9.3 'abc'[0] is a String.
<shevy> yeah it changed
<shevy> but I am too accustomed to [0, other_position_here]
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<hooper> RubyPanther: it truncates the last char.. so if i have opts, rd,rw,rm,ry, it will only show me 'r' on the top option
<RubyPanther> hooper: must not work for that, then
<hooper> bummer pants.. thanks
<RubyPanther> hooper: for the record, what your asking for is basically "broken" option parsing, those should all be long options like --rd --rw
<RubyPanther> because short arguments can be merged where they aren't taking arguments, like -vvvrwd
<hooper> RubyPanther: ya, I figured as much but I think I've seen some other optparsers that will let you use more than one char.. I'm using two chars because I'll also have an ld,lw,lm,ly local vs remote options, same characteristics
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<RubyPanther> hooper: only the most common options need short versions, the normal thing you should be assuming is that --long-descriptive-options will get used, and it is normal for most/many options to only have a long form
<shevy> hooper: hmm you could try
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<jlogsdon> shevy: slop works the same way as optparse wrt -abc style switches
<shevy> aha
<jlogsdon> And I wouldn't be surprised if any option parser you find does, it's the "unix" way of handling options
<hooper> shevy: cool, I'll check that out
<hooper> thanks shevy & RubyPanther
<hooper> In other news, I have another question
<hooper> Has anyone seen an issue while using both yaml & date? I get tons of "warning: already initialized constant" errors
<jlogsdon> perhaps yaml requires date?
<jlogsdon> so you don't need to require it yourself?
<shevy> hmm yaml alone does not
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<shevy> oh man, I can tell you guys ... never bundle all your components together into one file
<hooper> jlogsdon: I'll try that out
<shevy> I have a file that includes all my modules ..
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<jlogsdon> yeah, i definitely prefer to require in the files that explicitly need the modules. if they are proliferate enough, I'll include them globally though
<hooper> jlogsdon: that was it. I pulled the "require 'Date'" and kept yaml and was still able to use Date
<hooper> Thanks!
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<newbold> When doing Ruby via CGI, is there a way to make errors display in the browser?
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<RubyPanther> newbold: probably you would just rescue exceptions and get the backtrace from the exception
<RubyPanther> it seems like that, but my memory of it is foggy
<newbold> RubyPanther: yeah, just learning that bit now
<newbold> and that's exactly how it's done :)
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<senthil> Does 1.8.7 have something like 1.9.3's Uri#encode_www_form
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<Banistergalaxy> Indian_ are you the worlds fastest?
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<Animawish> what's the method that takes a string and makes it into an array of single word strings
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<Animawish> like "this is a string" -> ["this", "is", "a", "string"]
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<aces1up> if i have a cache that is a hash with Timestamps as the values.. how would i delete the hash entry with the lowest timestamp?
<aces1up> @dns_cache[''] =
<aces1up> @dns_cache.min{|dns_entry, ts| ts }
<aces1up> that just returns an array
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<kasansweat> noob question -- when using "Array.each { |element| ..etc -- is it possible to modify that particular element within that loop?
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<idarkside> hi
<newbold> hello
<huhu_> Hello.
<idarkside> im building a ruby script
<idarkside> i can do the ruby side of it
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<idarkside> but im wondering if there is a string to use that would call
<idarkside> and if active = continue
<idarkside> if inactive = die
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<epochwolf> uh...
<epochwolf> what?
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<idarkside> is there somthing i can put in my code to read
<idarkside> and if active = coninute loading
<idarkside> if inactive = die
<idarkside> -
<epochwolf> sure, ruby comes with the net/http library. It's not real nice to use but it works. Alternatively, I'm sure there is a gem or two out there that can make that a nicer experience.
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<RubyPanther> idarkside: openuri
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<bookpage> are strings or files read or stored in a way which doesn't include international characters?
<RubyPanther> bookpage: depends what "international characters" are, and what encoding you ask for...
<bookpage> RubyPanther: an example is the char: ä - when i read it and then output it, without specifying any encoding, it comes out as ?
<bookpage> and also, is there a good way to replace strings within a string? I've made my own method for it but it seems to trudge through the 350,000 lines slowly... compared to the String.replace("x", "y") java method at least
<newbold> bookpage: gsub()
<bookpage> newbold, right ill try it out, my one takes nearly 3 mins for 100mb of text
<newbold> I've never tried any analysis on speed, so not sure how it'll do, but that's the only way of replacing text that I know :)
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<wallerdev> hi
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<Okasu> is there way to detect when hash key replaced with new value?
<Okasu> method maybe, saving value to var and comare with it looks not pretty
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<Okasu> for example when in hash {key1:value, key2:value} detect when key:value replace with key1:new-value
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<Okasu> meh, manual comprasion seems only variant
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<[[thufir]]> from nokogiri, how can I convert html to xml? or is that the wrong approach?
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<aces1up> can someone help me maping a hash to another hash? i have this:
<banisterfiend> aces1up: use Hash#select
<wallerdev> interesting
<banisterfiend> wallerdev: sup walla
<wallerdev> not much
<banisterfiend> wallerdev:
<wallerdev> was thinking hash select returned an array but then thought about how that mustve changed
<wallerdev> lol
<banisterfiend> wallerdev: 1.8 -> array, 1.9 -> hash
<wallerdev> yeah i think i remember the change going in
<wallerdev> I'm doing some ruby again
<wallerdev> so thats fun
<wallerdev> and playing with mongodb
<wallerdev> which is kinda confusing
<wallerdev> whats up with you banisterfiend ?
<aces1up> banisterfiend seems the example in the docs returns a hash. but i'm getting [["", false], ["", false]]
<wallerdev> sounds like you're using ruby 1.8
<wallerdev> aces1up: you can try using Hash#delete
<wallerdev> or using ruby 1.9
<banisterfiend> aces1up: then just wrap it in Hash[]
<banisterfiend> aces1up: and get your ass into ruby 1.9 already! ;)
<aces1up> wallerdev thanks.
<aces1up> banisterfiend sorry running jruby and its stuck in 1.8 for now.
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<banisterfiend> aces1up: jruby can run in 1.9 mode, iirc
<banisterfiend> you just have to pass a command line flag
<aces1up> yes, but i have no idea, but my app breaks gloriously if i run it in 1.9.. and i don't feel like tracking down all the issues at this juncture.
<banisterfiend> oh ok
<banisterfiend> can someone recommend a good movie?
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<aces1up> thomas crown affair
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<Asher> full metal jacket
<banisterfiend> Asher: know of any good scifi
<Asher> what kind of sci fi
<Asher> event horizon is pretty awesome
<Asher> kinda horror sci fi
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<[[thufir]]> in general, how do I scrape through using nokogiri? I'm only looking for the text of a few elements
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<aces1up> so i have a hash now of x keys, how can a trim it to only say 10 of the first keys if it has a total of 20 keys?
<Asher> you want keys only?
<aces1up> no, i want to delete the value and key
<aces1up> so in total after it has 10 key/value pairs
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<Asher> hm you could do hash.keys.slice( 10 ).each {|key, data| hash.delete( key )}
<Asher> err
<Asher> hash.keys.slice( 10 ).each {|key| hash.delete( key )}
<aces1up> i think that would delete all keys wouldn't it?
<aces1up> nevermind i see.
<Asher> seems to me like now that hash is ordered it should have #slice and #slice!
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<[[thufir]]> puts "links: #(links.length)" isn't outputting the length of links. on the next line, puts links.length works fine tho. why?
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<wallerdev> [[thufir]]: you need to use curly braces instead of parenthesis
<wallerdev> #{links.length}
<[[thufir]]> wallerdev: ah, that sounds about right. thanks.
<[[thufir]]> also, how do I print just part of the link? just the url perhaps
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<MarcWeber> def a b end def b a end then run a causes infinite recursion. How to debug such ?
<[[thufir]]> why does this work to extract the hrefs? hrefs ={ |link| link['href'] } is that some magic built into nokogiri?
<[[thufir]]> I get it that this is a map of the links array, but how does ruby know which is href? it looks for the string href?
<[[thufir]]> maybe that's an aspect of blocks which I don't understand
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<[[thufir]]> 5.times {puts "foo"} sends the block into the process of 5.times, is that correct?
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<maasha> hello
<maasha> I have a peculiar problem of popen3 hanging - what can cause this?
<[[thufir]]> maasha: I'm a newbie, but what's popen3?
<maasha> a way to open pipes to a command line tool yeilding three steams -> stdin, stdout, and stderr
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<[[thufir]]> interesting
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<krainboltgreene> Does anyone know why Ruby Hashes are randomly REALLY slow?
<krainboltgreene> I create a huge hash (500 key/values), dup it twice, and one of those dupes randomly takes a large chunk of time.
<apeiros_> I wouldn't consider 500 key/values huge…
<krainboltgreene> Ok, that's not better :P
leanother [leanother!~leanother@] has joined #ruby
<apeiros_> and what is "a large chunk of time"? 100ms?
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<[[thufir]]> sounds like a system thing to me. the OS is doing something?
<apeiros_> ruby-1.9.3-p0:001:0>> a = Hash[(1..500).map { |k| [k,k] }];
<apeiros_> ruby-1.9.3-p0:003:0>> pbench 100,10 do a.dup end
<apeiros_> ø 0.274847ms (61.0%)
<apeiros_> high stddev - might be a GC thing…
<krainboltgreene> .5ms vs 10ms
<krainboltgreene> But it's every 4th run or so.
<apeiros_> I really need to rewrite pbench to use CPU- instead of real-time
<krainboltgreene> Old Open Struct: 12.656ms // New Open Struct: 0.855ms or 1380.23% faster/slower
bluOxigen [bluOxigen!ssf@unaffiliated/bluOxigen] has joined #ruby
<krainboltgreene> When it's normally 1.5ms vs 0.5~
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<pvgrif> hi
<pvgrif> could any one please tell me if on ActiveRecord when I save two records in a transaction, will the second one that i save have the id of the first one + 1? e.g. A: 123, B: 124
<apeiros_> pvgrif: I don't think that's a safe assumption
<apeiros_> but AR questions should go to #rubyonrails
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<pvgrif> fuck i ve been all this time on #rails, no wonder no one ever answered
<pvgrif> thanks
<apeiros_> pvgrif: the answer might even change from db to db, since the only guarantee that transactions give is that either all is saved or nothing. sequences or autoincrement fields are not part of the promise.
<Asher> i think that is never a safe assumption
<Asher> unless the database is only ever single-threaded
<pvgrif> alright thank you very much
<apeiros_> Asher: that's not the only requirement, though
<Asher> if only one thread has db control it seems reasonable to assume the next sequence id requested will be the next sequentially
<Asher> no?
<pvgrif> i have a one-to-one self referential association, it has the property that both objects involved are created at the same time, the problem is that i can only give the id of its partner to the second one and the first one will have nil
<krainboltgreene> 1 pull request to MRI, 2 pull requests to JRuby.
<pvgrif> so i thought maybe i could wrap it in a transaction and have my own function that returns the id of the partner if its nil, by just adding one to its own
<apeiros_> Asher: a single thread doesn't guarantee a single "stream" of queries
<krainboltgreene> Now one to Rubinius and I'll be golden for this weekened.
<apeiros_> Asher: I can write a single threaded server easily, and it can still serve concurrent requests
<Asher> i suppose it's possible there are internal actions goign on that could cause further sequence increments in between
<Asher> is that what you mean?
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<Asher> right i meant by single-threaded that there is only one thread of control for requests
<Asher> obviously you can do all sorts of concurrency stuff w/o using threads - wasn't intending to speak to that
<apeiros_> client A starts transaction, gets id 1 for first insert, client B does insert, gets id 2, client A does second insert in transaction and gets id 3, client A commits transaction
<Asher> i meant 1 client control thread
<apeiros_> all that is unrelated to threads, and a db that can only serve a single client at any time is rather useless
<apeiros_> Asher: even then
<pvgrif> but could there be inserts in between, even if the transaction hasnt finished, which would make it possible that the second transaction has id 4 while the first one has id 1?
<Asher> generally a transaction that makes an insert will reserve a block of IDs from the sequence
<apeiros_> pvgrif: sure. if two clients do inserts, they must not get the same ids
<Asher> and if the transaction is rolled back it just dumps those IDs
<apeiros_> so the id must be incremented even if the transaction has not been committed
<pvgrif> ok i understand, do you know i could exploit that property (that they are both created at the same time), to link both bidirectionally in an efficient way?
<Asher> you should probably just be asking the db for the id it created
<apeiros_> pvgrif: why on earth do you think you need that anyway?
<pvgrif> Asher: i meant if the second one would get the id immediately after, or could be something else
<apeiros_> seems like a stupid thing to rely on (no offense intended)
<pvgrif> none taken
<Asher> you don't want to be doing the db's work
<Asher> just ask the db for the id it created
<Asher> presumably AR has a way to do that? i don't know
<apeiros_> well, in db's like oracle you can manually increment the sequence. but as asher said, you don't want to do the dbs work. also it seems like bad design. coupling on the wrong level.
<pvgrif> if i dont do that, everytime i encounter an object with its partner to nil, i ve to search the database again to find one that has the first one as its partner
<pvgrif> table*
<Asher> AR doesn't have a way to request insert ID?
<Asher> that would surprise me
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<pvgrif> yes it does, i could do an INSERT A, INSERT B, UPDATE A
<Asher> i don't understand
<pvgrif> would that be good design?
<Asher> i thought you wanted the id the db creates when you do INSERT A
<Asher> you want the id from B to be in the record for A?
<pvgrif> yes, the second update is to set teh partner of A to the ID i got form the insertion of B
<pvgrif> yes
<pvgrif> and the id of A to be in the record A
<pvgrif> sorry
<Asher> then yes i think INSERT A, INSERT B, UPDATE A is the way to do it
<pvgrif> the id of A to be in record B
<Asher> maybe with a cursor
<pvgrif> perfect
<pvgrif> thanks
<apeiros_> you could do insert b, insert a
<Asher> same problem b/c he wants b to have a in it
<apeiros_> or does b also reference a? if so, then yes, insert a, b, a
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<apeiros_> or rather, insert a, b, updatea
<apeiros_> gah
<pvgrif> alright thanks, i felt dirty using the the id+1 coupling, im glad you removed any doubts
<apeiros_> insert a, b, update a
<apeiros_> you very rightly felt dirty for it.
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<pvgrif> lol
<Buck> is there an easy way to output a multidimensional array in a overviewable way?
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<apeiros_> Buck: require 'pp'; pp ary
<apeiros_> or: require 'yaml'; y ary
<Buck> thank you :)
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<shevy> hmm .sort_by! does not exist for Array? hmm
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<dhs227> Chinese new year are coming! Happy new year to all fellows here!
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<johnnus_> i'm having some problems with bundler installing therubyracer in my app directory when running ubuntu, any way to solve this? i'm guessing it's coffeescript that requires it somehow.. can i get it to install it globally somewhere?
<pvgrif> are you using rvm?
<johnnus_> yeah
<pvgrif> i think that when you do bundle install, it will just install in the current gemset, same as 'gem install therubyracer', its just more convenient for projects with many gems
<pvgrif> what error is it giving you?
<johnnus_> i've tried installing it in the global gemset, but it stills installs it locally when running bundle install
<johnnus_> it doesnt give any error, but it installs theruvyracer in a directory called therubyracer in my approot
<johnnus_> which is rather annyoing :)
<pvgrif> thats weird, and the other gems dont?
<johnnus_> nope, just that one
<johnnus_> and if i remove the folder and start the webserver it tells me that it cant find the il8n gem
<johnnus_> everthing works when running the server and still having therubyracer directory
<shevy> how would I profile a really huge but slowish ruby class
<pvgrif> i ll check where i ve mine
<johnnus_> hmm, actually it seems to install all gems in the "therubyracer" directory
<Buck> is converting an array to a set an acceptable way to remove dupes or is there a better way?
<johnnus_> when running bundle install i get a structure like: therubyracer/ruby/1.9.1/bin cache doc gems specifications
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<banisterfiend> Buck: juse use the uniq method
<johnnus_> and in the gems dir are all the gems
<Buck> oh
<Buck> >_>
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<pvgrif> did you check that you are using the gemset you want to be using?
<johnnus_> yeah, it tells me i'm running the correct gemset and ruby 1.9.2 (so why is it creating a ruby 1.9.1 dir in rubyracer?)
<pvgrif> i ve no idea, in the Gemfile have you specified a therubyracer version?
<johnnus_> nope, gem 'therubyracer', :require => 'v8'
<Buck> if I have a multidimensional array like so: a1 = [[1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 2], [1, 2, 1], [1, 3], [2, 1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 1], [4]], how can I sort it so that I get [[1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 1, 2], [2, 2], [3, 1], [4]]? I tried a1.each { |t| t.sort } but that didn't do it
<pvgrif> maybe its downloading an old version that was for 1.9.1, but im not sure it would even do that
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<apeiros_> Buck: uuum, I think you misunderstand
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<apeiros_> you probably want to leave it away.
<pvgrif> try with requiring v8, if it works, you have something else to work with, you can remove it later
<Buck> apeiros_?
<pvgrif> without* requiring v8
<apeiros_> Buck: a1 = [[1, 1, 1, 1], …]
<apeiros_> Buck: read up what does. it doesn't do what you think.
<Buck> okay
<apeiros_> also, t.sort will return a new sorted array
<apeiros_> it will *not* sort the array in place. use sort! for that.
<Buck> right, I kinda figured that
<Buck> ah
<Buck> I have a lot to learn in ruby world still
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<apeiros_> so either: sorted = { |t| t.sort }
<apeiros_> or:! { |t| t.sort }
<Buck> what's the difference between each and map?
<apeiros_> or: a1.each { |t| t.sort! }
<apeiros_> map returns an array consisting of the return values of the block
<apeiros_> each just returns the receiver
<Buck> oh okay
<Buck> thanks
<apeiros_> [1,2,3].each { |a| a * 5 } # => [1,2,3]
<johnnus_> actually, something else seems very wrong.. if i comment out everything in my gemfile and run bundle install it tells me: "The Gemfile specified no dependencies. Your bundle is complete! It was installed into ./therubyracer"
hardyboy [hardyboy!736e0874@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #ruby
<apeiros_> [1,2,3].map { |a| a * 5 } # => [5,10,15]
<hardyboy> hai all
<hardyboy> :)
<apeiros_> hai hardiboi
<Buck> so |a| is called the receiver? I thought it was the parameter
<johnnus_> and a directory called therubyracer is created with a ruby/1.9.1 folder that is empty
<apeiros_> Buck: no, the thing before the . is called receiver. the thing that receives the method invocation, the call
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<pvgrif> johnnus: yeah thats very weird, i dont know what to say, what does ruby -v return?
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<apeiros_> so in a1.each { … }, a1 is the receiver of each, it will be self within that method
<johnnus_> 1.9.2p290
<Buck> alright, I get that
<hardyboy> hai friends... i am trying to store in @distinct_users all the unique user ids from the LoginRecords class.. and but its giving me this error undefined method `map' for nil:NilClass
<hardyboy> Please help me out to solve this isssue!!! thanks
<apeiros_> hardyboy: @login_records and login_records are not the same
<hardyboy> <apeiros_ yes got it sorry.. my mistake.. i was trying for a while as to why it was throwing an error
<apeiros_> hardyboy: raising. throw has a different meaning in ruby.
<pvgrif> try installing a gem without bundler, just gem install and see where it goes
<hardyboy> <apeiros_> ok... I understand thanks for the help :) now its working fine..
<hardyboy> <apeiros_> have you worked on rails ? i had a small doubt on that as well..
<apeiros_> hardyboy: are you copy & pasting nicknames in irc? o0
<apeiros_> if so - just use tab-completion. should be easier…
<hardyboy> apeiros_:
<apeiros_> hardyboy: I'm using rails at work. the proper rails channel is #rubyonrails, though.
<hardyboy> apeiros_: got it
<hardyboy> apeiros_:
<apeiros_> premature-enter-key-pressing? :D
<hardyboy> apeiros_: am not able to login into rails channel due to some reason.. :)
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<apeiros_> it seems you're banned
<hardyboy> apeiros_: yes how can i get into the channel ?
<hardyboy> apeiros_: by the way, my doubt is this here am using the model directly with a namedscope in the view.. is it wrong from rails convention ?
<apeiros_> you're banned. you can't.
<apeiros_> you mean line 16 in view.html? yes, that's generally considered bad.
<hardyboy> apeiros_: login_record model keeps track of how many times each user logged in so i use a namedscope to iterate the records using the date selected by the users?
<apeiros_> oh, actually User.find's in 12-15 too
<hardyboy> apeiros_: so how can i do that in the controller itself since i thgt it wud make things a lil complicated !!
<apeiros_> you'd see to it that you can ask it from the items in @distinct_users
<apeiros_> @distinct_users.each do |user| … user.logged_count …
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<hardyboy> apeiros_: if i just store line 16 in the array and pass it to the view.. will that be in order to the user list since that is another array all together?
<apeiros_> user.last_activity(@end)
<shevy> I want to ban the rubyonrails channel
<apeiros_> hardyboy: it'd be a possibility. but I'd clearly favor the way I just showed
<hardyboy> apeiros_: no its just last_activity() a helper method which is independent of User
<hardyboy> apeiros_: i have used all models in the view....could you help me with this in the method above.. how can i remodify it in the ryt way ? it wud be of gr8 help for a learner like me :)
<apeiros_> hardyboy: it hardly is independent if you pass it…
<apeiros_> last_activity(@end, value) <-- you pass value, hardly independent of it then.
<apeiros_> and I'm off now.
<hardyboy> apeiros_: thats the issue.. since last activity is a user helper method which tries to fecth from another model community activities as to what the last activity of the user was with the parameter user_id and date
<hardyboy> apeiros_: its all kinda mixed up since iam working over a new feature on an already existing app... so kinda i have limited flexibility :0
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<[[thufir]]> for getting the id for a craigslist ad from the URL, is this a reasonable approach?
<hardyboy> apeiros_: is there a way to remove white spaces from files without disturbing the intendations
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<hardyboy> is there a way to remove white spaces from files without disturbing the intendations
<Asher> what would that even mean
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<hardyboy> when we submit our code to gerrit the code review system it detects some whitespaces that are generaaly not displayed using git -diff file.. so i want a method to remove trailing white spaces
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<fred> Any recommendations for a customizable lint tool? eg to pick up all the trivial stuff like \s+$ ?
<hardyboy> folow me!/mithun_sasi for interesting updates on Ruby Rails and more !!
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<hardyboy> i have an array of ids in login_records array and i want to store all users with that id from the User model into another @variable!! what is the easiest way to do that?
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<hardyboy> Asher: i have an array of ids in login_records array and i want to store all users with that id from the User model into another @variable!! what is the easiest way to do that?
<hardyboy> Buckaway: i have an array of ids in login_records array and i want to store all users with that id from the User model into another @variable!! what is the easiest way to do that?
<hardyboy> csherin: i have an array of ids in login_records array and i want to store all users with that id from the User model into another @variable!! what is the easiest way to do that?
<apeiros_> hardyboy: stop that
<hardyboy> apeiros_: please help me with my doubt :(
<apeiros_> I'm sorry, but I don't have time.
<hardyboy> apeiros_: PLease I beg you !! I am new to Ruby pls help me Sir/Madam
<apeiros_> what about "I don't have time" don't you understand?
<hardyboy> apeiros_: ok :( :(
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<shevy> hmmm
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<visof> hello
<shevy> visof what are you writing on
<visof> shevy: what so you mean?
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<visof> i'm processing arguments using options = Hash[*ARGV], i want to must certain there are three options present, should i use that? , if(not(options.has_key?('-a')) and not(options.has_key?('b')) and not(options.has_key?('-c'))); usage(); exit(); end; ?
<visof> is that right way?
<apeiros_> missing_keys = ['-a', '-b', '-c'] - options.keys
<apeiros_> abort("Missing required flags #{missing_keys.join(', ')}") unless missing_keys.empty?
<visof> apeiros_: wonderful
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<hardyboy> hai all... I have used a namedscope to select just the id from a model. and it returns values like [#<LoginRecord user_id: 1>, #<LoginRecord user_id: 74>, #<LoginRecord user_id: 75>, #<LoginRecord user_id: 76>, #<LoginRecord user_id: 77>]
<hardyboy> how can i make it an array like [1,74,75,76,77]
<hardyboy> please help
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<Asher> array = [1,74,75,76,77]
<Asher> { |member| member.user_id}
<hardyboy> Asher: yes how can i get ids in the array form from the named scope. ? since namedscope gives me [#<LoginRecord user_id: 1>, #<LoginRecord user_id: 74>, #<LoginRecord user_id: 75>, #<LoginRecord user_id: 76>, #<LoginRecord user_id: 77>]
<Asher> err
<Asher> return_array.collect { |member| member.user_id}
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<hardyboy> Asher: here it is... please can u suggest me how i can retirve it as an array ?
<Asher> i just did
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<hardyboy> Asher: so where have i got to do this? i mean after calling the named scope?
<Asher> you have your array from namedscope
<Asher> call #collect { |member| member.user_id } on it
<hardyboy> Asher: in that array i am just selecting the id alone..
<Hanmac> if you have a newer ruby you could short it to map(&:user_id)
<hardyboy> Hanmac: so il give login_records = LoginRecord.unique_users(start_date,end_date).map(&:user_id)
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<hardyboy> Hanmac: yes working... thanks mate :)
<hardyboy> Asher: thanks asher for the help
<banisterfiend> Hanmac: (und)
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<hardyboy> login_records = [1,2,3] login_records.each do |id| @logged_users = User.find(id) end
<hardyboy> this isnt returning me array of user objects but simply the array 123 again ??:-/
<hardyboy> why is that so?
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<hardyboy> should i give @logged_users << User.find(id) instead of @logged_users = User.find(id) ???
<tommylommykins> users = login_records.collect {|login_record| User.find login_record}
<tommylommykins> ?
<hardyboy> tommylommykins: yes good one
<hardyboy> tommylommykins: thanks
<tommylommykins> :)
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<hardyboy> tommylommykins: it just worked like a charm :) thats a tonnes
<hardyboy> tommylommykins: have u worked on rails i had a small doubt !!
<tommylommykins> login_records.collect {|id|}Never worked with rails
* tommylommykins uses Ruby for scripting all his work away at work :)
<tommylommykins> oops
<tommylommykins> *Never worked with rails
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<hardyboy> tommylommykins: what is the easy way of learning ruby especially these interesting array modifications with collect,map.... all that ? :) i wanna become a master in ruby
<Hanmac> read the documentations in
<hardyboy> Hanmac: reading is so boring....some interactive site in which i can do the coding and learn... in which it will point out my mistakes n all ?:)
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* tommylommykins wonders if tryruby is still around
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<Hanmac> it is
<hardyboy> try ruby is good but we got to type our commands in that on our own.. where are the tutorials in it ?
<hardyboy> is it ok to use models inside helpers in rails ??? :-/
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<shevy> hardyboy rails makes people stop thinking
<hardyboy> shevy: exaclty... i completely agree with you.. its like working under some rules and u rnt suppose to think out of those lines.. :-/
<hardyboy> shevy: J2EE is cool.. and at the end of the day.. rails cant even give you scalability that java can give you.. no wonder twitter switched to scala and java
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<sontek> in python we have virtualenv to manage repos of our code so that we don't have to kill the system python
<sontek> does that exist in ruby?
<banistergalaxy> sontek: rvmmm
<banistergalaxy> sontek: rvm* or rbenv
<sontek> I'll check both out
<Asher> sontek can you explain whaty ou mean
<hardyboy> sontek: I think you'll like sandbox.
<Asher> repos of your code
<Asher> how do you mean
<hardyboy> sontek: RVM works closer to how virtualenv works since it lets you sandbox different ruby versions and their gems, etc.
<sontek> Asher: instead of gem installing as root and having everything go into global ruby environment
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<sontek> Asher: I'd like it all local in its own environment
<Asher> yeah you want rvm or rbenv
<sontek> hardyboy: Asher banistergalaxy: thanks!
<shevy> hardyboy well they still decided to prototype in ruby. once they reached a critical mass, had more money, they switched
<sontek> Now if i'm hacking on rails stuff can I ask questions in here? or is there a better channel?
<hardyboy> shevy: thats right
<Asher> #rubyonrails
<sontek> We are doing a startup weekend project and the other guy didn't know python so I decided to go his route
<shevy> hehe
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<hardyboy> sontek: thats nice
<hardyboy> shevy: you know rails ?
<hardyboy> anyone out here knows a thing or two abt rails ?
<Asher> generally people here want nothing to do with rails
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<hardyboy> Asher : :)
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<shevy> hah
<shevy> finally he gave up :>
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<cek> optimize: container.kind_of?(Hash) ? (container[key] ? container[key] : container) : container
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<cek> container.kind_of?(Hash) && (container[key] || container) || container
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<cek> container.kind_of?(Hash) && container.has_key?(key) and container[key] or container
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<cek> container.kind_of?(Hash) && container.has_key?(key) ? container[key] : container
<cek> thanks
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<shevy> lol
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<closedbook> anyone know good documentation for ruby syntax, like keyword and symbol (~=, : ?, ===, etc.)?
<newbold> closedbook: I could use that too
<newbold> seems that there are a lot of fun things that I totally don't understand or recognize
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<closedbook> Yeah, when I read code, I'd like to know more about how I could use a particular symbol or keyword.
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<newbold> thanks canton7
<canton7> (but not on stuff like ===)
<newbold> man, "unless" looks really handy
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<canton7> yeah, it's amazing as a statement modifier. Most style guides agree on not allowing unless...else, though
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<closedbook> so, using unless by itself is stylistically better?
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<newbold> seems that using it in a loop as a way to decide if the loop should be allowed to continue is a good use
<newbold> (that was the example on that page anyway)
<newbold> I'm also generally curious about how to take full advantage of Ruby's awesome syntax for writing code more efficiently... like, for instance, could this be written more cleanly?
<closedbook> I found this for operators, though I don't know if it's exhaustive
<canton7> from what I've read, is the best style for 'unless'
<newbold> closedbook: looks like it could exhaust me :) thanks for sharing that one
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<closedbook> no probs :-)
<closedbook> yeah, it makes more sense to not have an else statement after unless
<canton7> newbold, that would be my preferred style for that statement. You might be able to replace "if cgi['content'].to_str.length > 0" with "unless cgi['content'].to_s.empty?"
<newbold> canton7: well, last night when I was playing with that (and I admit it was late, and I could have made mistakes) it seemed that cgi['whatever'] was never empty or nil even when it wasn't set to anything via GET or POST
<newbold> so either I was screwing something up or there's something going on here that I don't understand
<canton7> newbold, notice I left the conversion to string in there
<newbold> I'm examining it more closely, just read about "puts YAML::dump(object)" so maybe that'll help me better understand the cgi object
<newbold> ah
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<canton7> newbold, "string.length == 0" is the same as "string.empty?"
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<canton7> I've no idea what your CGI object is... So didn't want to assume there was a better way of accessing it
<newbold> canton7: well, cgi['lol'] would be the value of
<newbold> cgi['lol'] = 'hello'
<newbold> oh, interesting
<newbold> that YAML::dump thing is very useful:
<newbold> when I did ?page=test, that's what I see
<canton7> newbold, p (and pp) are very handy also
<newbold> and when I do the YAML dump on cgi['page'] and when I don't pass a page parameter to the script at all, I see: --- !str str: "" "@params": []
<newbold> which I guess would explain why my nil check failed
* newbold notes p and pp
<canton7> for pp, you have to require 'pp', but it's prettier than p
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<newbold> canton7: so what's the ? mean in 'empty?'
<canton7> newbold, it's convention for methoids which return a boolean to end in a question mark
<newbold> is there an 'empty' method without the question mark as well? or just 'empty?'
<canton7> similarly, methods which are potentially "dangerous" or produce unexpected results often end with an exclamation mark. So you'll get "", which returns a new array, and "!", which modifies the original array
<newbold> oh, that's awesome
<canton7> newbold, the method is defined as ending in a question mark, so the method "empty" doesn't exist
<newbold> when I learn stuff like this, it makes more sense when I remember that a lot of this was largely created by a Japanese genius :D
<newbold> there's something kind of cute about methods including punctuation that provide additional meaning/information
<newbold> now I just wish there was a more efficient way to do page = cgi['page'].gsub(' ', '').gsub('.', '')
<canton7> yeah, it's handy :) Exclamation marks and questions marks are the only punctuation allowed in method names, though, and only at the end
<newbold> tacking on a bunch of .gsubs doesn't seem right somehow but it was the only thing I could find that worked
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<canton7> newbold, you could use gsub with regex, or tr. cgi['page'].tr('. ', '') would be my personal preference
<canton7> but you could also so cgi['page'].gsub(/\. /, '')
<newbold> oh, what's tr?
<canton7> *do
<newbold> oh wow!
<newbold> that's incredibly awesome
<newbold> exactly what I needed!
<canton7> that's the no. 1 thing I've found I like about ruby -- whatever you want to do, there's almost always a method designed to do exactly that, so you end up with clean, clear code, rather than a mess of other functions
<newbold> I love it
<newbold> of course at this stage, < 24 hours into learning the language, that's what also makes it the most intimidating... :)
<Hanmac> and if not, all classes are open so you can define your own methods
<canton7> I'm waiting for a decent way to limit the scope of monkey-patches, thoug
<canton7> *though
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<Hanmac> you can not ... the monkey have more power then you :P
<newbold> is there a ternary?
<canton7> newbold, there is: condition ? truecase : falsecase
<newbold> or a faster way to express "do this if this otherwise do that"
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<canton7> Hanmac, I saw a proposal and a basic implementation a little while ago, but it was as slow as anything
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<newbold> canton7: hmmm do you see anything wrong with this? page == 'MainPage' ? puts '<span style="color: #ccc;">Home</span>' : puts '<a href=?>Home</a>'
<canton7> newbold, stylistically, or functionally
<newbold> functionally first and foremost :)
<newbold> since it's causing my thing not to work
<newbold> but because I'm doing this all through CGI I can't easily see errors :(
<canton7> looks fine from here
<newbold> I just know when I've goofed something up
<newbold> (because the screen loads white, heh)
<canton7> ah, no. There's a precidence problem I think
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<newbold> oh
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* newbold tries to act like he knows what that means
<canton7> page == 'MainPage' ? puts('<span style="color: #ccc;">Home</span>') : puts('<a href=?>Home</a>') will work, but you're better off with puts page == 'MainPage' ? '<span style="color: #ccc;">Home</span>' : <a href=?>Home</a>
<Hanmac> newbold, i would prefer to put the puts outside of the condition ... or funny error could be the result
<canton7> oops, with quotes around the last bit, of course
<newbold> oooohhhh
<newbold> I can't believe you can do that!
<newbold> this is SO awesome
<Hanmac> canton7: i think he has enough ... he is ruby-high :p
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<canton7> haha! I remember that moment :)
* canton7 resists blowing newbold's mind
<newbold> heh
<newbold> I'll share what I have so far in a sec
<canton7> cool. Then we can attack it and make it more awesome :)
* newbold would love that
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<newbold> canton7: ok, here:
<newbold> it's lame, I know, but it's my first thing :)
<newbold> source:
<canton7> I like :)
<newbold> I thought a wiki would be a great way to learn a bit of everything
<newbold> working with files, vars, arrays, string substitution (gsub, but now tr is my favorite for simple stuff), working with form data, etc
<newbold> there's only one bug that I know of
<canton7> newbold, I'm going to point you at sinatra, just because I think it's awesome. I know you're doing this to learn ruby :P
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<newbold> display.gsub!(/\[\[(.+?)\]\]/u, '<a href=?page=\1>\1</a>') <--- this doesn't allow for page names with spaces, like [[This Page]]
<newbold> I'm filtering out spaces anyway, but still, it won't generate the link. I know the reason why --- my HTML doesn't have quotes around the href= bit
<newbold> but I can't seem to add them without weird stuff happening. :/
<newbold> oh wait
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<newbold> got it :)
<newbold> I was just putting the quotes in the wrong place like a dork
<newbold> canton7: and yeah, I saw sinatra and it does look _awesome_
<newbold> I'm not sure I can use it in my current environment through, which is all CGI-based and kind of dorky
<newbold> I did work out how to install a gem last night though, with some help (the 'redcloth' gem
<newbold> which does awesome Textile formatting like *bold* _italics_ etc
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<pvgrif> hi whats the best way to check for a nil object or no defined
<pvgrif> i ve seen on the net !!current_user but it says that its not convention and it shouldnt be done like that
<pvgrif> and it doesnt say how it should really be done
<pvgrif> whats the rubyish way?
<Hanmac> .nil? is the fastest and best way
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<pvgrif> Hanmac: thank you
<burgestrand> pvgrif: !! object is more for explicitly converting an object to a true/false value, no matter what it is
<burgestrand> pvgrif: it’ll return false for nil/false, and true for everything else
<pvgrif> burgerstrand: if ive assigned it like this @current_user ||= User.find(session[:user_id]) if session[:user_id]
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<pvgrif> should i do !!current_user or current_user.nil?
<pvgrif> sry i didnt say, the first line is the output of the function current_user
<canton7> newbold, is my personal preferences applied to the source
<newbold> canton7: oh, awesome
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<newbold> canton7: you managed to get an unless in there :) Is there an advantage to using the heredoc? just cleaner?
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<canton7> newbold, just cleaner IMO for multi-line strings. That one's entirely personal preference
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<newbold> canton7: ok so I just looked at sinatra again and realized I absolutely need it.
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<newbold> canton7: but I assume it's not just as simple as require 'sinatra' and going to town... it has to be running in the background to some extent, no?
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<canton7> newbold, not quite. There's a funky thing called 'Rack', which is described as 'middleware'. Web servers talk to Rack, Rack talks to whatever framework you're running (sinatra, rails, etc)
<newbold> ah. But for my simple no-frills host that supports PHP only (and kinda-sorta other stuff running as a CGI script), I assume Rack isn't available
<newbold> I've had a Heroku account for a while but haven't ever tried it... think it's time to bust into that
<canton7> newbold, ruby has a simple webserver called 'Webrick' built in, which sinatra will use if you just run 'ruby myapp.rb'. If you install more complex servers, (e.g. thin), then sinatra will use those by default. If you're using something like Passenger with Apache, then that's also capable of hosting a sinatra site, through the magic of Rack
<canton7> newbold, yeah that's the thing -- support on cheap shared hosting for ruby stuff isn't good at all
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<canton7> Heroku is the only one I know of, and you might as well get a VPS for the price
<regedarek> hey
<newbold> canton7: well, Heroku has a free tier that I plan to make full use of while I learn :)
<regedarek> im using .run method
<canton7> newbold, ooh wasn't aware of that! Might have to look into it
<regedarek> how to close this task
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<newbold> canton7: well, that's what someone told me... haven't actually used it yet so I haven't experienced it first-hand
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<newbold> canton7: do you know anything about this 'bundle' command?
<canton7> newbold,
<newbold> I'm supposed to run "bundle install" on my ruby app to prepare it for deployment to heroku
<newbold> ah
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<newbold> I guess they assume that you already have that... installing now
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<burgestrand> newbold: heroku runs that command for you when you deploy your application to them
<newbold> burgestrand: I'm following and it's kind of suggesting that I have to do this locally first
<newbold> which is cool --- learning a ton
<burgestrand> newbold: like it says there, bundler is only for dependencies of your application, it’s nice to have them installed locally too
<newbold> ahhh
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<newbold> I'm not used to do anything local ever, heh
<burgestrand> newbold: but it won’t affect your heroku deployment :)
<newbold> which I guess is bad practice :(
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<newbold> holy crap, this local thing actually worked
<newbold> with sinatra
<newbold> nothing ever works for me on the first try :P
<newbold> 12:14:06 web.1 | == Sinatra has ended his set (crowd applauds)
<newbold> lol.
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<burgestrand> :)
<newbold> burgestrand: hehe what's up with the names they assign to apps? they're awesome
<newbold> but intensely random :)
<burgestrand> newbold: japanesy, like the rest of their stack, bunch of samurais and carps
<newbold> burgestrand: any clue why when I do git push heroku master I get "Permission denied (publickey)." and "fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly"
<burgestrand> newbold: yes, if you go to your account heroku asks you to add an SSH key to it
<newbold> ah
<burgestrand> newbold: it comes in two parts, a private and a public one; heroku needs the public one to make sure that you are you
<burgestrand> newbold: they should have a guide somewhere on how to generate it; if not github also has one :)
<newbold> burgestrand: is this in the heroku web thing?
<newbold> I see a place for an API key but nothing about SSH keys :/
<newbold> ah thanks
<burgestrand> newbold: sorry, you might need to add it with the command-line client
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<newbold> burgestrand: annnnd
<newbold> yay :D
<burgestrand> newbold: \o/
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<newbold> burgestrand: so, the idea here is to develop on this machine, test, and if all looks good then stick it into git and deploy?
<canton7> woop!
<burgestrand> newbold: yeah, once it looks good enough you just put it up on heroku :)
<newbold> canton7: yeah, I can confirm that it's free, too, since I haven't given them any billing details yet :)
<canton7> newbold, git is an scm: you're supposed to use it throughout development
<newbold> canton7: now to integrate my wiki code so it works nicely with sinatra :)
<newbold> canton7: I'm used to just saving over my changes and uploading via FTP :P
* newbold has been living in the dark ages
<burgestrand> newbold: like canton7 says though, commit often, commits are cheap :)
<canton7> newbold, . Hop into #git if you have any questions
<newbold> would I git commit -m "init" every time? or do I need to change the -m or "init" parts?
<canton7> newbold, unfortunately git isn't something you can get into by guesswork. My advice is to read progit all the way through. You won't pick git up in a day, but after a week you'll love it to bits
<newbold> canton7: gotcha, totally understood
<newbold> sinatra is freaking me out though
<newbold> you don't have to puts? you can just stick stuff in quotes and it's displayed?
<canton7> newbold, in ruby, the last statement in a block/function is returned by the function
<burgestrand> newbold: yeah, actually puts won’t work at all
<burgestrand> newbold: which languages have you used before?
<canton7> in this case, the last thing in that 'get' block is a string, so the string is returned by the block
<newbold> burgestrand: BASIC, pascal, and PHP. :/
<newbold> canton7: that sounds like magic, heh
<newbold> I love it.
<burgestrand> newbold: just curious, the model in ruby web applications is a bit different from PHP :)
<Hanmac> but dont say SVN is better than git ... 1. it is a lie, and 2. people will hate you
<dagnachewa> the best way to have identical gem install is with exporting gems ? my pc-gems and laptop-gems are not identical , on my pc global gems count is 174 and on my laptop gems count is 150
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<newbold> there sound be some way to sync gems across machines
<newbold> s/sound/should/
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<newbold> canton7: what's the best way to troubleshoot a gem problem? I installed the redcloth gem locally, but now when I use the foreman thing it's all eb.rb:8:in `require': no such file to load -- redcloth (LoadError)
<burgestrand> newbold: put it in your Gemfile if you have one
<burgestrand> newbold: the Gemfile is the authorative source to which gems you have access to from your application
<newbold> ohhhh, gotcha.
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<newbold> burgestrand: do I have to specify the gem version in that file?
<newbold> or is that optional?
<burgestrand> newbold: it’s optional, bundler will use the latest one thats compatible with the rest of the gems
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<newbold> silly gem and their case-sensitive names
<burgestrand> yeah, and camel-casing gem names is also annoying :p
<newbold> that's what I just ran into
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<newbold> canton7: sinatra is making me feel pretty bad about how I've spent the last 10 years of webdev
<canton7> newbold, yeah I had a similar moment :P
<newbold> canton7: refactoring my wiki code now :)
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<newbold> every time I start foreman and don't get an error, I feel like I actually know what I'm doing
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<newbold> canton7: got a sec?
<canton7> newbold, sure
<newbold> I've got def render(output) '<br>' + output + '<br>' end
<newbold> (spread across three lines of course)
<newbold> then in a sinatra "do" block or whatever it's called, I have some stuff that creates the string "display" and then I do this at the end of the block: render display
<newbold> in theory that should spit out the string passed to the render function wrapped in <br>s, right?
<newbold> or am I totally thinking about this incorrectly?
<canton7> that should be fine
<newbold> canton7: sinatra is saying "wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)"
<canton7> can you pastebin it?
<newbold> canton7: just don't laugh :P
<newbold> it's all sloppy, I know
<canton7> that's a lot neater than most "sloppy" code I see :P
<newbold> line 35 is where I call the function, and that's where sinatra is saying it's expecting two parameters
<newbold> ah sorry my function really is on three lines, not smooshed into one
<newbold> I just had it that way so I could paste it into the channel as one line before :)
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<canton7> newbold, render is a function defined by sinatra. You're stepping on its toes :)
<newbold> (this also doesn't use your helpful suggestions from earlier, which I've totally saved)
<newbold> ahhh
* newbold changes the function name
<newbold> canton7: heh, works perfectly now!
<newbold> thanks! :)
<canton7> newbold, if you use the "modular app" style, you'll stop stepping on its toes ;)
<newbold> ahhh, I se
<newbold> see*
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<newbold> is there something equivalent to PHP's $foo = 'A', $foo .= 'B' // echo $foo => AB
<newbold> specifically the .= thing
<burgestrand> newbold: +=
<burgestrand> newbold: ruby have a bunch of different operators for handling strings
<newbold> I'm guessing the very fact that I'm asking that means I'm doing something wrong or failing to take advantage of some Ruby-specific way of doing stuff though, hhe
<newbold> burgestrand: thanks!
<burgestrand> newbold: full reference of them here: :)
<canton7> newbold, << for strings -- avoids duplication iirc
<canton7> well, creating useless new strings
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<burgestrand> actually it’s probably the old string that is useless canton7 :p
<proview2> Anyone knows how to count the number of AR objects similar to what rack-bug does? (which doesnt seem to work for rails 3.1)
<canton7> yeah, I didn't phrase that well at all :P
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<burgestrand> proview2: ObjectSpace.count_objects(ActiveRecord::Base) perhaps
<burgestrand> Oh, hm, it takes some other argument.
<proview2> tks, thats a big help
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<burgestrand> ObjectSpaceh.each_object(ActiveRecord::Base) should give you an iterator that you could iterate through and get the count, though.
<proview2> trying it now
<Asher> it's always great to switch tabs and see a solution involving iterating object space :P
<proview2> have been hours now trying to this, feeling right now a huge moron :)
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<burgestrand> Asher: :p
<Asher> hehe
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<proview2> ok nice
<proview2> so using ObjectSpace.each_object(ActiveRecord::Base) seems to work
<proview2> although it seems the garbage collector is affecting it
<Asher> you are traversing every object
<newbold> in sinatra how could I do something like get '/:page/:action' do but have the /:action part be optional?
<newbold> I'm thinking just looking at :page and splitting the string on / but is there a better approach?
<canton7> newbold, see the section startnig "Route patterns may have optional parameters:" in
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<newbold> canton7: ah it was right under my nose :)
<proview2> whats wrong with this approach?
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<roitst> BOnsoir
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<roitst> Je suis dev depuis 2 / 3 ans. Et j'ai toujours eu un défaut c'est de ne pas savoir quoi coder... Je n'ai pas d'idée, à croire que j'ai tous les outils qu'il me faut ...
<roitst> Ca parle à quelqu'un ?
* Hanmac failed to understand the request. language is not supported by this user
<burgestrand> roitst: sacre bleu
<roitst> :)
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<gioele> hello
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<burgestrand> roitst: on a more serious note, make an app that solves that problem, many developers have it
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<gioele> after I use `File.utime(atime, mtime, path)`, how can I make sure that `File.stat(path).mtime` returns the updated value? There is a delay in syncing (indeed, if I `sleep(5)` everything goes fine) but `` does not seem to sync at all
<proview2> se eu falar portugues aqui, alguem me poder dizer o que esta errado com isto ? :)
<roitst> burgestrand: What problem ?
<burgestrand> roitst: the problem of figuring out what to make
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<roitst> burgestrand: And you say many developers have it. Do u have a example ? I don't understand what u mean
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<newbold> anyone know the default webroot location for sinatra/thin?
<Mon_Ouie> "more serious"
<newbold> I don't even know if I'm asking that question correctly... but my app is writing files and I have no idea where it's putting them :P
<burgestrand> newbold: sinatra has it in public/
<burgestrand> newbold: if you mean where to put files to have them accessible from the app
<newbold> burgestrand: hmmm, any clue where public/ is on a Mac?
<burgestrand> newbold: I think I misunderstood you
<newbold> I just want to know where in my filesystem it's putting these files :P
<newbold> I'm not specifying any paths in my code
<newbold> so it's sticking them somewhere... heh.
<burgestrand> newbold: putting what files_
<newbold> burgestrand:, "w") do |f| ... f.write params[:content] ... end
<Mon_Ouie> e.g. where's located the foo file in open("foo", "w") { |io| io.write "weee" } ?
<newbold> exactly!
<burgestrand> newbold: it’s dependent on how you start your application, it’ll be in the current working directory (Dir.pwd)
<Mon_Ouie> In whatever directory is the current one (the one Ruby was launched at by default)
<newbold> ohhh, yeah
<newbold> you're right --- it's right there alongside the app in the same directory
<newbold> Cool, thanks! :)
<newbold> I just assumed it was putting them in some crazy place, heh
<Harzilein> gioele: did you try stating a filehandle instead of a path?
<Harzilein> gioele: i'm pretty sure you should be guaranteed to read the stat you set in that case.
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<gioele> Harzilein: but the code that calls `File.utime` is in a library and the code that checks for the correct `mtime` is in a rspec, so they cannot share the same file handle
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<newbold> can you break out of an if statement?
<Hanmac> you mean line break?
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<newbold> Hanmac: I've got an if statement (with an else as well) and early on within the if part I want to see if some other condition has been met... and if it has, I don't want it to execute any more code in the if/else statement
<burgestrand> newbold: lots of ways, but it depends what you mean
<newbold> if something ... (now, if something else, stop right here and break out) ... else .... end
<burgestrand> newbold: add another if-statement? :p
<newbold> oh.
<newbold> lol.
* newbold smacks himself
<newbold> I think the insanely awesome syntax of ruby has me 2nd-guessing even the most obvious and normal approaches to stuff
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<cek> why the heck shoulda runs teardown block before running shoulda test block?
<cek> oh what a crappy gem. no docs whatsoever. 79 issues open
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<AnarchoTroll> if I need a function to capture a variable through a closure, should I create it as a lambda?
<Mon_Ouie> cek: It does have documentation.
<Mon_Ouie> AnarchoTroll: You can use define_method to define a method with a block
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<cek> yea, autogenerated
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<AnarchoTroll> Mon_Ouie, Thanks!
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<idarkside> hi
<idarkside> is there somthing i can put in my code to read
<idarkside> and if active = coninute loading
<idarkside> if inactive = die
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<fiques> If there is any sublime text 2 users
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<fiques> Why when I open folder I got this : on OS X Lion
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<tbrock> guys i'm trying to call object_id on a method in ruby and it just prints the output of the method
<tbrock> 1.9.3
<tbrock> is that a bug?
<idarkside> yeah there is
<idarkside> Array
<idarkside> (
<idarkside> [status] => Active
<tbrock> idarkside was that for me?
<idarkside> no buddy
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<idarkside> for fiques
<tbrock> ok thanks :-)
<fiques> idarkside: What ?
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<idarkside> u answered my question im just looking for a sample code to kill the process if it says inactive
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<fiques> good for u !
<idarkside> thanks
<idarkside> i'm never astounded by the ungratefulness that comes with knowledge
<fiques> But I can't use subimetext2
<samuelkadolph> tbrock: What do you mean prints the output of the method?
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<Zorg> hi, I want to split a ruby string into an array with the delimiter being null terminators/zeros (not the string '0'). Does anyone know how to do this?
<cek> why the heck shoulda runs teardown block before running shoulda test block?
<Hanmac> Zorg: try "\0"
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<Zorg> Hanmac: works, thanks. wonder why I didn't think of that ;p.
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<newbold> canton7: you still aroind?
<newbold> around*
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<cek> ill tell you why
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<cek> becaue when you create a thread and then that thread excepts, it prematurely exits the test somhow
<cek> then it runs teardown block and bt doesn't get a chance to be printed
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<sam101> hello
<sam101> would any1 tell me where can i get rpm files ruby for Centos please
<Mon_Ouie> By default, threads silently die when an exception is raised and not caught
<Mon_Ouie> or rather rescued
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* newbold grumbles about gemlocks and bundles
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<newbold> oh no
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<newbold> the favicon file I included isn't being served because a request for /favicon.ico is picked up by sinatra
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<Kelvin> hello
<canton7> newbold, put favicon.ico in public/
<newbold> canton7: ah, do I need to create a folder in my repo called public?
<canton7> newbold, yup. Or you can configure sinatra to use another folder
<canton7> anything in that folder is available "automatically", as it were... so public/favicon.ico is available as
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<newbold> canton7: perfect!
<newbold> I have learned so much today, it's crazy
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<canton7> heh
<canton7> how's the wiki coming along?
<Kelvin> So, hopefully someone is around :). I'm working my way through a ruby tutorial. The, ever popular, Microposting site. I used scaffolding to create a Users model, and a Microposts model. When I try to make an association with has_many and belongs_to. it doesn't seems to work
<newbold> canton7: I lost the data I had on the server because I just pushed a new version, heh
<newbold> canton7: here's the source:
<canton7> newbold, ah, nice. Methinks you need a database backend
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<canton7> I like tiny sinatra apps - they're so neat :)
<newbold> canton7: heck yeah they're neat!
<Kelvin> anyone who can help me understand why I can't do something (after its set) like first_user.microposts?
<newbold> as for databases, they kind of intimidate me
<canton7> newbold, btw, line 6 would be better off as "title = '' unless title"
<newbold> canton7: ah right
<canton7> (or maybe if title.nil?. Things that evaulate to boolean false as nil and false, nothing else)
<canton7> *are
<canton7> newbold,
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<canton7> same goes for line 41
<newbold> wow, what's the datamapper thing?
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<canton7> an orm -- databases wrapped in classes, basically
<canton7> *tables wrapped in classes
<newbold> haha, awesome!
<newbold> where does the data actually live?
<canton7> in a database of your choice. Heroku seem to use postgres
<newbold> it took me a long, long time to get comfortable with MySQL after years of PHP use
<newbold> I've always kinda had a weird thing about databases
<newbold> guess I need to get over that :P
<canton7> yeah, you'll learn to love them
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<newbold> canton7: I've also been doing OK with git so far
<newbold> only thing I haven't worked out yet is how to pull stuff from the server down and replace my local repo with that
<canton7> which server?
<newbold> from heroku to my laptop
<canton7> don't know that you can
<newbold> I guess most people would never do that
<newbold> hehe
<canton7> just push to a git repo somewhere
<canton7> like github
<canton7> or bitbucket, if you need a private repo
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<RubyPanther> I just keep an extra VPS around that I can use for git, vpn, experiments, etc
<Boohbah> must be nice to have that kind of cash
<canton7> my linode sets me back
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<newbold> yeah linode is nice, and very inexpensive
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<rexbutler> So, suppose I wanted to do a map, but on a 2 dimensional array. Is there a faster way than a nested double map?
<rexbutler> IE, if I wanted to add 2 to every element of a two (or three, etc...) dimensional array of numbers
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<Hanmac> rexbotler: like: map {|(a,b)| ... } ?
<banister`sleep> rexbutler: what does your array look like exactly and how do u want to increase the values in the array
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<rexbutler> I meant something like map! { |x|! { |y| a[x][y] += 1 } }
<rexbutler> roughly :)
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<rexbutler> Well, let's just assume I want to increment every element in a two dimensional array
<rexbutler> I'm applying a different function, but that's irreleveant
<rexbutler> It's an 8by8 array (chess related)
<rexbutler> I'm translating an 8by8 array of piece codes into and 8by8 array of file paths
<rexbutler> But like I said, I just am wondering about the pattern/"right way" to do it, so let's just assume I'm incrementing every element of a 2 or 3 dimensional array...
<banister`sleep> no
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<banister`sleep> rexbutler: the second one is incremented :) i gisted teh wrong thing
<rexbutler> Yeah, that's the way I'm doing it now
<rexbutler> a double map
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<banister`sleep> rexbutler: well your code was a bit different
<banister`sleep> oh your using the value as an index
<banister`sleep> you're*
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<rexbutler> Okay, so here's a (tough?) question everyone
<banister`sleep> rexbutler: well there's no way to avoid a double map
<banister`sleep> afaik
<rexbutler> suppose you have a (non-jagged) array of of arbitrary but reasonable dimension, say dim < 10, and you want to increment every number in it
<rexbutler> what would be the best approach? With arbitrary dimension, you can't use multiple maps, you have to be clever. Maybe make an array all the indexes?
<canton7> recursion! Possibly... or a stack
<rexbutler> right now I'm looking at 'product' in the array class
<rexbutler> recursion would work
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<rexbutler> Okay, another question:
<rexbutler> Can I do my_array.include?(nil)
<rexbutler> It's confusing because my_array[out_of_bounds] = nil
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<rexbutler> I just want to get if an element in the array's bounds is nil, but I'm worried about nil behavior re arrays
<gioele> rexbutler: yes, you can .include?(nil)
<gioele> (and you could have tested easily with irb)
<rexbutler> Yeah, I need to try things out with irb more often, thanks for the reminder :)
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<senthil> Does fb send access_token in json format? I tried setting header: 'Accept' => 'application/json', but I just get a body 'access_token=blaaaa'.
<senthil> I tried asking in #facebook and got no response, so trying here.
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<rexbutler> senthil: You might have to camp around here for a while to get an answer
<rexbutler> senthil: Have you trying asking in javascript channels?
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<senthil> rexbutler: It wasn't js related, so I didn't bother.
Chaazd [Chaazd!] has quit [#ruby]
<rexbutler> senthil: I meant because JSON is javascript related, so ...
idarkside [idarkside!] has joined #ruby
<rexbutler> IE javascript object notation... if someone does javascript facebook programming they may know over there
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<senthil> rexbutler: Doing that now. Much more livelier than here.
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