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<shevek> wpwrak (or anyone else), I've been looking at some documents about the KL26, but can't figure out how I am supposed to put a program into the flash. Should I be using the debug interface for that?
<wpwrak> shevek: yes, SWD is the way to do
<shevek> Ok, thanks.
<wpwrak> here is a very crude library that implements the protocol:
<shevek> And you have software for doing that, I suppose? I think I'll take a look at that when I have a board ready, or should I know things about it while desiging the pcb?
<wpwrak> crude = it often gets confused and aborts
<shevek> I can live with that. :-)
<wpwrak> so what i do is that i install a DFU loader as soon as possible, then enjoy the comfort of USB ;-)
<shevek> Right.
<shevek> I suppose the SWD pins can be used for other purposes during normal operation?
<wpwrak> you can also flash the critter with one of freescale's freedom boards. but careful: it seems that the chip on the board and the target have to be exactly matched
<wpwrak> e.g., i have a kl25 board that doesn't want to flash the kl26
<shevek> Ah, ok.
<wpwrak> (of course, that was just more motivation for getting libswd done ;-)
<wpwrak> and yes, you can do other things with the two SWD pins
<shevek> Is the library only for ben with ubb, or is that just one option?
<wpwrak> you can replace ben.c with your own IO functions
<shevek> Obviously. :-) But you haven't written anything else?
<shevek> I don't mind using my Ben, but requiring people to have a Ben if they want to make a copy of the device seems too restrictive. ;-)
<wpwrak> e.g., the not-very-accurately-named libswd also has a protocol engine for the cc2543. that one, i drive either from ben or i embed it into the kl26 and tyrannize the cc2543 from here
<wpwrak> no, i haven't written anything else. but it's nor exactly difficult :)
<wpwrak> just don't try to copy all the messy little twists of ben.c :)
<shevek> Ah, ok. That makes sense. I suppose the Y-box has those connections on the board, so it just works?
<wpwrak> (not difficult) but depends on your environment, of course. as i said, there's nothing even remotely linux-specifc in there
<shevek> Haha, I'll try. :-P
<wpwrak> yes. and anelok now does, too (since i switched from at86rf23x to cc2543)
<shevek> I'd probably want to offer people to do it from an arduino.
<wpwrak> (nothing remotely linux) actually, checking, there is a bit .. calls to exit()
<wpwrak> and a few printf diagnostics
<shevek> I don't think Arduino supports exit(), but that's ok; there's nothing to exit to anyway, so I can just write void exit() { while(1) {} }. :-)
<wpwrak> exit usually means that something went wrong and that you want to retry
<shevek> If I set up a watchdog, that's also what that exit function will do. ;-)
<wpwrak> ah yes, in ccdbg i have a report() callback. but been too lazy to do that on libswd
<wpwrak> well, if nobody else beats me to it, it'll have to make libswd just as clean as ccdbg when i make the test fixtures :)
<shevek> What is the reason you went with freescale? I read your post on the selection, but don't remember the arguments. I know TI has some similar chips which seem to work well, too. They call them Tiva. Are there any objections against those, in particular with regards to freedom of toolchains, libraries, datasheets, etc?
<shevek> (I'm looking for an replacement of Atmel avr chips that have a bit more power, and was thinking of the KL26 because you used it, so it must be good. ;-) But maybe you chose it for arguments that don't apply to my case.)
<shevek> On the other hand, if you know of a SoC that can run Linux, that would be even better. But I don't think those exist, because the amount of RAM you want isn't normally on the same chip.
<shevek> Hmm, that isn't exactly true, I suppose; without the RAM it's still called a SoC. But I can't solder BGAs, which seems to be a problem for this. And I'm not looking forward to hooking up RAM to a chip, although that may be easier now than it was 20 years ago (when I last looked at it). :-P
<wpwrak> didn't look too much into the tivas. they're more powerful. also considerably more expensive.
<shevek> Ah, ok. That is an important consideration for me as well.
<wpwrak> so i looked for sufficient feature set, proper documentation, packages i like, and then lowest cost
<wpwrak> i looked at kinetis, stm32, and tiva. tiva were the ones i found the least exciting. i've worked with stm32 before. alas, they tend to be bulkier than kinetis.
<shevek> Ah yes, that's an issue for Anelok, but it's not a problem for the board I'm making.
<wpwrak> (soc with linux) the freescale family may have some things you may like. not rock-bottom cost but pretty open. alas, there's still no single-chip linux in sight. but give it a few years ...
<wpwrak> e.g., i.mx233 looks quite decent. and you don't have to go bga.
<shevek> I'm looking at it, thanks. :-)
<DocScrutinizer05> aren't these used on those oval board for ~12 bucks?
<wpwrak> which on what ? :)
<DocScrutinizer05> nevermind
<shevek> It seems it is al BGA; where do you see one that isn't?
<wpwrak> lqfp-128, kid's play :)
<shevek> Yes, that shouldn't be a problem. :-)
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