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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer51: and I thought you were being pessimistic...
<DocScrutinizer51> huh?
<DocScrutinizer51> I *am*, alas usually I'm nevertheless right
<DocScrutinizer51> could u tell in lt 20 words what it's about? romaing and not going to check URLs
<whitequark> ban on food imports from USA, EU, etc
<DocScrutinizer51> that been obvious
<DocScrutinizer51> I expect putin to come up with more shit
<DocScrutinizer51> the shit not even reached level of fan yet
<DocScrutinizer51> time to pack your suitcase soonish
<whitequark> indeed
<whitequark> it's unfolding far quicker than I thought
<sb0> where are you going?
<DocScrutinizer51> I'm here right now but this place has no jobs and frekkin poor internet
<whitequark> sb0: me?
<sb0> yes
<whitequark> I've a few offers, most promising are in FR and UK
<whitequark> UK is a bitch with visas, so that may sadly fall through...
<ysionneau> which company in FR?
<whitequark> University Paris Diderot
<ysionneau> ah :)
<DocScrutinizer51> hah!
<ysionneau> I guess we will be able to meet then
<whitequark> ysionneau: I'll be in FR in late Aug
* ysionneau lives in Paris
<whitequark> visiting Electrolab
<ysionneau> ah cool
<ysionneau> I must visit it too
<DocScrutinizer51> mm? sth everybody must visit?
<whitequark> it's a huge hackerspace and I've met with some of the folks at EHSM
<whitequark> specifically someone who is interested in DIY electroplated and 4-layer PCBs :p
<ysionneau> for now the site is under construction (and sometimes flooded)
<DocScrutinizer51> well, might be possible for me to drop by
<ysionneau> but it is very promising, the area is very big and they have tons of crazy machines
<sb0> mmm visas
<sb0> the hong kong immigration tower is a bar of pure shit
<whitequark> yep, I suppose I could visit more often with an UK visa
<whitequark> sb0: I actually have an option to work in HK (apart from UK) if I accept one of the offers
<whitequark> is that worth it?
<DocScrutinizer51> usually not
<whitequark> "usually"?
<DocScrutinizer51> usually they pay everybody like chinese
<whitequark> no, that will not be the case
<sb0> well, we could hack on cool stuff then ;)
<DocScrutinizer51> and HK is a SHIT place to live
<sb0> DocScrutinizer05, why?
<whitequark> yes, interested in it too
<DocScrutinizer51> I heard you pay a fortune for a locker to sleep in
<DocScrutinizer51> literally
<sb0> yeah, rents in the center are expensive... but it seems whitequark has a well paid job offer.
<DocScrutinizer51> in HK there is one thing the DO NOT HAVE: space
<sb0> space in HK is still much cheaper than in fucking SF, though
<DocScrutinizer51> really?
<sb0> oh yes
<whitequark> wow, I heard SF was crazy expensive
<whitequark> but this much?!
<DocScrutinizer51> maybe I mix it up with some other of those boom towns
<DocScrutinizer51> where do you sleep in a room of 2m*1m*0.8m?
<DocScrutinizer51> and pay $$$$ for that
<DocScrutinizer51> per month
<sb0> I have a 55m2 flat, about 1500€/month
<sb0> so yeah, it's expensive
<whitequark> whoa, okay, no HK
<DocScrutinizer51> no, that's pretty cheap
<DocScrutinizer51> I heard reports where you pay twice as much for 2m^3
<DocScrutinizer51> (sic)
<sb0> nah, it's not *that* bad. not even SF...
<DocScrutinizer51> but maybe thet been some other town
<sb0> other things in HK like food, transport and electronics are surprisingly cheap
<DocScrutinizer51> shanghai, singapore, dunno
<DocScrutinizer51> :nod:
<DocScrutinizer51> is it HK where they build a 2nd floor all over whole town now?
<DocScrutinizer51> or shanghai?
<sb0> whitequark, try bothering your prospective employer accordingly about your salary ;)
<sb0> most buildings in HK are over 15 stories high. people consider it a waste of land otherwise.
<DocScrutinizer51> sure
<whitequark> sb0: well, given same salary, I would rather live in a cheaper place
<whitequark> :p
<DocScrutinizer51> but in some town they simply build a 2nd flor *over all that* now
<whitequark> also I suspect flights in/out of HK are a pain
<sb0> DocScrutinizer05, there was the kowloon walled city... but they demolished iot
<sb0> *it
<sb0> whitequark, from EU/US, yeah, they hurt
<sb0> but there are a ton of them
<sb0> there are lots of short-haul flight to all over Asia, too
<DocScrutinizer51> some1square km size
<DocScrutinizer51> you never heard of that flying city?
<DocScrutinizer51> mad batshit but they really wanna do it
<DocScrutinizer51> sorry internet too shitty here to google that stuff
<DocScrutinizer51> it's prolly the most crazy huge constreuction project ever
<DocScrutinizer51> even the planned 1000m tower gets dwarfed by that madness
<DocScrutinizer51> damn, either my N900 overheated or it starts acting 'funny'
<DocScrutinizer51> prolly simple overheating
<DocScrutinizer51> it shut down out of nowhere
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<paul_boddie> Quiet channel recently?
<mth> not really, there was quite some discussion only three hours ago
<paul_boddie> Maybe the IRC archives have stopped.
<mth> the projects server was replaced, maybe something got lost in the migration
<wolfspraul> yeah, let's check
<mth> whitequark's logs are up-to-date, in any case
<wolfspraul> I saw qi-bot in the channel, I thought that means the archives work but I didn't verify that
<paul_boddie> Nice to see you back, wolfspraul!
<DocScrutinizer51> whitequark chanlog works though
<paul_boddie> Ah, they're back on now.
<wolfspraul> was a problem with a cronjob, let's see whether it's fixed now. thanks for reporting!
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<kyak> wolfspraul: it's really great so see you being more active than usual :)
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