DocScrutinizer05 changed the topic of #qi-hardware to: Copyleft hardware - | hardware hackers join here to discuss Ben NanoNote, atben / atusb 802.15.4 wireless, and other community driven hw projects | public logging at and
<wpwrak> about the hardest bit it correctly aligning the QFN chips. it's easy to overlook having them off by one pin. and of course, that wouldn't go so well.
<eintopf> you need some components from (baumarkt) and drugstore, then you can build everything
<eintopf> :)
<eintopf> something like this?
<eintopf> easy....
<wpwrak> yup. a lot of solder there, though
<eintopf> you need (loetpaste)
<eintopf> I have only a soldering iron from weller and solder
<eintopf> and some lace in all colours
<eintopf> i mean litz wire
<eintopf> I think I have more success to build an anelok emulator than to build a real anelok ;)
<wpwrak> you need flux, yes. SMT without flux is pretty much impossible.
<eintopf> ah flux == loetpaste
<eintopf> you mean SMD?
<wpwrak> SMD and SMT and more or less synonymous
<wpwrak> on the right side, i'm also guilty of using too much solder. ah well ...
<eintopf> ah freescale
<eintopf> wahhh
<eintopf> on the front right
<wpwrak> kineis kl25. nice little ARM.
<eintopf> pin 2-3 from right
<eintopf> are conntected
<eintopf> maybe :)
<eintopf> and in the middle of board
<wpwrak> naw. that's just dirt
<eintopf> ok
<wpwrak> flux residues. they're hard to get rid of
<eintopf> but you need flux
<eintopf> and antiflux
<eintopf> the little coppercolour wire
<eintopf> to remove solder
<eintopf> you use it but remove it not completely
<eintopf> tricky, you need to have the right feeling for this
<wpwrak> desoldering braid ? that only goes so far ... if you try too hard, you damage the traces
<wpwrak> and yes, flux remover would help to go a bit further. but the ultrasonic cleaner already does a pretty good job.
<eintopf> ah ultrasonic cleaner
<eintopf> wpwrak: do you could make a layer of varnish on top of your prototype?
<eintopf> my solution of all soldering a layer of glue
<wpwrak> varnish would complicate rework
<wpwrak> glue and soldering ? hmmm ...
<eintopf> after soldering I take the hot glue gun
<eintopf> and shot it on my board
<wpwrak> why ?
<eintopf> to prevent loose contact
<wpwrak> what are you soldering ? water pipes ? :)
<eintopf> no for example the lirc module
<eintopf> next time I take a picture
<eintopf> but then I would scare you
<eintopf> :D
<eintopf> the grey quadrats on the qfn
<eintopf> is for holding the ic?
<eintopf> or gnd?
<eintopf> what the hell is this
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<eintopf> okay, maybe I should read the datasheet
<wpwrak> you mean the little grey squares in the middle ? they're solder paste
<eintopf> oh
<eintopf> ehm
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<eintopf> ah thanks
<eintopf> page 27 looks like my home labor
<eintopf> :P
<eintopf> wpwrak: I just googled anelok and only I get is a russia money transfer bank anelik
<eintopf> oh that's very trustful ;0
<wpwrak> maybe you mistyped it ?
<eintopf> ;)
<eintopf> I like the display and the weel
<eintopf> if I would get some of these anelok, I would port doom on it ;)
<eintopf> the most ported game for ever
<eintopf> wpwrak: I need to rework the lowpan patches :(
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<eintopf> wpwrak: I need to sleep now
<eintopf> good night
<eintopf> tomorrow I will make the lowpan patches
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<wpwrak> doom .. hmm, should be fun at 128x64 :)
<wpwrak> transmission-error-free dreams ! :)
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<apelete> Hi there
<apelete> larsc mth: been working on musb today, used a #define DEBUG and loglevel=8 to get a more verbose boot ->
<apelete> [ 1.750000] bus: 'platform': driver_probe_device: matched device musb-jz4740.0 with driver musb-jz4740
<apelete> [ 1.760000] bus: 'platform': really_probe: probing driver musb-jz4740 with device musb-jz4740.0
<apelete> [ 1.770000] musb-jz4740: glue kzalloc OK!
<apelete> [ 1.780000] musb-jz4740: platform_device_alloc OK!
<apelete> [ 1.790000] musb-jz4740: platform_set_drvdata OK!
<apelete> [ 1.800000] musb-jz4740: platform_device_add_resources OK!
<apelete> [ 1.810000] musb-jz4740: platform_device_add_data OK!
<apelete> [ 1.830000] bus: 'platform': driver_probe_device: matched device with driver musb-hdrc
<apelete> [ 1.840000] bus: 'platform': really_probe: probing driver musb-hdrc with device
<apelete> [ 1.850000] musb-jz4740: init OK!
<apelete> [ 1.860000] musb-hdrc: ConfigData=0x00 (UTMI-8)
<apelete> [ 1.870000] musb-hdrc: MHDRC RTL version 2.300
<apelete> [ 1.880000] musb-hdrc <== static silicon ep config
<apelete> [ 1.890000] musb-hdrc: missing bulk
<apelete> [ 1.900000] musb-jz4740: exit OK!
<apelete> [ 1.910000] musb-hdrc musb_init_controller failed with status -22
<apelete> [ 1.920000] musb-hdrc: probe of failed with error -22
<apelete> [ 1.930000] musb-jz4740: platform_device_add OK!
<apelete> [ 1.940000] musb-jz4740 registered
<apelete> [ 1.950000] driver: 'musb-jz4740.0': driver_bound: bound to device 'musb-jz4740'
<apelete> [ 1.960000] bus: 'platform': really_probe: bound device musb-jz4740.0 to driver musb-jz4740
<apelete> [ 1.970000] couldn't find an available UDC
<apelete> "missing bulk" message seems to come from ep_config_from_hw() which is called by musb_init_controller()
<apelete> reading from musb_core.c code, couldn't see what's needed in order to get the usb endpoints config right
<apelete> mth larsc: I added a j4740_musb_set_vbus() in glue layer but that didn't cut it, any idea ?
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<DocScrutinizer05> set vbus is a tricky thing, since it depends on the particular device and how it implemented VBUS-boost and charging. Make DAMN SURE you switch off the charging before you enable vbus boost, or you might fry the hardware
<DocScrutinizer05> you also don't want to enable 5V VBUS boost before you disabled any gadget driver that would try to start ENUM when detecting 5V on VBUS. Likewise you don't want to enable gadget mode (B) in musb_hdrc (after exit from hostmode A and thus disabling the booster) before any voltage buffered in capacitors on VBUS got discharged and voltage level is <2some Volt. Otherwise, see above
<apelete> DocScrutinizer05: thanks for the warning, wasn't aware of that :). how am I supposed to swith off the charging on the nanonote ?
<DocScrutinizer05> sorry, no idea
<DocScrutinizer05> no schematics at hand
<apelete> maybe I shouldn't be using the usb port to power the device (like I'm doing right now), and rely on the batteru instead until vbus setting is ok
<apelete> s/batteru/battery
<qi-bot> apelete meant: "maybe I shouldn't be using the usb port to power the device (like I'm doing right now), and rely on the battery instead until vbus setting is ok"
<DocScrutinizer05> booster and charger powering concurrently doesn't hurt either of both.
<DocScrutinizer05> powering VBUS
<DocScrutinizer05> what does harm is booster and battery charging circuitry enabled concurrently
<DocScrutinizer05> battery charging circuitry is always enabled, or gets started/enabled as soon as 5V on VBUS get detected
<DocScrutinizer05> it doesn't matter if a external power source is connected to USB
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<apelete> good to know
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<DocScrutinizer05> you must avoid to "plug the UPS' mains plug into its own outlet"
<mth> afaik the NanoNote doesn't support host mode; is VBUS ever driven by the device?
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<wpwrak> there's no host mode nor is there anything to drive VBUS
<apelete> mth: does that mean the set_vbus() call shoud return without doing anything ?
<mth> I don't know if it can be empty or should disable vbus in some register
<apelete> I used the jz4770 set_vbus() function as an example for jz4740
<mth> does the old UDC driver contain any hints?
<mth> the 4770 does support both device and host mode, so it's different from the 4740
<wpwrak> openshot turned out to be surprisingly usable. limited, but at least the basic things aren't so hard to figure out.
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<apelete> mth: didn't see anything power related in old udc driver
<apelete> in 4770, vbus setting seems to be handled with :
<apelete> if (is_on) {
<apelete> MUSB_HST_MODE(musb);
<apelete> ...
<apelete> } else {
<apelete> ...
<apelete> MUSB_HST_MODE(musb);
<apelete> }
<apelete> I guess jz4740 only need the "else" part, or am I overlooking something here ?
<apelete> mth: oops, I meant:
<apelete> if (is_on) {
<apelete> MUSB_HST_MODE(musb);
<apelete> ...
<apelete> } else {
<apelete> ...
<apelete> MUSB_DEV_MODE(musb);
<apelete> }
<apelete> wpwrak: impressive progress with that anelok project of yours
<apelete> been following on the mailing list, it baffles me how fast you're making this :-)
<wpwrak> thanks ! :) it's actually not all that fast. alas, "real work" and the occasional social obligation get in the way ...
<apelete> yeah well, since you're making both the hardware and software, it seems to be moving along pretty well if you ask me
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<apelete> looking at the video posted earlier make me want to buy one of these already. I hope you'll be able to get it manufactured :)
<wpwrak> hehe, so do i :)
<mth> I'm not sure you have to set the mode at all, if the pdata already states it is host-only
<mth> but it would be worth checking the musb code that reads the pdata
<mth> sorry, device-only
<apelete> mth: ok, will check what's in the pdata. any idea about that "musb-hdrc: missing bulk" ?
<mth> endpoints for bulk transfers?
<apelete> I guess so, but can't figure out where the usb endpoints are supposed to be configured
<mth> /* Max EPs scanned. Driver will decide which EP can be used automatically. */
<mth> .num_eps= 6,
<mth> (from struct musb_hdrc_config)
<mth> so the musb core probably checks the hardware regs to figure out how many endpoints there are
<apelete> so the number of ep found by usb core should match .num_eps in struct musb_hdrc_config ?
<viric> grmbl there is no free codec for *interlaced* video. Neither theora or vp8 supports it.
<apelete> mth: just tried ".num_eps = 4" in struct musb_hdrc_config since the old udc driver is advertising 4 endpoints
<apelete> still getting "musb-hdrc: missing bulk" during boot though
<mth> it says the number scanned, so the number found will be <= the number scanned
<mth> adding logging to the scanning code would be useful
<mth> to see if it is called, and if so, why it is rejecting endpoints
<mth> is the hardware powered and its clock started before the scanning happens? (not sure if both are configurable, but most likely at least the clock is)
<apelete> ok, will add logging to ep_config_from_hw() in musb_core.c to see what's happening exactly
<apelete> thanks for the hint
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