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<kyak> yeah!
<kyak> mth: thanks, i'll try the fix
<kyak> jow_laptop: i agree with what you said about the toolchain name.. i added your comment to
<wolfspraul> I regret a little that we stopped working on the atben/atusb casing
<wolfspraul> that asks for resurrection :-)
<wolfspraul> I just want to embed the whole thing in a blob of epoxy or so. or a transparent plastic/glue, then you can still see the innards. it should not deteriorate the rf performance though.
<xiangfu> kyak, this build is for release
<kyak> wolfspraul: having atusb upstream would be so much nicer than a casing!
<xiangfu> downloading...
<kyak> xiangfu: yea, this looks good for release.. most fallouts have been fixed
<xiangfu> kyak, Hi. since you have the directvnc. do you have the Makefile already? I would like try directvnc here.
<kyak> yes, i got the Makefile
<kyak> should i commit or rather upload it somewhere? it builds and runs, but the screen is mangled
<xiangfu> kyak, do you think if a normal openwrt router can running a vnc server?
<xiangfu> kyak, commit is better.
<xiangfu> kyak, it builds and runs. better then those @BROKEN packages. :-)
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<kyak> xiangfu: i didn't see any vnc servers ported to openwrt so far.. i also think that X11 is a requirement
<kyak> which may be problematic for routers
<xiangfu> ok.
<xiangfu> just asking.
<xiangfu> if there is vnc server running on openwrt router. then Ben Nanonote can be used as 'Monitor' :-)
<xiangfu> be back later.
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: directvnc: initial port (master)
<wolfspraul> kyak: what can we do? [atusb upstream]
<wolfspraul> let's break it down into smaller tasks
<wolfspraul> don't underestimate the casing though, I think the current bare-pcb makes the boards essentially unusable, confining them to a lab-only developer desk
<wolfspraul> every time I even carry them around I have to take special precautions
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<kyak> wolfspraul: ressurect the atusb software development :) i might be mistaken, but i think it is currently in a half-tested stage, and not able to compile as kernel module (only monolitically).. when it's nice and clean and working and tested, then it perhaps can be accepted by upstream
<kyak> and helping with atusb driver development is beyond my limits/knowledge.. so i could only help by testing
<wolfspraul> yes, ok. let's see.
<wolfspraul> my use case here would probably be that I have an atusb in an openwrt-based router, and atben in the Ben
<wolfspraul> (for networking)
<wolfspraul> that should be super easy to setup and get to work
<wolfspraul> *should* :-)
<wolfspraul> agreed? is that the use case we are targeting?
<kyak> yeah, putting atusb in openwrt router is the use case.. putting atusb in a laptop from time to time is also a use case
<kyak> the latest commit in ben-wpan-stefan is from 25 Sep 2011. .this is the problem
<wolfspraul> that's probably a little harder to achieve initially, so I'd rather target openwrt on the other side first
<wolfspraul> sure, it's, let's say, "on hold" :-)
<kyak> so you mean, upstream it to openwrt, then perhaps it will find its way to upstream kernel.. sounds good
<wolfspraul> not 'perhaps', but yes
<kyak> ok, 'yes' :)
<wolfspraul> I am thinking about the shortest path to a practical use case
<wolfspraul> I want to use this thing
<wolfspraul> NOW!
<wolfspraul> :-)
<wolfspraul> (other than looking at it, which is a start but not enough :-))
<wolfspraul> and like I said I think I also want to experiment with some casing
<wolfspraul> probably in the form of an epoxy or glue blob
<wolfspraul> yes it takes away 'hackability', but what exactly would one want to do?
<wolfspraul> so it makes more sense to document some good materials and how to exactly get it sealed, and impact on RF performance
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<xiangfu> kyak, the build host mplayer still have faad2. :(
<xiangfu> kyak, I try to disable it under './configure'
<xiangfu> re-generate the rootfs now.
<kyak> argh
<wolfspraul> don't worry, be happy
<kyak> maybe just add faad2 to rootfs?
<wolfspraul> kyak: have you found any time to play with your milkymist board?
<xiangfu> kyak, it's patent package.
<kyak> really? oh..
<xiangfu> it's for AAC. mpeg-4
<kyak> wolfspraul: not yet really.. but it's on my desk in front of me, so i won't forget :) just need some time
<xiangfu> kyak, how to find out the ./configure option. ./configure --help give me nothing .
<kyak> lemme have a look..
<wolfspraul> excellent!
<wolfspraul> the fpga is really a new angle/dimension to think of, so having it there for a while is good
<kyak> xiangfu: --disable-faad should do the trick
<kyak> i think this can be put into CONFIGURE_ARGS under the else for CONFIG_BUILD_PATENTED
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<xiangfu> kyak, v
<xiangfu> unrecognized options: --disable-faad
<xiangfu> kyak, easy way is just './scripts/feeds uninstall faad2' :)
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<xwalk> Can anyone assist me in the process of hooking up the Ben Nanonote to a Fedora Machine through usb? I can ssh into the Nanonote no problem, but I can't seem to get a ping sent from the Nanonote to a web address (e.g.
<kyak> xiangfu: some package pulls that faad2 as a dependency, i guess
<kyak> xwalk: did you follow instructions in ?
<kyak> xiangfu: it doesn't complain for --disable-faad for me..
<xiangfu> kyak, ok. then we also add this to makefile.
<xiangfu> kyak, I driect test this option under build_dir/.../mplayer.../
<kyak> xiangfu: better add this to Makefile and make package/mplayer/{clean,compile} V=99
<kyak> then i see faad2 in disabled codecs
<kyak> at the end of configure process
<xiangfu> great.
<xiangfu> I am re-generate the rootfs now... after (./scriptfs/feeds uninstall faad)
<kyak> do yo umean clean rebuild?
<xiangfu> no. no.
<xiangfu> not make clean. just make for re-generate the rootfs and packages.
<kyak> hm
<kyak> this might be not sufficient, as ./scriptfs/feeds uninstall faad doesn't remove the faad2 headers/libs
<kyak> very strange, as faad2 depends on BUILD_PATENDED
<kyak> how did it even get built?
<xiangfu> make package/faad/clean && ./scripts/feeds uninstall faad.
<xiangfu> strange.
<kyak> yes, this should work.. but then again, why is it even there
<xiangfu> strange.
<xiangfu> bug somewhere.
<kyak> i don't see faad anywhere in config as well
<kyak> it should not have been built
<kyak> it's not in resulting packages as well
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: mplayer: disable faad explicitely (master)
<kyak> it seems that CONFIG_ALL makes it so that all packages are built; but only those packages not depending on BUILD_PATENTED are actually installed (i.e. actual ipk created).
<kyak> by looking into build log i see that libfaad2 is built, but no ipk is created with "WARNING: skipping libfaad2 -- package not selected"
<kyak> this is pretty strange.. i would say that BUILD_PATENTED must be stronger than CONFIG_ALL
<xiangfu> make sense.
<xiangfu> report bug again :)
<kyak> so we need to disable shit very explicitely..
<kyak> there are other packages that exhibit the same behaviour
<kyak> ah...
<kyak> i think i get it now
<kyak> package pianobar has libfaad2 as PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS
<xiangfu> so BUILD_PATENTED must be stronger than PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS and all others.
<kyak> indeed
<kyak> the problem in this particular case is that the package pianobar provides several packages, like 'pianobar' and 'libpiano'; and only 'pianobar' depends on libfaad2, but 'libpiano' doesn't depend on anything patented, so it gets build. And it leads to building of packages in PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS, which has faad2
<kyak> in principal, this particular package is just poorly packaged
<kyak> but there might be more packages like that
<kyak> it could also mean that some other ipk's might require patented libraries as well, because they were present at build time, but (luckily) ipk's for these libraries are not built anyway
<kyak> so we are not limited to mplayer problem
<xiangfu> true.
<xiangfu> kyak, please report a bug to upstream since you already dig such information
<wolfspraul> I think dependency issues are potentially and in reality infinite. so I would try to clean them up carefully on an as-needed basis
<kyak> ok..
<wolfspraul> rather than trying to fix "them all", which must be the ultimate job for sysiphos
<wolfspraul> but little by little we can make the dependencies both more accurate and flexible at the same time, sure
<kyak> that's quite true
<kyak> find the bug - fix the bug :)
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu: nanonote buils scripts file: add (master)
<xwalk> kyak: Sorry for the delayed response. At work showing a new employee the ropes. Yes, I certainly did.
<xwalk> kyak: I made sure I am using wicd as well.
<xiangfu> Fedora have some default rules at 'iptables'
<xiangfu> xwalk, you may just disable all iptables. then add iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE -s
<xiangfu> and sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
<xiangfu> xwalk, then your nanonote should able to access Internet.
<xwalk> Is removing the iptables service going to need a reboot to take effect?
<xiangfu> xwalk, iptables -F should be ok.
<kyak> xiangfu: (lots of letters)
<xwalk> xiangfu: Got it working. Thank you very much. =)
<xwalk> kyak: Thank you as well.
<xiangfu> kyak, thanks
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<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu: js28f256j3f105: add missing A8 pin (master)
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<cladamw> xiangfu, nice now, you can back up me. ;-)
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<DocScrutinizer> tsunami warning cancelled
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer: in nuernberg ? that must be a big one
<DocScrutinizer> bwahaha
<DocScrutinizer> I raely spam IRC with nuernberg local news
<wpwrak> so it's a global tsunami ? even scarier
<DocScrutinizer> at least not the "global" channels of IRC
<DocScrutinizer> nah, only indian ocean, like 2004
<DocScrutinizer> so 'only' a few millions affected
<DocScrutinizer> not exactly *global*
<DocScrutinizer> a global tsunami would mean either a) yellowstone exploded and took USA with it, or b) some meteorite size in km-range hit some ocean. In both cases I think you couldn't globally cancel the tsunami warning
<wpwrak> well, sometimes meteorite trajectories get mis-calculated
<DocScrutinizer> aftershock quake 8.1, tsunami warning still extended by 2 hours
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<qwebirc39331> anyway of upgrading all openwrt packages from nanonote?
<xiangfu> qwebirc39331, Hi
<qwebirc39331> Hi
<xiangfu> qwebirc39331, first you needs make sure the nanonote connect to Internet: openwrt-xburst.full_system-20120409-2355
<xiangfu> qwebirc39331, I think so far no one have tried to upgrading all packages.
<qwebirc39331> a new image? so I hace to use usbboot instead?
<xiangfu> usbboot is faster.
<qwebirc39331> I was trying to use a command I saw on a website, but didn't work.
<xiangfu> qwebirc39331, you mean usbboot?
<qwebirc39331> no, the command I saw was " opkg upgrade 'list-upgradable' "
<qwebirc39331> also, where can I find a pygame package?
<DocScrutinizer> "tsunami aftershock not causing any tsunami either" says German TV ZDF correspondent Peter Kunz
<DocScrutinizer> err
<DocScrutinizer> "aftershock earthquake not causing any tsunami either" says German TV ZDF correspondent Peter Kunz
<xiangfu> hmm... we have some base components on board-qi-avt2 and milkymist
<xiangfu> like testpoint.
<xiangfu> Now we have kicad-libs. should add all the components we used to that repo.
<wolfspraul> sure you can clean that up, - BUT - only if we can keep the quality up
<wolfspraul> if it's a blind copy/paste activity then maybe let's wait until we really use those parts
<xiangfu> yes.
<wolfspraul> the #1 problem of kicad libraries is low quality imho
<xiangfu> agree. I will copy the testpoint first. since I start to need that.
<wolfspraul> good
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu: add testpoint (master)
<xiangfu> sorry. what you mean "low quality" ? leak feature?
<wolfspraul> incomplete, buggy
<wolfspraul> the parts I mean
<xiangfu> ok.
<Fallenou> kyak: not sure if X11 is required by VNC server, I've seen it working on an Android plateform without X11. Android was just using the OMAP3 framebuffer (omapfb) in /dev/graphics/fb0
<Fallenou> so I guess there is a way of using VNC server with a framebuffer
<viric> the vnc server is an X11 server
<viric> (at least the traditional Xvnc)
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu: add common.lib include R, C, LED (master)
<xiangfu> wpwrak, adam please check the NORFlash sheet. I just finished it.
<xiangfu> I am not sure on junction. please give some advice.
<xiangfu> check log tomorrow.
<wpwrak> hmm, LibDir is a bit of a problem
<wpwrak> if you have /home/qi/kicad-libs and /home/qi/board-m1, then the components aren't found
<wpwrak> (substitute /home/qi for anything you like)
<wpwrak> and yes, shorting all the FLASH_{RESET*,etc.} lines together doesn't look right :)
<wpwrak> you also picked A3 paper. does everyone around here have an A3 printer ?
<wolfspraul> I think we should merge those styles & units things into a file in the repo, no?
<wolfspraul> and remove it from the wiki
<wpwrak> yes, there should be a proper manual
<wpwrak> not sure how to deal with the current flurry of changes, though. my current plan is to wait until adam runs out of steam and then start fixing things :)
<wolfspraul> well it's better to discuss early
<wolfspraul> or wait until the current status has reached consensus quality level
<wpwrak> LibDir has an easy solution. good :)
<wolfspraul> are any of the things you see being done a waste of time and need to be redone?
<wolfspraul> as long as we are lifting each other up that's ok. but if someone goes in a wrong direction we should notify early.
<wpwrak> there are several font size issues
<wpwrak> i'm also not very happy with naming negated signals FOO#
<wpwrak> the pin number in TPxx is useless. there's only one anyway.
<wpwrak> sheet size is probably the worst time-wasting risk
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<roh> re
<kyak> Fallenou: are you sure what you've seen wasn't vnc client
<kyak> ?
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<Fallenou> kyak: it was a VNC server running on an Android gadget
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<kyak> Fallenou: probably something like that:
<kyak> don't see how it can be done on a router though.. first need to implement some kind of virtual framebuffer device?
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<Fallenou> well yes you need what you want to share through VNC to be drawned in a framebuffer
<Fallenou> the vnc server I've seen was some proprietary official vnc server
<Fallenou> which needed a license
<Fallenou> but it seems you have found a project which support android framebuffer which is nice :)
<Fallenou> will it support other framebuffers ... for your router ... dunno
<Fallenou> the code seems to be rather generic, it should work with any other framebuffer I think
<Fallenou> init_fb()
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<kyak> mth: the bug in gmenu2x is no more. Thank you!
<mth> good to have that confirmed, thanks
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: gmenu2x: update to latest git (master)
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<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: kicad-patches/README: added quilt-based update process for KiCad (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: kicad-patches/README: bump KiCad version to bzr 3494 (master)
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<wpwrak> wolfspraul: btw, i couldn't build kicad bzr 3493 (pcbnew didn't link). so i bumped it to 3494.
<wolfspraul> and that worked?
<wpwrak> it compiled fine. there was a change in just the area where the problem appeared, which i take as a good omen. (didn't try to dig deeper)
<wolfspraul> let me know if you need upleveling
<wolfspraul> I think next time I can do it in 1h
<wolfspraul> I have a simple test bench now, the uplevel steps are documented, etc.
<wpwrak> your patches applied fine to 3494
<wpwrak> afk for a bit
<wpwrak> back
<wolfspraul> it seems kicad is moving to metric here and there
<wolfspraul> so in the modules position file for example, I changed the default (and only) to metric
<wolfspraul> and front and back in the same file _all.pos (before it was _Front.pos and _Back.pos)
<wolfspraul> just fyi
<wolfspraul> I don't think we are using that anyway
<wpwrak> the .pos file ? of yes, we're using that for fab output
<wolfspraul> oh
<wolfspraul> then my upleveling certainly broke that
<wolfspraul> kicad now has a dialog with some options there, metric or inches, 'force smd', front and back in separate files or in one file
<wolfspraul> what do you want?
<wpwrak> right now, pos2fab (from eda-tools/fab/) assumes inches. not sure what "force smd" means. not sure whether fabs are happier with front and back split or together.
<wpwrak> pos2fab takes the .pos file and turns it into an excel-friendly .csv table
<wolfspraul> just tell me what you want :-)
<wolfspraul> you can look at the dialog now, see the options there
<wpwrak> file atusb/atusb-bom.csv
<wpwrak> err, wsorry
<wpwrak> atusb/atusb-pos.csv
<wpwrak> that's the one
<wpwrak> the defaults look nice: inches, one file per side, with INSERT attribute set
<wpwrak> i don't care much about the inches. just pos2fab needs to agree with what we extract from kicad
<wpwrak> perhaps we should have a switch
<wpwrak> and afk again. may take a bit. proprietor's reunion ...
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<wolfspraul> ok, later then
<wolfspraul> no rush on this anyway
<wolfspraul> to me, very superficially, metric & one file looks easier
<wolfspraul> but I will just change to what you want