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<wolfspraul> the boundary is where something works best
<DocScrutinizer51> I think 'our own chipfab' is at least a factor 10E3 too huge a chunk for any community to bite and chew
<wolfspraul> in other words - if a chipmaker (designer or foundry) can make a great chip today, that leverages software that we know well, then that's a chip we want to use
<wolfspraul> DocScrutinizer51: sure, and it's nonsense if you know how diverse the "chipmaker" industry is
<wolfspraul> I think practical, we know certain software best, and we are looking for ways to make that software shine in peoples lives
<wolfspraul> I don't plan to work on a phd in physics the next few years
<wolfspraul> neither do I plan to "recreate" what millions of people have worked on the last 60 years, aka "the semiconductor industry"
<wolfspraul> but I think we can become much smarter in picking the right chips, yeah :-)
<wolfspraul> that for sure
<wolfspraul> I'm still mostly blind there, maybe some rays of light reaching me slowly
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<wolfspraul> good morning everybody btw
<DocScrutinizer51> moo
<wolfspraul> DocScrutinizer51: you still shed tears for Nokia?
<wolfspraul> :-)
* whitequark looks at the window and recalls UGT
<DocScrutinizer51> no, not for Nokia
<wolfspraul> I somehow think they can't get out of that trap anymore, let's hope it's a large corp and they have some huge invisible growth opportunities somewhere
<wolfspraul> we need to speed up and make devices that are better at mobile communication :-)
<DocScrutinizer51> rubber dhingi
<whitequark> what
<DocScrutinizer51> nokia's next field of excellence
<DocScrutinizer51> building rubber boots boats
<DocScrutinizer51> tires
<wolfspraul> DocScrutinizer51: what phone do you use right now?
<DocScrutinizer51> N900
<DocScrutinizer51> aka rover aka rx_51
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<DocScrutinizer51> that's why I contribute to CSSU that's why I asked for alternatives to mtools
<DocScrutinizer51> lemme see...
<DocScrutinizer51> ~cssu
<infobot> cssu is probably
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<wolfspraul> ah updating is good
<wolfspraul> I hope some generally usable libraries or packages come out of that, not just a huge mess tied to one distro
<DocScrutinizer51> wolfspraul: that depends on your metrics
<DocScrutinizer51> while CSSU is also trying to be as much main/upstream as possible, our main goal is keeping maemo for N900 in a usable state
<DocScrutinizer51> doesn't mean we'd not feed upstream with bugfixes, e.g. for gnome-vfs
<DocScrutinizer51> to mention one example of last 2 days
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<DocScrutinizer51> but for obvious reasons this project isn't much involved in creating new libs
<wolfspraul> ok, got it
<wolfspraul> I'm always interested in where new packaging and update mechanisms emerge
<DocScrutinizer51> then probably meego-harmattan and mer/nemo is more your focus
<DocScrutinizer51> they all are OBSed now ;-D
<wolfspraul> OBS?
<DocScrutinizer51> Opensuse build service (aiui) seems is the hot new shit now
<DocScrutinizer51> they came up with 'buildyour own distro at a mouseclick' some 2 or 3 years ag
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<DocScrutinizer51> now they offer building $whatever for $your-target
<DocScrutinizer51> aiui
<DocScrutinizer51> absolutely not my domain
<DocScrutinizer51> so all just what I heard occasionally
<wolfspraul> I don't understand
<wolfspraul> they offer build as a paid service? free service?
<DocScrutinizer51> free
<wolfspraul> hmm
<DocScrutinizer51> and maybe now even the buoildhost sw
<wolfspraul> ok
<DocScrutinizer51> really, no clue
<DocScrutinizer51> check out #mer and #harmattan and what they do for buiing/pkging
<DocScrutinizer51> maybe OBS is sth completely different than opensse build server/service, and I'm telling BS
<wolfspraul> I just wait until more generally usable libraries or packages emerge :-)
<DocScrutinizer51> Idon't get your definition of this
<DocScrutinizer51> anyway, on my walk back home
<DocScrutinizer51> bbl
<DocScrutinizer> do you mean alternatives to apt/dpkg resp zypper/rpm?
<DocScrutinizer> .s/zypper/yum/
<DocScrutinizer> not
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<wolfspraul> no 'alternatives' but more options to update running systems, yes
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<qi-bot> [commit] Adam Wang: changed AP2142ASG-13's package 8-SOIC to SO-8 (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Adam Wang: Merge branch 'master' of (master)
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<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu: new package libzip (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu: bard: DEPENDS, add libzip for EPUB support (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu: gmenu2x icon: remvoe pickpdf (master)
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<DocScrutinizer> ooh, update running system - a rather ambitious task
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<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu: Revert "add common.lib include R, C, LED" (master)
<wpwrak> naw, we should replace the kicad libs. they're too unreliable.
<wpwrak> they change slowly over time and there's no telling what someone has installed on their system
<xiangfu> wpwrak, Hi.
<xiangfu> why you add './' to the '' Library?
<xiangfu> wpwrak, oh.
<xiangfu> wpwrak, so you advice we add our 'common.lib'?
<wpwrak> (./) i think relative paths didn't work without ./ in earlier versions
<wpwrak> now it seems that they do
<xiangfu> ok.
<wpwrak> yes, we should make our own library of basic parts. in most cases, we can just adapt the default library. some parts need font size or line width changes. a few are very ugly and need redrawing, though
<wpwrak> e.g., most/all the power symbols have a font that's too tiny
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<xiangfu> wpwrak, ok. got it.
<xiangfu> wpwrak, so I needs revert again. :)
<wpwrak> git revert revert ;-)
<xiangfu> wpwrak, 'git revert revert' done.
<xiangfu> wpwrak, do you we should use one 'device.lib' as base?
<xiangfu> wpwrak, use device.lib overwrite this common.lib. then we start to edit it little by little.
<xiangfu> overwrite the 'kicad-libs/components/common.lib'
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<rz2k> I'm surpised how many chinese electronic companies want to work with Russia, I just got back from ExpoElectronica and there was like 30% of panels having "seeking for representative" label.
<kyak> they want to work with everybody
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<JCGsp> Hi everyone out there
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<JCGsp> the .sh on the debian 6 image used to compile openwrt updates the source?
<kyak> whitequark: how can i force using rndis in linux rather than cdc ethernet?
<kyak> i tried to preload rndis_host before connecting Ben, but it still selects CDC Ethernet (ECM) config
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<mth> kyak: afaik it's a compile time option
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<kyak> mth: no, it's not like that.. there are two configurations and the driver choses one of them
<kyak> when i plug it into windows, it choses rndis
<kyak> but when i plug it into linux, it choses cdc
<kyak> and i can't make it choose rndis when i plug it into linux
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<mirko> what's the patent-situation with gif by the way?
<mirko> is it free to use and distribute (now)?
<wolfspraul> I would think so :-)
<wolfspraul> that sounds like a question for computer historians :-)
<wolfspraul> according to wikipedia, the last known patents expired in 2004
<mirko> ah, ok - cool
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<qi-bot> [commit] Paul Cercueil: Removed the "wrapper" feature. (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Paul Cercueil: Added a "show console" link parameter (Dingux build only). (master)
<LunaVorax> Hello everyone!
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<whitequark> kyak: just unload & blacklist the cdc-ecm driver
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<rjeffries> I serached irc log for "zpu" only found one line from 2010. so maybe it is ok to ask this:
<rjeffries> what do people think of ?? thanks in advance.
<rjeffries> s/sera/sear/
<rjeffries> s/sera/sear/
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