<kristianpaul> brrr, 20 C, okay if this will drop 2 degrees in another year will not be fun..
<kristianpaul> and for somereason, the FSM for the wishbone is not helping to write just once register byt cycle..
<kristianpaul> hum, i think is that still adressing same register... problem is
<kristianpaul> ahh, nv, i forgot the first two bits should no be taken in account..
<wpwrak> (2C less in another year) so in colombia you have global cooling instead of global warming ?
<kristianpaul> in my zone, wpwrak
<kristianpaul> others and floods etc.. too much rain
<wpwrak> ah, global warming is supposed to increase humidity in some areas. seems you're one of the lucky ones :)
<kristianpaul> :D
<kristianpaul> this place (a valley), used to be 21-24 C time ago, well, i asked granmother, so yes
<kristianpaul> but i dunno is 2C less will, what i know is that i never (in my 12 years living in this city) had feel such os cold as now
<kristianpaul> s/os/ud
<kristianpaul> us
<wpwrak> haven't you complained about hot weather just a few weeks ago ? :)
<kristianpaul> yes, thats on the day, from 10AM to 5PM, is a sunny hell, (because too few clouds, remenber is valley !!)
<wpwrak> you're very picky :)
<kristianpaul> yes, i'm :)
<wpwrak> maybe you should simply sleep at night and have a long siesta. then you'll avoid the peaks :)
<wpwrak> or turn on the air conditioning :)
<kristianpaul> damn, now the bit 1 is reading always, 0...
<kristianpaul> if this dont work, i'll just use that avalon as it is..
<kristianpaul> btw wpwrak , you got a mm1 rc1 isnt?
<wpwrak> nope, i don't
<kristianpaul> ah,, i tought, ok
<wpwrak> only had a glimpse at a M1 at FISL
<rjeffries> article about 808 keychain camera cheapie. fun to read. http://chucklohr.com/808/
<kristianpaul> ah, shame, i heard rms is coming to buenos aires in some months,
<kristianpaul> so i tought... :), well... wpwrak can talk with rms as xiangfu did with nanonote :)
<wpwrak> naw, unless he's secretly into VJing, i don't think there's a lot that would excite him about M1 at the moment
<wpwrak> maybe if someone ported hurd .. ;-)
<wpwrak> .. and we called it GNU/M1 (-:C
<kristianpaul> hahah
<kristianpaul> hum, thats true, at the moment :)
<kristianpaul> or LISP :)
<kristianpaul> no?
<wpwrak> right, elisp instead of the milkdrop language would be another bonus point
<kristianpaul> but i think you can run uclinux by now, may be an emacs-like client in busybox? larsc ?
<kristianpaul> he, i forgot count in binary, it should be pushied by this, now the dummy wishbone core, works :-)
<kristianpaul> s/it/it
<rozzin> Well, I wasn't joking when I mentioned Fluxus on the mailing-list....
<kristianpaul> you mean the game for liveconding?
<kristianpaul> sorry i dont remenber
<kristianpaul> but i had listen, people doing live conding, not bad :)
<rozzin> Hrm. That list isn't on gmane, apparently....
<rozzin> Fluxus is written in Scheme.
<rozzin> ... which is actually one of the reasons that it's attractive to me... :)
<rozzin> I vaguely remember seeing another live-coding system using Perl, at some point.
<kristianpaul> yeah, not game sorry
<rozzin> shrugs;
<kristianpaul> there is luaAV too
<rozzin> eh, everything's a `game' on some level :)
<kristianpaul> haha, yeah
<rozzin> I've had people ask me if I `like gaming' and if I `game online' or `play online games' etc.
<rozzin> And I say, `yes, actually--I have a massively multiplay game that I play online...'
<rozzin> They get interested.
<rozzin> I say, `it's called "open-source software development". It's a lot of fun!'
<rozzin> I wonder if the musician I mentioned in that post about TOPLAP would be interested in something like MM1.
<kristianpaul> WB Read : 000003bc=0000000X acked in           0 clocks
<kristianpaul> :-/
<kristianpaul> it should be beeebaaa,, also i wonder what that X came from...
<kristianpaul> arghh,i dont want rewrite avalon bus to wishbone, but seems i will :)
<kristianpaul> at least CDC part is done
<aw_> applied xiangfu's new reflash_m1.sh, now..rendering...:-) data partitions exists there. :-)
<kristianpaul> cool
<kristianpaul> s/cool/good !
<kristianpaul> :( cver just freeze, this is a great simulation now...
<kyak> wolfspraul: nope, i didn't do anything to eggdrop :)
<wolfspraul> yes, it was strange and recovered by itself
<kristianpaul> robots are smart, you know that? :)
<kyak> yeah, it has autoreconnection and stuff
<kristianpaul> damn, i wont boot with the sige board. connected, damn clocks..
<kristianpaul> or may be real mode, also adds some noise?..
<wolfspraul> :-)
<wolfspraul> step by step
<kristianpaul> yeah, too many changes at once, plus i wasnt able to simulate this.. as cver freezed
<kristianpaul> np, i already know how debug clocks first
<kristianpaul> but it worked well with the "logical analizer", so is not a voltage level issue
<kristianpaul> timing was met, so it just last human error
<kyak> https://dev.openwrt.org/changeset/27266 = would have fixed it :)
<kristianpaul> oh well, i'll another flipflop to the wishbone to wishbone bridge...
<kristianpaul> at least now i can read the registers but just unespected behavior after trying it...
<wpwrak_> kristianpaul: maybe make register that counts reads and another to read that other register. then see what happens ;-)
<kristianpaul> inposible, i have a unstable soc, but no problem i'm getting some assitance at #fpga from some friendly people :-)
<wpwrak_> (unstable soc) good that lekernel isn't listening ;-)
<kristianpaul> sure, i know ;-)
<kristianpaul> is my fault, i added another clock domain to a wishbone device and i'm not handling well something..
<kristianpaul> but i'm near, once it work namuru could be debugged :)
<kristianpaul> wich i already know how show this on scope http://www.colorado.edu/geography/gcraft/notes/gps/gif/bitsanim.gif :-)
<wpwrak_> nice :)