<ss547> i had problm with my pc
<wpwrak> heh, this time i found the piranha ratio - 3 rounds of etching in just 20 minutes. watch this, iron(III) chloride ! :)
<wolfspraul> :-)
<viric> wpwrak: I'd like to learn to make my own PCBs by chemicals... can you recommend any book about that, covering different techniques?
<wpwrak> viric: not sure if there are books ...
<wpwrak> viric: this document has some of the process i used a few years ago: http://www.almesberger.net/misc/led-toy/ledtoy-building-0pre9.pdf
<viric> thank you!
<viric> I'll read it.
<wpwrak> viric: what has changed since: i usually cut pcbs with a CNC mill, i use a different acid, i usually use a laminator for toner transfer instead of an iron, i now use lead-free and better flux (different temperatures, different cleaning process, etc.), i use smaller components (different process)
<wpwrak> (smaller comp) well, different soldering technique. depends a bit on on the type of component. back then, i thought SSOP and 0603  were the smallest i could handle :)
<viric> :)
<wpwrak> viric: ah yes, and the dual-sided process has a variant now that's more accurate but also slower :)
<viric> and you learnt from where?
<wpwrak> the internet and experimenting :)
<viric> aha, ok
<viric> I have some friends who master some of those techniques
<viric> I'll also ask them
<wpwrak> the toner transfer method is explained in great detail on the net. the reference is in the document
<wpwrak> ah, another process variant: instead of acetone, which can be difficult to get, i now use paint thinner most of the time
<viric> ah ok
<viric> acetone is difficult to get nowadays?
<viric> I did not know
<viric> Does anybody know of a voip phone with open hardware?
<viric> not a mobile phone
<kristianpaul> viric: close i know in mesh potatoe, not sure how open hardware is, but seems is a bit
<viric> kristianpaul: 'in mesh potatoe'?
<viric> la malla patata?
<viric> ah I found about it.
<viric> the mesh potato looks great. thank you!
<viric> wpwrak: I like a lot your ledtoy-building :) thank you very much!
<wpwrak> you're welcome :)
<kristianpaul> Is this a fifo http://paste.debian.net/100897/ ?
<kristianpaul> how horrible is C++ sintax :(
<kristianpaul> well not so, but this ok keep in mind object oriented thing is something i'm not used to
<kristianpaul> ok.. a struct made of other struct.. http://paste.debian.net/100900/
<wpwrak> eh ?
<kristianpaul> he i may be wrong, just gettting used to C++ codying style ,-)
<larsc> thats C ;)
<kristianpaul> ah?
<wpwrak> looks pretty c-ish so far. you haven't touched the hells of C++ yet :)
<kristianpaul> ohh
<kristianpaul> is not .cpp C++ related?
<kristianpaul> what is the purpose of a struct in C, i tought i wast just used in OO programing
<viric> the purpose of a struct in C? :)
<wpwrak> a struct provides structure :)
<wpwrak> "oo" is a sound programmers make when experiencing pain
<viric> hehe
<viric> kristianpaul: programming science developed some abstractions over linear memory, since some time ago
<kristianpaul> yeah :), but.. is like like create a new type of variable?
<kristianpaul> reads wikipedia
<viric> there are even more abstractions beyond 'int'
<wpwrak> bah, void * and __asm__ is all you need :)
<viric> if talking about 'needs', yes :)
<kristianpaul> oh thre is a fftw implementation in asm? ;)
<kristianpaul> s/thre/there
<viric> part of the humanity (although little) have the chance to go beyond 'needs' tohugh
<kristianpaul> damn i'm ignorant in C :/
<viric> That is a good start, for learning! :)
<viric> Does the nanonote 'reboot' well?
<viric> I mean... I got "halp -pf" finally powering off
<kristianpaul> halp?
<viric> halt
<viric> :)
<viric> halt -p does not power off though
<kristianpaul> oh i was scare for a while
<kristianpaul> what about init?
<viric> sysvinit
<viric> # runlevel
<viric> 3 6
<viric> started at 3, now at 6.
<viric> (notice dropbear still has my shell open)
<kristianpaul> oh is a collection
<kristianpaul> better ilustrated in a cartesian plot
<viric> :D
<viric> it only shows the 'start' and the current
<kristianpaul> aahh int16t is prefered because MMS/SSE use it
<kristianpaul> ben simd uses same?..
<kristianpaul> hmm what happen if for now i just ignore Imaginary part..
<wpwrak_> your bandwidth drops by 50% ?
<wpwrak_> kristianpaul: but why do you want to optimize now ? have you already decoded some samples ?
<kristianpaul> wpwrak_: no, i'm impplementing verilog module to be loaded ina memory buffer then dumped to the nand,
<kristianpaul> ok not optimize now :)
<kristianpaul> wpwrak_: actually bandwich is same, i still usign an int8_t or int16_t
<kristianpaul> just less bits filled
<wpwrak_> (bw) what I mean is that, if you drop the imaginary part, this is equivalent to sampling at half the rate
<wpwrak_> well, more or less equivalent, i guess :)
<wpwrak_> do you already have suitable algorithms for processing Q/I data ? or do you have to design them yourself ?
<kristianpaul> gps-sdr is my first guide
<kristianpaul> i just documenting my self to make data wasy to be intepreted ny this software
<kristianpaul> whoa ! i have a mail from then, since monday, (about some questions i made) lets see
<kristianpaul> other similar projects (with closed hardware stuff) use it
<kristianpaul> so i decide follow since at least the prove it that can be forked
<kristianpaul> jsut for this step in wich i just plan use SIE as front end to the SiGE EVB
<wpwrak_> so the algorithms they have look usable to you ? i.e., they have the right data format and so on ? (or if they don't, you know how to convert between the format you have and theirs ?)
<kristianpaul> (if they don't,) i find out how to format the data
<kristianpaul> i'm findig*
<kristianpaul> whoa looks this project, thats stuuf that google dint tell in the first page ;) http://www.gmat.unsw.edu.au/namuru/
<wpwrak_> big board with big antennas :)
<wpwrak_> ah o, they're shields. better ;)
<kristianpaul> well it was a link froma reply from one sdr-gps developer wich is aware i'm using fpga stuff
<kristianpaul> ah tricky why use 2 bits sign/magn if from the posible  4 results 2 have no sense (+0, -0) so the other SiGE chip just used 1 bit for phase and qautrautre !
<kristianpaul> s/qautrautre/quadrature
<wpwrak_> 0 does seem to convey information. +/- seems wasteful, though
<kristianpaul> yeah but i ditn get that the week before, and was strugling because it
<wpwrak_> so you basically have three deltas encoded in two bits: -quantum, no change, +qantum, right ?
<kristianpaul> yes
<wpwrak_> kewl, i understood something :)
<kristianpaul> ?
<kristianpaul> :)
<kristianpaul> no change is tricky (i dint get how will help me)
<kristianpaul> :p
<wpwrak_> do you feed the data directly into the FFT or do you integrate first ?
<kristianpaul> good question :)
<kristianpaul> that a BIG doubt i have
<kristianpaul> FFT can handle of course real and imaginary data
<kristianpaul> at least a book i have said that, but i'm not aware of how gps-sdr handle it
<kristianpaul> i'll ask that to the developer :)
<wpwrak_> maybe try to find some example of anything that uses a sign/magnitude stream and see what they do with it ?
<wpwrak_> could be that there's also some other kind of filtering or stuff you can do first. just integrating seems a bit wasteful. e.g., there may be useful phase information in the high-rate bitstream.
<wpwrak_> there's also something called decimation. that's also a rate reduction. the USRP uses it quite heavily. (as in "you must decimate or it won't work") i haven't investigated that yet, though :)
<kristianpaul> ha i need calculate or get from somwhere a itnermediate frequency
<kristianpaul> but i just have filter centre freq and bandwich..
<kristianpaul> ok, there is a radio eng aroudn?
<kristianpaul> :)
<wpwrak_> would be kinda useful for me, too :)
<wpwrak_> eventually, i figure out everything i need by myself, but a quick answer sometimes beats weeks of trial and error :)
<kristianpaul> hope wolfgang read this log :)
<kristianpaul> wpwrak_: (weeks of trial and error) totally agree
<kristianpaul> well i my case read read and confuse then re-read to getter the idea and read again,
<kristianpaul> but i'm close to start trail and error
<wpwrak_> the read-confuse-read-... cycle is also a good one ;-)
<kristianpaul> s/trail/trial
<kristianpaul> http://www.dynamics.co.nz/index.php?main_page=page&id=9  This fully functional GPS receiver design can provide 12 or more channels of parallel tracking hardware and software.
<kristianpaul> wpwrak_: ^ well if the antenna is big looks good anyway :)
<kristianpaul> 12 channels is heacy my current closed source gps cant handle more than 8, with the test i made
<kristianpaul> ha Zarlink is SiGE competitor
<kristianpaul> i'll enjoy GPS reading this week :)
<kristianpaul> http://www.zarlink.com/zarlink/hs/82_GP2015.htm <-  Application Notes :O
<wpwrak_> monster circuits :)
<kristianpaul> mosnter in wich sense?
<wpwrak_> (zarlink) also sign/mag. but simpler protocol - no SYNC
<wpwrak_> (monster) lot of stuff on these boards
<kristianpaul> yeah i noticed no SYNC :/
<kristianpaul> lots stuff indeed :)
<kristianpaul> ha they sell a "GPS Receiver Baseband Processor"
<kristianpaul> i wonder why still usign to separate chips
<kristianpaul> ah got my answer here http://gps.psas.pdx.edu/
<kristianpaul> may be that the GP4020 chipset isn't going to be available for a long time
<kristianpaul> quuoting^
<wpwrak_> yeah. there may simply be no sufficient economical incentive to integrate everything into once chip. depends on their customers and technical capabilities.
<kristianpaul> Namuru V2 GPS receiver without IMU $4,620.00 USD !!
<kristianpaul> WHAT?
<kristianpaul> then you get the sources
<kristianpaul> ha
<kristianpaul> well if is GPL/BSD anyw ay is okay they are not pushed to make stuuf public
<kristianpaul> stuff*
<kristianpaul> "--prefix=/usr" <. que peligro
<kristianpaul> para eso iventaron /opt ..
<kristianpaul> en fin
<kristianpaul> oops
<kristianpaul> (decimation) not for me i dont want deal with more downsampling processes..
<kristianpaul> [the USRP uses it quite heavily. (as in "you must decimate or it won't work")] wow, i wonder why and in wich step is used
<kristianpaul> may be i wont work on some not so FAST computers?
<kristianpaul> missing 8 cores and 8Gb in ram? :)
<kristianpaul> ah wait
<kristianpaul> "D set = decimate (1 bit instead of 2)"
<wpwrak_> naw, the ADC produces 100 MSa/s, but you can only transfer about 25 MSa/s to the PC. that's why you need to decimate by at least 4.
<kristianpaul> is what i commented before about 2bits are not needed
<wpwrak_> 1 Sample = 2 * 16 bits, so 25 MSa/s = 800 Mbps
<kristianpaul> yes make sense
<wpwrak_> decimation works on the complex value and still gives complex as a result. there's no escape ;-)
<kristianpaul> tell me more if you found something more about it, looks intersting
<kristianpaul> oh you meant hacked in the good sense?
<kristianpaul> oops
<kristianpaul> damn irssi windows
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: vialtray: make a tray for vials containing 0402/0603 components (in progress) http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/1d72af7
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: libbb: library for bit-banging the Ben's uSD port (in progress) http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/458702c
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: vialtray: ready for first test run (on-going) http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/649e00b
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: vialtray: more parameter adjustments http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/1d24b2e