<kristianpaul> voy  a cambiar unas costias..
<juan64bits> jejeje
<juan64bits> y con el int resulta ineficiente si el procesador tiene que acceder continuamente a la ram de la fpga....
<juan64bits> porque siempre haría 4 lecturas y/o escrituras
<kristianpaul> eso es cierto
<kristianpaul> muy aburrido escribir lo mismo cada ratoo..
<juan64bits> aja,... pero por ejemplo si tenemos un micro de 32 bit implementado en la fpga ahí si se justifica el uso del int
<kristianpaul> ya casi pongo el lm32 ;-)
<kristianpaul> pero dle milkymsit :D
<juan64bits> que bueno
<kristianpaul> pero primero tengo que sacar a QT de mi camino :p
<juan64bits> jejej
<kristianpaul> oops seg fault--
<kristianpaul> a ver..
<kristianpaul> juan64bits: pregunta
<kristianpaul> el reloj va con 0x08
<kristianpaul> pero en la clase ud lo pone en 0x00 par dejarlo sin configurar?
<juan64bits> mmm no recuerdo... dejame reviso
<kristianpaul> como le dia a wpwrak hay tengo el libro de C++ pero ....
<kristianpaul> je
<kristianpaul> s/dia/comtaba
<kristianpaul> contaba*
<juan64bits> pero con 0x00 o funciona el SPI , él está limitado a 5MHz
<kristianpaul> hmm
<kristianpaul> espere pues reviso
<kristianpaul> juan64bits: hay algun tiempo de espera minimo luego de escribir byte por byte de la ram del ADC en la FPGA?
<juan64bits> error mio, en el encabezado debería inicialo en 0x08 que es para 2.8 Mhz , el máximo para cuando se alimenta a 3.3
<kristianpaul> ah
<kristianpaul> si va entonces en 0x08?
<juan64bits> si
<juan64bits> como es ese es el divisor del clk entonces es la máxima velocidad...
<kristianpaul> ese  sizebuffer l si se usa?
<kristianpaul> creo son los bit 8 y 9?
<juan64bits> en el acceso hay un delay en cada lectura, no creo que esté en la lectura de los cuatro
<kristianpaul> pero decia delay en la escritura
<kristianpaul> ok..
<juan64bits> ah si, aplica igual a escritura
<kristianpaul> 10us?
<juan64bits> cuando se configura el CS2 se cuadra el delay
<juan64bits> los 10us son del ADC
<kristianpaul> hmm a ver
<kristianpaul> nno veo delay en jz_adc_peripheral.c
<kristianpaul> o esta en los datos ecritos?
<kristianpaul> la verdad no puse mucho atentecion a CS2
<juan64bits> para eso toca revisar el datasheet y cuadrar el valor 0x0FFF7700
<kristianpaul> hmm
<kristianpaul> pero bueno ya probe y puendo leer y escrinbir a ram bien
<juan64bits> el registro en (0x13010000) + 0x18 es el de config del CS2
<kristianpaul> BCR
<kristianpaul> juan64bits: se pone CMD_START en 1 a la hora de escribir o leer?
<kristianpaul> o este registro es de solo lectura?
<juan64bits> es de rw..
<kristianpaul> o solo con fijar TYP
<kristianpaul> ok
<kristianpaul> seria mejor tener un bit para cada cosa.
<kristianpaul> digo..
<juan64bits> puede ser jeje
<kristianpaul> no me gustan los bits que cambia de lectura a escritura de un momento otro
<kristianpaul> ahh nada..
<juan64bits> nada?
<kristianpaul> while (virt_addr[i]&0X20)
<kristianpaul> i vale 3
<kristianpaul> osea le pongom 39 al CMD
<kristianpaul> y espero que el bit 5 deje de ser uno...
<kristianpaul> es la idea no?
<kristianpaul> "cuando el periférico termine de leer la cantidad de datos especificados por SIZEB esta señal se pondrá en bajo automáticamente. "
<kristianpaul> hmm osea que inicialmente puedo colocar el buffer en 4 bytes asi gano tiempo..
<juan64bits> aja
<juan64bits> miraste lo de la función takeSamplesADC ?
<kristianpaul> si
<kristianpaul> 0x30
<kristianpaul> luego
<kristianpaul> 0x020
<kristianpaul> en eso me fije no mas :p
<kristianpaul> ahh samples es lo del vref??
<kristianpaul> si es asi no muchoa aun..
<juan64bits> en el while, qué pasa, nunca sale de él?
<kristianpaul> ya salio :D
<juan64bits> ah bueno... ahora es comprobar que si esté bien el dato
<kristianpaul> busca un cable
<kristianpaul> desde que direccion del buffer es confiable el dato??
<kristianpaul> yo vi que tenia un valor de 8 de ajuste
<kristianpaul> pero me imagino eso varia segun el reloj del ADC..
<juan64bits> si más o menos
<juan64bits> si, 8 es para cuando esta a la máxima velocidad
<kristianpaul> ahok
<juan64bits> uno la baja un poco y ya se puede confiar en todos jeeje
<kristianpaul> jajaj
<kristianpaul> 1hz ? xD
<juan64bits> jajaja
<kristianpaul> que rato
<kristianpaul> raro
<kristianpaul> bueno si ya comprobe tengo 00 y FF
<kristianpaul> con 0V y 3V3
<kristianpaul> pero..
<kristianpaul> me sale un 3
<kristianpaul> entre los FF
<kristianpaul> que no me salio en cuando 0V..
<kristianpaul> osea
<kristianpaul> W:A, R:FF
<kristianpaul> W:B, R:3
<kristianpaul> W:C, R:FF
<kristianpaul> W:D, R:3
<kristianpaul> W:E, R:FF
<kristianpaul> W:F, R:3
<kristianpaul> y no recuerdo decirle que manejara dos canales..
<kristianpaul> con el CMD_SW..
<kristianpaul> a ver..
<juan64bits> ah ya, es que el máximo es 0x3FF
<juan64bits> los 10 bits
<kristianpaul> aah verdad
<kristianpaul> crei qera de 8..
<kristianpaul> o suponia..
<kristianpaul> no hay modo de 8 bits..
<kristianpaul> a ver.
<kristianpaul> ni modo
<kristianpaul> bueno ahora vamos con SDL :D
<kristianpaul> gracias por las aclaraciones juan64bits
<kristianpaul> fueron muy utilkes
<juan64bits> ok... pa' eso estamos :)
<kristianpaul> me pase a unsigned char
<kristianpaul> no int por ahora
<kristianpaul> tal ves use  int de 2 bytes
<kristianpaul> para pasar este dato de los 10bits mas transparente.
<juan64bits> aja... auqneu ahí esta lo tro que no me cuadró... que desperdicio 4 bits de la ram
<kristianpaul> hmm
<kristianpaul> si
<kristianpaul> je
<kristianpaul> en todo lado sobra algo ;_)
<kristianpaul> se esconde..
<kristianpaul> como 8 entraads analogas no se para que..
<kristianpaul> en fin..
<kristianpaul> rafa: a jlime le hace falta un git y queda lista para subir el codigo de una al repo :D
<kristianpaul> juan64bits: http://lazyfoo.net/SDL_tutorials/index.php por si se anima  dejar qt ;-)
<rafa> kristianpaul: :) de que codigo me decis?.. un git en jlime.com? or un paquete git?
<kristianpaul> rafa: paquete git
<kristianpaul> od ecia pues e bien desarrollar en el SIE pero tener copia rapidamente de lo que se hace, que mejor que con git !
<kristianpaul> s/od/lo
<rafa> kristianpaul: okey.. voy a agregar eso a mi lista TODO y armo un paquete extra ;)
<kristianpaul> Eee :D
<rafa> kristianpaul: (el recipiente de openembedded de git fallo'.. asi que seguramente va a ser mas sencillo armar un paquete de git extra)
<kristianpaul> rafa: como es que vos compilas sdl con el -I ..
<kristianpaul> ?
<rafa> para un programa cualquiera?.. tendria que compilar con :
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: Improved chip identification, added C8051F34x support, some cleanup. http://qi-hw.com/p/f32xbase/88fa3ad
<kristianpaul> cualquiera si
<rafa> gcc -o binario tuprograma.c -I/usr/include/SDL -lSDL
<kristianpaul> por siero para SIE estaba pensado en una vesio modificada de un bash o algo, que de un menu con opciones
<kristianpaul> todo esto a falta de no tener teclado pero si una pantalla ..
<kristianpaul> ok
<rafa> kristianpaul: (tenes que tener para SDL los paquetes libsdl-1.2-0 y libsdl-1.2-0-dev instalados)
<kristianpaul> ya ya
<rafa> libsdl-1.2-0 seguramente ya esta instalado por default
<kristianpaul> sip
<kristianpaul> pero los intente instalar y lo note !
<rafa> :)
<kristianpaul> nite
<kristianpaul> and see you inn few hours
<rafa> nite!
<viric> kristianpaul: el sie no tiene ningún teclado?
<kristianpaul> viric: no
<viric> vaya.
<kristianpaul> tiene IO por todo lado pero ninguna tecla arra o abajo y enter :p
<viric> a lo mejor se puede acoplar aunque sea un ps/2
<kristianpaul> ee buena idea
<kristianpaul> ps/2 !
<viric> es muy fácil el protocol
<viric> o
<kristianpaul> sip
<viric> no se si va a 12V como rs232, pero.
<kristianpaul> no creo es ttl
<kristianpaul> pero no se si ttl de 3v3
<viric> no creo que de 3v3
<kristianpaul> :/
<rafa> xiangfu: hi, is the nand partition defined into kernel right?
<viric> rafa: you can override it by the kernel command line
<viric> (which is hardcoded in uboot. hehe)
<rafa> viric: nice :P..
<viric> check /proc/cmdline.
<viric> to see if it is uboot setting it
<rafa> viric: before the last change in qi-openwrt people was able to boot debian/jlime from uSD and mount the openwert on nand, but no now after the new layout (256MB for rootfs, rest for data)
<xiangfu> rafa: yes. it's hardcoded in kernel.
<rafa> xiangfu: larsc : any idea what to do?.. before we mounted okey, with the new layout no
<viric> how can they boot from uSD?
<viric> does uboot try to boot from uSD first?
<viric> rafa: you would need the debian kernel to use the same layout as used in the system in nand
<rafa> viric: some versions of uboot lets you press [M] and power butoon
<viric> that means 'boot from sd'?
<rafa> yes.. I meant sd
<viric> but it may work only with one kind of filesystem in uSD, and the kernel at some specific place
<viric> I could read the uboot source to know the details...
<viric> rafa: so, I don't know if the nand partitions can be set after the kernel booted
<rafa> viric: why debian kernel?
<viric> rafa: does the debian run with the kernel in the nand?
<xiangfu> rafa:  not boot from uSD or not mount the NAND rootfs ? or both not work?
<rafa> viric: you are the guy who answers with another question ? ;)
<xiangfu> rafa: boot from SD should works fine. because we only change the NAND partition.
<rafa> xiangfu: yes, sorry. I will try to explain better:
<rafa> xiangfu: before the last change.. we were able to boot from SD and then mount the nand under /openwrt for example. Now no
<viric> rafa: it was me who was surprised that the nanonote can boot from sd :)
<xiangfu> viric: yes. nanonote can boot from sd :)
<rafa> viric: sorry, I am not sure the current state of debian. It worked before I would say. I am talking about "other" in general, and specifically I am talking for Jlime
<viric> ahh ok
<viric> so, the jlime kernel should boot with the proper nand partitioning
<viric> which maybe can be set at runtime, but I only know it can be set at the kernel cmdline
<rafa> viric: mmh?.. I do not understand. jlime kernel boot from sd and from nand.. you can install jlime on nand or sd.. That is okey and all works
<viric> ah really? somehow it  has to know the proper nand partitioning
<rafa> viric: but if you boot, for example, jlime from sd.. and you also have openwrt on nand, and then you want to access your files on openwrt from jlime you can not mount that nand right now
<viric> rafa: maybe jlime boots fine from nand because it sets its own partitioning (different from openwrt)
<rafa> viric: jlime has all the files and docs to install it on nand or sd.. you could try ;)
<viric> rafa: ok :)
<rafa> viric: yes, sure.. but jlime does not use the openwrt files if that is that you meant.. when you install jlime on nand you write a new rootfs on nand..
<rafa> the jlime rootfs.
<rafa> and yes, jlime kernel knows its own layout
<viric> exactly.
<rafa> viric: but jlime kernel is qi kernel.. just that it was built a time ago
<viric> and it does not coincide with that of openwrt
<viric> well, then you already have the problem :)
<rafa> viric: and we are not going to change the nand layout if there is not a good explanation why it would be the best..
<rafa> viric: me?.. why.. now you find jlime only.. but what if there are 5 distributions around?.. all of them should change those layouts when sombedy changes it ? :=
<rafa> :)
<rafa> that does not sound as a good idea
<viric> why not go setting uboot to determine the nand layout?
<viric> then all kernels would coincide
<viric> oth, it would be difficult to override without overwriting uboot instead of only the kernel
<rafa> viric: mmmh?.. into uboot we woult have different layouts for different linuxs?
<viric> rafa: no, same layouts for all linuces
<viric> rafa: but if we can find how to reset the mtd layout at runtime instead of boot time, you can run a script to set that to whatever you want
<rafa> viric: we had the same layout for all linuces.. but now qi - openwrt changed its own.. and now we have different layouts. And what about if you do not like the idea 256MB for rootfs and rest for data?
<viric> rafa: you build your own uboot with whatever you want
<rafa> viric: no.. that is not a good idea
<viric> in NAND, there is no 'partition table', so...
<rafa> viric: I mean.. we are trying to be compatible with qi openwrt (we=jlime).. no comes here with those ideas.. like "you can built a new..."
<rafa> viric: just try to be okey with all I would say
<viric> jlime can't be easily compatible if openwrt does not want to ;)
<rafa> viric:  that is not the idea what we want to have.. we have been talking about dual boot between qi and jlime
<rafa> viric: but well, now we have another piece what either qi needs to change or jlime needs to change
<rafa> viric: that is my concern
<rafa> viric: I mean.. I do not care.. I am talking because I would like to help with that possibility (users using both: jlime and openwrt), just for fun for all.
<rafa> viric: I just would like to know if somebody was thinking about how to work that change with others before to do that.
<viric> ok, clear
<xiangfu> which commit you use for compile the last kernel?
<rafa> xiangfu: current jlime released versions use 2.6.34 kernel, I can tell you if you need to know the commit. Current jlime under development uses latest 2.6.36 kernel and qi patches.
<bartbes> so is libogg/vorbis/vorbisfile slow on the nn?
<bartbes> because alsa keeps telling me I have buffer underruns (which i can hear, obviously)
<xiangfu> rafa: ok,  hmm.. let me search about the command "ubiattach",  I need to know how "ubiattach" get the partition. or if we can set the partition to "ubiattach"
<rafa> xiangfu: ah.. sounds as good idea if that works
<wejp> bartbes, you should not use libvorbis on the nanonote. you will never get an acceptable speed with that
<wpwrak> i was wondering how long it would take until someone would complain about the rootfs size change :-)
<B_Lizzard> Is anyone interested in testing a preview of the newer Muffinman image?
<B_Lizzard> A collaboration between rafa and mua
<B_Lizzard> In any case, here's the URL
<kristianpaul> changelog?
<kristianpaul> no patent?
<B_Lizzard> Um, it's somewhat different from rafa's betas
<kristianpaul> wait
<B_Lizzard> This contains mpg123 and whatnot
<kristianpaul> i wondered because this is qi channel
<kristianpaul> dowloading now
<B_Lizzard> It's just a preview.
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: watch out for the black helicopters !
<bartbes> wejp: any sound decoding libs you *can* recommend?
<wejp> bartbes, yes Tremor is very well suited for the nanonote
<wejp> you should avoid any libs that use floating point math
<bartbes> tremor, okay thanks!
<wejp> :)
<bartbes> interestingly enough the other dev mentioned tremor at about the same time
<bartbes> ;)
<wejp> :D
<qi-bot> [commit] kristianpaul: ADC non serious stuff suposed to help on GPS signaling debugging http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-gps-sdr/5a7bacf
<qi-bot> [commit] kristianpaul: Simple gate just for testing cpld http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-gps-sdr/3ef4cef
<bartbes> wejp: is there a owrt package?
<bartbes> doesn't look like it
<kyak> bartbes: it's name is libvorbisidec
<bartbes> ah
<wejp> yeah, it is sometimes also called libvorbisidec
<bartbes> does a recompile
<kyak> bartbes: what are you trying to do, btw? ):
<bartbes> adding sound to nlove
<kyak> ah, good
<kyak> i thought so
<bartbes> I just got playback working yesterday
<bartbes> and decoding was just too slow on the nn
<kyak> how many nlove games are there , usable on Ben?
<bartbes> well, since it has been pretty much under the radar, not too much
<bartbes> I love source compatibility ;)
<kyak> where they can be downloded from?
<bartbes> I don't think there's a single location with them
<bartbes> I have a snake clone by urandom__ and a small pong up on dropbox though
<kristianpaul> B_Lizzard: awesomne !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<kristianpaul> damn aswesome
<kristianpaul> it boots in 5 seconds??
<kristianpaul> i could count it
<kristianpaul> OMG it have a Wizard for langauge !!
<kristianpaul> all you jlime guys are damn good !
<bartbes> it didn't link properly.. :(
<bartbes> recompile..
<B_Lizzard> Hopefully kristoffer will do a nice silent u-boot with a splash screen so the whole boot process will be easy on the eyes
<bartbes> wejp: thanks, it worked ;)
<wejp> nice :)
<B_Lizzard> I'd love to hear some feedback from the rest of you
<B_Lizzard> :/
<kristianpaul> B_Lizzard: me?
<B_Lizzard> How many Nanonotes are there?
<kristianpaul> should i feedback here or in #jlime?
<B_Lizzard> Dunno
<B_Lizzard> :)
<kyak> B_Lizzard: it's a shame there is no Moscow in cities list :(
<kyak> i gues it is for time zone
<B_Lizzard> Yes
<kristianpaul> Wwaaahhaaa !
<kristianpaul> it suspends
<kristianpaul> or is just display poweroff?
<B_Lizzard> It suspends
<kristianpaul> it back really fast !
<kristianpaul> cool !
<B_Lizzard> kyak, no Russia?
<B_Lizzard> :/
<B_Lizzard> Where the hell is Russia?
<kristianpaul> i'll never shutfown my nanonote again !
<kristianpaul> wow
<B_Lizzard> kristianpaul, I don't know how effective it is
<rafa> kristianpaul: ;)
<B_Lizzard> It depends on the kernel
<kyak> B_Lizzard: dunno, i selected Europe.. expected to see Moscow ther
<kristianpaul> this version will really awasemo
<kristianpaul> it could said nanonote is 80% ready for end users
<B_Lizzard> Yeah, the script basically shows everything under /usr/share/zoneinfo
<kristianpaul> just missing internationalization btw !
<B_Lizzard> And then /usr/share/zoneinfo/<selected thing>
<rafa> kristianpaul: and that was made and built by Blizzard from OE
<B_Lizzard> I'll work on that
<kristianpaul> last OE?
<kristianpaul> good !!!!!!
<B_Lizzard> kyak, so maybe I forgot to install some tzdata package
<kyak> hm, i can't start anything now...
<rafa> kristianpaul: well, work that we (blizzy and kriss) are trying to push
<kyak> launched terminal, then it exited by itself..
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: [gcc-mips] fix compile error in 64bit system. http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/30e2a2a
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: Revert "mark as broken since it does not compile" http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/8dbf61c
<kyak> xiangfu: great, thanks!!
<B_Lizzard> kyak, you're right, Moscow should be in there
<xiangfu> kyak: :)  I just read the link you send to me.
<kristianpaul> B_Lizzard: is this matchbox?
<kyak> xiangfu: hope it helped
<B_Lizzard> Yes
<xiangfu> kyak: there is one issue make me waster some time. the gcc-mips not apply the ./patches/*
<B_Lizzard> Matchbox-desktop
<B_Lizzard> Window manager is echinus
<kyak> B_Lizzard: icons look awesome. Are they GPL? :)
<B_Lizzard> Not GPL
<B_Lizzard> Oh, yeah
<kristianpaul> but free?
<B_Lizzard> I thought it was CC
<xiangfu> kyak: I put the patch to ./patches/   just like other package. but the gcc-mips just apply toolchain/gcc/patches/4.3.3/*
<B_Lizzard> But it's GPL, you're right
<kyak> xiangfu: heh yes, i think it takes patches from system dir
<kristianpaul> B_Lizzard: Internal Server Error.
<xiangfu> kyak: I must manual apply the ./patches/*. :) (which is not good)  I will try to ask in openwrt mailing list.
<B_Lizzard> What, deviantart?
<B_Lizzard> shrugs
<kristianpaul> B_Lizzard: really coold preview
<kristianpaul> B_Lizzard: great job !
<B_Lizzard> Let's hope stuff works
<B_Lizzard> Thanks kristianpaul
<kristianpaul> so far i dint break it :P
<B_Lizzard> kyak, is it working for you?
<B_Lizzard> :/
<B_Lizzard> Apart from the whole Moscow thing
<kyak> B_Lizzard: something strange.. nothing can be laucnhed
<B_Lizzard> If you press Alt+T?
<kyak> i try to restart now, but the screen would blink and then re appear
<B_Lizzard> Does a terminal come up?
<kyak> nope
<B_Lizzard> Or press Shift + Power Button
<B_Lizzard> Methinks you have a bad install
<kyak> give me a sec
<kristianpaul> B_Lizzard: there is flash vesion?
<kristianpaul> NAND*
<kyak> B_Lizzard: i install to SD card btw
<B_Lizzard> kristianpaul, not for now, no.
<B_Lizzard> I reinstall my stuff a lot and I cannot flash every time
<kyak> B_Lizzard: where i can read about key bindings? shift+power and alt+T seem confusing
<B_Lizzard> kyak, I plan on adding a help thing
<B_Lizzard> Most are in /etc/echinus/echinusrc
<kristianpaul> B_Lizzard: where is the source, what OE commin are you using?
<kristianpaul> what the default ip?
<kristianpaul> and pass
<B_Lizzard> All the stuff is on upstream OE
<kristianpaul> cool
<xiangfu> it needs 20 secs compile a hello world. : http://pastebin.ca/1984596
<B_Lizzard> If you download oe and do "bitbake muffinman-image" you'll get that.
<kristianpaul> ahh
<kristianpaul> so easy !
<kyak> xiangfu: it's pretty slow, yes.. but there won't be a much difference between "hello world" and some 500-lines program..
<kristianpaul> hm..
<kristianpaul> Jlime is gettin really interesting
<kristianpaul> OE**
<kyak> xiangfu: btw, you can try to build "patch" utility (just for interest). a classic ./configure && make works there :)
<kristianpaul> with the contribution from jliem developer
<kristianpaul> s
<kyak> xiangfu: i find it amazing to watch things getting build on Ben
<kristianpaul> larsc: how linux manage wakeup after suspend to ram=
<kristianpaul> ?
<kyak> B_Lizzard: after reboot, it works better :)
<qi-bot> [commit] bartbes: Update nlove to new repo version, with working sound http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/13054fb
<xiangfu> kyak: ok. will try it :)
<kyak> B_Lizzard: when i choose "End Session", how do i make the dropdown list appear?
<bartbes> wejp: and that thanks to you ;)
<B_Lizzard> kyak, space
<xiangfu> kyak: my daily build on build host is start. so I will test the gcc-mips on build hosts tomorrow. then re-enable it in config.full_system :)
<xiangfu> s/start/started
<kyak> B_Lizzard: k, thnkas!
<B_Lizzard> larsc, one more thing I forgot to mention, usb0 doesn't appear to exist in 2.6.36.
<kyak> xiangfu: that's great.. and i think new jlime will inspire us for more.. i see a very interesting SDL puzzle game there
<B_Lizzard> That's a port of stppc2x, which is originally for the GP2X
<B_Lizzard> I could've used the normal puzzle games in GTK2 but that's slow as molasses
<kristianpaul> larsc: i sadly confirm no usb0 :'(
<larsc> kristianpaul: the cpu resumes when an interrupt occurs
<kristianpaul> larsc: k
<kyak> B_Lizzard: i assume the network is not working?
<kristianpaul> is not kyak
<B_Lizzard> kyak, yes.
<B_Lizzard> Um, no
<kristianpaul> no :'(
<larsc> the usb gadget driver for the jz4740 is not in upstream yet.
<kristianpaul> ahh
<larsc> so you need to use the one from the qi-hardware tree
<B_Lizzard> Ah, thanks.
<B_Lizzard> I probably forgot that one.
<kristianpaul> okay boots in 14 seconds
<kristianpaul> including uboo
<kristianpaul> t
<kristianpaul> larsc: are you aware of power consuption in suspend mode?
<larsc> 8 ma or something on the nanonote
<larsc> mA
<kristianpaul> he
<kristianpaul> thats a long time in my pocket
<B_Lizzard> Is everything suspended apart from the keyboard?
<B_Lizzard> I guess there's not much to suspend but ehm.
<kristianpaul> yeah
<kristianpaul> LCM
<kristianpaul> cpu !!
<kristianpaul> is not enought ??
<B_Lizzard> :)
<kristianpaul> larsc: interrupt source could also be one of the other gpio pins or just the keyboard ones?
<larsc> well there are other jz4740 devices where it gets below 1 mA
<kristianpaul> ohh
<larsc> kristianpaul: k kristianpaul  ny interrupt can be used as a wakeup source
<larsc> kristianpaul: any interrupt can be used as a wakeup source
<kristianpaul> ok
<kristianpaul> larsc: RTC is a interrups source?
<larsc> you just have to tell the kernel that you want to use it as one
<larsc> kristianpaul: yes
<kristianpaul> onw i'm wondering if it could work as alarm clock !!
<rafa> xiangfu: how long it takes for openwrt to boot?
<kyak> B_Lizzard: what about other apps that used to be in jlime? like prboom, mydict, organizer or what else.. or they are just not there is test image?
<rafa> xiangfu: until GUI is ready to use for users
<B_Lizzard> kyak, this image and rafa's images are different
<B_Lizzard> I plan on implementing stuff but I want the base system to mature
<B_Lizzard> Ugh
<larsc> kristianpaul: it can. Ayla wrote a patch for it.
<kristianpaul> if uboot is eliminated from this history boot time could achive around 10 seconds i guess
<B_Lizzard> In any case, most applications aren't there because this is a preview
<kristianpaul> but are there
<kristianpaul> how is that?
<kristianpaul> ahh you meant common apps?
<B_Lizzard> Yeap
<xiangfu> rafa: it's need ~20 secs until the gmenu2x show up. ~3 secs the OpenWrt slash screen show up.
<kristianpaul> larsc: so jsut missing the app
<larsc> kristianpaul: http://metafoo.de/lepus/boot.ogg
<B_Lizzard> larsc, is the usb-gadget driver on projects.qi-hardware?
<B_Lizzard> Or on dev.openwrt?
<kristianpaul> larsc: that vieo was filmed with cheese btw?
<kristianpaul> 2 seconds?
<kristianpaul> is really fast
<kristianpaul> is that kerne boot isnt'
<kristianpaul> ?
<xiangfu> larsc: we should add this patch to openwrt-xburst.git  :)
<larsc> B_Lizzard: commit e57568310e71470ad509148d1a985132bab3b4f9
<B_Lizzard> Thank you larsc
<kristianpaul> indeed, big Thanks
<larsc> kristianpaul: well 4 seconds until gmenu2x is runnig
<kristianpaul> of course
<larsc> the kernel needs 0.5 seconds
<kristianpaul> :p
<qi-bot> [commit] Juan64Bits: Some routing and revision. http://qi-hw.com/p/xue/8c6ea43
<B_Lizzard> larsc, you said that the udc driver isn't up to snuff yet?
<xiangfu> larsc: are you load the zImage. ? is the command line is hardcode to kernel? just want know. see if Nanonote can that fast :)
<larsc> B_Lizzard: yes. i did some cleanup on it yesterday though. maybe we'll see it in 2.6.36
<larsc> xiangfu: yes i'm loading the zImage the cmdline is hardcoded in the nand_spl
<B_Lizzard> Ah, great
<B_Lizzard> Thanks
<kristianpaul> B_Lizzard: is no handy in the iamger viewver have to re opne it again after close and imagge
<B_Lizzard> So many typos in that one
<B_Lizzard> I did not understand a word
<kristianpaul> B_Lizzard: is no handy in the image viewver have to reopen/launch  it again after close and imagge
<B_Lizzard> You mean the fileselector?
<B_Lizzard> Yeah, I need to work on that.
<kristianpaul> i lanuched a video
<kristianpaul> i got sound
<kristianpaul> yt no video..
<kristianpaul> but*
<kristianpaul> and still viewving the Media menu
<B_Lizzard> Yeah, I'd need to find a nice frontend for mplayer too
<B_Lizzard> Open a terminal and kill mplayer
<B_Lizzard> Then run mplayer from the terminal
<B_Lizzard> See why the video ain't playing
<kristianpaul> lol
<kristianpaul> Video: no video
<kristianpaul> mupsd kindslow with a 2.3 MB pdf
<kristianpaul> mupdf*
<kristianpaul> about linux kernel development
<kristianpaul> hown it do forward?
<kristianpaul> great touch the bettery is updated when charging !
<kristianpaul> baterry*
<B_Lizzard> Too bad POSE doesn't run
<B_Lizzard> I'd love to have some PalmOS action on the nanonote
<mirko> larsc: ping
<wpwrak> grmbl. PxFLGC == PxDATS ? i don't think so ... now, where do you send bug reports for documents you nominally don't have access to ? :)
<larsc> wpwrak: actually it is
<wpwrak> larsc: *hmm* looks like a very odd choice then. can't this cause conflicts ?
<wpwrak> oh, it gets better :-) "They are read-only registers" ... "when write 1 to the bit, [...]"
<kristianpaul> hw bug?
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: the address equality or the "read-only" vs. "write" ?
<kristianpaul> the "[...]"
<kristianpaul> i could imagine lots of thing after you tried write it
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: oh, i just omitted it. the contradiction is in calling it first read-only (which it isn't) but then explaining what happens when you write it.
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: this is simply a documentation bug.
<kristianpaul> ah ok :)
<kristianpaul> "be prapared to documentation lie to your face"
<kristianpaul> wee my new soerkis based server booted :)
<wpwrak> (lying documentation) yeah :)
<wpwrak> what's odd on the hardware side is that the (interrupt) flag clear register would occupy the same location at the data set register.
<wpwrak> larsc: (conflicts) hmm, apparently not. i see that a pin can't be GPIO and interrupt at the same time. also a bit of an odd choice.
<larsc> well, it does not makes sense to have a gpio in output and interupt mode at the same time
<larsc> on the other hand you can still read the input values when the gpio is in interrupt mode
<wpwrak> but why would there have to be a distinction between gpio and interrupt mode in the first place ? sure, it would be useless in most cases, but there's probably a signal path to the interrupt logic anyway, so why introduce a mode ? if you don't care about the pin, you could just mask it.
<larsc> well there might be reasons why its done the way its done. but as long we dont know what the acutal hw implementation looks like, we can only speculate about it
<wpwrak> yeah, this is true. pity, would be nice to have a little more orthogonality.
<qmasterrr> is the package mathomatic gone?
<mirko> $ find external/qipackages.git/ -name "mathomatic"external/qipackages.git/mathomatic
<qmasterrr> do i need to add a feed?
<qmasterrr> i think i found it, thx :)
<rafa> We need a qi / reseller server to do a jlime repo mirror without packages with patented technologies. Is tuxbrain or qi interested?
<kristianpaul> rafa: *i think* that fidelio dot qi.com can host that but who is qi??
<kristianpaul> rafa: ask to the list
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: are you sure qi.com has anything to do with qi-hardware ?
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: there is also no host called fidelio.qi.con
<wpwrak> err, .coM
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: not sure..
<kristianpaul> well with qi.com i meant qi-hardware.com :p
<kristianpaul> s/qi.com/qi-hw.com
<wpwrak> there is also no host fidelio.qi-hw.com :-)
<kristianpaul> ahh
<kristianpaul> well you
<kristianpaul> s/qi-hw.co/qi-hardware.com
<kristianpaul> know
<wpwrak> anyway, qi-hardware.com sounds like the right place. i guess wolfgang would handle decisions regarding such a mirror himself
<kristianpaul> indeed
<rafa> wpwrak: yes.. but where is that lazy guy? (wolf).. argh.. well, you have better work timezone than me to find wolfgang.. We need to ask him then
<rafa> about lazy: of course, I am kidding :)
<wpwrak> rafa: maybe a question for the openwrt gurus :-)
<rafa> wpwrak: yeah :)
<wpwrak> rafa: everybody here seems asleep. lazy bastards :)
<wpwrak> rafa: does SDL take care of the ben's unusual pixel format ? or does the application have to compensate for it ?
<FrankBlues> waves
<rafa> wpwrak: about ipk. ipkg home page says about ipkg format: "In keeping with the "Just like Debian" philosphy laid out above, I first made the .ipk format equivalent to .deb, (but renamed to avoid frustration and confusion). However, I recently changed it to be a tar.gz file rather than an ar archive so that ar would not have to be installed to use ipkg. (But with 0.99 we changed it back because gzipping compressed data is a waste of CPU and battery)."
<rafa> "(But with 0.99 we changed it back because gzipping compressed data is a waste of CPU and  battery)."
<wpwrak> waves back :)
<rafa> then.. a few lines after it says: "So, a .ipk file is an archive (either tar or gzipped tar) containing 3 members: "
<rafa> nice.. who knows exactly..
<wpwrak> rafa: so that's ... 4 format changes and maybe one name change. in what time interval ? :-)
<FrankBlues> rafa: Just installed the Muffinman beta 4 - nice!
<rafa> NO idea :).. OpenEmbedded does ipk, opk, or deb I would say.. but all of them are ar archives
<rafa> wpwrak: (that was for you)
<rafa> FrankBlues: he.. great! :)
<rafa> FrankBlues: if you like it to use every day please read the Muffinman documentation wiki page.. it is just one page :) ..and it has a lot of useful information and lot of tips
<wpwrak> rafa: perhaps the best approach is to just  for n in /bin/* /usr/bin/*; do for m in "" x -x xf xfz xfj; do $n $m $package && return; done
<wpwrak> rafa: i.e., see if *anything* can handle the file ;-)
<rafa> wpwrak: SDL: sorry, what do you mean with unusual pixel format?
<wpwrak> rafa: the ben's display has the RGB sub-pixel is a different location than "normal" lcd displays for computers. that was for instance a problem for text fonts. perhaps you remember this.
<wpwrak> rafa: hmm, is there a basic and common library with the usual 2D graphics primitives for SDL ? e.g., drawing a line, a filled rectangle (or polygon), etc.
<rafa> yes I remember, but I would say that SDL does not do anything about. At least the libSDL that OE has it the standar one. If that problem is a known problems in many machines and sdl can controls that I would be impressed :).. Well, I have not seen this problem before and how to fix that
<wpwrak> (pixel problem) hmm, so you say it doesn't happen in a noticeable way ? or that it happens in a noticeable way, but nobody cares to fix it ?
<rafa> wpwrak: I would say that it happens but nobody cares.. But I am not sure.. every sdl game I tested looked nice :)
<wpwrak> (pixel problem) okay. i'll see how this goes then :)
<rafa> wpwrak: SDL.. maybe libsdl-sge is good for primitives.. but it is not on jlime repo I see :( .. with standar sdl you just can do rectangles.. or a pixel.. also you can load graphics.. so you can load triangles as surfaces or other kind of primitives.. and to put them.. But well, if you want to use different sizes or geometry you need another lib like libsdl-sge
<wpwrak> any suggestion for a drawing lib ? i see that there are a bunch of them, but which would be the "most standard" ?
<wpwrak> ah, messages crossed :)
<rafa> :)
<rafa> anyway, libsdl-sge should not be hard to port
<rafa> wpwrak: ah.. sdl-gfx is on repo
<rafa> that is useful as well !
<rafa> wpwrak: the headers are under SDL/ (/usr/include/SDL/SDL_gfx*).. And a ultrafast tutorial: http://www.aaroncox.net/tutorials/2dtutorials/sdlshapes.html
<rafa> wpwrak: that would be the best way to do graphics on Ben.. SDL using x11 or fb is fast.
<rafa> bah.. wolfgang is not logged in yet.. I go to sleep.. cya
<wpwrak> (sdl_gfx) looks nice. and it has the functions i'm looking for. thanks !
<wpwrak> and of course, the openwrt host toolchain doesn't have sdl :-(
<rafa> wpwrak: he.. murphy.. but well, sdl is the exact thing in pc version so you just init sdl as a 320x240 window on your pc and try there.. then the port is ultra easy and you do not need to touch anything in the code to build for ben
<rafa> exact=exact same
<wpwrak> rafa: (easy port) yup, that's what i'm hoping for :)