<xakh> anyone good with gmenu2x?
<xakh> I need to set up a few shortcuts, and I can't remember what folder I have to move stuff into for that.
<xiangfu> xakh: /usr/share/gmenu2x/sections/applications/
<xakh> you are awesome, xiang.
<xakh> also, I have a wallpaper, if I scale it down, think people might like to use it?
<xakh> I usually just use this one of a gorilla high fiving a shark in front of an explosion, but this other one's neat too.
<xakh> cool
<xiangfu> xakh:  there are still some apps don't have icon in gmenu2x.
<xakh> that's alright
<xakh> I like to make my own
<xakh> and it's usually games anyway
<wolfspraul> xiangfu: if you are good with wikis, you can upload and attach the wallpaper here http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/Nanonote_Wallpapers
<wolfspraul> or directly commit as xiangfu suggested, both fine
<xiangfu> xakh: maybe we can add yours to openwrt-xburst.git :)
<xiangfu> xakh: we need add more game to NanoNote :)
<xiangfu> games
<xiangfu> wolfspraul: you mean "xakh" :)
<xakh> thass the one
<xakh> well they're the premade ones
<xakh> but I have some suggestions!
<xakh> one I'd like to see is called angstron2
<xakh> I did some work with the author, and he's really cool
<xakh> the game uses primarily SVG files
<xiangfu> xakh: I am work on the "nethack" before. I only compile one "nethack" binary. still miss a lot of *.lev. do you know where we can download those *.lev files?
<xakh> for its textures, and is pretty portables
<xakh> unfortunately no, I don't remember
<xakh> I've been gone since July, so I'm pretty rusty, I had Uni to take care of
<xakh> okay
<xakh> so here's my wallpaper!
<xakh> like it?
<xiangfu> xakh: pretty good.  please add it to wiki. http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/Nanonote_Wallpapers
<xakh> alrighty!
<xiangfu> xakh: then we have one more pre-install wallpaper for NanoNote. others at: http://projects.qi-hardware.com/index.php/p/gmenu2x/source/tree/master/pandora/skins/Default/wallpapers
<xakh> I like the ones it comes with
<xakh> I just thought this would be a good addition
<xakh> hm
<xakh> I don't know what license
<xakh> is a CC good?
<xiangfu> xakh: yes.
<xakh> alright, commercial usage allowed, obviously, eh?
<wolfspraul> xakh: yes, we follow the Wikimedia Foundation, i.e. we do not include any content that comes with non-commercial or no-derivative restrictions, or under fair-use exceptions
<xakh> alrigh cool
<wolfspraul> so for a wallpaper, cc-by or cc-by-sa would be great
<xakh> just checking, I've never uploaded before
<wolfspraul> or public domain, of course
<wolfspraul> thanks for trying, and taking the time and patience to learn about it!
<xakh> I've adapted it from a work by another guy, I'm on a chat program with him trying to figure out what he wants for licensing
<wolfspraul> good
<wolfspraul> at some point the work may be so simple however that it is not copyrightable anyway
<xakh> true
<wolfspraul> (not that I want to steal anybody's work, this is a legal comment)
<xakh> though the process he went to to get the original work was pretty intense
<wolfspraul> we love to credit authors, however significant or insignificant something may be
<wolfspraul> exactly, you never know, and that is to be respected
<xakh> exactly
<xakh> like, here's the original. He went to the beach, took an expensive camera, and let water hit the lens head on while he hit the flash
<xakh> so it lit up all the particles
<wolfspraul> interesting
<xakh> yeah, I like this artist
<wolfspraul> if he is OK with cc licensing, add a short comment with that information in the summary
<wolfspraul> and a link/name of the original author
<xakh> alright, cool
<xakh> just double checking with the guy
<xakh> the wallpaper I currently have is a copyrighted picture, so I can't use that on the default install
<xakh> hm, the guy wants to sleep on it
<xakh> sorry, I'll upload it in a couple day
<xakh> s
<xakh> if that's alright, he wants to do it, but it's sort of late where he is, so he's not sure how to go about it
<xakh> sorry about this, he's a picky dude
<xiangfu> xakh: here is the netsurf.
<xakh> oh man
<xakh> you are awesome!
<xiangfu> xakh: you can test and give some feedback. :)
<xakh> definitely
<xiangfu> xakh: you need install five libs: libcss * libhubbub * libparserutils * libnsfb * ibwapcaplet
<xiangfu> s/ibwapcaplet/libwapcaplet
<xakh> hm
<xakh> I'll make a note somewhere so I remember that, my memory sucks
<xakh> another question, where's the wallpapers?
<xakh> on the nano
<xiangfu> xakh: /usr/share/gmenu2x/skins/Default/wallpapers
<xakh> cool
<xakh> if I make a new folder in sections
<xakh> say I call it games
<xakh> will that make the new section?
<xakh> oh, and of course, what's the terminal command for making a new directory?
<wolfspraul> xakh: take your time with the wallpaper, no rush
<xakh> okay, cool, thanks
<wolfspraul> if the author doesn't want to share it, fine no problem, of course that is to be respected
<xakh> yeah
<xakh> so, how do I make a new folder in terminal again?
<xakh> I
<xakh> I'm spoiled with nautilus
<xakh> oh
<xakh> mkdir
<xakh> duh
<xakh> by the way
<xakh> for playing doom
<xakh> this nano is better than phones, gameboys, and Xbox 360s
<xakh> I'm sort of a Doom fanboy
<xakh> and I really, really like the implementation on the nano, so for gaming, it at least has that down
<xakh> alright
<xakh> I moved every one of Zear's games into my gmenu2x folder
<xakh> now someone remind me how to make a shortcut
<xakh> and we should be cooking with gas!
<xakh> argh, I must sound like a total noob
<xakh> wolfspraul: how do I exit the settings menu in gmenu2x?
<xakh> S, as it turns out.
<wolfspraul> yes :-)
<xakh> now, how do I make shortcuts to the programs I want?
<xakh> wolfspraul: seriously, what's the button I press for application shortcuts?
<xiangfu> xakh: "enter". here are a lot of examples :http://projects.qi-hardware.com/index.php/p/openwrt-xburst/source/tree/master/data/qi_lb60/files/usr/share/gmenu2x/sections/applications
<roh> *mumble*
<xakh> hiya ruh
<roh> there is just too many colors of acryllic plastic in the catalogs.
<xakh> lol
<roh> and variants. frosted on one or both sides... etc
<xakh> hey, wolf, enter didn't do anything
<roh> <- can't decide
<xakh> I'm on the latest version
<xakh> get clear red with frosted
<xakh> :3 I like that one.
<roh> yeah.. i thought about one side frosted (inner side) and then do lsocket labels from there
<roh> maybe i should order directly at evonik (manuf)  and see what happens
<xakh> roh: you know anythin about gmenu2x, specifically the new keybindings?
<roh> nope
<xakh> damn
<xakh> I need someone who does, I'm trying to add some shortcuts to some games
<roh> isnt that all Freedesktop.org config style?
<xakh> I dunno
<roh> heh.. well.. relax. its just much too early. 8:50am over here
<xakh> ah
<xakh> 2 am here
<xakh> I'm headed to bed
<xakh> staying with some relatives, sleeping on an air mattress in their basement
<xakh> lol
<xakh> high class, right?
<roh> .oO(beats waking up at 6:50 due to kids of a friend who need to go to kindergarden)
<roh> bbl
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: fix the wrong log.txt path, when using -l option http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/8e4e309
<kyak> wolfspraul: hey! were yo ulooking for me?
<wolfspraul> kyak: was I? :-)
<wolfspraul> ah yes
<wolfspraul> the 'thinnest' gui toolkit...
<wolfspraul> on the Ben, what are the differences (pros and cons) between sdl and directfb?
<wolfspraul> when we talked about netsurf the other day, we mentioned a 'linuxfb' backend
<wolfspraul> does this mean that netsurf directly opens the framebuffer device and draws to it, without any additional 'toolkit' library in between?
<wolfspraul> or is there another 'linuxfb' toolkit library hiding somewhere?
<wolfspraul> kyak: those were the questions, roughly, and I thought you may be able to help with some of them?
<wolfspraul> gtk and qt are pretty clear to me, and I think most others
<wolfspraul> but for sdl vs. directfb vs. linuxfb or other 'thin' toolkits, not sure...
<roh> wolfspraul sdl is just 'a shitty wrapper layer'
<roh> no real intelligence. some line rendering functions. no accel at all.
<roh> directfb is a hw-abstraction layer. enables you to use hw-accel for blitting/line drawing. fbdev does have no accel without something like directfb
<kyak> wolfspraul: yes, better read answers from roh, i've no such experience to answer that :)
<roh> and yes it gets unobvious due to directfb having the possibility to run ontop of x11, sdl etc as well (for development purposes e.g.)
<roh> directfb doesnt have a toolkit. it only has stuff like 'blit' 'draw line' and all the primitives. but not 'render inputbox with ok button there' .. that would be gtk or a similar layer ontop of dfb or whatever you use
<kyak> does it get any clear? i don't think so :)
<roh> sdl only exists due to the 'runs everywhere, performs nowhere' ;)
<wolfspraul> what is 'linuxfb'?
<wolfspraul> does that just refer to the name of the underlying device node of the framebuffer?
<roh> nothing.
<wolfspraul> or is it another library?
<roh> refers to 'uses framebuffer'
<roh> wolfspraul you can always directly mmap the fbdev, and write pixels there unaccelerated.
<wolfspraul> ok, so when we say netsurf has a 'linuxfb backend', we mean that netsurf opens the framebuffer device directly, and writes into it without help of any 'toolkit' library
<roh> thats the whole idea of it. anyhing else needs hw-dependant drivers again
<roh> wolfspraul ack. means also its slow (given more that a few pixels of fbdev)
<wolfspraul> the nice thing about SDL seems to be that it has python bindings via pygame
<wolfspraul> roh: not everybody needs gui speed
<roh> wolfspraul well.. i am still one of the persons which tends to qualify speed by something inbetween 'i need to wait' and 'i press something, and it does it before ive pulled my finger back' ;)
<wolfspraul> so if you come from a scripting language (any scripting language), maybe pygame via sdl is a nice option on the Ben?
<wolfspraul> or are there scripting language bindings for directfb, or any other way to manipulate the framebuffer from a scripting language?
<roh> should be.
<roh> i think limiting yourself to 'one lib' would be foolish
<roh> but well.. you only really need accel when your screen gets bigger than its now on the nanonote. i guess you can already blit in 20fps with cpu alone
<roh> wolfspraul i think for games its much more important to find a way using 2 or 3 keys at the same time than graphics speed above 20-30fp
<kyak> xiangfu: i was wondering, what's "qc"?
<xiangfu> kyak: quickcalc.
<kyak> ah!
<xiangfu> kyak: I have added "sshfs" to config.full_system. not commit yet.
<kyak> great! does it work?
<xiangfu> kyak: not test yest.
<kyak> hm.. what's its full name?
<xiangfu> kyak: sshfs ?
<kyak> yes
<xiangfu> kyak: SSHFS - filesystem client based on ssh
<kyak> i can't find it in config
<xiangfu> kyak:  sshfs [user@]host:[dir] mountpoint [options]
<kyak> is it a aprt of busybox or what?
<kyak> *part
<xiangfu> kyak: it's at Repository Root: svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt
<xiangfu> Repository UUID: 3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73
<xiangfu> Revision: 24018
<xiangfu> kyak: net/sshfs/
<kyak> oh ok, got it now..
<xiangfu> kyak: I am thinking if we use xbboot and zImage to boot Nanonote. then
<xiangfu> we can use the "sshfs" to access HOSTS image files.
<viric> xiangfu: http://www.tucows.com/preview/8606 talks about quickcalc 1.26, while it's source url (sunsite) mentions 1.01
<xiangfu> no need to copy them to nanonote or sdcard.
<viric> xiangfu: I wanted to try a nfsroot boot. Did you try?
<viric> over usb0
<viric> it should be trivial to do
<xiangfu> viric: no.
<viric> I thought the speed would be very low
<viric> lower than the NAND
<viric> I only tried transfers through usb0 using sftp, so I don't really know the speed without the encryption overhead
<kyak> xiangfu: so if your intention is to use rootfs from host, then nfs should be better..
<xiangfu> viric: I use scp , copy file to nanonote , it's give me ~ 700KB/s
<viric> limited by cpu ?
<viric> it is usb 1.1, right?
<kyak> my feeling is that it is limited by NAND
<viric> then I should try the nfsroot definitely
<mth> I get 1.5MB/s on the Dingoo using FTP to the SD card
<kyak> yeah, it's faster with SD card
<viric> hm
<viric> perfect
<viric> kyak: I was booting quite enough of the OS already, both in the nanonote and qemu :)
<viric> qemu helped a lot
<kyak> yeah, this nfs thing is easy to test with qemu
<kyak> changing kernel command line like that
<xiangfu> kyak: seems not working in usb0 always give me :root@BenNanoNote:~# sshfs xiangfu@ /mnt
<xiangfu> read: Connection reset by peer
<viric> kyak: well, with qemu it has 'eth0', so it looks even easier.
<viric> kyak: I mean the nfsroot we should test with the nanonote
<kyak> viric: i don't see any difference between eth0 and usb0 :)
<kyak> xiangfu: do you see some messages in your host logs?
<viric> kyak: hmmm well, the 'usb0' appears on the PC (nfs server) when switching on the nanonote
<kyak> about Ben trying to connect
<viric> kyak: I don't have udev set to configure usb0 automatically still .)
<viric> :)
<kyak> viric: i have it :) not me actually, but my distro
<viric> ok
<viric> also the NAT routing for the nanonote to the internet? :)
<kyak> of course
<kyak> i just plug it in and it's ready to go
<viric> ahh clever distro
<viric> I did not spend the minutes to set that :)
<kyak> nah, i had to set it up for the first time :)
<kyak> then it's atuomatic
<kyak> anyway i would prefer nfs root not on my laptop but on my server where i build
<kyak> i'm just lazy thinking about setting up nfs exports, firewall rules, etc
<viric> hehe
<viric> I may play with that some day. I work too much for the nanonote at home, lately :)
<kristianpaul> you can transfer to ram :D
<kristianpaul> if you still havin enoguth to moutn a small fs on it
<DKR813> elo
<DKR813> ppl thr ?
<viric> the main founder died recently. honor to him.
<viric> (elo)
<DKR813> 6850 or 460 hawk ?
<DKR813> help me decide gtx 460 hawk TA or 6850
<xakh> hallo!
<xakh> so, I can't get Quake or Doom to work.
<xakh> it made me sad.
<viric> prboom works fine here
<xakh> newest reflash?
<xakh> I was using a ridiculously outdated OWRT from July, and it worked fine
<xakh> but now it fails every time
<viric> I'm not using openwrt...
<viric> others may answer
<xakh> ahh
<xakh> that'd be the reason
<xakh> I probably should load something else, but I sorta like OWRT
<xakh> well, what are you using? since half the reason I love this thing is for Doom playin'...
<wolfspraul> xakh: can you give us some more information so we can reproduce the problem? if it worked in July we'll get it to work again, for sure...
<xakh> definitely
<xakh> technically it worked yesterday, since I just reflashed 8 hours ago or so.
<xakh> :P
<xakh> so
<xakh> says I don't have the iwad
<xakh> which is just weird
<xakh> since I loaded it directly from the site
<xakh> and I don't have access to anything that can move stuff to and from my nano currently
<xakh> since it's really late at night here and I have to borrow some equipment from people currently asleep...
<wolfspraul> I'm sure the bug won't run away :-)
<xakh> hehe
<kyak> xakh: if you had doom dat files on your rootfs, it got erased during reflash
<xakh> I know that part
<xakh> but I moved a fresh copy of the doom folders
<xakh> from...
<xakh> gimme a sec, forgot where I got it.
<xakh> wait yeah
<xakh> I got it from Zear's directory.
<kyak> and where did you put then?
<kyak> *them
<xakh> in a folder called /nanostuff on the device
<xakh> they're all self contained
<xakh> in the exact order they were in when I extracted them
<kyak> DB2 F@= D:C =I3 KI K3:C 5@D5 5@HK HK 5@ C74DAC F@C:C 7:8IIL HK 4II;HB? 0I: 5@CL,
<kyak> damn
<kyak> :)
<kyak> so why are you so sure that prboom is looking for those files in /nanostuff?
<xakh> ....
<xakh> you're some kind of genius.
<xakh> but
<xakh> dunno where to put them otherwise.
<kyak> run strace prboom and see where is looks for them
<kyak> i guess there should be instructions from zear anyway
<xakh> ...............................
<kyak> some README?
<xakh> really really long thing from strace
<kyak> you are only interested in what's in the end
<xakh> it hasnt ended.
<xakh> and it keeps saying the same thing over and over
<kyak> "If a game needs additional datafiles, the list of them and installation method is covered in a HOWTO_INSTALL file inside the package."
<kyak> as said, yo ushould read
<xakh> back in July I was a whiz with this thing
<xakh> I guess I'm just rusty.
<xakh> apparently I need the original doom datafiles?
<xakh> that doesn't make sense, I wanna play freedoom.
<xakh> the freedoom wad works too, right?
<xakh> thanks. You guys make me feel stupid
<xakh> in a good way.
<xakh> argh.
<xakh> I moved a doom2 file in there and it still won't seem to launch.
<xakh> wait
<xakh> I'm an idiot.
<xakh> you rock for helping me figure this out, good sir.
<rafa> wpwrak: wolfspraul : so.. should some features for jlime at qi servers change before to announce it a bit?.. I have a short list:
<rafa> - ip at the same qi openwrt network
<rafa> - improved jlime-pkg
<rafa> - kernel wih the same nand layout as qi openwrt
<kristianpaul> (ip at the same qi openwrt network) good !
<wolfspraul> rafa: logging out, let's discuss tomorrow
<rafa> wolfspraul: no problem
<viric> kyak:  C:@08=5 @>48;AO?
<rafa> wolfspraul: rest well
<wolfspraul> I thought about the dual-booting more, and I still think the only practical way is 2 more partitions
<kyak> viric: ?>G5<C 2 C:@08=5, 2  >AA88 ))
<viric> kyak: ><=N :0: 1K 2 GMT+2 BK 682QHL
<kyak> GMT+3
<viric> B0: OA=>
<kyak> are you google translating? :)
<wolfspraul> talk more tomorrow
<viric> C, MB> =5 <>9 @>4=>9 O7K: :)
<viric> ;CGH5 =5 C<5N
<kyak> 0 :0:>9 @>4=>9?
<viric> :0B0;0=A:89
<kyak> 2A5 @02=> =5?;>E> ?>;CG05BAO, <>;>45F )
<viric> )
<kyak> rafa: would be great to have the same partitions layout in owrt and jlime (specifically, to be able to mount datafs when booting jlime from sd card)
<kristianpaul> yup
<kristianpaul> usd is a really use port :)
<kyak> huh?
<kristianpaul> uSD
<kristianpaul> oh u said booting from usd? i was thinking i NAND
<kristianpaul> usd/SD
<kyak> yeah, booting
<kristianpaul> i really stop caring about data in NAND
<kristianpaul> just see it like the OS NAND and try keep data safe on SD
<kyak> i have some usefull stuff there
<kyak> on NAND
<kristianpaul> take care of it !
<kyak> my SD is small (256 Mb), and it carries jlime
<kyak> and i don't have uSD card reader anyway
<kristianpaul> hmm
<kristianpaul> good point
<kyak> i can install jlime while booting in owrt and (theoretically) vice versa :)
<kristianpaul> ohh
<kristianpaul> ah yes
<kristianpaul> you have a self healing system ;)
<kyak> not really.. couple of days ago i've managed to corrupt boot partition :)
<rafa> kyak: yes.. just that current qi openwrt nand layout could be changed soon :) .. if yes we can rebuild the jlime kernel i guess. it is no a really hard work, but well i would like to see some stable layout for a while :)
<rafa> kyak: also.. there is the dual booting idea.. and for that the easiest way from wolfgang is to have 2 partitions for rootfs and one for data.. I do not have any ideas about that yet
<kyak> rafa: means, the bootloader and kernel(s) will be residing in rootfs?
<kyak> (dual boot or better just multiple boot is a very anticipated feature)
<kristianpaul> i dont like dual boot
<kristianpaul> is confusing
<kyak> kristianpaul: doesn't mean it should be there by default :)
<kyak> should have a config, like grub has, to add/delete menu items
<kristianpaul> i dont know
<kristianpaul> thats more time waiting..
<kristianpaul> i want boot linux in 4 secodns :D
<kyak> also configurable
<kristianpaul> i think a key is okay
<kyak> btw, i'd like not to turn it off at all
<viric> can uboot read from ubifs?
<kristianpaul> you meant load it to memory?
<viric> yes
<viric> load an uImage stored in ubifs
<viric> I know it has ext2 and reiserfs support (upstream uboot), I don't know for ubifs
<kyak> hmm
<kyak> does it care about fs?
<kyak> i think, we just erase the kernel partition and write uImage there
<kyak> i might be mistaken
<kyak> uboot just "knowns" where uImage started
<viric> weren't you talking about giving options on what kernel to boot?
<kyak> *starts
<viric> maybe I misunderstood
<kristianpaul> i was hoping one kernel particion and two separte rootfs
<kristianpaul> partition*
<viric> ahh ok
<viric> easy then
<kristianpaul> who knows :D
<kyak> viric: we were.. but i think the plan is to do it with kexec
<viric> aaah
<kristianpaul> kexec !
<viric> long time passed since last time I used kexec
<kristianpaul> i never so i'm waiting to see what can it do
<viric> I used 'kexec' for it to launch a 2nd kernel on kernel panic
<viric> (iirc)
<kristianpaul> he
<kyak> heh, awesome trick
<kristianpaul> indeed
<viric> to debug something. I can't remember.
<kristianpaul> it was wast enoguht?
<viric> it's a usual approach I think..
<kyak> viric: what if the second kernel paniced? ;)
<kristianpaul> i meant to dont die in the panic
<viric> I can't remember more details :)
<kristianpaul> ahh
<kristianpaul> usual?
<viric> I remember I did not invent it.
<kristianpaul> oh
<viric> I did this because the panic happened while having Xorg on
<viric> and I could not see any trace
<kristianpaul> i like the fast boot
<viric> there are 4MB for the kernel partition
<viric> can't there be two kernels? :)
<rafa> viric: if I have read well a couple of days ago the idea of lars or somebody, who knows.. , is to remove uboot
<viric> kristianpaul: the kernel I use (2.6.35) takes 1950KiB. Two kernels fit on 4MiB :)
<viric> rafa: really?
<viric> well, I'd vote for an uboot *with prompt*
<rafa> viric: yes.. that I read. I could be wrong becuause I was not following the chat properly. ask lars.. he knows surely
<rafa> viric: but as mtd support answer you could get an answer after 5 months perhaps :)
<viric> hehe
<kristianpaul> not uboot
<viric> kristianpaul: ?
<kristianpaul> viric: sorry, i agree with the "not use uboot" movement for the nanonote
<viric> aah ok
<viric> why?
<kristianpaul> uboot just not needed
<kristianpaul> linux can boot it self and initialce devices
<viric> yes yes.
<kristianpaul> as larsc and wpwrak had told
<viric> I agree.
<viric> Can uboot talk usb-net ?
<kristianpaul> usb-net?
<viric> hm
<viric> could uboot initialize the usb-net interface of the nanonote?
<kristianpaul> ah dunno
<kristianpaul> i guess it can
<kristianpaul> i wonder i have the libs/stack for that task..
<kristianpaul> hey see is what people said, here, i think,  bootloaders stop beeing that, when want to do more that they should do
<viric> well
<viric> it's easy to say now that a linux kernel works there :)
<wpwrak> rafa: from what i see, it seems basically good to go. so far only used it via ssh, though. things like dual boot and such can wait.
<wpwrak> viric: afaik, u-boot has no ethernet-over-usb stack. nor tcp/ip for that matter.
<viric> udp would be fine
<viric> I thought of tftp
<viric> it does not matter much though
<viric> I can live without it :)
<wpwrak> viric: naw, just use linux ;-)
<wpwrak> regarding partitions, one way of avoiding them would be to create something like lillo - a lean boot loader with its own map file. still better to just have a simple layout and only one first-step linux system, though.
<kristianpaul> reading a 2000 paper about kexec
<wpwrak> this first-step linux could take its rootfs from an initramfs or it could just place the rootfs data after the kernel (in NAND)
<kristianpaul> 2000 year*
<wpwrak> 2000 papers would be a bit of work :)
<wpwrak> the root file systems of the dual-booted systems could perhaps just live in a common large rootfs, e.g., /openwrt and /jlime. if you decide to remove one, you just rm -rf it
<wpwrak> give the kernel a small initramds that pivot_roots it from / to /openwrt|/jlime
<kristianpaul> damn how slow 50Mhz are, too MUCH !
<wpwrak> where is the slowness of 50 MHz bothering you ?
<kristianpaul> if you want a decent logic analizer :)
<wpwrak> oh. oh course :)
<kristianpaul> thats it no more :)
<kristianpaul> now i see the reason of downsampling and fronted like in the USRP
<kristianpaul> fronted boards* or whatever technically is called
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: you mean, because ADCs that operate at 2+ GHz are kinda expensive ? :)
<viric> wpwrak: do you happen to know what determines if the nanonote starts when connecting the power?
<viric> it looks to me like sometimes I need to press the power button, and sometimes not
<wpwrak> hmm, you mean no power (no usb, no battery) to usb power ?
<viric> or plugging the battery, yes
<wpwrak> with usb, i found that it depended on the time since last power
<viric> I could not guess any pattern, from what I do, and whether it turns on or not
<viric> ahh
<wpwrak> if the time was long enough (~30 sec), it always powered on
<wpwrak> otherwise, i had to do something (or just disconnect and wait a little longer)
<viric> interesting
<wpwrak> i didn't determine where exactly the threshold is. i found that ~30 sec is always enough, and very short disconnects (~2 s) generally weren't.
<wpwrak> lekernel: you think of working with them, to manage your IP assets ? ;-)
<xakh> hey
<xakh> would it be possible to hook a mouse/keyboard combo to the microSD slot?
<xakh> just a thought I was kicking around.
<wpwrak> if you make the hardware and driver for it ...
<xakh> we could make it sort of like a dock, where you push the microSD plug in with a switch
<xakh> alright, cool.
<xakh> see, I had this idea, to make a little dock, and give it an improved keyboard with a sort of touchpad on the side
<wpwrak> do you know that there is already hardware in qi-hw that uses the uSD slot ?
<xakh> so that it could be used for more complex DirectFB tasks
<xakh> I knew there was an antenna
<xakh> for wifi and such, and someone made a small breakout board, right?
<wpwrak> there's a SDIO wlan module. but that's not open.
<xakh> yeah, that sort of sucks.
<xakh> I'd really like to use wlan on my nano, but it's an uncompromizing handheld
<wpwrak> there's the breakout board. then i have a cable used for programming a microprocessor. and there's the ben-wpan project.
<xakh> wpan?
<xakh> forgive me if I sound out of touch, I just got back into this qi stuff, after a hiatus I took in July
<xakh> o.o
<xakh> I want one.
<xakh> I want one of those a lot.
<xakh> that'd save me some time and solder if I could get ahold of one of those
<xakh> in theory
<xakh> we could use this to gain USB host, couldn't we?
<xakh> awesome.
<xakh> the last time I was here, we were all about gaining usb host. Have we gotten farther on something we can use for that?
<wpwrak> tuxbrain once suggested a chip that may be suitable for usb host
<wpwrak> but someone would still have to make a board with it ;-)
<xakh> I think I saw that on the mailing lists, did it go anywhere?
<xakh> ah right
<xakh> sorry, I'm still really new to this stuff
<wpwrak> (plus a boost converter for 5V power)
<xakh> I love to learn though, and these products fascinate me.
<xakh> also
<xakh> zear: ping
<zear> hey xakh
<xakh> long time no see, eh?
<zear> yea
<zear> i sort of just idle here nowadays
<xakh> ahh
<xakh> you still brought the best games to nano
<zear> haven't touched my nn in ages, it sleeps calmly in my drawer :)
<xakh> I've been using it sorta like a gameboy
<xakh> mostly powder and doom
<zear> also, there's something wrong with the lcd ribbon, i think
<xakh> :( that sucks
<zear> the screen changes colors when i move open/close the lid
<xakh> huh,
<xakh> odd
<xakh> glad to know you're still around, even with your nn busted up a bit.
<zear> i think someone (wolf?) said he got two nn returns with a similar problem
<zear> though mine is a developement model, so without a warranty :)
<xakh> ah
<xakh> I think mine doesn't have a warranty either
<xakh> but I sorta like it that way
<zear> anyway, i wish i could port more of this stuff, but 1) no time 2) owrt has no good toolchain, and jlime toolchain for some reason doesn't work on my machine while it works for other people
<xakh> that's sucky
<xakh> at least I have powder though.
<zear> yea, it's a great game
<xakh> tlosh forever!
<zear> xakh, and, if you like roguelikes, blizzard ported sdl gui for nethack
<zear> for jlime
<zear> and it's awesome
<xakh> seriously, Blizzard made a nethack gui?
<xakh> that's amazing.
<zear> no, he just ported one
<zear> but it fits 320x240 almost perfectly
<zear> one minor issue is it doesn't break the lines on the end of the screen
<xakh> oh, He?
<xakh> I thought you meant the game company
<zear> only when they were originally meant to be broken
<zear> ah, no no
<xakh> that idea was hilarious
<zear> the guy from the #jlime channel :D
<xakh> ahhh
<zear> so anyway, this small issue is that sometimes the messages go off screen
<xakh> the day Blizzard starts targeting the nn is the day I eat a boiled boot
<xakh> eh, that's no biggy
<zear> most of the time the messages fit, and if they don't, you still can tell what is going on by the visible part of the message
<xakh> I rarely make it past staircase 4 or 5 anyway
<zear> same
<xakh> so no biggy on that
<zear> but the port is really good
<zear> item list, etc, all fit on the screen
<zear> and items have the little icons next to them
<xakh> ooh
<zear> so you can tell what they are
<zear> there are 3 zoom levels, so you can see the whole level at once
<zear> and you can switch from tileset to ascii mode on the fly by pressing tab
<xakh> o.o
<xakh> now I need it.
<zear> join #jlime and ask blizzard for it
<zear> also, you'll need jlime to be installed on your nn
<xakh> unfortunately, I can't find a uSD card to spare for Jlime for now
<zear> ouch
<xakh> next time I get paid that's first on my list
<zear> :D
<zear> did i mention it has autocompletion for the commands? :D
<xakh> haha! now that's something.
<zear> like, you can still just use qwerty to activate the commands
<zear> but there's also an option to type them yourself
<zear> with autocompletion
<xakh> that is awesome.
<zear> because i sometimes dislike that button combos for certain commands
<xakh> me too, and I forget them sometimes, since it's quite a bit to remember.
<zear> the only drawback is there's no nice way to move diagonally
<xakh> by the way, did you notice they started using netsurf on the owrt, like I suggested back in july?
<xakh> glad someone convinced em ;)
<zear> it used the 4-way button for up/down/left/right and some keys from the default nethack configuration for diagonal movement
<xakh> eh, I don't move diagonally much
<zear> like uijk or something
<xakh> heh
<zear> i haven't touched owrt in ages
<zear> i mostly just use jlime
<zear> and jlime had netsurf since the very beginning
<xakh> I still like gmenu, and have no SD, so it's a good option for me
<zear> glad someone likes gmenu :D
<xakh> yeah, I know, it's where I got the idea from
<zear> i only heard bad things about it :D
<xakh> they finally fixed some of the keybindings, so it works for me
<xakh> like X isn't the okay button
<zear> also, they never liked my q p for switching the screens :P
<xakh> they switched it to l r
<zear> :P
<zear> well, i made the original keymapping to mirror the one from gp2x
<xakh> well, it made sense
<zear> because without it you'd be even more confused by the hints at the bottom
<xakh> haha
<xakh> the hints are still there
<xakh> but to me it kind of feels right, having a hacked together desktop thing
<zear> i'm glad qi-hardware + ayla + mth made a fork of gmenu2x and improved it a bit
<xakh> there's a fork?
<zear> i don't know if they preinstall owrt with it now, or they still put the old gmenu2x in ther
<zear> e
<xakh> it does feel a bit different
<xakh> I think they use the forked version
<xakh> jlime still using IceW<
<xakh> Wm?
<zear> no, they were always using matchbox afaik
<zear> for the nn, that is
<xakh> oh, I thought back in testing iceWM was the one they used
<xakh> matchbox is awesome.
<xakh> is Jlime a bit more polished than it was back in July?
<zear> it should be, yes
<zear> it has a dictionary and a wikireader, it's cool :)
<xakh> that is pretty neat.
<zear> a working mplayer
<xakh> I saw abiword on it once, is that still there?
<zear> i don't know, i haven't used it that much :)
<zear> but it has a HUUUGE database in the package repo
<xakh> yay!
<zear> not all of the packages were tested though
<zear> so some stuff might not work after you download it
<xakh> I am more than willing to do that
<xakh> :P
<zear> and most of the X11 stuff will be too big for 320x240
<zear> so abiword should be there, yes
<xakh> true, it would be.
<zear> i even ported fheroes2 to it, but i don't remember if they added it to the repo or not
<xakh> that's just awesome.
<zear> don't expect miracles though, most of the stuff wasn't meant for mouseless 320x240 device
<zear> the thing nobody knows about jlime though is jlime contains *certain* codecs
<xakh> eh, that's ok
<zear> like mp3 or video codecs, so qi-hardware can't mention about jlime on their wiki/website
<xakh> ahh
<xakh> wondered why they didn't talk about it
<xakh> what if a fork was made, that removed those and made a different OS?
<zear> i believe they are working on such a fork now
<xakh> nice
<xakh> I didn't expect the nano to be able to do much more than take notes or play Gnuchess when I got it
<xakh> I figured I could use it to learn about the terminal
<xakh> but hey, it always surprises me, so I'm gonna keep pushing the little thing
<zear> about the chess, we've got a nice sdl chess engine for the dingoo recently
<xakh> nice.
<zear> it could be recompiled in 5sec for the nanonote
<zear> if i had a working toolchain, that is :D
<zear> it bases on the stockfish engine, which, according to the wiki, is the second strongest chess engine in the world
<xakh> haha!
<xakh> awesome
<zear> once i thought i'm gonna win with the cpu, but it lured me in a tricky trap :D
<zear> *into
<xakh> just like the nn, it's full of surprises huh??
<zear> yep :D
<xakh> so, you're working with the Dingoo these days then?
<viric> hm
<viric> how to tell dropbear not to ask for a password for root?
<kristianpaul> viric: just dont set a password for root
<kristianpaul> hit enter (as rms said xD )
<viric> mm
<viric> It works for the console
<viric> but not for dropbear...
<viric> ah in fact it does not get in by any password
<viric> I may have something wrong
<zear> viric, it might have an option to never let you log on root via ssh
<zear> my freerunner had that by default
<viric> hm
<viric> ok thank you
<zear> check the dropbear config, maybe you can remove that option
<viric> I'll try
<viric> zear: got it! I had no /etc/shells
<zear> ah
<viric> now I set a blank password, and dropbear says "user 'root' has blank password, rejected"
<viric> setting a "" password works though. It will be enough.
<viric> wpwrak: hmm I try sysvinit 'halt', and it also does not power off the nanonote.
<viric> There may be a trick somewhere I don't know
<wpwrak> did you use -fp ?
<wolfspraul> xiangfu: hi good morning :-)
<wolfspraul> my openwrt build fails building host/sip-4.10.5/siplib - have you ever seen this?
<wolfspraul> the exact error is: /usr/bin/ld: siplib.o: relocation R_X86_64_32S against `_Py_NoneStruct' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
<wolfspraul> the linker fails to link sip.so
<xiangfu> wolfspraul: never meet such error.
<wolfspraul> ok I'm looking into it. seems to be a dependency of building the python-sip package
<wolfspraul> hmm, no :-) python-sip compiles fine... I'll dig more.
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: remove check root permissions http://qi-hw.com/p/xburst-tools/eb283a6