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<__trine> is there a default root passwd for an MK908 or does it need setting?
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<mosquito520> __trine: android has VPN support builtin, so you don't need root your device if you need connect VPN.
<mosquito520> naobsd: My goal is... I got Rockchip Kernel source, (of course some code I dont have that Rockchip release as binary)
<mosquito520> and I wanna to know, how to migrate into linux distros, and build a workable linux image for rockchip dongle
<mosquito520> does there has any useful instruction or resource?
<tonikasch> mosquito520, also at www.omegamoon.com
<tonikasch> mosquito520, and http://blogs.guifi.net/tonic/
<mosquito520> AstralixNB: If you need some powerful platform to made build something fast, I'll suggest that you can build as desktop, and bring an ultrabook, connect your desktop with SSH
<naobsd> mosquito520: here is my answer http://androtab.info/rockchip/multiboot/
<naobsd> please see /init in my ramdisk. it's very simple shell script
<AstralixNB> hehe, I have a corei7 Notebook, so I was more or less kidding.
<mosquito520> thanks, I'll check it:)
<mosquito520> AstralixNB: cuz NB Vendor will limit the cpu performance by EC due to thermal and power issue
<AstralixNB> kernel in less then a minute and a complete build of a phone Android including bootloaders, kernel and such in just e view minutes over an hour is pretty fine
<AstralixNB> What I did yesterday was quite exceptionell as I ran a phone build in the background, a kernel for a different architecture in the background and a small AVR project in the foreground
<mosquito520> OK:D
<AstralixNB> but you're right, I should have ran the build of the kernel on my machine at home, I have ssh tunnel to it
<AstralixNB> someone in here with good git skills?
<mosquito520> wow~ I'll keep system build on Desktop, but pull down the image will be a problem...
<mosquito520> (ziped my mouth)
<AstralixNB> pulling the image isn't a problem via sftp
<AstralixNB> you can connect via konqueror like any other drive you have locally
<hipboi> AstralixNB, what git problem you have?
<AstralixNB> But again, I need some help with git and syncing two repos
<AstralixNB> Hi!
<AstralixNB> I have forked a repo on github
<mosquito520> the problem is bandwidth, cuz Android image about 300~400MB, If I need pull entire image, it's need some time...
<AstralixNB> now I fteched the latest work from the original
<AstralixNB> and have it locally on my drive
<AstralixNB> but whatever I do, github rejects or ignores this if I try to push it to my fork
<AstralixNB> so the things are easy (I thought)
<naobsd> command line and error message?
<mosquito520> so you re trying to push another repo?
<AstralixNB> Just to put some names:
<AstralixNB> I have forked mmind/linux-rockchip
<AstralixNB> to Astralix / linux-rockchip
<AstralixNB> I cloned origin (Astralix) topgit/devel
<AstralixNB> I merged -X theirs mmind00/topgit/devel
<AstralixNB> I compiled successfull showing that all changes have been in
<AstralixNB> I pushed :
<AstralixNB> git push origin origin/topgit/devel
<AstralixNB> what should have put it back to my Astralix repo
<AstralixNB> To git@github.com:Astralix/linux-rockchip.git
<AstralixNB> error: failed to push some refs to 'git@github.com:Astralix/linux-rockchip.git'
<AstralixNB> hint: counterpart. Check out this branch and merge the remote changes
<AstralixNB> hint: Updates were rejected because a pushed branch tip is behind its remote
<AstralixNB> ! [rejected] origin/topgit/devel -> origin/topgit/devel (non-fast-forward)
<AstralixNB> hint: (e.g. 'git pull') before pushing again.
<AstralixNB> hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.
<AstralixNB> I tried to pull, but then things are messed up, mmind00's changes got lost
<AstralixNB> looks like I have to get rid of this one commit that I made month ago and that is now in the way to just copy over mmind00's last changes
<naobsd> well
<naobsd> origin/topgit/devel is remote branch
<naobsd> you need to push local branch
<naobsd> please tell me "git branch" output
<AstralixNB> linux-rockchip$ git branch
<AstralixNB> * (no branch)
<AstralixNB> temp
<AstralixNB> merge_temp
<AstralixNB> master
<AstralixNB> topgit/devel
<AstralixNB> but I switched to merge_temp
<naobsd> merge_temp is the branch you committed your work?
<AstralixNB> yes
<AstralixNB> I thought I collected first my topgit/devel and then mergd in mmind00 topgit/devel
<naobsd> and which remote branch you want to push it? topgit/devel on github?
<AstralixNB> yes
<naobsd> please try "git push origin merge_temp:topgit/devel"
<naobsd> seems good
<AstralixNB> ok, it clained to have done something
<AstralixNB> hmm...
<AstralixNB> but if I now checkout git checkout origin topgit/devel
<AstralixNB> error: pathspec 'topgit/devel' did not match any file(s) known to git.
<AstralixNB> uh
<AstralixNB> sorry
<AstralixNB> linux-rockchip$ git checkout origin/topgit/devel
<AstralixNB> Previous HEAD position was bca926b... readd scu, pmu and sram nodes to the dt
<AstralixNB> HEAD is now at 8601452... Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/topgit/devel' of github.com:Astralix/linux-rockchip into merge_temp
<AstralixNB> now I should be there
<naobsd> you already have topgit/devel on local
<naobsd> git checkout topgit/devel
<naobsd> if local topgit/devel is not what you want
<AstralixNB> yes, is the same
<naobsd> you can make new branch from remote branch e.g. "git checkout -b new_branch origin/topgit/devel"
<AstralixNB> let me check
<naobsd> or you may delete/rename existing topgit/devel
<AstralixNB> no, better not, it is the linus devel branch
<AstralixNB> I did this forth and back commits a lot of times but I never got stuck like today...
<AstralixNB> It is everyday development work to pull from A but push to B while respecting changes from C
<AstralixNB> Fine!
<AstralixNB> Linux version 3.12.0-rc2+ (Astralix) (gcc version 4.7.3 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.7.3-1ubuntu1) ) #2 SMP Thu Oct 17 16:09:00 CEST 2013
<AstralixNB> Machine: Rockchip Cortex-A9 (Device Tree), model: Radxa Rock
<AstralixNB> CPU: ARMv7 Processor [413fc090] revision 0 (ARMv7), cr=10c53c7d
<AstralixNB> CPU: PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT aliasing instruction cache
<AstralixNB> CPU0: thread -1, cpu 0, socket 0, mpidr 80000000
<AstralixNB> Setting up static identity map for 0xc02af950 - 0xc02af9a8
<AstralixNB> CPU1: thread -1, cpu 1, socket 0, mpidr 80000001
<AstralixNB> CPU2: Booted secondary processor
<AstralixNB> CPU1: Booted secondary processor
<AstralixNB> CPU3: Booted secondary processor
<AstralixNB> CPU2: thread -1, cpu 2, socket 0, mpidr 80000002
<AstralixNB> CPU3: thread -1, cpu 3, socket 0, mpidr 80000003
<AstralixNB> Brought up 4 CPUs
<AstralixNB> All latest changes from mmind00 are in!
<AstralixNB> Thanks guys!
<naobsd> looks very good :)
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<mmind00> yep and while smp support may not make it into mainline for 3.13, basic Radxa Rock support should make it (http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ports.arm.kernel/273460)
<mosquito520> I m wondering that Radxa Rock provide what kind SDK?? Linux? Android??
<arokux1> what is the state of the bootloader for RK?
<mosquito520> State? you mean???
<mosquito520> Rockchip Bootloader is close source that made by rockchip
<arokux1> is someone working on it to create an open sauce replacement...?
<mosquito520> but some product will be shipping with uboot bootloader recently:)
<arokux1> which?
<mosquito520> Sorry I can't figure out which does, cuz I don't know does RK will release uboot source as public or not
<mosquito520> but the uboot source is open to some customer that I can confirm that:)
<arokux1> hm.. and Rockchip Bootloader -- is that U-Boot based?
<mosquito520> I don't know, but as I know, it's should be not, cuz they told me that u-boot has poor performance or poor compatability with RK NAND flash controller for Nand Boot
<mosquito520> so they're create RK bootloader for China customer, mostly, their customer choose NAND as storage cuz NAND is cheap than eMMC
<mosquito520> Does any one know what kind OS of Radxa Rock SDK???
<arokux1> what are you expecting to find in an SDK?
<mosquito520> I just wanna know do they provide Linux SDK??
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<mosquito520> arokux1: hmmmm...? did you know that??
<arokux1> did I know what?
<mosquito520> does Radxa Rock provide Linux SDK or Android SDK??
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<arokux1> how can somebody answer you if you cannot even define what such an SDK should include?
<dsd> hi all, does anyone have experience working with rockchips RK3188 reference board?
<Galland> dsd: I believe the Radxa Rock is similar to the RK3188 Reference Design, though I could be wrong
<mosquito520> ops, Sorry, I m misunderstand what you mean... I mean...does that Radxa Rock provide BSP for Radxa Rock Dev. Kits?
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<mosquito520> dsd: Do you mean RK3188 reference board release by RK?
<Galland> mosquito520 the Radxa rock comes with Android preloaded, but no other things (at least my early case)
<mosquito520> Galland: I see, thanks:D
<Galland> however you can use almost any of the publicly available RK3188 repos on github to build your own Android/Linux kernels for it
<Galland> in case you haven't checked, I humbly recommend mine :D http://hwswbits.blogspot.com/2013/10/booting-linux-on-radxa-rock.html
<arokux1> Galland: do you plan to work on bootloader?
<mosquito520> roger that:)
<Galland> arokux1 I'm not really interested on that part :) why?
<arokux1> Galland: it is an important part that isn't yet open sauced...
<Galland> that's true
<mosquito520> arokux1: I believe that should be soon...:)
<arokux1> mosquito520: RK is going to make it available?
<mosquito520> cuz some product has already shipping with u-boot, and I believe those brand should be follow GPL to release source
<Galland> since it has already shipped, there should be no problem knowing which product is that? we may want to buy it :)
<arokux1> yeah, so mosquito520 what should we buy? ;)
<mosquito520> well, I can told you which product has RK SOC builtin, if some product has been anonuced , but I can't told you which product shipped with u-boot,cuz I don't know RK policy for that.
<mosquito520> also, I just know few product only:p
<Galland> hehe which products do u know then?
<mosquito520> Well, I'm not sure, one project that I can sure, It's still on development, should be shipped at Dec, so I can't told you that
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<mosquito520> but... One product has been anonunce recently, Maybe you may survy it
<mosquito520> lenovo Ideapad A10(?), I've found some article say that will use RK3188 as an android Netbook
<mosquito520> maybe... if you can porting linux onto it. I believe that should be amazing netbook:D
<mosquito520> But I don't know what time it will shipped
<arokux1> hm.. lenovo is using RK chips...
<arokux1> I hope such company like lenovo will publish their kernel etc.
<mosquito520> I dont know does lenovo will publish their source or not...
<mosquito520> how about asus?
<mosquito520> Does Asus will publish it?
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<mosquito520> ^^
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<mosquito520> hm...I thought HW maintain manual will attached schematic...Orz
<arokux1> !!!
<mosquito520> !
<arokux1> inside there is a kernel 3.0.36
<dsd> mosquito520: yeah i mean the RK3188 ref board from RK
<mosquito520> RK does not upgrade kernel:)
<arokux1> mosquito520: so A10 doesn't come with U-Boot, it seems...
<dsd> just starting to work with this
<mosquito520> dsd: starting to work with this!? may I ask what company that you're working for:p
<dsd> mosquito520: not sure if i can say, i will find out. it is a niche thing though
<dsd> either way, i hope to be able to contribute to the efforts you guys are making - we naturally have an interest in having this stable, with mali working, uboot, etc...
<dsd> its just an evaluation at this time
<arokux1> dsd: cool, your help will be very much appreciated.
<dsd> just received the reference board, was curious if anyone has already played with this, its not clear what power input it takes, also need to hunt for a serial port
<arokux1> mosquito520: you thought A10 comes with U-Boot?
<mosquito520> dsd: cuz I have a customer bought Radxa Rock Devs. kits, that why I'm looking it, and found this channel:)
<arokux1> dsd: have you got u-boot with it?
<mosquito520> dsd: 12v DC
<dsd> just have the board at this time, still waiting for the SDK
<__trine> thanks mosquito520 I have just got back to the KB
<mosquito520> dsd: and serial port...it's should be PL2303 USB to uart transmitter on board, there has 2 mini USB connector on board, one is usb_otg port, and the other is connect with PL2303
<__trine> I have been fixing the new broken power supply which came with my Mk908
<dsd> found the PL2303, thanks!!
<mosquito520> arokux1: I don't know...cuz RK u-boot just ready recently, and they told me they will shipped with those branding project
<mosquito520> arokux1: so I don't know does that A10 shipped with u-boot, but it's one of recently project:)
<mosquito520> dsd: you're welcome;)
<mosquito520> arokux1: BTW, that A10 source I've checked, It's only kernel source, and bootloader is located at A10_Open_Source_20130827\kernel\rktools\RK3188DevelopTool\rockdev\
<mosquito520> RK3188Loader(L)_V1.14.bin and RK3188Loader(L)_V1.20.bin
<mosquito520> that is RK private bootloader
<arokux1> anyway, I like lenovo now!
<mosquito520> at least it publish the source:)
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<arokux1> mosquito520: yes, that is why I like them.
<mosquito520> arokux1: well, actually I can't image they will release it, cuz as my experinence, I can't believe it...:D
<arokux1> mosquito520: u-boot you mean?
<naobsd> oh, mach-rk2928/* is available
<arokux1> naobsd: it wasn't available previously?
<mosquito520> arokux1: I mean kernel source, cuz Lenovo company style... I can't imagine they will release it:)
<arokux1> mosquito520: but they did. I think every big international company would do...
<arokux1> mosquito520: any other released products you know?
<mosquito520> arokux1: as my experinence...They don't act like big Int. company...(laugh)
<mosquito520> arokux1: other product...Asus has 2 tablet builtin RK SOC and already shipped...:)
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<arokux1> mosquito520: they haven't made kernel source available
<arokux1> another funny thing: Rockchip isn't mentioned anywhere, just "Quad Core"
<arokux1> all the other names like Tegra, Snapdragon, Atom are there.
<mosquito520> arokux1: you mean ASUS?
<arokux1> yes
<arokux1> select Memo Pads at the left
<dsd> mosquito520: you mentioned 12v DC for the power supply.. do you know what polarity?
<mosquito520> arokux1: ops, you're right:)
<dsd> and you think it is 12v because thats what the radxa is?
<mosquito520> dsd: uh~ um~ I m not well in english... so it's hard to describe it...(laugh)
<arokux1> dsd: radxa needs 5V afaik
<mosquito520> dsd: Tip Positive :)
<dsd> ok thanks, and just curious, where did you get this info from?
<mosquito520> dsd: Don't you get board file and schematic for reference board?
<dsd> mosquito520: i thought so too, but nothing has been provided, and RK is not very good at responding to emails :/
<mosquito520> dsd: I m distri. FAE for rockchip:)
<dsd> you work for RK?
<mosquito520> No, distributor:)
<dsd> i see
<arokux1> dsd: you've paid them! why they are not answering?!
<mosquito520> So I've ask the company info cuz I'm afraid you're work for our customer...(laugh)
<mosquito520> :D
<arokux1> is there somebody with ASUS MeMO Pad 8 or ASUS MeMO Pad 10? If so, please ask ASUS to provide kernel source. You'd need to input serial number in your inquiry.
<mosquito520> arokux1: I didn't...
<dsd> arokux1: yes, my question exactly
<mosquito520> I got take a shower and get to bed...It's 1AM in my timezone...:)
<dsd> ok! thanks for your help
<arokux1> good night mosquito520
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<mosquito520> see ye~:)
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