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<shineworld> hi all ... can be this the place where to ask for rockchip android adb issue ?
<shineworld> do you know a better channel (google give me only this address)
<tonikasch> mmm
<tonikasch> shineworld perhaps I can help you
<tonikasch> But this is a development channel, anyway ;)
<tonikasch> :p
<shineworld> thank you ... I've two new CUBE U25GT_PRO on my desk and I've tried to enable adb debug without any success:
<shineworld> - enabled debug mode
<shineworld> - enabled USB debug
<shineworld> - pushed some time in kernel info to insure that I'm in developper mode
<shineworld> - attached device to my PC
<shineworld> - lsusb get me:
<shineworld> Bus 001 Device 007: ID 2207:0010
<shineworld> I've added rule to /etc/udev/rules/51-android.rules:
<shineworld> # settings for 51CUBE U25GT
<shineworld> #SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2207", MODE="0000", GROUP="plugdev"
<shineworld> SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2207", MODE="0010", GROUP="plugdev"
<shineworld> sudo restart duev
<shineworld> sudo restart udev
<shineworld> then adb kill-server
<tonikasch> CUBE U25GT_PRO are rk3066 or rk3188?
<shineworld> should be a 3168
<tonikasch> ahms
<shineworld> documentation is very few on net
<tonikasch> mmm, why do you have MODE="0010"?
<shineworld> when debug is off I get "0000"
<shineworld> with debug ON I get "0010"
<tonikasch> mmm, that rule is bad :)
<tonikasch> one sec
<tonikasch> SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2207", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
<shineworld> I've tried also to avoid udev rules with sudo /home/qem/android/android-sdks/platform-tools/adb kill-server
<shineworld> which give root priv. to adb
<shineworld> I will try new rule .. a sec
<tonikasch> shineworld have you tried with MODE="0666"?
<shineworld> now I will try
<tonikasch> MODE is the permissions on that device
<tonikasch> ;)
<shineworld> uhhhh
<shineworld> nothing yet... I will retry to reboot PC (is a VM)
<AstralixNB> Tip1: put yoursel into group plugdev
<shineworld> ah
<AstralixNB> next thing is to do "adb kill-server"
<AstralixNB> and instead call "sudo adb start-server"
<tonikasch> yes, of course, I missed telling you to adduser XXXX plugdev, where XXXX is your user
<tonikasch> and restart session of course
<tonikasch> or... there was a way to reload group changes, but I don't remember
<AstralixNB> restarting session caus you added the user is not needed
<AstralixNB> but in ubuntu there was a bug that restarting udev does not really work so you have to got the windows way and reboot.
<tonikasch> :'( ubuntu... :s
<AstralixNB> I am using ubuntu and it is working fine
<shineworld> I'm using xubuntu that should be very close to ubuntu
<AstralixNB> It is just linux with a different UI
<shineworld> sorry for silly question .. how to add my user in plugdev group (I'm shame)
<AstralixNB> "man adduser"
<shineworld> ok
<tonikasch> me too I'm using lubuntu with awesome :)
<tonikasch> not "too" :)
<shineworld> ok this is fine:
<shineworld> qem@qem:~$ sudo adduser qem plugdev
<shineworld> The user `qem' is already a member of `plugdev'.
<shineworld> xubuntu is enough light to be used in a VM :)
<AstralixNB> ok, then 1) reboot, 2) before ever calling adb, first call "sudo adb start-server" then use adb as user.
<AstralixNB> Argh...
<AstralixNB> Ubuntu in VM of Windows... It is far better working the other way round
<AstralixNB> But as we do system support... I have a question too:
<shineworld> I'm using same VM in a Windows PC (office) and MAC OS X (at Home) and I'm pretty happy (I'm an android developer)
<AstralixNB> How long does it take to build a complete Android in this way?
<shineworld> Fast... I've a good machine :9
<shineworld> :)
<shineworld> for EG: to buind entire Android AOSP (4.4.2) with kernel take 1h 12
<AstralixNB> Hmmm... 1:10 including bootloader, kernel, radio, android AOSP 4.1.2
<shineworld> what suprised me is than in debug mode, when I attach the usb cable to PC in tablet don't appear the 4.2.x RSA confirmation
<shineworld> WORKS !!!
<shineworld> THANK YOU VERY MUCH
<AstralixNB> welcomed
<tonikasch> ;)
<shineworld> I will suggest upon link rockchip link to my friends (which have same tablet)
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<Galland> hi everybody
<tonikasch> Hi Galland
<tonikasch> I have Omegamoon's 3.0.72 kernel working with linux in a MK808 (rk3066)
<Galland> great
<Galland> just to make sure, mk808 or mk808b?
<tonikasch> Although I had to copy 3 files from Linux3188 (Aloksinha's) and modify the rk30-sdk-board-sdmmc.c file (only one line)
<tonikasch> mk808 :)
<tonikasch> Omegamoon is checking on his mk808b
<tonikasch> By the way, Galland, have you received the radxa yet?
<Galland> nope :(
<Galland> I'm very eagerly waiting to wildly hack it :D
<tonikasch> me too... seems mine was shipped from singapur the 28th sept
<tonikasch> well, not shipped but accepted there from china
<Galland> yeah, that's around the date they were all shipped
<Galland> just that some people lives closer to there :)
<tonikasch> aha
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<hramrach> hello
<hramrach> so are radxa available already?
<hramrach> do they even have a plural :o
<hramrach> I guess that's one thing Chinese need not be concerned about
<hramrach> btw anyone seen Colorovo CityTab Lite 7"? it's supposed to be lame rk2926 tablet but the retailer specs are soo reliable
<mnemoc> my radxa rock is stuck in german customs since the 28 :\
<mnemoc> hramrach: but radxa (company) plans to release boards with SoCs of other vendors too, so please don't bind "radxa" to the rk3188-based radxa rock board
<hramrach> hmm, unlike 3066 2926 is supposedly SD-bootable so maybe not so bad
<hramrach> if it actually has that chip
<mnemoc> hramrach: arokux1 got his radxa rock already
<hramrach> mnemoc: when they do I will do an unbind ;-)
<hramrach> cool
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<mnemoc> hramrach: radxa is Tom @ shenzhen, cubietech is Tom @ zhuhai
<hramrach> heh
<hramrach> well, I tried to register for the radxa pre-order but did not get any email or anything
<Galland> the ones sent are early development/engineering samples
<Galland> afaik
<hramrach> ok
<hramrach> I guess I don't really need those. Not so close to the hardware ;-)
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<hramrach> oh, so it's radxa rocks. solves the plural problem ;-)
<mnemoc> :)
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<AstralixNB> Mmm.. First crash of unity desktop for two years...
<Galland> it's so slow that the crash must not have been too hard ;)
<AstralixNB> What is slow?
<mnemoc> unity
<AstralixNB> unity?
<AstralixNB> cannot tell that it is slow
<hramrach> compared to every other slow UI ..
<AstralixNB> I am using it to show 8 terminals and eclipse, so what
<mnemoc> in my humber amd e350 laptop unity is unusable, xfce works fine
<mnemoc> humble*
<AstralixNB> the only left over dualcore I have I use with XP and it is stored somewhere I forgot about
<hramrach> heh, e350
<Galland> same here on a rk3188 stick, where no 3D accel shows a higher diff between unity<->xfce
<hramrach> rutn off accel and it will go faster ;-)
<hramrach> *turn off
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<shineworld> Hi, have someone tried Android Open Accessory with 3.0.36+ (4.2.2 android) ?
<shineworld> I fall always in a ENODEV (No such device)...
<Galland> andr... what?
<shineworld> yes in android
<shineworld> kernel 3.0.36+
<shineworld> when I, after I've got the accessory mode, try to send a data in stream with (outputstream.write(writeusbdata, 0,numBytes) the system fall and I get ENODEV (No such device)... Same application on Nexus 7 works perfectly.
<shineworld> So I guess is a kernel issue (or android) issue
<shineworld> I know is annoying for pure kernel men speak about android things ;)
<shineworld> but there are so many android machines (phones, tablets, ...) in the world
<hramrach> and we are working hard on banishing android from them all ;-)
<Galland> actually, since this is a linux channel... there is less knowledge about Android & its accessories
<Galland> at least from my part
<hramrach> technically Android is Linux with different userland as oppesed to, say, GNU/Linux
<hramrach> but since Google went out of their way to make Andriod not self-hosted and generally technical-user-unfriendly ..
<Galland> but the question is about "Android Open Accessory"
<hramrach> it's very hard to accompliesh even simple things on Android
<Galland> shouldn't that be android driver related?
<hramrach> who knows
<Galland> yep :)
<Galland> "Accessories use the Android Open Accessory (AOA) protocol to communicate with Android devices, over a USB cable or through a Bluetooth connection"
<hramrach> well, it probably does involve some sort of kernel driver as well at some point
<hramrach> but do you have like a test application that can show you what's going on?
<Galland> shineworld, is your accessory usb or bluetooth?
<shineworld> USB
<shineworld> is a FTDI FT312D
<Galland> you said on nexus 7 the code works
<Galland> where does it not work?
<Galland> what device
<shineworld> Ok, I'm running a demo application supply by FTDI team. This demo application, when compiled, works fine with Nexus 7. I've tried with a CUBE U25GTPRO (RK3169 powered) but after Vendor and Product checking, it enter in Android Accessory Mode. Well a this point sending a string in the buffer the program goes in deadlock and I've got the write failed ENODEV(no such device) message in logcat
<shineworld> I can publish either dmesg / logcat and sources if you would
<Galland> rk3169? or rk3168?
<shineworld> rk3168
<Galland> I suppose it's the ftdi app the one throwing ENODEV
<shineworld> I've pasted dmesg and logcat ... just if you catch some of anomalous in kernel (that is your matter of interest)
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<Galland> did you reflash that tablet or are you using its stock kernel 3.0.36?
<Galland> anyways this is not my matter of interest, since it's not Linux related :P ;)
<shineworld> just out of box so is stock kernel 3.0.36+
<Galland> have you tried the demo app from google play?
<shineworld> I know... unfortunately I don't know (I've searched on google) if there is an android channel for rockchip
<Galland> the one from ftdi
<shineworld> yes
<shineworld> same result
<shineworld> works on Nexus 7 and Nexus 4 and Samsung S2 (with CyanogenMod) but not with RockChip U25GTPRO
<Galland> I believe this may be related to missing driver for the ftdi chip
<Galland> well, actually, looking at the dmesg...
<Galland> and logcat, it looks like its there
<Galland> try unplugging the usb AOA device and on a terminal write: lsmod
<Galland> then plug the device and do lsmod again
<Galland> and compare to see if there is any difference before/after
<shineworld> - attach tablet on FT312D to enter in AOA
<shineworld> - detach tablet and connect tablet on PC
<shineworld> - lsusb to check if PID:VID is changed from 2207:0010
<shineworld> is that ?
<shineworld> ah ok
<Galland> I mean an Android terminal on the tablet (or use adb from your pc)
<shineworld> ok I've connected ADB to wifi
<shineworld> but when I enter in AOA mode the ADBD is cut ...
<Galland> then install an terminal app on the tablet
<shineworld> done... modules loaded are same
<Galland> then the ftdi driver is built-in with the kernel
<Galland> have you checked the application note about this demo app in FTDI's website?
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<Galland> google for FT312D and enter ftdichip's site
<Galland> it's below: AN208
<Galland> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
<Galland> by reading the White Paper doc by the App Note
<Galland> I infer AOA mode requires a USB OTG port and specially one that may act as device/host
<Galland> now... guess why ADB connection gets cut upon entering AOA mode
<Galland> are you connecting your AOA device to the usb port that u usually connect to your pc for adb?
<Galland> tablet's usb port
<hramrach> fuck card makers
<hramrach> a 4GB card has 3.96 GB
<hramrach> how are you supposed to amke images for that?
<shineworld> I've an image for you Galland
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<shineworld> this board have a FT312D on board
<Galland> so?
<shineworld> oh I've mistake upon lines.. sorry
<shineworld> my brain is melt down actually
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<shineworld> <Galland> are you connecting your AOA device to the usb port that u usually connect to your pc for adb?
<shineworld> yes I'm using AOA device to tablet in same port used to debug it with PC
<Galland> cool, then go for the app note and read it
<shineworld> but I've switch ADB to TCPIP so when I'm entered in AOA mode (which close ADBD) I can reconnect it with adb connect <ip>
<Galland> I wouldnt mess with AOA and ADB at the same time
<Galland> but just an opinion
<shineworld> I avoid them like the pest :)
<shineworld> just used now to get a logcat
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