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<waleee-cl> ryuukk_: I think you need to create steps for hello/.../cube for that to work?
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<ryuukk_> if i remove: "exe.install();" it works
<ryuukk_> not sure if that's a a bug or it's intended?
<ryuukk_> by it works i mean, when i call "zig build cube" it only creates the exe for the cube step now
<waleee-cl> ryuukk_: what happens if you try a run command?
<ryuukk_> zig build run doesn't work
<ryuukk_> but i get the behavior i wanted once i removed the exe.install(), so it's fine
<ryuukk_> "zig build cube" will create and run the exe i want
<ryuukk_> previously, it would create an exe for all steps
<ryuukk_> removing exe.install() solves that "issue"
<ryuukk_> maybe the compiler doesn't check for the step name before calling the install function, i'll need to check, but dunno where :p
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<kandinski> what's the expected way to use regexps in zig as of today? import a C lib, is there a good zig-pcre alternative, other?
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<ryuukk_> hmm there is no operator overloading in zig? :( how i am supposed to do math operations with structs (vectors mainly)
<daurnimator> correct.
<daurnimator> vectors are built in to the language
<daurnimator> otherwise you use methods.
<ryuukk_> methods is hard to read for math operations
<ryuukk_> > vectors are built in to the language
<ryuukk_> what do you mean?
<daurnimator> std.meta.Vector(N, T)
<ryuukk_> but that doesn't fix my problem with operator overloading
<ryuukk_> var result = a + b / 2; VS var result = Vec3.div(Vec3.add(a, b), 2)
<ryuukk_> you can see wich one is easy / hard to read
<daurnimator> vectors are a primitive type
<daurnimator> --> they come with operators working.
<ryuukk_> with about matrices?
<ryuukk_> what's the fields of the vector?
<daurnimator> no matrices.
<ryuukk_> then it doesn't solve my problem
<daurnimator> one of the important parts of zig's design is no-hidden-control flow
<ryuukk_> but it clases with readability
<ryuukk_> clashes
<daurnimator> I disagree
<daurnimator> if I'm reading code that contains `a + b`, I know that it's not some weird overloaded thing.
<ryuukk_> same for Vec3.add, what it does? maybe some weird overloaded thing too :p
<ryuukk_> a + b, we all learn at school
<ryuukk_> that's math
<daurnimator> ryuukk_: yes, but function call `()` means "go look over there"; and the `Vec3.` tells you where to look
<ryuukk_> same for the +
<daurnimator> it doesn't though
<ryuukk_> you know what are the types
<ryuukk_> compiler too
<daurnimator> please see the closed issues for more rationale. e.g.
<ryuukk_> yes i read them already, it doesn't make sense to not allow people to use + - / * for doing math
<ryuukk_> i
<ryuukk_> > No hidden control flow
<ryuukk_> this is not good argument
<ryuukk_> we are talking about math
<ryuukk_> we even allow 1.2 + 1.5
<ryuukk_> floating points, what it does?
<ryuukk_> 0.0 == 0.0, not always true, so hidden control flow
<daurnimator> that's not control flow.
<ryuukk_> that decision is to not allow people to do math at all
<kandinski> ryuukk_: not true at all
<ryuukk_> it is, that is why python is used a lot in that field
<ryuukk_> they allow operator overloading, wich make things easier
<ryuukk_> i hope it is not final word for oprator overloading
<kandinski> it's one of the first reasons for the language, so...
<kandinski> I mean, julia is a lovely language
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<ryuukk_> i don't know what julia is
<kandinski> a language with operator overloading
<ryuukk_> so you tell me to use an other language?
<kandinski> which already exists and has a jit
<kandinski> I'm not telling you to do anything
<ryuukk_> > [5:39:17 am] <kandinski> I mean, julia is a lovely language
<ryuukk_> why even mention julia in a zig irc
<kandinski> why keep insisting on operator overloading in a zig irc, when zig is designed to have no hidden control flow
<ryuukk_> the point is not what other people do, the point is, what does solve my problem
<ryuukk_> because it clashes with readability
<daurnimator> as I said: we believe it does the opposite
<ryuukk_> wich one to pick when both are the reason this language exists?
<daurnimator> it helps with readability when reading all code.
<daurnimator> there's a trade off here
<ryuukk_> math isn't just a + b
<daurnimator> and zig has picked one side.
<kandinski> what daurnimator said, it's a tradeoff, and zig is defined by choosing one side.
<ryuukk_> complex operations exists, hence peopel came up with operator overloading
<kandinski> jinx and all that
<ryuukk_> that's not a valid argument
<ryuukk_> you pick wich you prefer
<ryuukk_> wich is not valid
<ryuukk_> Vec3.mul(Vec3.div(Vec3.add(a, b), 4), Vec3.sub(b, 8))
<ryuukk_> nice readability
<daurnimator> ryuukk_: as I mentioned above, Vectors are built in.
<daurnimator> but yes; for e.g. matrices, you do need to write thatr
<ryuukk_> Matrices is same problem
<kandinski> ryuukk_: maybe you can contribute an std.meta.Matrix type and then the problem will be over
<daurnimator> but as it says in the issue I linked earlier: it looks much better on multiple lines: `const c = Matrix.add(a, b); const d = Matrix.div(c, 4);` etc.
<daurnimator> now; imagine that it was something like bignums: you need to handle allocations in there
<ryuukk_> it doesn't, that's not how people write formulaes
<daurnimator> and we accept that trade off.
<ryuukk_> trade off? i don't see where the trade off is
<daurnimator> "operator overloading makes generic code harder to read from a control flow perspective" vs "operator overloading makes math code easier to read from a math perspective"
<ryuukk_> math, that's all computers are about
<pjz> What about an expression compiler instead?
<ryuukk_> i don't know what that is
<ryuukk_> all i want is do math sanely
<pjz> some math mini-lang that so you could write expressions how you want, and they'd get compiled into good code.
<pjz> kind of like how formatting is done
<ryuukk_> that sounds like too much for doing a + b
<pjz> but it's not just a+b is it?
<ryuukk_> if it's not built in into the language, it makes it just not viable at all
<ryuukk_> it is, it is just operator overloading
<ryuukk_> telling compile i can do a + b on my structs, just like he does for i32
<pjz> hmm
<pjz> you kind of have a point. I grok + for ints - math there is easy. but extending it to floats seems 'special'
<pjz> and if to floats, why not to ... ?
<pjz> Honestly, a + b might not be clear if it's int + float
<kandinski> which one is coercd to which?
<kandinski> and why?
<pjz> or does it type-error/
<kandinski> if you're allowed overloading, it might launch a missile
<pjz> it's already allowed... float + int, no?
<pjz> I mean, + works for both int and float
<pjz> so it's already overloaded.
<kandinski> what I mean is, if we allow overloading by users
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<daurnimator> pjz: no.error: incompatible types: 'u32' and 'f32'
<pjz> daurnimator: ah! thanks! I was just opening another window to test that :)
<pjz> well, as long as zig admits that floats are somehow special in that they get operator overloading, sure.
<daurnimator> pjz: f32 and comptime_int is allowed though.
<daurnimator> so you have to be a little careful when testing it :)
<pjz> ohh, interesting.
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<pjz> so here's a stupid idea: have zig fmt write a comment at the end of lines with overloaded operators.
<pjz> if the point is readability, call it out.
<kandinski> pjz: but it's not overloading, it's coercion
<pjz> I thought ryuukk wanted overlaoding?
<kandinski> I mean what happens when you add a float and a comptime int is not so much overloading as coercion
<kandinski> the + sign does what it does for floats
<kandinski> it's just that the compiler knows to upgrade the comptime int to a float
<kandinski> and then uses the same + at runtime
<kandinski> without overloading it
<pjz> oh, right. Gotcha.
<oats> ah, the joys of figuring out how to make my homebrew circe notifications hook *not* notify me on "floats" :P
<kandinski> floots from now on
<daurnimator> f32-and-friends
<oats> 32 bit flooting point numbers
<pjz> but the point is that + is overloaded since it works for ints and floots.
<kandinski> pjz: I would dispute this
<daurnimator> pjz: overload means to give *extra* meaning than what they mean by default in the language
<daurnimator> pjz: what + does is *not* customisable in zig.
<kandinski> but I"llagree that ** seems overloaded since it means both "raise to the power" for numerics and "repeat pattern" for string literals.
<pjz> right. A stricter version of 'overload' is 'works with multiple types'
<pjz> which is what I was thinking of
<pjz> mostly from a method-overload stance
<kandinski> pjz, technically you're right, but emotionally these feel all like "numerics"
<pjz> but so do complex numbers and vectors.
<kandinski> ah also you have a point
<pjz> what about allowing explicit overloading?
<daurnimator> zig does not have complex numbers
<kandinski> my solution would be to add the standard mathematical types (complex numbers, matrices) to the std library
<pjz> so, like _+_ would be an overloaded +
<pjz> or something - notation/syntax TBD
<kandinski> I mean, I'm *not* _requesting_ this, to be clear
<daurnimator> pjz: see the issue(s) I linked earlier. they have such proposals in them.
<pjz> ah? kk, will look.
<kandinski> but if someone saw lack of matrix_a + matrix_b syntax as a real problem, I think that's the correct solution for them, in zig
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<pjz> hmm, k. method chaining can make it look decent, but still not as fluent as operators.
<pjz> but I heartly agree with the lack of magic.
<pjz> er, the importance of explicitness, I mean.
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<kandinski> this is a minimal test case where I try to import pcre2 but fail because I can't set the value of PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH:
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<kandinski> can anybody suggest a way to pass the #define up to the c library?
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<ifreund_> @cDefine()
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<kandinski> ifreund_: thanks
<kandinski> since I'm interacting with C libraries, I'm using 0-sentinel terminated u8 arrays a bit. Can anyone point me to some code I could crib from for best practices?
<kandinski> For instance, was this ever implemented, or is there plan to implement it?
<kandinski> I mean especifically this bit:
<kandinski> const ptr = buf[0..3 :0];
<kandinski> for getting null terminated slices out of regular arrays
<kandinski> hmm, seems so, just that it's not in the docs yet, but it was merged:
<daurnimator> kandinski: I consider best practice to be adding the null byte at the last possible moment
<kandinski> daurnimator: so in the pcre wrapper before calling the c functions, then
<daurnimator> e.g. ArrayListSentineled should only be used when you need to retain a sentinel at all times
<kandinski> daurnimator: but string literals are already 0-sentineled
<kandinski> so if I'm mixing string literals and user input, why not 0-sentinel the user input as well?
<daurnimator> because then if your *users* don't have a 0-sentineled string, then they need to make a copy and put a 0 on the end
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<kandinski> the users of the pcre wrapper, you mean
<kandinski> daurnimator: if I slice an [N]const u8, does the slice share memory with the array, or is it a copy?
<kandinski> I'm going to write myself some code to test
<ifreund_> slices are just pointers with a length field
<kandinski> so they point into the array they're slicing from?
<daurnimator> kandinski: note that libpcre2 has both length-taking and zero-terminated-taking forms
<kandinski> I guess you already answered that
<kandinski> daurnimator: oh nice, thanks!
<daurnimator> kandinski: infact you indicate zero-terminated by passing ~0 as the length
<daurnimator> (PCRE2_ZERO_TERMINATED)
<kandinski> daurnimator: gotcha, I'm not a C programmer so I'm learning the C APIs along as I learn zig. Thanks much.
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<omglasers2> what does the nosuspend keyword do?
<ikskuh> omglasers2: it's a runtime assertion that the function call does not suspend
<ikskuh> it makes the calling function synchronous, even if the called function is async
<ikskuh> fn not_async() void { noasync is_async(); }
<omglasers2> ok, thanks
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<jorangreef> Hey everyone! What's the safest way to cast a []u8 slice to a slice of packed structs?
<jorangreef> i.e. something like: @ptrCast([*]PackedStruct, @alignCast(@alignOf(PackedStruct), u8_slice))[0..count];
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<daurnimator> jorangreef: mem.bytesAsSlice ?
<jorangreef> (y) Thanks, the source of that looks perfect. Is there any difference between the snippet above and bytesAsSlice, e.g. how they do alignment, assuming the divExact check is done for both?
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<Piraty> is `zig cc` capable of compiling c++ ?
<pixelherodev> `zig c++` I think?
<Piraty> ah
<Piraty> --help doesn't mention
<Piraty> yet it seems to at leat try
<Piraty> yeah works
<Piraty> cross target fails to find a system header though...
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<earnestly> You'll have to tell zig where to look for them iiuc
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<Piraty> got it
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<ifreund> Piraty: passing -lc should be all you need
<ifreund> or -lwhatever
<earnestly> -lstdc++? heh
<ifreund> oh yeah this is C++ :P
<ifreund> -std=c99 is what I pass to zig cc actually
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<FireFox317> andrewrk, i created #6746 regarding the infinite loops when doing dirname. I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind, but i know that this issue was still on your todo list before 0.7.0.
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<ikskuh> can someone explain why zig always sets FILE_SHARE_DELETE on windows when opening a file?!
<ikskuh> Nachricht an #zig
<ikskuh> andrewrk, daurnimator?
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<pixelherodev> ikskuh: what does that flag do?
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<ikskuh> it allows me deleting this file but not deleting it
<pixelherodev> ...?
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<ikskuh> windows things:
<ikskuh> opening a file locks it against deletion by default
<ikskuh> zig prevents this behaviour by-default
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<justin_smith> ikskuh: one hunch to check - this means that the behavior would match the default posix behavior, which means fewer corner cases to keep track of
<justin_smith> that's just a blatant guess though
<ikskuh> yeah that's my guess as well
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<marijnfs> I have a zig conundrum
<marijnfs> I want to have an arraylist of callbacks, but the callbacks might get different inputs. So i'm not sure how to design the callback
<marijnfs> I was trying to have a standard struct that would be a member of other structs, and get the pointer with getParentPtr
<ikskuh> what about union(enum) { cb_a: fn() void, cb_b: fn(i32) void, … } ?
<kandinski> can anybody point me to zig code wrapping a heap-using C library so I can crib on best practices? I'm new to both Zig and C, know a lot of the theory but this is my first time managing memory by hand.
<ifreund> kandinski: it might be a lot to read, but:
<kandinski> ifreund: thanks
<ifreund> mostly just use std.heap.c_allocator aliased to util.gpa plus a few arenas on top of that in places
<kandinski> hmm
<kandinski> for now I'm not writing a library for others to use, just a one-file wrapper with barely enough functionality for my own use
<kandinski> but it's a learning project and I want to learn "the right way"
<kandinski> I'm implementing python's `re.compile(): Pattern` and `Pattern.findall()` on top of pcre2-8
<kandinski> so I'll have something nice to use for my actual-program-that-needs-regexps
<ifreund> well, unless the C code is nice enough to accept a custom allocator as a parameter you're pretty much stuck with using the C allocator as well
<kandinski> that's what I've figured out. Yes, it's a good library, but it's any colour you want as long as it's the C heap
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<ryuukk_> how can i make this work ?
<ryuukk_> is there a similar thing as const Vec2& ?
<ryuukk_> and as you can see, is kinda ugly because no operator overloading.. :(
<marijnfs> ikskuh: interesting, I could pass this to function that creates the struct right?
<marijnfs> can you define a specific enum for the union?
<marijnfs> ryuukk_: doesn't it work?
<ryuukk_> i get error: expected type '*const Vec2', found 'Vec2'
<marijnfs> zero probably needs a self
<marijnfs> o wait i see what you do
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<ryuukk_> c++ accepts both value and when i initialize directly if the function parameter is const Vec2&
<ryuukk_> in*
<ryuukk_> nvm last msg
<marijnfs> not sure why the rhs doesn't propagate to const
<marijnfs> but if you get rid of the const, and supply b like &b it works
<ryuukk_> next question, how can i make it to also accept .add( Vec2 {.x = 1.0, .y = 1.0} ) ?
<ryuukk_> hence the need to do something liek const Vec2&
<kandinski> what's a good way to print a struct? I'm trying to get a printout of the full namespace of a @cImport()-ed C library.
<kandinski> tried std.debug.warn("pcre2={}\n", .{pcre2}) but it only prints "type"
<kandinski> well, "pcre2=type", but same difference
<alva> @typeName maybe
<ryuukk_> there is no operator overloading, so i try to comply and add methods, but even this way it doesn't provide a solution to my problem
<kandinski> haha @typeName is "cimport"
<ryuukk_> and i can't have 2 .add to accept pointer and value because u can't have 2 function with same name
<kandinski> hmm, is there a way to iterate over the labels in a struct?
<ryuukk_> so far the language works against me, i don't understand how people said no to operator overloading for zig, i just don't understand at all
<ryuukk_> even with that, const Vec2& seems not possible, so that adds up
<ryuukk_> it's sad because otherwise the language is nice
<alva> kandinski: Labels as in fields? const ti = @typeInfo(T).Struct; inline for (ti.fields) |f| ...
<kandinski> alva: thanks a lot
<kandinski> TODO
<kandinski> I guess I've met the end of this particular line :)
<kandinski> TODO, Unable to dump stack trace: debug info stripped
<ryuukk_> so nobody have an idea about my problem? there is no const Vec2&?
<waleee-cl> kandinski: are you using zig 0.6.0?
<kandinski> yes, from nixpkgs
<kandinski> waleee-cl: thanks!
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<ryuukk_> Structs, unions, and arrays can sometimes be more efficiently passed as a reference, since a copy could be arbitrarily expensive depending on the size. When these types are passed as parameters, Zig may choose to copy and pass by value, or pass by reference, whichever way Zig decides will be faster. This is made possible, in part, by the fact that parameters are immutable.
<ryuukk_> what the size compiler decide it's gonna be value or reference?
<ryuukk_> : Vec2 is enough to let compiler pass by reference when it's good?
<marijnfs> ryuukk_: &Vec2{.x=1, .y=2} works with the const*
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<ryuukk_> marijnfs: thanks
<ryuukk_> in perfect world &.{} would be perfect, but looks like it's not a thing
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<marijnfs> ryuukk_: &Vec2{.x=1, .y=2} works with the const*