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<r4pr0n> is it planned to buffer the write syscalls when doing a e.g.?
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<foobles> whats the best way to construct an IrInstrGen, given a ZigValue* known to have come from another IrInstr?
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<pixelherodev> r4pr0n, you can use a BufferedOutStream to wrap
<pixelherodev> The logging module will probably use buffering
<pixelherodev> Raw usage of stdio isn't planned to be buffered as I understand it
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<r4pr0n> oh that makes sense
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<mikdusan> just read through Async I/O releast notes. looks fantastic!
<r4pr0n> i just thought .outStream() would be a bufferedoutstream
<pixelherodev> Nah, the default out stream is just that
<pixelherodev> The default out stream :)
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<r4pr0n> but what is it's purpose then? couldn't you just add the functions for it to the file directly?
<pixelherodev> What do you mean?
<pixelherodev> Ahhh
<pixelherodev> It's an interface
<pixelherodev> `.outStream()` returns an OutStream
<pixelherodev> Sorta like how there's different allocators
<pixelherodev> .outStream() gives you a value of the same type for all output streams
<mikdusan> foobles: just use the IrInstr which has the ZigValue ?
<foobles> I cant quite do that
<foobles> its an IrInstr that's known to be an option
<mikdusan> ok so ZigValue is const?
<foobles> yes
<mikdusan> what type
<foobles> im trying to get the wrapped value
<foobles> any type
<foobles> just any option
<foobles> im looking at `ir_analyze_optional_payload_value`
<foobles> maye that's what i want?
<r4pr0n> and how do you use it?
<r4pr0n> i tried this: and it didn't print the second try with the bufferedoutstream
<mikdusan> foobles: ir_build_optional_unwrap_ptr ?
<foobles> does that work only for ?*T types?
<mikdusan> _gen
<mikdusan> i believe for everything
<foobles> oh i see , cool
<foobles> so what is source_node / base_ptr?
<foobles> why are those needed?
<mikdusan> look at the _gen variant
<pixelherodev> r4pr0n, there's probably a flush function or something, 1 sec
<pixelherodev> Yep
<pixelherodev> For future reference: I just check /usr/local/lib/zig/std/ files to answer these questions :P
<foobles> oh right
<pixelherodev> `try buffered_stream.flush();`
<foobles> thank you very much for helping me
<foobles> mikdusan it still does take a `source_instr` and a `base_ptr`
<pixelherodev> r4pr0n, re: "why not just have the functions directly", it allows various streams to implement a single function (write) and expose the standard functionality (e.g. `print`)
<mikdusan> foobles: but now you can give it the instrction from which ZigValue came from?
<pixelherodev> I do think mixins would be nicer though, since it would remove the need to call` .outStream` and shhuold ideally not be a burden to the compiler
<pixelherodev> s/hh/h
<foobles> I have an `IrInstrSrcBinOp`, and I have determined that `op1` and `op2` are both optional non-pointer types
<r4pr0n> oh yeah it works now, thanks
<mikdusan> foobles: one moment,
<foobles> and at compile time, once ive checked that neither are null, i want to recursively create a new comparison instruction of the inner values
<r4pr0n> what do you mean with mixins?
<foobles> this will be even harder when they are runtime values :(
<foobles> since ill have to generate a ton of instructions in the second pass, testing if both are null, or if both are non-null and their inner values are the same
<pixelherodev> r4pr0n, basically, instead of having a function which returns the interface type, you use `pub usingnamespace InterfaceType` and pull the interface's methods into the implementor
<pixelherodev> IIRC anyways
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<r4pr0n> yeah that'd be kinda nice
<pixelherodev> There were definitely issues with it though even if I can't remember them
<pixelherodev> Otherwise it'd have been merged :P
<mikdusan> foobles: my thoughts so far; you want to create SrcOptionalUnwrapPtr via ir_build_optional_unwrap_ptr()
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<r4pr0n> Is it possible to use std.fmt.format() to format into a string?
<foobles> alright that would make sense. it seems like all the other unwraps use that under the hood mikdusan
<pixelherodev> r4pr0n, bufPrint
<mikdusan> so what I did to focus on that was this little reduction:
<pixelherodev> `std.fmt.bufPrint(&buffer, formatter, tuple);`
<pixelherodev> Where buffer is an array (and thus &buffer is a slice)
<foobles> ahhh thanks ill look at that!
<mikdusan> so basically do the bare minimum in comptime context.
<mikdusan> just like what you need. then the compiler will tell you how it does it :)
<mikdusan> because comptime, you're not going to see those in a nice listing, rather it's going to be analyze ~ lines and then const results "->" lines
<mikdusan> so it helps to use real catchy id names. hence aaa, 333
<foobles> what am i suppossed to do with the gist yuor posted?
<foobles> s/yuor/your
<mikdusan> oh hehe I should hit that green comment button lol
<mikdusan> there ya go
<r4pr0n> pixelherodev: but you can't format at comptime, can you?
<foobles> thats so cool!!
<foobles> wow!
<pixelherodev> r4pr0n, whyever not? ;)
<foobles> so do you know the purpose of source_instr and base_ptr are?
<foobles> i can guess that base_ptr is the pointer to the option thats being unwrapped
<foobles> but im not sure what the source_instr is supposed to be
<foobles> mikdusan
<mikdusan> k which os are you on?
<foobles> windows
<foobles> does that matter? :0
<mikdusan> oh noes. I don't debug on that platform. what I would do with questions like this is put breakpoints in the code. and follow.
<mikdusan> so the unobvious part here is... how do you even find the breakpoint in .cpp code, for something in .zig code?
<r4pr0n> pixelherodev: well i get a "unable to evaluate constant expression"
<mikdusan> it just so happens andrew made that somewhat easier by adding some functions that can be called / evaluated from your debug session
<r4pr0n> also, how would i know the size the buffer has to have
<foobles> awesome sauce
<mikdusan> in our very recent release notes here's a text copy
<mikdusan> in gist
<mikdusan> so the overall idea is... add some early breakpoint around main or whatever, then call this function in debugger while running. dbg_ir_break(src_file_zig, line)
<mikdusan> and expect that line to be hit multiple times. lots of things get analyzed on each line of zig code
<mikdusan> i suppose you could use whitespace to your advantage and isolate
<foobles> oh cool! so put the break points in the zig program?
<mikdusan> no, you do it in debugger
<mikdusan> are you familiar at all with gdb or lldb?
<foobles> somewhat
<foobles> like im vaguely competent
<foobles> so i would be putting the breakpoints in the C++ source?
<mikdusan> nope
<mikdusan> it's transient whlie you run debug sesssion
<mikdusan> I dunno, is it dirt simple to setup a twitch session on mac?
<mikdusan> I could do that
<foobles> that would be super helpful!
<foobles> i mean if you have the time, i would be super grateful
<mikdusan> hmm ok that looks involved. I'll just screen shot something from my terminal
<pixelherodev> r4pr0n, source?
<r4pr0n> well i was pretty sure that it wont work like that
<r4pr0n> but i'm not sure how it would
<pixelherodev> r4pr0n, where's test123 defined?
<pixelherodev> That has to be comptime known for it to work
<pixelherodev> Also
<pixelherodev> buffer has to be comptime defined
<r4pr0n> it is
<pixelherodev> THe buffer sure isn't
<pixelherodev> Can't write to a runtime address (the buffer) at comptime
<pixelherodev> Can do `comptime var buffer` though
<pixelherodev> and then it'll continue being present at runtime
<pixelherodev> At least, AFAIK
<r4pr0n> oh that works yeah
<pixelherodev> :D
<r4pr0n> but it has one issue
<r4pr0n> i have to specify a buffer size, but i want it to be exactly as big as it needs to be
<r4pr0n> else if i do something with it it'll contain a bunch of garbage at the end
<pixelherodev> Could add \x00 to null-terminate
<fengb> Let it have some garbage. bufPrint returns the correctly sized slice
<pixelherodev> ^
<pixelherodev> Sorry, forgot about that
<mikdusan> foobles: window 1: setup debugger with exact command line, note --verbose-ir must be passed to zig
<r4pr0n> well that fixes the garbage
<r4pr0n> but i still have to set a limit for it
<mikdusan> window 1: setup initial break at main; run; and it traps at main. then lldb syntax to call the .cpp function andrew added, is "p dbg_ir_break(...)" and then tell debugger to continue
<foobles> so use the zig debugger? or is that lldb
<foobles> like set the intitial break in zig code right?
<mikdusan> window2: breakpoint when ir_analyze() code sees that source/line comibination. then I just use some lldb to show locals, and use another helper func to print the src() location
<mikdusan> and we can see hey it stopped line 5, col 16. that's the equal sign!
<mikdusan> foobles: that's lldb
<mikdusan> foobles: nope. i didn't do a thing to unwrap.zig -- or any other zig source code.
<foobles> wait so what file is the breakpoint set in?
<foobles> thats the part im confused about
<foobles> thank you for being so patient with me '=D
<mikdusan> birds eyeview is: this is a native debug session. we aren't actually running unwrap.zig itself. we're run/debugging the zig.exe
<mikdusan> we use lldb to run zig.exe with all the correct command line args and say stop at main. that is... don't do anything except startup zig.exe
<foobles> oh ok!
<mikdusan> once it's running, but stopped at main, it's a live process. we then, live, manually call a function called dbg_ir_break that is already compiled into zig.exe
<foobles> awesome, i think i understand
<foobles> thats rad, thanks, ill try it out now
<mikdusan> so then this gets us close, but not all the way there.
<mikdusan> you may have to break, examine the frame ... I chose to look at old_instruction->base.src() to give me col number
<mikdusan> and first several ones bounced around that line 5... until I got to the token that is at colum 18
<mikdusan> which is our right-hand-side operand forcably unwrapping an optional
<mikdusan> so the unwrap.zig should probably be used like an optional properly. because that's what your PR will do right? it wants to do the equivalent somewhere of `if (maybe_value) |value| { }`
<foobles> yeah!
<mikdusan> another good excercise is.. right real zig code in a reduction that does EXACTLY what you want to do in the IR.
<foobles> oh thats a good idea
<mikdusan> s/right/write lol
<r4pr0n> is there also a nonfixedbufferstream?
<pixelherodev> Yeah write.
<pixelherodev> r4pr0n, a wat?
<pixelherodev> Ohhh
<pixelherodev> You mean a stream backed by a dynamic array?
<r4pr0n> yeah
<fengb> Dynamic arrays require the heap
<pixelherodev> You can probably trivially implement one using a FIFO
<pixelherodev> std.fifo
<r4pr0n> well it wouldn't really care, i'd use it comptime
<pixelherodev> Can't do that
<fengb> Oh, ArrayList(u8) has a usable outStream
<pixelherodev> Comptime allocation isn't doable yet
<pixelherodev> Oh right!
<pixelherodev> fengb, good catch!
<r4pr0n> it's not?
<pixelherodev> Forgot about that :)
<pixelherodev> r4pr0n, nope
<r4pr0n> thought i saw that in streams already
<pixelherodev> It's in the plans but there's a couple bugs
<fengb> Can’t use it in comptime yet
<foobles> gaah turns out I dont hav LLDB :( i think im going to call it a night
<foobles> thank you so much for the tips
<foobles> this will be super helpful
<fengb> Anything that depends on using an allocator has some blocking bugs in comptime, unfortunately
<fengb> But realistically, using a fixed buffer is probably faster and more efficient anyway
<r4pr0n> i would actually be able to set a good limit
<pixelherodev> ^
<mikdusan> foobles: I just added more.zig to comments. this would be super useful to examine as runtime
<pixelherodev> I mean
<pixelherodev> `<fengb> But realistically, using a fixed buffer is probably faster and more efficient anyway` That.
<pixelherodev> Very much tat.
<pixelherodev> that
<fengb> Just don’t pad too big. Start at like 100 and go from there
<r4pr0n> is there a function to get the biggest amount of bytes a type can be formatted at?
<foobles> this is so awesome
<fengb> At worst, you’d waste 100 bytes during the compile
<mikdusan> foobles: and I guess that logic might be a subset of your solve
<r4pr0n> like u8 -> 3
<foobles> i really appreciate it. i feel like if I can do this, i can probably implement the rest
<r4pr0n> i8 -> 4
<fengb> There’s a way to calculate it. I don’t remember if we ended up exposing it
<mikdusan> foobles: so remember with --verbose-ir you'll see 2 passes on the same entry() and somewhere inbetween them will be line-by-line comptime analysis and execution going on
<fengb> But that basically requires printing twice
<fengb> fmt.count() with the same args will spit out the target size
<fengb> This is definitely slower than preallocating a fixed amount, but it may be more space efficient
<r4pr0n> yeah
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<r4pr0n> i guess it's kinda stupid to double the speed cost just for a couple of bytes
<r4pr0n> but the possibility to change the string and have the buffer being too small annoys me
<pixelherodev> r4pr0n, maybe use one mega-slice?
<pixelherodev> That is, a single e.g. 4KiB buffer
<pixelherodev> And print into it multiple times
<pixelherodev> `const m1 = bufPrint()... const m2 = bufPrint((&buffer)[m1.len..])`
<mikdusan> foobles: also the "panic()" override function is helpful. if you don't have that, too much IR is generated because it brings in a lot more code.
<foobles> interesting
<foobles> even though panic is never called?
<mikdusan> correct
<r4pr0n> yeah i could also use that
<mikdusan> zig is lazy. so this panic override doesn't even use StackTrace. thus StackTrace and all that it entails is never resolved. that includes reading elf/debug/sorting and all that
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<foobles> thats cool!
<foobles> wow hehe
<mikdusan> foobles: which analysis function were you looking at?
<foobles> i think im too tired to try and set up lldb like you suggested tonight, i think ill do that part tomorrow
<foobles> but i am trying to implement comparison of non-pointer optionals
<foobles> so im looking at ir_analyze_bin_op_cmp
<mikdusan> there's probably an equiv setup for windows but I don't have exp debugging on windows
<mikdusan> ah so do you have thoughts on an high level logic for what ir_analyze_bin_op_cmp will do?
<foobles> yeah:
<foobles> so if op1 and op2 are both non-pointer optional types, then if they are both comptime: if they are both null, or one is null but not the other, return a const bool. If they both have values, recurse and return the result of comparing those.
<mikdusan> so this is just shooting from the hip, but we enter ir_analyze_bin_op_cmp which I'll just call _cmp(),
<mikdusan> and you basically have the instr that gives you op1,op2 instructions that represent expressions
<mikdusan> my word choices are probably poor but bear with me,
<foobles> im following
<mikdusan> so let's check for case inside _cmp(op1,op2) that both op1,op2 are optionals
<foobles> i already have done that
<foobles> hold on let me make a gist or something to show you what i have
<mikdusan> if they are, get a ptr to each of op1,op2
<mikdusan> then use that _build_unwrap_ptr function for each op1,op2 to give you unwrapped_op1, unwrapped_op2 and then op1 = unwrapped_op1; op2 = unwrapped_op2 let you're done? naturally this would have to come before meat of cmp()
<foobles> alright that makese sense with me
<foobles> s/makese/makes
<foobles> but i just dont know what to put for the source_node parameter
<foobles> im not sure what that means
<mikdusan> and what's the recurse logic? only recurse when BOTH unwrapped_op1 and unwrapped_op2 are still optionals?
<mikdusan> s/recurse/unwrap_again
<foobles> here is some pseudocode:
<foobles> if (op1 is comptime && op2 is comptime): if (op1_is_not_null && op2_is_not_null) { return _cmp(op1.unwrap(), op2.unwrap()); }
<foobles> this would be inside of the `_cmp` function itself
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<daurnimator> 06:25:11 <foutrelis>daurnimator: success! (I think). got rid of libclangHandleLLVM from libclang-cpp since it was unused anyway, so now clang-cpp doesn't contain any conflicting symbol thingies and zig happily compiles against it (with ZIG_PREFER_CLANG_CPP_DYLIB=ON)
<mikdusan> source_node for op1 should be op1->base->source_node
<daurnimator> 06:26:02 <foutrelis>daurnimator: though it hung during its tests, due to:
<mikdusan> daurnimator: yeah I'm seeing some kind of eventloop hang on an real tiny example andrew put for rel0.6.0 notes re: Async I/O
<foobles> mikdusan hmm ok
<foobles> that would make sense
<foobles> but then why does the function need it to be passed as another parameter?
<foobles> if it can just access it directly from the IrInstGen thats passed as one of its other parameters?
<mikdusan> I can only assume it's because that's not always the case
<foobles> hmmm
<mikdusan> also there have been some rapid advances in zig compiler inernals... some of the things that fall through the cracks are redundancies. so _if_ this is indeed universally redundant, it may have may emerged that way after some changes
<foobles> alright
<foobles> ooooh ok that would make sense :)
<mikdusan> foobles: as an aside, if you are going to try a debugger, I assume it will be on linux... probably want to go with gdb. I use lldb because macos.
<foobles> aah ok
<foobles> i cant find any tutorial on using msvc debugger through the command line without the IDE =#
<mikdusan> pretty sure you can use the IDE with a window for command-line apps?
<mikdusan> but yeah, linux/gdb is probably the best supported for debug right now. iirc there was an open issue about breakpoints on wrong-lines on windows recently
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<andrewrk> I wonder how well RemedyBG works for developing zig on windows
<daurnimator> andrewrk: see messages from foutrelis above
<andrewrk> daurnimator, happy to see that. look at b8796be79d11
<daurnimator> ah ha :)
<andrewrk> the policy on flaky tests is: file bug report, disable test immediately
<daurnimator> andrewrk: did you want that release party in ~10 hours?
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<daurnimator> andrewrk: and PM me your address :)
<andrewrk> here's what the timeline looks like: I'm going to finish the release notes in about 6 hours from now. then I will sleep for ~6 hours. none of those remaining 0.6.0 bugs are going to get solved. after that, the release process will take ~2 hours, maybe up to 4 if any issues occur. then hopefully we'll have a nice media day. the next day after, would be a good release party day
<andrewrk> depending on what you had planned
<daurnimator> I'm making things up on the fly :P
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<andrewrk> anyway, tuesday would be good for me, unless the activity didn't conflict with any release-day situations that arise
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<daurnimator> so with the arch clang fix I can now compile zig against system LLVM as long as I pass `ZIG_PREFER_CLANG_CPP_DYLIB=on`
<daurnimator> is that the desired outcome?
<daurnimator> (compiling without it I get: which I guess is due to missing -l arguments for static compilation?)
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<andrewrk> I haven't been able to make zig detect in a clean way whether it should be trying to do -lclang-cpp or not. every system is different, it seems
<pixelherodev> If clang-cpp exists, it should be used, shouldn't it?
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<andrewrk> one would think. however, it is misconfigured on several systems and causes linker errors
<andrewrk> arch just fixed a bug for example. they got it wrong until today
<andrewrk> even was misconfigured and didn't fix it for their own release
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<andrewrk> I finished the release notes
<pixelherodev> Nice!
<pixelherodev> One thought on a future package repository
<pixelherodev> If we have a language-specific package repo, can I request that it be curated by Zig team members?
<pixelherodev> I don't think there's anything wrong with a language-specific package repo, but e.g. NPM has made me wary of just allowing unchecked submissions
<pixelherodev> This is a bit early to worry about it, I know :P
<andrewrk> package curation will fall onto a third party, since we plan to have decentralized package management
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<pixelherodev> Ruhroh
<pixelherodev> (That's probably a good thing)
<daurnimator> andrewrk: wait really? wow
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<pixelherodev> I still say "Zig isn't better because we're perfect but because we're willing to iterate as much as it takes" should be refined and added to `zig zen`
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<mikdusan> he is a machine: `grep TODO src/download/0.6.0/release-notes.html | wc` -> 0
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* pixelherodev is stunned
<kenaryn> pixelherodev: "We shall embrace change if it serves the end user's needs."
<kenaryn> "Refinement is not a breaking backward compatibility, it's a necessity."
<pixelherodev> I like the former, less so the latter
<Xavi92> So do I :)
<pixelherodev> Eh, I think it's not needed
<pixelherodev> `zig zen|tail -n2|head -n1`
<pixelherodev> Also
<pixelherodev> `* Incremental improvements`
<pixelherodev> :)
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<kenaryn> I think it would account for a great deal of publicity if zig lang could appear in the last Overview's subpart (alongside Rust) on the github page's emscripten (i.e. when support will reach Tier 2.
<BeardPower> Hi everyone! With 0.6.0 to be released soon, will it be production ready? If not, what's missing?
<daurnimator> BeardPower: define "production ready"
<daurnimator> in some ways yes: you can write working code with it.
<daurnimator> in most ways no: the language is not stable yet; and there are known bugs
<BeardPower> daurnimator: is it stable enough to create a reliable client/server (e.g. trading bots), GUI, business app with it?
<daurnimator> probably not?
<daurnimator> networking APIs are not complete at all
<daurnimator> and there are no GUI libraries that are known to work perfectly yet
<BeardPower> That would not be an issue because I could use C libs for networking. I want to use Blend2D for a GUI.
<daurnimator> that said, you *could* create other types of libraries pretty happily in zig right now. e.g. something like libpsl could easily be rewritten fully in zig and be stable
<BeardPower> I read that deflate and inflate should be part of the zig lang so I thought about porting a high-performance C implementation.
<BeardPower> It's MIT like zig.
<daurnimator> BeardPower: please do; we'd like deflate in the standard library!
<BeardPower> It would be a nice project to get used to zig and compare it's performance.
<ifreund> i beleive BaroqueLarouche had something in progress for inflate?
<daurnimator> ifreund: I can't see it in their repository.
<BeardPower> Yeah, I read the GitHub issue but it seems he did not move forward with it. IIRC he was porting some implementation which was not tailored for performance.
<ifreund> daurnimator: i may just be remembering discussion here
<ifreund> porting a high performance c implementation would be awesome
<BeardPower> Anyway. I thought it would be a nice project.
<BeardPower> It's this one here:
<daurnimator> BeardPower: looks reasonable to me; go for it!
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<BeardPower> There is also an Intel implementation using Assembler, which is the most performant one but maybe not that ideal for having it in the language.
<BeardPower> daurnimator: Alright!
<Xavi92> Can padding bits be anonymous as in C bitfields?
<daurnimator> BeardPower: you could start off by just porting the libdefalte CRC32 implementation to make the zig standard library crc function faster
<daurnimator> Xavi92: no; not in the current release. You'll have to check if there's an existing proposal
<BeardPower> daurnimator: Good idea! I will work on it ASAP.
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<daurnimator> BeardPower: note that something like can be run as comptime code in zig.
<BeardPower> daurnimator: Nice. I need to dig more into that one.
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<daurnimator> BeardPower: just have a look at the existing crc implementation(s) and you should figure itout
<BeardPower> daurnimator: Will do. 0.6.0 should be released any moment, right?
<daurnimator> BeardPower: in ~8 hours I think.
<BeardPower> Nice!
<marijnfs> exciting
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<daurnimator> > In this release, the minimum supported Windows version is bumped from 7+ to 8.1+, following the extended support lifecycle of Microsoft.
<daurnimator> ^ (sadly) windows server 2008 (based on vista!) is supported on azure for 3 more years...
<ifreund> why do people do things like run windows on a server
<daurnimator> ifreund: need to run Active Directory server somewhere...
<daurnimator> there's enough windows-only software that sysadmins need something to manage all the end user devices
<ifreund> i'm sure there're valid reasons, i know very little about the windows sysadmin world
<ifreund> i never would by choice though
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<marijnfs> how do I define the specific error set a function returns?
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<Xavi92> Ouch, 'TODO buf_read_value_bytes enum auto'
<Xavi92> When trying '_ = puts(fmt.fmtZ("{}", .{@bitCast(u32, DisplayEnable {})}));'
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<Xavi92> That line is causing zig to crash. Is there any alternative for this?
<mikdusan> what is `DisplayEnable`
<fengb> marijnfs: `fn foo() error{OutOfMemory,Blah}!void {`
<fengb> Or you can assign the errorset to a const
<marijnfs> Ah yeah, then I'd just put ErrorSet!void ?
<daurnimator> marijnfs: yes
<pixelherodev> That's the correct way, yes
<pixelherodev> You can also use `!T`
<pixelherodev> That tells the compiler to infer the error set
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<marijnfs> yeah i had an issue with that so had to define it
<pixelherodev> That happens sometimes. yeah
<marijnfs> yeah i'm passing a function that gets encapsulated, and the function doesn't know the error set yet i guess
<marijnfs> an anyerror just contains the full error set, that might work as well i guess?
<pixelherodev> yes, but it's IMO better to use an error set
<marijnfs> yeah might try that, it keeps refusing
<Xavi92> mikdusan: sorry, was afk. DisplayEnable is a packed struct
<Xavi92> mikdusan: the first member is an anonymous enum(u1){On, Off}, defaults to .On
<daurnimator> Xavi92: hmm, does it work if you make it a `packed enum`?
<Xavi92> daurnimator: still crashes. The error message from the compiler changes to 'TODO buf_read_value_bytes enum packed' though
<mikdusan> you can work around it:
<Xavi92> daurnimator: would packed enum be needed if the struct is already packed?
<daurnimator> Xavi92: yes
<Xavi92> daurnimator: even if enum(u1)?
<Xavi92> daurnimator: thanks a lot for the tip!
<Xavi92> mikdusan: nope, 'const de = DisplayEnable{}; _ = puts(fmt.fmtZ("{}", .{@bitCast(u32, de)}));' would still crash -> TODO buf_read_value_bytes enum packed
<fengb> I think this is caused by a bit cast in anon tuples. Can you try assigning the bitcast into a temp?
<Xavi92> fengb: nope, that'd crash too. 'const tmp = @bitCast(u32, DisplayEnable{}); _ = puts(fmt.fmtZ("{}", tmp));' -> TODO buf_read_value_bytes enum packe
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<daurnimator> Xavi92: missing .{} around your `tmp`?
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<Xavi92> daurnimator: you're right, but still has the same effect. -> TODO buf_read_value_bytes enum packed
<Xavi92> daurnimator: BTW, before submitting my proposal about anonymous padding bits, I've read , where it looks like it was already suggested a couple of years ago
<daurnimator> Xavi92: one question is going to be: "what does the padding have to be"
<Xavi92> andrewrk suggests using '_: ux = default_value', but I don't know if it was implemented into the language finally
<daurnimator> e.g. some apis require that padding bytes are `0`; to me that's more reserved than padding
<daurnimator> Xavi92: default values exist now.
<Xavi92> daurnimator: the default value syntax would fix that, but the idea is forbid the user from accessing these padding bits directly
<Xavi92> Naming it '_' would make sense, but AFAIK the user can access it by 'struct_name._ = value;'
<daurnimator> Xavi92: how would an api verify that the padding/reserved bits are set correctly?
<Xavi92> daurnimator: thanks to the default value e.g.: '_: u5 = 0'
<Xavi92> I hope I didn't misunderstand something
<companion_cube> morning y'all
<daurnimator> Xavi92: say I have 3 reserved fields, the first one must be 0, the second must be 42, the third can be undefined for all I care. how can I verify that argument my function receives meets those requirements?
<companion_cube> I wonder if zig will give birth to a set of new "design patterns" around custom allocators
<companion_cube> (per request is easy, but there might be so many others)
<daurnimator> companion_cube: I expect that we'll e.g. have a "main" http framework that provides that sort of thing for handlers.
<companion_cube> sure, the handler takes an allocator, etc.
<companion_cube> but for other things, really…
<companion_cube> say you write an IRC bot, you could have an allocator per incoming message
<daurnimator> Xavi92: I just finished reading your linked issue :) seems like andy said exactly what I was thinking: padding and reserved fields are different.
<Xavi92> Would 'const Name = packed struct { _: ux = 0, _: uy = 0, _uz = undefined}' fit?
<daurnimator> Xavi92: you have two fields there both called _. how do I check each one?
<Xavi92> I understand. Thanks for your help :)
<marijnfs> i have a function that accepts a function: add_thread(comptime function: fn(var) anyerror!void)
<Xavi92> daurnimator: BTW, the compiler also crashes with 'const a:u32 = @bitCast(u32, DisplayEnable{});' -> TODO buf_read_value_bytes enum packed
<marijnfs> but if i pass one of that type, i get expected type 'fn(var) var', found 'fn(i64) anyerror!void
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<Xavi92> So it is not related to fmt or anything
<daurnimator> Xavi92: sorry, you'll have to file it away with the rest of the `packed struct` bugs
* daurnimator is out of knowledge to help
<daurnimator> maybe mikdusan?
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<daurnimator> andrewrk: I think the "Slicing with Comptime Indexes" section needs to be higher
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<TheLemonMan> oh today is the release day
<foobles> :O
<fengb> 🤞
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<foobles> a
<companion_cube> 🎉
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<fengb> Hey we are the third result from Google search for Zig
<fengb> Unfortunately we’re below a million “semantic results” :(
<ikskuh> <TheLemonMan> oh today is the release day
<ikskuh> \o/
<ikskuh> i'm totally "out of date" on zig due to demo-partying the whole weekend
<fengb> You were demoing a party?
<TheLemonMan> ikskuh, speaking of demoparty, have you seen ?
<ikskuh> yes
<ikskuh> i've seen the whole revision live, hanging out in voice chats and chats
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<daurnimator> speaking of party; who is up for a zig release party
<daurnimator> (in maybe 10 hours-ish?)
<ikskuh> \o/
<ikskuh> i'm still in party mood, so why not
<fengb> 🎉
<daurnimator> I suspect we'll get a bit of press off the release
<daurnimator> so we can hang out and help the newbies as they file through
<fengb> Gotta contain my snark
<ifreund> i just adding building instructions to my project in case anyone gets a link from the release and tries to compile it :D
<fengb> Ah good point
<foobles> half-implemented compiler feature im testingworks only on comptime values, so i make an assertion instr_is_comptime()run a behavior test with a comptime blockassertion failed X)
<foobles> wow that formatting got messed up
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* daurnimator bed
* daurnimator should wake up to a fresh release :D
<ifreund> ah shoot it's gonna be right in the middle of the night for me i think
<fengb> We need to invent a timezone where everyone is available :P
<ifreund> maybe i just won't sleep :D
<TheLemonMan> sleep is overrated
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<nephele> fengb, we already have that, it's called sleep deprivation :DD
<fengb> Australia, Americas, Europe, pick 2
<fengb> Of course, here in 'murica, we only pick 1 anyway
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<nephele> Well, then the choice seems clear :) Let's hold a meeting in Atlantis
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<marijnfs> where can i find an example of a struct being used to create a closure?
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<fengb> I cobbled this together but haven't used it anywhere:
<fengb> Also, all of the functions seem to be poorly named
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<marijnfs> fengb: thanks
<marijnfs> yeah the return type is a bit confusing, seems it has a hard time inferring such things
<marijnfs> especially error sets
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<fengb> I haven't tested it well at all >_>
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<andrewrk> happy release day everyone
<fengb> 👋
<companion_cube> woo
<ifreund> woot!
<Xavi92> andrewrk: hey! :)
<fengb> Should release day be on Thursdays or something? Mondays can kill your weekend >_>
<r4pr0n> 🎉
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<r4pr0n> may i ask why in the release notes, there are only the issues linked to some of the language changes, but not all of them?
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<andrewrk> sloppiness, they are only linked when it was convenient in the commit logs
<Xavi92> Suffering from with @bitCast and a struct containing packed enum :(
<Snektron> release time
<ifreund> the tag is pushed!
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<andrewrk> about 2 hours to finish the tarballs then I'll upload the release notes
<hryx> Happy release day! Wish I'd had time to do more than lurk this last cycle. Here's to 0.6 and what comes next <3
<foobles> woo hoo!
<foobles> i hope i can help for the next one hehe :)
<andrewrk> thanks hryx :) miss you buddy
<andrewrk> foobles, it seems like you are learning fast
<andrewrk> is the CI going to be our friend today? let's find out
<hryx> same andrewrk - super looking forward to when I return to zigland :)
<companion_cube> what land are you currently in?
<hryx> San Francisco
<hryx> :P
<ifreund> javascriptland then?
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<hryx> ifreund: startupland
<r4pr0n> are there any functions besides std.fmt.bufPrint for handling strings in zig yet?
<r4pr0n> something like strcat, strcpy and so on
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<andrewrk> happy releaster
<ifreund> r4pr0n: std.mem is what you want
<r4pr0n> actually i have a question there i wanted to ask for some time
<r4pr0n> why is in the std lib, e.g. in mem.eql: fn eql(comptime T: type, a: var, b: var) var
<r4pr0n> var used, instead of T
<andrewrk> huh, when did that change
<andrewrk> pub fn eql(comptime T: type, a: []const T, b: []const T) bool
<andrewrk> I'm not seeing what you're seeing
<r4pr0n> i got that from the docs
<andrewrk> docs are experimental and don't handle generics fully yet
<andrewrk> in this case "var" means the type depends on previous parameters
<r4pr0n> oh good to know
<r4pr0n> thank you
<companion_cube> "zig is a dependently typed, multi-stage impure language" is how you should pitch to academics, andrewrk
<andrewrk> companion_cube, nice, that's perfect. I'm terrible at pitching to academics
<companion_cube> :DDD
<andrewrk> my usual pitch is, "I'm sorry I don't know what any of those words mean"
<companion_cube> (well it'd talk to the type theorist crowd)
<companion_cube> it's funny to see how you converged on a bunch of known things by trimming fat from C
<companion_cube> I like it
<r4pr0n> speaking about c, i understand that c uses dst,src for many things, but isn't it kind of counter-intuitive? wouldn't it be *simpler* to use src,dst in std.mem.copy e.g.?
<companion_cube> or named arguments^W^W a struct
<andrewrk> either way: src,dst or dst,src is a convention. so is your convention coming from C or from elsewhere? there's not really an objective answer
<TheLemonMan> assignments use the `dst = src` form
<andrewrk> the constness helps a bit. as long as your src is const, you can't mess it up
<r4pr0n> well i guess for me it's coming from human languages: you normally say "copy this into that", not "copy into that from this"
<companion_cube> copy that
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<fengb> It also matches C and Intel assembly fwiw
<fengb> Oh you mentioned that. Shows how aware I am
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<alva> In many human languages (e.g. Finnish) you can put the words in either order.
<r4pr0n> well you can also in english, as I showed, but I (a non-native english speaker) think it's more idiomatic to use the src,dst variant
<r4pr0n> but the c,intel asm syntax argument is also a good one
<r4pr0n> so i'm not sure
<fengb> English almost always does subject-verb-object
<fengb> So doing verb(object, subject) is a bit backwards
<fengb> Workaround is using a different verb
<r4pr0n> well src is the subject in the sentence "copy src into dst"
<fengb> Right, I'm agreeing with you :P
<r4pr0n> oh yeah, then it makes sense xD
<fengb> Hmm, now that I'm looking at it, these aren't subjects. "src" is the object, and "into dst" is a prepositional phrase
<fengb> Verb object prepositional-phrase is also more natural though so you're still right :P
<r4pr0n> oh yeah, right
<andrewrk> zig and english are not very related
<fengb> Yeah, Zig is actually sane
<fengb> English is a bastard child of 3 different language families
<fengb> Also literally because William the ~Bastard~ Conquerer :P
<r4pr0n> Well for me the argument is kind of about if you focus more on being idiomatic for people coming from C or people new to systems programming
<r4pr0n> which I'm not really sure about what the answer is
<alva> Very thankful that Zig is not like English :)
<andrewrk> I disagree that the order of dest,src parameters in mem.copy ties zig to C in any way
<foobles> so 0.6.0 is officially released now?
<andrewrk> nah not until the download page is updated
<r4pr0n> no that's not really my point, I just think that for people that have experience with C, dst,src will be familiar, but for people new to the topic, src,dst will be easier
<andrewrk> then it's 🎉 time
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* andrewrk watches the CI server race against zig-bootstrap building riscv64
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<redj> ci.speed++;-)
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<r4pr0n> Syntax Error, stopping CI Build.
<redj> (special accepted syntax on release day)
<Snektron> server ram module got hit by a cosmic ray and crashed
<r4pr0n> server was running with overcommit enabled, other user allocated 100 petabyte, zig build was killed by oom killer
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<andrewrk> noooo
<r4pr0n> btw, why did you use the tests for generating the docs and didn't just add a flag to analyze all of it?
<andrewrk> because it would cause a compilation error
<andrewrk> whether fd_t is an i32 or HANDLE for example depends on the target
<andrewrk> it's also possible to have types depend on whether the compilation is a test run or not
<andrewrk> test runs tend to reference more declarations
<andrewrk> so more things make it into the docs
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<r4pr0n> ah ok that makes sense
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<companion_cube> could there be a doc page per target?
<companion_cube> like a scrollbar to pick the target you want (and a sane default)
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<andrewrk> the merge_anal_dumps tool isn't done, but the goal is to have docs that support all targets at once
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<andrewrk> if that idea fails then yes we'll do the "pick the target" thing
<companion_cube> ah yeah, so you could say "this field is in debug-*-*
<andrewrk> yeah
<companion_cube> pretty cool, you could see what's portable and what's… less portable
<andrewrk> yep
<andrewrk> it's vaporware tho
<andrewrk> but hey, so was everything in the 0.6.0 release notes which is now released
<andrewrk> err sorry I didn't publish it yet. don't party yet
<foobles> vaporwave D:
<r4pr0n> > but the goal is to have docs that support all targets at once
<r4pr0n> and how would this look?
<r4pr0n> would you have multiple definitions where the target is specified at for multiple fields/functions/structs?
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<r4pr0n> oh the azure ci is done
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<ifreund> time to party?
<andrewrk> wait for it
<xackus> spamming F5
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<andrewrk> fun fact: download/index.json is maintained by hand
<mikdusan> me and trailing commas don't mix well with editing .json
<andrewrk> same
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<mikdusan> edge detection? :)
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<r4pr0n> already prepared the message in my weechat message box
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<mikdusan> going... to... need... a table for release binaries soon
<marijnfs> wow 0.6 is there
<andrewrk> ok it's party time 🎉 🎉 🎉
<r4pr0n> yaaaay 🥳
<nycex> wohoooo 🎉
<marijnfs> woop woop
<fengb> 🎉
<Snektron> yeeee
<Snektron> party
<Snektron> grats andrew
<nycex> 🕺
<marijnfs> release notes reading partyy
<xackus> 🎉
<ifreund> aaay, time to read some release notes
<mikdusan> __
<mikdusan> __ {_/
<mikdusan> \_}\\ _
<mikdusan> _\(_)_
<marijnfs> can someone make a dancing ziguana
<mikdusan> (_)_)(_)_
<mikdusan> (_)(_)_)(_)
<shakesoda> \o/
<mikdusan> (_)(_))_) ____
<mikdusan> (_(_(_) | | ____
<mikdusan> (_)_) |~~~~| | |
<mikdusan> (_) '-..-' |~~~~|
<mikdusan> || '-..-'
<mikdusan> _||_ ||
<mikdusan> `""""` _||_
<fengb> Wow, double # of contributors, double # of commits since previous release
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<mikdusan> `""""`
<mikdusan> time for LemonBoy finger guns
<FireFox317> congrats andrewrk :)
<ifreund> i think LemonBoy must be sleeping
<TheLemonMan> no way I'm sleeping
<ifreund> oh i forgot your nick was different than your github
<fengb> He's all the lemons
<xackus> perfect timing, i will have something to read in the bathroom :)
<mikdusan> it's the "the" that confuses me. tab-completion doesn't help. Lemon<tab><tab><tab>
<andrewrk> if you're getting bored reading the release notes, as a challenge, try to find sections that *don't* mention TheLemonMan
<mikdusan> good luck with that /s
<andrewrk> now the question is: are we gonna get into the tech news today
<fengb> Well akshully, "TheLemonMan" doesn't show up in the document at all
<TheLemonMan> haha, I aim to be in every section by the time 0.7.0 rolls
<FireFox317> TheLemonMan is unstoppable
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<FireFox317> The list on is so gorgeous :O <3
<andrewrk> :D
<fengb> Oh boy, all the versions
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<andrewrk> the source tarball is smaller from 0.5.0 -> 0.6.0
<foobles> wow! cool
<fengb> Typo: "Format decmial 0.0" => decimal
<mikdusan> 0.5.0 - sizeof(lld) < 0.6.0
<Snektron> 0.6.0 newer than master
<Snektron> hmm
<TheLemonMan> "Now, stack traces work even in release builds" -> nah, they now work with PIE binaries (eg. clang-built stage1)
<TheLemonMan> I didn't have enough time to polish the dwarf unwinder in time for this release :(
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<andrewrk> ah, my bad
<andrewrk> will update
<marijnfs> how does comparison between different types work? with a float < int comparison, the int get converted?
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<mikdusan> marijnfs: allowed for comptime. disallowed for non-comptime.
<companion_cube> oh, I didn't see `noasync`, awesome
<fengb> I don't care what the release notes say. Your last name is totally Ikdusan
<mikdusan> haha
<r4pr0n> are release builds supposed to have stacktraces? i thought they'd be going in undefined behaviour? or do you just mean for errors returned in main?
<fengb> Oh wow, self-hosted in next release
<marijnfs> is the package manager also planned?
<shakesoda> quick, before everyone's excitement has a chance to fade, #1717!
<andrewrk> I'm gonna be honest, I haven't even read the release notes
<fengb> lol
<andrewrk> it was so much work to write them
<marijnfs> hah i didn't get there yet thnks
<shakesoda> i've been linking them to people like "IT HAS A BILLION THINGS"
<shakesoda> it just keeps going
<companion_cube> merge_anal_dumps sounds a bit like sewer language…
<layneson> I am always impressed by Zig's release notes
<andrewrk> IMO the most interesting part is the language changes
<andrewrk> btw you can click on the headers to go back to the TOC
<andrewrk> helps with mobile nav too
<fengb> Who wants to post to HN?
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<marijnfs> unrelated question, how do I make two packages that I add addPackagePath aware of each other?
<marijnfs> i'd like to @import("package2") from package1 code
<companion_cube> who cares about HN when it's on lobsters already? :)
<fengb> I'm not on lobsters Q_Q
<ifreund> that's the invite only HN fork right?
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<companion_cube> yep, it's also much smaller and a bit more technical (for now)
<ifreund> anyone wanna invite me so i can go upvote the zig post? :D
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<Sahnvour> congrats everyone on the release
<mikdusan> marijnfs: that means when building package1 you need a addPackagePath specifying "package2" location
<Xavi92> Congrats everyone for the new release!
<mikdusan> so if root ends up indirectly pulling in both package1,package2, you'll need 2 addPackagePath calls
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<pmwhite> On the download page, the filenames for the master downloads still look like 0.6.0.
<pmwhite> andrewrk: ^
<pmwhite> I mean 0.5.0
<Cadey> hey andrewrk i'm looking at updating the nixpkgs repo for zig 0.6.0, what tests should i run on the compiler after i package it?
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<Cadey> lol, first problem detected: it wants llvm 10 and nixos only has 9
<Cadey> hmm it does have llvm 10
<marijnfs> mikdusan: yeah I have two package calls for the packages to the same exe.
<marijnfs> But it seems package1 can't just @import("package2"). However I can do that in the code for the main code
<mikdusan> I admit never tried 2 addPackagePath; a few mins I'll try a mockup
<andrewrk> Cadey, does it want to link against -lclang-cpp ?
<Cadey> andrewrk: right now i'm trying to get it to use llvm 10 instead of llvm 9
<mikdusan> marijnfs: are you able to see the zig command line when it fails? if so, paste the command showing args `--pkg-begin` etc.
<Cadey> expected LLVM 10.x but found 9.0.1
<Cadey> here's my nixpkgs diff off of git head for upstream:
<alva> andrewrk: Where can I find you public PGP key?
<marijnfs> yeah two of those --pkg-begin
<mikdusan> alva, github trick:<username_without_commercial_at_symbol>.keys
<mikdusan> oh pgp. sorry, nevermind
<Sphax> Congrats on the release, I'm excited to try out the async stuff in my project
<andrewrk> alva, I'm not sure I've properly uploaded it to a keyserver. I should probably figure that out
<andrewrk> I agree though, should switch to pgp signatures not sha256sum
<andrewrk> pmwhite, it'll be fine, next CI run will update it
<Cadey> andrewrk: i got zig using llvm 10 in nix-build, but now i'm getting a weird error in cmake:
<andrewrk> Could NOT find lld (missing: LLD_LIBRARIES LLD_INCLUDE_DIRS)
<andrewrk> looks like a missing buildInput
<Cadey> oh
<Cadey> i added lld and it's compiling now
<Cadey> /nix/store/sq2b0dqlq243mqn4ql5h36xmpplyy20k-binutils-2.31.1/bin/ld: /nix/store/hkb0hmxmgkq27p6akzr1fjsnjma3xii5-clang-10.0.0/lib/libclangCodeGen.a(BackendUtil.cpp.o): in function `(anonymous namespace)::EmitAssemblyHelper::EmitAssemblyWithNewPassManager(clang::BackendAction, std::unique_ptr<llvm::raw_pwrite_stream, std::default_delete<llvm::raw_pwrite_stream> >)':
<Cadey> (.text._ZN12_GLOBAL__N_118EmitAssemblyHelper30EmitAssemblyWithNewPassManagerEN5clang13BackendActionESt10unique_ptrIN4llvm17raw_pwrite_streamESt14default_deleteIS5_EE+0xc33): undefined reference to `getPollyPluginInfo()'
<Cadey> i remember reading about that
<Cadey> looking in the zig tracker
<andrewrk> this polly lib situation is a disaster
<mikdusan> andrewrk: u happen to recall if has a doc/undocumented way to add nested --pkg-begin/--pkg-end values?
<mikdusan> ah ok i found #4386
<mikdusan> marijnfs: ok this currently is the way to do it:
<Cadey> oh someone has a patch in the bug report thread
<Cadey> let's try that!
<mikdusan> marijnfs: basically you're going to need to see `--pkg-begin a a.zig --pkg-begin b b.zig --pkg-end --pkg-end` and then same thing but inverted if both packages depend on eachother
<marijnfs> mikdusan: ah I see, so the dependencies part?
<marijnfs> yeah that's not too bad
<Cadey> seems to be building
<marijnfs> thanks
<Cadey> it built!
<fengb> Yay!
<Cadey> andrewrk: how do i run the zig test suite?
<andrewrk> ha :)
<squeek502_> :)
<andrewrk> Cadey, you need a source checkout to run the test suite
<Cadey> yeah i'm assuming nix-build does
<andrewrk> since there is some rather lengthy test data, it's not shipped
<Cadey> oh, it's snipped from tagged releases?
<andrewrk> tagged releases have source, that counts as a source checkout
<Cadey> cool
<Cadey> gogo checkPhase
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<euantor> Chocolatey package for 0.6.0 submitted, looks like a good release - thanks! Just awaiting automated checks and moderator approval now:
<fengb> 🎉
<companion_cube> andrewrk: so is the package manager for this cycle? would help attract more people I guess
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<companion_cube> yeah, but that's my point: if the compiler is self hosted, the PM is unlocked
<squeek502_> the compiler is not fully self-hosted yet
<squeek502_> "The theme of the 0.7.0 release cycle will be stabilizing the language, creating a first draft of the language specification, and self-hosting the compiler."
<Cadey> /build/source/build/zig test /build/source/test/stage1/behavior.zig --library c --test-name-prefix behavior-x86_64-linux-gnu-Debug-c-multi --cache-dir /build/source/zig-cache --name test -target x86_64-linux-gnu --override-lib-dir /build/source/lib
<andrewrk> companion_cube, the package manager is already unlocked, just needs zig code for networking, downloading, untarring, etc
<Cadey> this fails but it doesn't have a stacktrace because debug info is stripped
<foobles> can someone help me debug my feature Im trying to add to the compiler? I can explain the greater steps I tried to take. there is some issue with values I know at comptime not being seen as comptime-known
<foobles> also making ir_analyze_bin_op_cmp recursive :p
<andrewrk> Cadey, you passed -target x86_64-linux-gnu which means you are cross compiling
<andrewrk> and you are on nixos, so the standard dynamic linker path is wrong
<andrewrk> you can choose -target x86_64-linux-musl instead, or don't -lc, or pass -dynamic-linker with the correct path
<mikdusan> foobles: suggest avoid recursive until one-time is working
<andrewrk> Cadey, you can find a dynamic linker path with `ldd /usr/bin/env`
<foobles> the whole feature is making it recursive '=D
<foobles> im trying to add optional comparison
<foobles> so if at comptime, both optionals have values, Im trying to recurse
<foobles> on their values and compare them with each other
<andrewrk> Cadey, what are you trying to do?
<mikdusan> foobles: ah yes right
<foobles> oh yes you are the one who i was talking with last night :)
<Cadey> andrewrk: run the zig test suite in the nix-build so that i can verify the compiler as part of the build
<foobles> i got it working (as in, compiling), but it is telling me that the values are not comptime known
<foobles> yep, it works fine when both values are null and comptime knwon
<foobles> s/knwon/known
<foobles> so it must be that the unwrapping, and recurising, makes it no longer comptime
<andrewrk> Cadey, I recommend to only do this: zig test $src/test/stage1/behavior.zig
<andrewrk> no reason to run the entire test suite
<Cadey> fair enough
* Cadey does that
<mikdusan> foobles: I have to go afk but will try to look at it in about an hour
<Cadey> once this passes locally i'm gonna pr nixpkgs
<foobles> thanks, alright
<Cadey> thanks again andrewrk!
<foobles> yeah, i just tested: comparing two comptime null ?i32s, or a comptime null ?i32 and a non-null, works
<foobles> its only when it recurses
<foobles> so it must be that the ir_build_optional_unwrap_ptr_gen is not creating a comptime Instr
<Cadey> All 916 tests passed.
<andrewrk> thanks Cadey :)
<Cadey> no problem
<Cadey> now i'm just making the pull request
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<andrewrk> thanks euantor :)
<ifreund> hmm, why is this an error?
<ifreund> isn't comptime_int an integer type?
<andrewrk> it should say "must be a fixed-width integer type"
<ifreund> hmm, is fixing that as simple as grepping for the error message in the code base and tweaking it?
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<foobles> ifreund yep
<foobles> i found it
<foobles> line 17029 of ir.cpp
<ifreund> foobles: if you'd like to do the honors it's all yours
<foobles> im on it
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<Snektron> What does ${VAR^} do? It yields a bad substitution error
<Snektron> (line 13 of the zig-boostrap build script)
<andrewrk> Snektron, does the "example" in the comment help?
<Snektron> Well yes, but that doesn't explain the error
<Snektron> Oh, i think my /bin/sh is set up wrong
<andrewrk> what happened is I thought that was something POSIX shell supports, but apparently it's a bashism
<Snektron> I think there are tools that statically check shell scripts
<mikdusan> >> 2020-04-06 21:46:51 mikdusan `${TARGET_OS_LOWER^}` is that posix?
<Snektron> maybe those could be of help?
<Snektron> Although the script isn't particularly lng
<Snektron> long
<mikdusan> just fyi *bsd and iirc alpine doesn't like the `^`
<Snektron> I think alpine also uses dash (which was my default)
<fengb> It’s also a Bash 4ism because it’s failing on mac’s v3 :P
<ifreund> alpine uses the busybox thing (ash i think)
<mikdusan> I suppose the old `| tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'` workaround can work. tr is around everywhere?
<ifreund> for shell script linting, is quite good
<ifreund> there's also a checkbashisms script in the arch repos
<andrewrk> my mistake was thinking that `sh` was posix shell
<andrewrk> it's deceitful because it changes the prompt to sh-4.4$
<andrewrk> but apparently it's still bash
<andrewrk> it's tricky right? because you can avoid bash but now depend on `tr`
<andrewrk> it's a unique challenge, "minimal system dependencies"
<andrewrk> "no branching logic" isn't a hard rule; it's just a flex. can be abandoned in favor of fewer system dependencies
<ifreund> i think alpine is probably a good test, busybox is strictly posic compliant
<fengb> We should write ziggybox
<waleee-cl> weren't there some students that were using zig in a project course just for that purpose?
<andrewrk> if I did ziggybox I would do it without the goal of compatibility with existing interfaces
<ifreund> if you use gnu coreutils you can run into the stuff like the `-i` option for sed only existing in the gnu version
<ifreund> some people already started a rustybox:
<fengb> Of course they did :P
<pmwhite> Is the point of writing a *box just enjoyment? There's no benefit except perhaps code quality due to a better language, right?
<afontain_> well, you may be using a better language, but your solution is less tested
<afontain_> I think enjoyment is a valuable goal, that's how you learn after all.
<ifreund> i mean the original busybox is great for embedded stuff due to the much smaller binary size since the various tools can share code
<r4pr0n> is it possible to disable caching for zig cc?
<daurnimator> pmwhite: its the dream of a no-$OTHERLANG-required OS
<daurnimator> also, morning everybody :)
<daurnimator> I see the release occured!
<fengb> Hi good morning!
<r4pr0n> good morning, i guess, it's 01:45 at night for me :P
<ifreund> hah same r4pr0n
<r4pr0n> has anyone tried to use zig cc with cgo yet?
<afontain_> daurnimator: a no-C-required OS feel quite hard :P
<daurnimator> afontain_: why?
<ifreund> afontain_: redox has gotten pretty far without c
<afontain_> well, depends if you want it to be daily-driver grade, of course
<afontain_> also depends if you count programs in that goal or not
<daurnimator> afontain_: you can write a kernel in zig; and then if you had a ziggybox you'd have a basic POSIX OS: on top of which you can have many normal apps
<pixelherodev> `<andrewrk> it's deceitful because it changes the prompt to sh-4.4$` GAH I know it's so annoying
<daurnimator> afontain_: kernel and core-utils is enough to claim it IMO.
<afontain_> ok, then it's more reasonable
<afontain_> I don't think I'd want to go without linux though
<fengb> Only if everyone has ziggybox installed
<daurnimator> re: the posix shell thing: if you used a switch/case then we could skip the need for echo/cut/tr
<andrewrk> fengb, nope, we don't need to use it until after we've built it :)
<andrewrk> switch/case would be my pref
<terinjokes> congrats on 0.6 :)
<andrewrk> thanks for your contribution!
<r4pr0n> well the problem with zig cc is, that cgo for some reason moves the arguments in the CC variable away from the $0, so zig cc doesn't really work
<andrewrk> r4pr0n, did you check that link
<terinjokes> hopefully the first of many
<r4pr0n> oh i'm sorry i only read the comment you linked to, not your answer, found the solution
<r4pr0n> but i already tried that
<r4pr0n> and got `unable to check cache when compiling C object: access denied`
<andrewrk> you can affect the cache directory with XDG_CACHE_HOME
<r4pr0n> that does work, it also creates it, but i still get that error
<daurnimator> lol `enable-trivial-auto-var-init-zero-knowing-it-will-be-removed-from-clang`
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