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<Snektron> How is that implemented? Did you look up those hypothetical bugs or do you build on top of an existing project?
<daurnimator> andrewrk: I noticed a WINNT version constant in that mingw PR. intentional? an extra place to update when we bump min windows version?
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<wilsonk> anybody know how to pass a '-W' flag to zig cc via a build.zig file? (ie. turn off a clang warning)
<shakesoda> wilsonk: in second arg to addCSourceFile
<shakesoda> i.e. exe.addCSourceFile("thing.c", &[_][]const u8{ "-Wno-return-type-c-linkage"})
<wilsonk> ah, ok. I tried just adding it after -std=c99 in the first arg and it didn't work
<wilsonk> thanks
<shakesoda> it should work as long as you pass the different args as separate strings and not, say, space separated in the same string
<wilsonk> oh, nvm...what I said didn't make sense...I mean I put my -W arg after -std=c99 in the second arg of addCSourceFIle and it didn't work.
<wilsonk> ah, ok that makes sense then
<shakesoda> like so (from my build.zig) : exe.addCSourceFile("extern/tinyfx/tinyfx.c", &[_][]const u8{ "-std=c99", "-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS=1" });
<wilsonk> sweet, that should work
* shakesoda thinks the syntax for writing these is pretty nasty...
<wilsonk> can I force a specific clang that zig will use to link with? (not zig cc but just plain zig)
<wilsonk> without modifying the source code ;)
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<mikdusan> wilsonk: no
<wilsonk> alright thanks mikdusan
<mikdusan> if you're just trying to "hack" something or diagnose some issue, use "--verbose-cc" and "--verbose-link" and you can supply those command-line-args to any version of clang/ld.lld you have lying around
<daurnimator> Has anyone used zig with GTK/GObject?
<daurnimator> mini project idea for myself: a usbguard notification/approval prompt that works similar to the blueman prompts for bluetooth pairing (
<wilsonk> mikdusan: yeah, I knew those hacks but was hoping for something else
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<pixelherodev> Zig hangs indefinitely if I compile with `-Drelease-fast=true` :(
<shakesoda> rip
<pixelherodev> Or release-small :(
<shakesoda> release-safe?
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<pixelherodev> That's the next attempt
<pixelherodev> Hangs indefinitely in LLVM Emit Output in all three release modes
<pixelherodev> LLVM doesn't seem to like optimizing dynamic recompilers
<shakesoda> what are you recompiling from
<mikdusan> is llvm-ir generated by zig or by dynamic-recomp ?
<pixelherodev> Zig
<pixelherodev> This isn't my compiler backend :P
<pixelherodev> It generates x64 from LIMN machine code
<pixelherodev> Oh wait it gets worse
<pixelherodev> CTRL+C doesn't kill it
<pixelherodev> It looks like it does
<pixelherodev> but it stays in the background with CPU at 100% indefinitely
<mikdusan> save the .ll, convert to .bc and run it through llvm-bcanalyzer
<pixelherodev> Ooh, good call
<pixelherodev> hmm
<mikdusan> -verify
<pixelherodev> memory usage is increasing
<pixelherodev> Slowly but surely
<pixelherodev> In large increments at a time
<pixelherodev> ... and now just steadily at 0.1% at a time
<pixelherodev> Oh wait I can't do that
<pixelherodev> mikdusan, zig hangs when generating the IR
<mikdusan> oh hah
<mikdusan> my duh
<pixelherodev> :(
<pixelherodev> I was wanting to test performance
<pixelherodev> I just implemented a cache (which improved speed by 92% in debug mode :D), and wanted to see how it affected release modes
<pixelherodev> I should probably GDB attach to the running process and see what's going on
<pixelherodev> ...after I emerge GDB
<pixelherodev> I was never planning on having to debug the *compiler*
<pixelherodev> hmm wait
<pixelherodev> Maybe I should rebuild LLVM/Clang
<pixelherodev> I had stupid optimizations enabled when they were build
<pixelherodev> s/build/built
<pixelherodev> It's possible that it broke LLVM
<pixelherodev> Does zig support linking against clang-cpp yet?
<pixelherodev> Or does it require Clang to be built as many libraries?
<mikdusan> istr some enable-asserts option with llvm; it slows it down but maybe will catch something?
<mikdusan> Enables code assertions. Defaults to ON if and only if CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is Debug.y
<pixelherodev> Good thing I use Zig over SSH or this would be a pain
<pixelherodev> Going to tweak the ebuild and modify the hash
<pixelherodev> because I think Zig is broken with Clang:10 on Gentoo
<mikdusan> have you tried binary tarball of zig?
<pixelherodev> Does that include LLVM?
<pixelherodev> Or does it use system LLVM?
<pixelherodev> If the latter, it likely won't help
<pixelherodev> Just going to emerge LLVM with USE=debug
<mikdusan> well it includes fully self contained zig binaries. but there are no llvm includes/libs to dev against if that's what you are asking
<pixelherodev> Nah, I meant whether it links against system LLVM specifically
<pixelherodev> I'm fairly certain my system LLVM is busted
<mikdusan> that's why i'm suggesting tarball
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<pixelherodev> Yeah, but I'd rather fix system LLVM anyways
<pixelherodev> I installed Clang/LLVM 10-rc4, so with ccache it should be good within an hour anyways
<mikdusan> meh to each his own. I'd rule out system llvm simply by dowwloading zig binary tarball and building your project with it.
<pixelherodev> Might as well do that while it builds anyways
<pixelherodev> hmm
<pixelherodev> That's not good
<pixelherodev> Hanging with the binary tarball also
<pixelherodev> `ldd $(which zig)` -> statically linked
<pixelherodev> Also in all three build modes
<pixelherodev> Going to have to install GDB (and update LLVM/Clang while I'm at it)
<pixelherodev> For now I'll just stick to debug mode
<pixelherodev> Got runtime down to 49 ms in debug mode, of which at least 6% is error checking in a *single function* :P
<pixelherodev> (an unreachable branch)
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<gonz_> Has there been any progress on getting away from LLVM for development builds?
<ikskuh> ask pixelherodev :D
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<gonz_> mikdusan: Do you know why most/all debuggers on Windows have issues with lots of bindings missing even though presumably these exist in the pdb?
<gonz_> VS seems to be maybe the most solid for zig atm, but also has issues with lots of identifiers being unwatchable, etc.
<gonz_> mikdusan: Sorry if you're not the one to ask about this, by the way, I have some memory of you dealing with it at some point is why I ask.
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<daurnimator> ikskuh: its a manual process. yes, but irregularly
<ikskuh> ah
<ikskuh> then i would like to trigger that process
<ikskuh> std.fmt.format still uses the three-param form instead of a stream parameter in the docs
<ikskuh> was confused yesterday :D
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<r4pr0n> just a thought - is there an easy way to integrate the zig stacktraces as the segfault handler for c programs when using zig cc?
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<andrewrk> r4pr0n, yes - it's a matter of building a simple zig lib that exports attachSegfaultHandler and calls std.debug.attachSegfaultHandler()
<andrewrk> then you link against that zig lib and call that function in main()
<andrewrk> gonz_, not direct progress, but lots of indirect progress
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<pixelherodev> ikskuh, I'm not the only one working on that - and arguably, I'm not
<pixelherodev> I'm writing a self-hosted LLVM backend, not a non-LLVM backend
<ikskuh> hmm :D
<ikskuh> but that's step 1 out of 2
<ikskuh> now you just have to remove LLVM
<ikskuh> easy as that!
<pixelherodev> Well, technically, yes
<pixelherodev> but it's not *that* simple :P
<ikskuh> yeah i know
<ikskuh> writing a backend isn't that trivial
<pixelherodev> Technically, if I could twist the Zig AST into the AST I use for my backend, I could just write a Zig AST frontend
<ikskuh> 😱
<ikskuh> would make compiling much faster, right?
<ikskuh> but i think the zig ast is not "compilable" as comptime is not yet resolved
<ikskuh> but i don't know :D
<pixelherodev> Oh I definitely couldn't do it
<pixelherodev> It's definitely *doable*
<pixelherodev> but I definitely can't
<ikskuh> hmm
<ikskuh> let's be stupid
<ikskuh> zig emits LLVM IR somewhere
<ikskuh> this IR is then optimized by LLVM itself
<ikskuh> it would require only a shim that fakes the LLVM api used :D
<ikskuh> then zig would emit PHD-IR :D
<ikskuh> also: i just noticed a stupid design decision in a project of mine:
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<ikskuh> decode a packet, allocate space on the heap, put the packet in a queue, … remove the packet from the queue, invoke a callback, delete the packet
<ikskuh> all in the same call stack
<ikskuh> looks like i can remove a whole allocation there! :D
<pixelherodev> Well, if we port over even just the Zig IR then I could probably write a frontend for that
<pixelherodev> Though I still need to finish the x64 backend
<pixelherodev> (I'm writing it for the dynarec, but I plan on cross-pollinating the projects :D)
<BaroqueLarouche> in the end, I think it would far easier to have a 68000 backend accepted in Zig alternative backend than LLVM itself
<fengb> Wouldn't we need a stable Zig IR?
<ikskuh> 68k backend would be super-awesome
<BaroqueLarouche> most of LLVM 68k backend are stale
<TheLemonMan> step up and help turn it from stale into stable heh
<ikskuh> oh neat!
<BaroqueLarouche> maybe one day!
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<pixelherodev> fengb, yes
<pixelherodev> There's a reason I'm focusing on infrastructure and not on zig compilation
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<kristoff_it> hey all, I'm trying to build master on macOS, but I'm getting a compilation error. Is this something that was already reported?
<kristoff_it> also, I upgraded to llvm 10, that's the right thing to do, right?
<andrewrk> is it the polly issue?
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<kristoff_it> ah yes that's it, sorry I should have searched more
<kristoff_it> I was thrown off by another error I found before that
<andrewrk> no worries
<andrewrk> idk what's going on upstream
<andrewrk> llvm devs have this weird way they build their software, and it results in config bugs like this all the time
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<pixelherodev> I have a different compilation issue with LLVM 10 :(
<kristoff_it> good luck man, I was able to paste the snippet from josephg from the GH issue and I'm already at the end of the things that I know how to do
<pixelherodev> Gentoo defaults to building a single library clang-cpp, but Zig doesn't know how to link against it; simple enough that next time I upgrade I'll probably just fix it in Zig's CMakeLists.txt instead of, you know, *modifying the ebuild and adjusting the hash*
<pixelherodev> Bigger problem though
<pixelherodev> How would I investigate Zig hanging indefinitely and taking more and more memory?
<pixelherodev> Current idea to `gdb -p $(pgrep zig)`
<kristoff_it> btw if anybody's interested I'm currently streaming on twitch, I'm trying to debug a crash that I couldn't find the cause of a few days ago
<mikdusan> pixelherodev: you can launch a cli with gdb. run it and when you think it's looping, hit ctrl-c
<pixelherodev> Yes but that has longer start-up time, doesn't it?
<mikdusan> is that important?
<pixelherodev> Either way, I need to wait for Clang to finish building
<pixelherodev> Well, it means it'll be more annoying to deal with
<pixelherodev> (SSH connection died and so the emerge halted :_(
<torque> use mosh and tmux at all times
<pixelherodev> mosh?
<pixelherodev> should've used tmux though, that's a good call
<companion_cube> mosh is awesome
<pixelherodev> Gah
<companion_cube> especially if you take the bus or train with a bad connection
<pixelherodev> Need to edit the ebuild further
<pixelherodev> Fortunately, the whole build is in the ccache so it'll finish in two minutes
<pixelherodev> But I forgot to tweak the installation command :(
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<pmwhite> Wow, mosh, is really cool. Why did I not know about this before.
<pixelherodev> Whoa same
<pixelherodev> Emerging :)
<companion_cube> I forgot about ~. in ssh after starting using mosh
* ikskuh wonders why everyone here has so unstable connections :D
<companion_cube> back in my days, we had planes and trains we would take laptops on ;)
<companion_cube> sometimes even close the laptop's lid
<shakesoda> in the beforetimes, when the rumored "outside" existed?
<companion_cube> exactly
<pixelherodev> ikskuh, I'm using a 5GHz network from my room in a relatively dated house which has walls / floors that block network signals
<pixelherodev> So, yeah
<ikskuh> this should not break your SSH session
* ikskuh unplugged his wifi, replaced it with a new AP, reconnected his laptop and continued working :D
<ikskuh> but yeah, i can imagine that it is annoying in some cases
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<ikskuh> but as long as you don't change route, an SSH session is stable
<pixelherodev> This wasn't
* pixelherodev shrugs
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<pixelherodev> Gah, same patch is needed for LLD
<pixelherodev> ccache did help though, clang built and installed in <5 minutes :D
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<andrewrk> FireFox317, I got x86_64-windows-gnu bootstrapping successfully
<ForLoveOfCats> I'm probably missing something but it seems that the online std docs have not been updated since late Feburary?
<ForLoveOfCats> I'm sure this is a known thing, I just want to understand the situation :)
<ForLoveOfCats> Or perhaps I'm being silly, just want to figure this out
<ikskuh> andrewrk: \o/
<andrewrk> ForLoveOfCats, yes the std lib docs are not updated automatically yet
<andrewrk> ikskuh, now the question is: are we going to have 32-bit windows bootstrapping successfully in time for the release?
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<ikskuh> this will be an interesting release cycle for sure
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<pixelherodev> Aren't they all?
<ikskuh> yeah, true
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<FireFox317> andrewrk, nice!! so cool, all this stuff is now possible with `zig cc`, it gets a big part in the release notes i guess? and its even a week old or something xd
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<andrewrk> I think a bunch of potential users of zig cc are waiting for the release to check it otu
<ikskuh> they changelog will be huge anyways again :
<ikskuh> :D
<FireFox317> kristoff_it, was nice helping you on stream :)
<kristoff_it> thank you again FireFox317 :D
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<pixelherodev> I think the way `zig fmt` handles switches is going to force me to use if/else chains :(
<pixelherodev> I have ~3 nested switches
<pixelherodev> (@TypeOf(source) -> @TypeOf(destination) -> Register=> destination.OperandWidth)
<pixelherodev> Ends up with more than 7 levels of indentation
<ikskuh> use functions!
<pixelherodev> This is one single operation though
<pixelherodev> It's the x64 mov
<pixelherodev> If going from imm to register, it's one path; depending on the register, it might have to use a different encoding (or might choose to because it's smaller/faster)
<ikskuh> x64 mov is not "single operation" :D
<ikskuh> it's turing complete :D
<pixelherodev> There's also register to memory, memory to register, register-as-pointer to register, register-as-pointer to memory...
<pixelherodev> I mean
<pixelherodev> Technically
<pixelherodev> Yes
<pixelherodev> but also
<ikskuh> do you know movfuscator?
<ikskuh> someone has done it :D
<pixelherodev> compiles C to mov?
<ikskuh> yep
<pixelherodev> yeah
<pixelherodev> It's a single abstract operation, hypothetically
<pixelherodev> The fact that there are enough permutations to be turing-complete isn't really the point
<pixelherodev> Still, I might use internal functions
<pixelherodev> Not a bad idea
<pixelherodev> ugh
<pixelherodev> I'mma switch over to a different project for now
<pixelherodev> You know what, I'll leave it as a switch for now and mark it as TODO
<pixelherodev> Better than getting frustrated now, I'll do it later when it won't bother me as much
<pixelherodev> Ah
<pixelherodev> Seems to be hanging on the InstructionCombiningPass in LLVM
<pixelherodev> There a way to disable that in Zig?
<pixelherodev> Going to leave it for a few minutes just to double check but I'm fairly certain it's that
<pixelherodev> Yeah, and I'm pretty sure it's on a single function too...
<Snektron> iksuh: mov is not completely Turing complete
<Snektron> Unless you count jmp as mov
<Snektron> movfuscator cheats by installing a signal handler for SIGILL
<Snektron> The last instruction is an invalid move, then flow is returned back to the start via the signal handler
<ikskuh> ah lul :D
<pixelherodev> dangit
<ikskuh> well, still valid :D
<ikskuh> another solution
<ikskuh> we just map enough memory to roll around
<ikskuh> !
<pixelherodev> better yet
<pixelherodev> Map the same memory into the whole address space
<pixelherodev> just a bunch of nops till it loops around
<pixelherodev> :P
<pixelherodev> Going to try overriding optimization level to 1 and seeing what happens
<pixelherodev> Is it possible to have a specs-compliant incremental compiler for C?
<ikskuh> what do you mean by incremental? just recompile what has changed?
<pixelherodev> Yeah
<ikskuh> you still have to relink though
<ikskuh> MS is doing this afaik
<pixelherodev> Weird that there isn't a FOSS one; there's a number of langs doing it already
<pixelherodev> Still hanging with -O1 :(
<pixelherodev> If I override to -O0, it produces faster code - technically.
<pixelherodev> It also produces *invalid* code.
<pixelherodev> :(
<pixelherodev> Much much faster before it segfaults though
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<pixelherodev> Actually, I think debug mode is letting me do another thing I shouldn't be able to
<pixelherodev> I'm `discard`ing on an empty FIFO
<pixelherodev> Which causes a null pointer to be passed around
<pixelherodev> Wait no, it should be static :(
<pixelherodev> No wait I was right
<pixelherodev> It's taking the address of a zero-length slice
<pixelherodev> So even though the underlying array is defined, it produces an undefined pointer
<ikskuh> huh
<ikskuh> there are a lot of networking syscalls missing :D
<pixelherodev> Now it segfaults formatting output in std.debug.warn :P
<pixelherodev> I think this might be a good first thing to investigate in LLVM though
<pixelherodev> Fixing the instructioncombining pass
<pixelherodev> Ohhhhh I know why it's crashing in generated code
<pixelherodev> I'm assuming C calling convention for e.g. available registers, ABI
<pixelherodev> So when I call to functions that are now optimized to break that ABI, my generated machine code is no longer valid
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<FireFox317> hey kristoff_it, i was looking into your issue with the docs generation. what was the last time your tried that? because i fixed the docs generation on march 4 (PR: #4616), i think it should work on master
<FireFox317> work as in, not crash :) there are a lot of issues still with docs generation not having all the info etc, but it should generated some stuff
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<pixelherodev> Is there a way to check release mode from within code?
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<andrewrk> std.builtin.mode
<pixelherodev> Ah, thanks!
<pixelherodev> Need to avoid calls to any functions not explicitly marked callconv(.C) within release mode, clearly
<pixelherodev> Yep, now it works!
<pixelherodev> Not really optimized (because of the crash), but still an improvement
<pixelherodev> From ~170ms to ~20ms, so that's more than enough
<ikskuh> andrewrk: I noticed the TailQueue(T)-struct from std allows arbitrary nodes to be removed from it (even if not contained)
<ikskuh> do you think it's reasonable to check "is contained" in debug mode?
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<ikskuh> and have an assert that checks this?
<fengb> Doesn't that require iterating through the chain?
<ikskuh> yep
<ikskuh> but can catch some nasty errors like "i removed from this queue and now both queues are kinda linked?"
<andrewrk> safety checks that change big-O complexity should probably be separately configured
<andrewrk> oh, I broke master
<ikskuh> \O/ … /o\
<ikskuh> and yes, that's why i was asking
<daurnimator> andrewrk: ^ after release, you should have a read through of that
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<andrewrk> yeah looking forward to it
<andrewrk> just posted it to /r/zig heh
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<pixelherodev> Would a patch to allow overriding the optimization level on the command line be accepted?
<pixelherodev> Not sure there's really any other use for it besides bug workarounds though
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<andrewrk> not sure what you're trying to do
<andrewrk> ah, bug workarounds
<andrewrk> I believe would at least partially address this use case
<pixelherodev> Maybe, but that's a long ways off; this is ~10 lines
<pixelherodev> Currently I just forced OptimizationLevel to zero regardless of mode
<pixelherodev> Which, interestingly, still provides massive speedups (~160ms to ~20ms as of my latest changes IIRC)
<pixelherodev> I do want to look into the upstream bug eventually
<andrewrk> I think workarounds should stay as workarounds and not get promoted to features
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<andrewrk> which is a euphemistic way to say: sorry, you'll have to maintain that patch until the upstream issue can be sorted out (are you sure it's an upstream issue? it could be UB in your application)
<andrewrk> valgrind might have some clues, idk if you mentioned you tried this yet
<pixelherodev> andrewrk, certain.
<pixelherodev> Because it's not that the code is running wrong
<pixelherodev> the compiler hangs indefinitely
<pixelherodev> The *compiler* crashes
<pixelherodev> Both with Zig tarball and with locally built LLVM+Clang with LLVM_ASSERTIONS ON
<andrewrk> oh, it's a compiler hang
<pixelherodev> There is UB in my program, yes
<pixelherodev> but that's a separate issue
<andrewrk> yeah if I'm going to put any effort into this issue, it's going to be fixing the upstream bug, not implementing a general purpose workaround flag
<pixelherodev> Which only got exposed once I overrode optimization level to 0, allowing the compiler to complete without issue
<pixelherodev> No worries I get it
<pixelherodev> Pretty sure it'll be hell to investigate though
<andrewrk> infinite loops are usually pretty straightforward
<pixelherodev> I don't mean it's like a while(true), but more like a mutually recursive loop or something
<pixelherodev> Not completely sure
<pixelherodev> eh, I'll look into it now
<pixelherodev> What good is all the GB of LLVM source if not for debugging :)
<andrewrk> oh it's an infinite loop in llvm's guts?
<pixelherodev> Yeah
<pixelherodev> Not in Zig
<pixelherodev> In the InstructionCombiningPass
<andrewrk> hm. there's a decent chance of getting an llvm dev to fix that if you put together a nice reduction
<pixelherodev> Is there a usable tool for automatically reducing Zig?
<pixelherodev> I remember vaguely something about that
<andrewrk> no, but one person said that they got creduce to work for zig
<pixelherodev> That's what I was thinking of, creduce
<pixelherodev> Hoepfully it works
<pixelherodev> But I want to investigate it myself anyways
<pixelherodev> I plan on beginning contributing to LLVM a little bit over this year anyways, this seems like a good opportunity for learning more about it
<andrewrk> you should be able to use --verbose-llvm-ir, copy that output to a .ll file, and submit that. llvm has an IR reducing tool
<pixelherodev> Except for one problem
<pixelherodev> *It hangs*
<andrewrk> LLVMDumpModule is hanging? are you sure? that happens before LLVMEmitModuleToFile
<pixelherodev> Ah okay then it'll be fine
<andrewrk> --verbose-llvm-ir dumps to stderr, so you have to manually do a large copy+paste, but it should have your output
<pixelherodev> Or just 2>a.ll
<andrewrk> right but then you'll have to possibly delete extra junk
<andrewrk> you can search for ; ModuleID or something like that
<pixelherodev> I'm more than passingly familiar with LLVM IR at this point :D
<andrewrk> :)
<pixelherodev> No junk either, strangely
<pixelherodev> It's valid IR
<pixelherodev> Nothing needed deleting, I mean
<andrewrk> I think if your compiler-rt is not already cached it would also be in there, and anything that happened to get printed to stderr, etc
<andrewrk> just need to check, if it's clean, you're good 👍
<pixelherodev> Ah
<pixelherodev> Okay, yeah, I've built before so it's already cached
<pixelherodev> Weirdness:
<pixelherodev> if I manually run `opt -instcombine` it works fine
<pixelherodev> ... huh
<pixelherodev> If I do `-O3` it fails though
<andrewrk> can you repro the hang with clang -O3 ?
<pixelherodev> I think there's an unrelated optimization that's messing up the code pre-instcombine
<pixelherodev> You mean `clang IR -O3`?
<andrewrk> nah, `clang -o foo foo.ll -O3`
<pixelherodev> That's what I meant
<pixelherodev> s/IR/file.ll
<pixelherodev> Yeah
<pixelherodev> Same thing happens
<andrewrk> great, now it's proven to be llvm's fault and not zig
<mikdusan> -very
<mikdusan> -verify
<pixelherodev> You mean `opt a.ll -verify [-S -o b.ll]`?
<pixelherodev> How would I go about reducing the IR?
<pixelherodev> Ah wait
<pixelherodev> llvm-reduce is probably the way to go :P
<pixelherodev> Might not be an upstream bug
<pixelherodev> Reduced test case seems to think the IR is invalid
<pixelherodev> Even though it seems fine with `clang -O0` ...
<pixelherodev> Seems to think the debug info is invalid?
<pixelherodev> `warning: ignoring debug info with an invalid version (0) in reduced.ll`