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<daurnimator> andrewrk: 1. is layout of a `slice` defined? 2. can it be? (perhaps user controlled?) => why? a slice of slices should be a valid `const struct iovec *iov`
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<mikdusan> what I'd like to see are 2-sided (made up that name) page tables for virtual address space; one side is for stack, and other side is everything else. so thread can have it's own private stack, and thread-locals basically become globals. how much heavier does that make a thread? hopefully not much.
<mikdusan> whups
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<daurnimator> mikdusan: the whole point of a "thread" instead of a process is that it shares all memory with other threads in the same process
<mikdusan> that's not true
<daurnimator> go on...
<mikdusan> a thread needs private stack
<daurnimator> its not private; just separate
<mikdusan> can you give me a use-case where one thread accesses another's stack?
<daurnimator> you can do `heysomeotherthread(&stack_variable)`
<daurnimator> think of e.g. when you're using thread pools for IO
<mikdusan> which callstack are those threadpools using?
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<mikdusan> i'd rather have a model where stack is thread-private and then have an alternate stack from process memory to do that kind of sharing
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<daurnimator> :( looks like andrew broke preadvAll
<andrewrk> I think the void return type just needs to be replaced with usize
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<daurnimator> andrewrk: the arg needs to be not const
<daurnimator> the doc-comment explains why :)
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<andrewrk> ah nice catch
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<andrewrk> would be nice to have some test coverage for that fn
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<daurnimator> andrewrk: where is your sparc discussion happening?
<andrewrk> #ylibc
<pixelherodev> What's ylibc?
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<companion_cube> uh, interesting
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<junon> Just submitted a fix for #4909; PR is #4932
<junon> Wasn't sure what to do with all of the private functions that needed fixing so any guidance would be appreciated. Plus, never touched stage1 before so I might be violating some House Rules w.r.t. the c++.
<junon> There are a lot of places affected by this bug :/
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<andrewrk> btw Cadey where did you land on getting zig code running on TempleOS? I'm typing up release notes and saw some of your contributions to the bring-your-own-os-layer
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<Cadey> i haven't really had any fruit yet, mostly been figuring out how to square peg / round hole it
<Cadey> the file I/O stuff (and/or stdout printing) is a conceptually hard thing given there's no linker :D
<andrewrk> interesting
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<andrewrk> anyway just wanted to make note of that if you ended up getting it to some kind of milestone :)
<Cadey> the weird part is that function pointers are limited to the lower 31 bits of a 32 bit address space, but pointers are 64 bits wide otherwise
<Cadey> (basically it uses the `CALL` instruction instead of whatever way you are supposed to do it in amd64 on linux)
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<Cadey> i mean, in theory it should work
<Cadey> i'm just still figuring out what breed of goat i need to sacrifice and how to procure them given most stores are closed
<andrewrk> here's what I've got so far on the release notes, and I'm only halfway through the commit logs:
<Cadey> honestly the bring your own OS layer is just _so good_
<Cadey> it makes zig into a swiss army knife
<pixelherodev> ... I just realized that you have to write the release notes by hand every release
* pixelherodev winces
<pixelherodev> That does not sound fun
<shakesoda> aw, i can't link my stuff against the prebuilt openxr sdk libraries
<shakesoda> this is both completely expected and modestly annoying
<mikdusan> one of my favourite 0.6.0 lang surprises is pointer-to-array; elegant and complements slice semantics very well
<shakesoda> vcrt stuff
<shakesoda> with some effort i could probably build it with zig entirely
<mikdusan> shakesoda: that's a c++ lib? exposes std:: namespace stuff. so yeah, must match their compiler brand, and compile-flag choices
<shakesoda> yeah :(
<shakesoda> oh, if i use the other library (dynamic instead of static) it's fine
<mikdusan> hahaha "tell me you didn't try -j256" .... "that's exactly what I did":
<daurnimator> Cadey: I found the BYO os stuff pretty unusable. see e.g.
<shakesoda> mikdusan: wow
<mikdusan> i wonder if that's 8 threads per core
<andrewrk> Thalheim is offering SPARC hardware for testing, if anyone wants to try their hand at #4931
<andrewrk> you know what's funny though, is we often use `zig translate-c` with musl libc header files to figure out the OS bits
<andrewrk> qemu also supports sparc64
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<andrewrk> oops, I meant to add: it's funny because Thalheim is the one working on musl support for sparc, and it's not done yet, so we wouldn't be able to do that yet
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<Thalheim> andrewrk: if all you need is header bits most of those are done so far
<Thalheim> which do you need?
<Thalheim> mikdusan: it is 8t per core, 2 x 16-core cpus
<andrewrk> Thalheim, for starters, the sparc64 equivalent of the declarations in this file:
<andrewrk> it will also be helpful to look at the sparc64 equivalent of
<Thalheim> ok. this may have to wait till tomorrow; I just crawled out of bed to grab a blanket and that inevitably led to checking emails and irc
<andrewrk> I'm about to get off the computer as well. good night!
<shakesoda> does builder already have something for copying dll dependencies next to exec or should i just do that myself
<andrewrk> it puts them in the Path environment variable
<daurnimator> oh doh; andrew already sent that link
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<Yardanico> so is abandoned now? it was a pretty useful thing so you could get error highlighting in editors which support LSP
<pmwhite> on that same note, I think I've seen andrew get some error reporting during his coding streams. anybody know where that comes from? It doesn't seem to be built into the vim plugin.
<mikdusan> yes that is the vim plugin using `zig fmt` in vim's path environment
<mikdusan> every write/save in vim runs `zig fmt` on the buffer
<pmwhite> I'm using that plugin, but I don't get an error window when there is a syntax just fails to format.
<mikdusan> in the shell that launched vim do `which zig`
<mikdusan> ie zig must be in path env before launching vim
<shakesoda> "std.os.getenv is unavailable for Windows because environment string is in WTF-16 format. [...]"
<shakesoda> hahahaha, oh man
<shakesoda> whoever wrote that error message, thanks
<mikdusan> git blame says andrew
<shakesoda> keep it forever
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* pixelherodev laughs audibly, which is bad because it's 2 am and people are sleeping
<pmwhite> mikdusan: zig is on my path. I mean, the plugin does autoformat code on save. it just doesn't bring up an error window when syntax is invalid. If zig weren't on my path, then I would expect the autoformat to not work.
<mikdusan> oh i guess some other vim setting is preventing that
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<mikdusan> i don't have much in my vimrc; maybe these somehow help:
<mikdusan> lines 1,2,6
<pmwhite> Thanks...I was just looking at the vim plugin and trying to debug it. It looks like it is indeed getting to the line where it tries to execute "lopen"
<pmwhite> so, no solution yet, but progress.
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<pmwhite> mikdusan: what version of vim are you using? I'm using vim 8.
<pmwhite> Ah, I got it. I had the line `let g:syntastic_always_populate_loc_list = 1`
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<Snektron> I wonder if its useful to give allocators a 'preferred allocation granularity'
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<Snektron> For example, a page allocator only allocates in blocks of mem.page_size
<Snektron> So in arena allocator, blocks are allocated in that size, regardless of the backing allocator
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<KoljaKube> Hello
<Snektron> Hi
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<ifreund> would anyone happen to have a good example of a simple, non-library project with tests set up?
<ifreund> I tried to just import my project with addPackagePath but everything is private it seems
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<marijnfs> just make things pub?
<marijnfs> stuff thats not pub is not exposed
<ifreund> i guess the other option would to split my project into a lib add executable, then run tests on the lib
<ifreund> s/add/and/
<ifreund> it is pub though
<marijnfs> hmm
<ifreund> maybe I've just set things up strangely
<marijnfs> are the tests defined in the code itself?
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<ifreund> no i made a separate test folder
<ifreund> I can push a dysfunctional branch if you like
<marijnfs> sure maybe i can see something
<marijnfs> not a zig expert but have been picking it up
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<ifreund> be warned, my build.zig is disgusting
<KoljaKube> Is there a way to convert a []u8 to a [*:0]u8? The source would have enough space for the \0.
<marijnfs> KoljaKube: there is stuff in std.mem, look at std.mem.spanZ i believe
<KoljaKube> As far as I can tell cstr.addNullByte copies the whole thing
<marijnfs> ifreund: i'm wondering if its because of the folder
<KoljaKube> I can see dupeZ, but that copies, too
<josch557> KoljaKube: maybe look at ArrayListSentineled, formerly Buffer
<ifreund> hmm, maybe I should just put the tests in the src files
<marijnfs> ifreund: i wonder if that works?
<marijnfs> KoljaKube: if you have the original buffer, you can to original[0..len_of_text:0] i believe
<KoljaKube> The compiler won't let me append a '\0' to the end of my []u8 :-/
<marijnfs> hmm because he says you don't have that allocated?
<marijnfs> where is the original buffer where you say the 0 should fit
<marijnfs> what does the compiler say
<KoljaKube> I am using a custom OutStream writing into an ArrayList (I overlooked ArrayList.outStream)
<KoljaKube> ArrayList.append("\0") gives "illegal character"
<KoljaKube> *invalid
<josch557> KolkaLube: .append(0)
<josch557> BTW you can just use ArrayListSentineled
<josch557> It takes care of the trailing 0 automatically
<KoljaKube> I just tried the same thing :D
<KoljaKube> Silly me, thanks
<ifreund> marijnfs: putting the tests with the code in the src folder worked fine, i guess I'll just go with that
<KoljaKube> Had to get the latest build first, but yes, ArrayListSentineled makes this way easier
<KoljaKube> Is there a reason for the differently styled inits for the two lists?
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<TheLemonMan> ok so I got a quick and dirty sparcv6-linux port going...but it seems LLD doesn't support the elf64_sparc emulation mode!
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<FireFox317> that is such a pity TheLemonMan
<TheLemonMan> and adapting all the test expectations to match the swapped byte order is as fun as hitting your crotch with a hammer
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<ikskuh> hmm. can i depend on a build artifact in zig build as in "i want to execute it to continue the build"? :D
* ikskuh has to try
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<magejohn> Can zig build cpp sources? I.e, is it possible to set a flag like -std=c++98 on a c source file in build.zig?
<mps> andrewrk: here is the log of trying to build zig on armv7 alpine edge
<mps> source used is git commit 86795c03f918dbcc0fc06811cc7c496d275deae1
<ikskuh> magejohn: yes
<ikskuh> zig build-exe --c-source -std=c++98 foo.cpp
<magejohn> cool, thanks
<magejohn> also, what's the best translation of make 'targets' to a zig build system? i.e, how do I get things like 'zig build all', 'zig build release', 'zig build docs', etc? does each call to builder methods like Builder.addExecutable add one or something?
<ikskuh> you can create named steps
<ikskuh> with dependencies
<ifreund> i believe `zig init-exe` gives you a run step for example
<magejohn> cool, i didn't even realise zig had the init-exe and init-lib options, actually. i'll take a look at what it generates as a reference then
<magejohn> the zig build system could really use docs :joyful: maybe once i've made this one i'll know enough to start writing them
<magejohn> * the zig build system could really use docs 😂 maybe once i've made this one i'll know enough to start writing them
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<ikskuh> yeah, true
<ikskuh> can someone explain what usecase `std.atomic.Queue(T).dumpToStream` has`
<ikskuh> it looks like it dumps both head and tail and up to 4 following items
<KoljaKube> Maybe debugging?
<ikskuh> yeah
<ikskuh> but i wonder what the implementation does
<ikskuh> it tries to print up to 4 elements from the tail
<ikskuh> where to my understand the tail has always ".next == null"
<KoljaKube> Good point
<KoljaKube> Might be an oversight. The Node is doubly linked as far as I can see, would just need to read `prev` instead of `next` for the tail
<ikskuh> +1 pull request
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<KoljaKube> How can I allow field access for my struct?
<ikskuh> right now it's just there
<ikskuh> all struct fields are public
<ifreund> maybe you have a ?* pointer to the struct?
<KoljaKube> Oof, yes, sorry
<KoljaKube> I forgot that this variant of the function returned a !Size
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<ikskuh> daurnimator: thanks for tagging :)
<TheLemonMan> mps, check out 839d85e4405aef4856d1a35a6580226e997cc369
<andrewrk> mps, I think your issue will be solved if you update zig sources to latest master branch
<mps> aha, I thought that this could be solution. thanks. will try with current master
<andrewrk> TheLemonMan, did you see my comment on #4737?
<TheLemonMan> yeah I'll check it out later, got sidetracked learning about sparc
<andrewrk> I had a feeling that would "spark" your interest
<Thalheim> TheLemonMan: that's the kind of enthusiasm I love to hear
<andrewrk> Thalheim, if you didn't see above: <TheLemonMan> ok so I got a quick and dirty sparcv6-linux port going...but it seems LLD doesn't support the elf64_sparc emulation mode!
<Thalheim> sparcv6 should not be used; v7/v8 is "32-bit sparc" and v9 is "64-bit sparc"
<Thalheim> so elf64 makes no sense
<TheLemonMan> well by 6 I meant 9
<andrewrk> so part of this task would be sending a patch upstream to LLD (or just convincing one of the devs to do it) and then either re-forking LLD or waiting until 11 comes out
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<andrewrk> we could also consider carrying LLD/LLVM patches in the bootstrap repo (as long as they are merged upstream)
<andrewrk> Thalheim, TheLemonMan is a well-respected member around here, certainly someone you would benefit from giving access to sparc hardware
<Thalheim> TheLemonMan: on the understanding that it's not online 24/7, but can be "turned on upon request" (just ping me or email me), happy to accommodate.
<Thalheim> pm me your pubkey
<TheLemonMan> thanks for the kind words heh Thalheim, I'd wait 'till I have at least something working and running on qemu
<Thalheim> depends on how much you value your time. it's no inconvenience on my end.
<fengb> Old school lambda function: using a person 🤔
<magejohn> is there an easy way to have a build.zig make a directory if it doesn't exist yet?
<magejohn> hold on, i wasn't reading the error message properly, it looks like it's trying to do that already.
<mps> hmm, no luck: '<inline asm>:1:2: error: instruction requires: armv6k' \n yield \n LLVM ERROR: Error parsing inline asm
<mps> git commit e89c42655cf9851cdf02065bc75cda0e27884966
<mps> i.e. current master branch
<TheLemonMan> yeah that's unfortunate, v6 has no yield
<TheLemonMan> we should gate that with some feature check
<mps> TheLemonMan: I'm building it on alpine armv7 arch
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<TheLemonMan> are you explicitly setting the cpu?
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<TheLemonMan> zig defaulted to the thumb-only v6m architecture 'till some weeks ago
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<mps> no, I use default for alpine armv7
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<mps> and, thumb is default in gcc on armv7 (again on alpine)
<TheLemonMan> re-read my last message, the default was --> _v6m_ <--
<mps> hmm, maybe I should upgrade to gcc 9.3.0
<mps> ah, I see
<TheLemonMan> check out 2b33e27e1
<mps> TheLemonMan: ok, will do (after coffee break)
<TheLemonMan> nonetheless we should add a feature check in the spinlock implementation
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<andrewrk> mps, the build that worked successfully for me was: -target arm-linux-musleabi -mcpu=generic+v6kz
<Thalheim> andrewrk: all right, now that I've got coffee in me I'll see what I can do about getting you those bits.
<Thalheim> unless "quick and dirty port" means I'd be duplicating effort, in which case I'll poke at musl
<andrewrk> if I understand correctly, the bottleneck is now known to be LLD, so you may as well work on musl
<mps> andrewrk: undestand, but I want to use default flags as much as possible for distro package
<andrewrk> oh it's arm v7? in this case I think you want: arm-linux-musleabihf (no -mcpu parameter needed; it defaults to v7a)
<andrewrk> you need the latest zig sources - as TheLemonMan noted we have been working on this very recently
<andrewrk> the arm v7a build also worked successfully for me
<mps> will be in about one hour again on the armv7 machine and will post you default gcc flags on alpine
* ikskuh is porting a portion of C++ code to zig and it's a really good feeling to finally attack all those tiny little buggers where exceptions were not handled correctly
<ikskuh> ++stability
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<magejohn> so, i'm getting an error when i set the output dir of something in my build.zig and the output dir doesn't exist yet. the error returned is FileNotFound, which makes sense, but the error trace starts with a error.PathAlreadyExists, which is confusing me. the way I understand the trace, it's trying to make the missing directory, hitting an error.PathAlreadyExists (which it doesn't), and then turning that into an
<magejohn> error.FileNotFound. any insights?
<magejohn> the trace, for reference:
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<andrewrk> error return traces show "caught" errors too. There is a plan to improve this, but for now you'll have to do a little sleuithing to understand what happened
<magejohn> cool, thanks. I'll have closer look at the library code then
<fengb> This looks familiar. It was also a confusing resolution for me last time
<TheLemonMan> ok I've hacked zig to use sparc64-linux-gnu-ld and now I have working binaries
<ikskuh> \o/ ?
<TheLemonMan> sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do
<ikskuh> how many platforms does bootstrap now support? :D
<andrewrk> still haven't got it to build for windows yet
<ikskuh> :D
<ikskuh> nah, who needs windows anyways :D
<andrewrk> for some reason it thinks defined(CYGWIN)
<ikskuh> but i can imagine that windows is actually harder than other-cpu linux distros
<ikskuh> because linux has at least the same APIs
<magejohn> looks like the PathAlreadExists part is to do with the zig-cache. +1 for zig building it's std lib from source, btw. I just threw a std.debug.warn in the relevant function in the std lib, and it got used. hacky, but much faster than trying to follow the chain of function calls down
<ikskuh> yep
<andrewrk> yeah, "no installation steps" is a big feature
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<magejohn> okay, so then my question from earlier is still relavent. is there an easy way to get the zig build system to make my output dir for me? or should I just call std.fs.cwd().makeDir()?
<ikskuh> create a step that does this :)
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<magejohn> that sounds right
<magejohn> thanks :)
<andrewrk> magejohn, this is the directory that you're using with setOutputDir() ?
<magejohn> yeah, that's right
<andrewrk> I think that might be a good idea to change, but first can I ask, why not use the more idiomatic setup, with no output dirs?
<andrewrk> the default build step is "install" and the default install directory is "zig-cache"
<andrewrk> so your stuff will end up in zig-cache/bin/foo or zig-cache/lib/bar
<andrewrk> you can also change the default install directory in the build script
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<magejohn> the reason is i'm trying to recreate a make based build system
<magejohn> but that sounds like an easier way, actually
<magejohn> not certain what the value is in holding too closely to the existing structure
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<magejohn> just tried it that way, works great
<ikskuh> andrewrk: is it okay to have a function "export fn foo(x: *i32) callconv(.C) void" exported to C?
<magejohn> i was wary of the default install step, because i thought it might try to install into a system directory like many build systems do
<ikskuh> it's undefined behaviour to call this with a nullptr, but: is this checked in debug builds?
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<andrewrk> magejohn, in my opinion the "default" should generally be targeted at project contributors, and package maintainers can pass the "OK I'm packaging this software now" configuration options
<magejohn> andrewrk: that's a great default, i like it. just not what i'm used to 😂
<andrewrk> ikskuh, yes it's OK to do that, and yes it will be UB if the C function calls it with nullptr, and I don't think we have a safety check for it. I vaguely recall a related issue
<ikskuh> okay :)
<ikskuh> would be a pain to have C pointers everywhere in the API
<ikskuh> if i know better what kind of pointer that is
<andrewrk> I agree that if the C function is not supposed to pass null, then *T is appropriate
<ikskuh> much better documented then as well
<andrewrk> I think we should safety check it, because we do have the ability to disable the safety for any functions that are "hot"
<ikskuh> yeah, true :)
<andrewrk> once gen-h gets resurrected, it will be able to place a nonnull attribute as well, and maybe even c compilers can catch mistakes
<ikskuh> yeah that was my thought exactly :D
<ikskuh> it could even generate a comment like "foo(/*many*/ int * items)"
<andrewrk> I was thinking we could propose a backwards compatible extension to C header files which allows annotating types with more information
<andrewrk> upstream projects could opt in to these extra annotations, and it would make translate-c work better (not just for zig but for all projects that want to generate bindings)
<ikskuh> something like "just a bunch of empty macros"?
<ikskuh> #define PTR_TO_MANY *
<ikskuh> int PTR_TO_MANY array;
<andrewrk> that's probably not sufficient, but yes something like that
<ikskuh> that's definitly a would-be-cool-thing, but i think zig has other problems right now :D
<mps> andrewrk: here is 'gcc -v' result on alpine armv7
<andrewrk> mps, sorry, remind me why you are showing me the gcc version?
<mps> andrewrk: I thought you want to see what they are, sorry
<TheLemonMan> Thalheim, do you have a .h handy with all the syscall numbers?
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<Thalheim> TheLemonMan: yes, moment
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<Thalheim> TheLemonMan: try this -- (it may change; I haven't verified it's 100% accurate, only generated this quickly for testing)
<TheLemonMan> damn that's wildly different than the one I robbed from Qemu sources
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<xackus> should I do the planned mem.separate -> mem.split rename now?
<Thalheim> I took that from linux kernel sources a few weeks ago
<Thalheim> and modified only a few (2-3 entries) by hand, plus renamed some of them which had "3264" in them
<andrewrk> xackus, yes, with the old one set to @compileError to ease the transition
<xackus> some of the ArrayList functions have been deprecated for a while as well. what about them?
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<r4pr0n> i just wanted to note for zig cc, that if i do make CC="zig cc" for st, which uses -lX11 in the CFLAGS, i get
<r4pr0n> x.c:11:10: fatal error: 'X11/Xatom.h' file not found
<r4pr0n> #include <X11/Xatom.h>
<marijnfs> thats in /usr/include so theres something wrong with the normal include search paths
<marijnfs> or you dont have it installed
<r4pr0n> well it compiles with clang and gcc
<r4pr0n> this is the makefile and if you may need it
<marijnfs> does: make CC="zig cc -I/usr/include" work?
<r4pr0n> well i guess it does
<r4pr0n> it outputs another error then
<andrewrk> /usr/include is added here: that codepath gets triggered if you have any -l args (such as -lX11)
<andrewrk> unless you are cross compiling, in which case there are no -I paths automatically added
<andrewrk> if you provide a -target argument, you are cross compiling
<andrewrk> it looks like you are intending to build natively
<r4pr0n> no i'm not, but i may have a too old zig version, it's could be a few days old
<r4pr0n> i'll install the latest from and try again
<andrewrk> what library are you expecting to provide `openpty`?
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<r4pr0n> i think that's libc isn't it?
<andrewrk> ah, your -lX11 arg isn't getting passed to the compile command (which makes sense) so zig doesn't know to look for native include paths
<andrewrk> hmm this might call for some behavior adjustment in zig cc mode
<andrewrk> as for openpty, looks like zig's glibc is missign it. will fix shortly
<r4pr0n> ok, great
<andrewrk> libutil, interesting
<andrewrk> did not know that was one of the glibc libraries
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<bsrd> nvm: // /usr/include/wayland-util.h:636:2: warning: TODO implement translation of DeclStmt kind Record
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<andrewrk> r4pr0n, I have tests running for openpty (adding libutil support to zig's glibc). For the other thing, I filed this issue:
<r4pr0n> ah nice, thanks
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<andrewrk> also that issue is easy, going to knock it out real quick
<r4pr0n> btw, i didn't find this on the issue tracker, but is it known that when you translate-c a c file with a int main() but doesn't actually have a return statement (valid in c) doesn't work when translated to c?
<TheLemonMan> andrewrk, can you remind me how to check if the current target has a given feature?
<r4pr0n> builtin.cpu.features?
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<andrewrk> TheLemonMan, std.Target.sparc.featureSetHas(std.Target.current.cpu.features, .foo);
<TheLemonMan> awesome, thanks
<andrewrk> r4pr0n, if you pull latest master, both your issues should be resolved
<andrewrk> sorry I meant the earlier issues, I'm not planning on addressing the translate-c issue right now
<r4pr0n> nice, i'll look into it when it's on
<andrewrk> should be about 2 hours from now
<r4pr0n> ok, thanks for the eta
<andrewrk> TheLemonMan, one thing I noticed re: sparc is that we try to use "generic" cpu name, but we should use "v9" instead
<TheLemonMan> yes, that made me lose a couple of hours
<andrewrk> ah sorry, I should have mentioned it earlier. I noticed it last night
<TheLemonMan> the behavior tests are now working except for pretty much everything that involves f16
<andrewrk> that was fast
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<TheLemonMan> welp, enough for today, cya
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<andrewrk> cya
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<ikskuh> is there an option to include from "non-package path"?
<ikskuh> i have a build.zig file in folder pro/lib/foo which i want to use from pro/demo/bar, but i'm not allowed to include it from there
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<andrewrk> you could set the main package path to be the common root of everything
<andrewrk> --main-pkg-path pro
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<ikskuh> can i do that with "zig build"?
<ikskuh> "zig --main-pkg-path .. build" ?
<andrewrk> so the build.zig file is importing from ../foo/build.zig ?
<ikskuh> yeah
<ikskuh> you know what?
<andrewrk> that makes sense. hmm let me think about this
<ikskuh> i'm doing it right, i create an overall build.zig :D
<ikskuh> one build file is better than 10
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<fengb> Recursive build.zig considered harmful? :P
<ikskuh> but yeah, this may be a use case anyways
<ikskuh> fengb: it's actually quite useful
<ikskuh> i'm trying to figure out a nice pattern
<andrewrk> that should work. don't forget you can define any "steps" you want so that you can run one of those rather than the default
<ikskuh> yeah
<ikskuh> const lib = @import("libdunstblick/build.zig").createLib(b, "./libdunstblick");
<ikskuh> this is kinda awkward right now
<andrewrk> I'm sure this issue will come up again with the package manager, and it will be clear how to solve it. gonna not worry about it for now
<ikskuh> but it works :)
<ikskuh> yeah, better make that 0.6.0 release awesome :D
<andrewrk> there's plenty to do that we know needs to be done regardless
<ikskuh> yeah, true
<ikskuh> but different stuff has different priorities
<springworm> what's the recommended way to go about building against a C lib that has enums with duplicate tag values?
<springworm> something like enum myenum { A, LAST = A } myenum_t; ? will I have to translate-c all the headers and manually sanitize it?
<andrewrk> I believe in master branch zig's extern enums support this use case
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<springworm> i'll give that a try!
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<andrewrk> try `zig translate-c` on that example
<ikskuh> comptime string concatenation is a wonderful feature bt
<ikskuh> *btw
<ikskuh> pixelherodev: good idea with progressive implementations
<ikskuh> my code is now spiked with a lot of unreachable and now just progressivly removing one after another
<springworm> andrewrk: it worked! i'm impressed. it's a little bit funky to deal with the const @enumToInt versus the actual prefixed enum value
<andrewrk> yes the duality of enums as integers in c is unfortunate
<springworm> enum__snd_pcm_stream.SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK is a bit of a mouthful
<andrewrk> you should be able to use `.SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK`:
<andrewrk> in any context where the type is expected to be an enum this works
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<ikskuh> hm
<ikskuh> translate-c is not made for translating a full C library D
<springworm> would i have to be in the same namespace? c.SND_PCM... is the const
<springworm> ikskuh: i'm not trying to translate ALSA, i just want to build/link against it
<ikskuh> yeah
<ikskuh> but me :D
<ikskuh> well, not alsa but picohash
<ikskuh> let's just say: in zig, a function pointer is const whereas in C it's not
<ikskuh> :D
<springworm> i sure hope picohash's fn pointers aren't mutating...
<ikskuh> nah
<ikskuh> it's a bug in translate-c
<pixelherodev> ikskuh, ;)
* ikskuh is scared though :D
<pixelherodev> The one mitigation I set though was to use Git hooks to limit how many it will allow
<ikskuh> only the huge functions are left
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<andrewrk> r4pr0n, the new tarballs are up with those fixes
<Snektron> andrewrk, what do you think about giving allocators some way to communicate a preferred allocation size?
<Snektron> As for example arenaallocator allocates in mem.page_size granularity, while that might not always be optimal
<andrewrk> you can always communicate such things out-of-band
<andrewrk> the Allocator interface is intentionally abstract, and hides such details
<andrewrk> maybe you don't want to go through this interface in this case?
<Snektron> I don't have any immediate needs
<Snektron> It just seemed logical
<r4pr0n> andrewrk: well it kind of works now... i don't get that error anymore, but i get the following, may that have something to do with the libutil fix?
<r4pr0n> Build Dependencies...dl [2] Semantic Analysis [37/50] /home/bernhard/.cache/zig/stage1/h/P4gMDHkbLChFMY2ZIS_4qg2o3a3W4foWFUp3XuwrW5vLkGdEG6TWzxwSpSZnpXel/util.zig:3:5: error: invalid token: ')'
<r4pr0n> );
<r4pr0n> ^
<r4pr0n> make: *** [Makefile:30: st] Error 1
<andrewrk> can I see that file?
<r4pr0n> the cache file? it's just
<r4pr0n> comptime {
<r4pr0n> asm (
<r4pr0n> );
<r4pr0n> }
<andrewrk> hmmm
<andrewrk> what does `zig targets | jq .native` report on your system?
<r4pr0n> well that paste has gotten a god random name
<r4pr0n> good*
<andrewrk> ha
<FireFox317> xd
<andrewrk> ok my working hypothesis of what's happening here is glibc 2.17 has no symbols inside libutil (which would mean the `openpty` link error is correct), and zig is not handling generating an empty .so file correcctly
<r4pr0n> so the earlier error would be correct?
<andrewrk> hmm that does not appear to be correct - looks like that function was added in GLIBC_2.2.5
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<andrewrk> r4pr0n, can you double check that you replaced all the lib/ files with the new tarball rather than only the binary?
<andrewrk> maybe for my sanity, sha256sum lib/libc/glibc/abi.txt
<r4pr0n> oh
<r4pr0n> that may be the problem, i thought it wouldn't be because it was statically linked
<r4pr0n> where to i have to put all those? /lib? (normal linux fs structure)
<andrewrk> zig finds its lib directory by searching relative to the binary. so you can do a standard posix file system install, or you can simply untar and run from there
<andrewrk> but the binary does depend on being paired up with exactly the lib/ files that it ships with
<andrewrk> well not necessarily exactly, but you get the idea. if you update zig you have to update the lib/ files too
<r4pr0n> when the ran executable from $PATH is a symlink, do i have to put it to the symlink or to where the symlink is pointing to?
<r4pr0n> seems to work when i put it at the destination of the symlink
<andrewrk> it will look for the lib files relative to where the symlink is pointing to
<r4pr0n> well it works now andrewrk, so the issue is fixed
<andrewrk> great. glad I didn't try to debug that, ha
<r4pr0n> yeah xd
<r4pr0n> sorry for wasting your time there
<andrewrk> no worries, it was equally likely to be my fault :)
<andrewrk> watcha doing btw?
<andrewrk> just curious, it's always interesting when someone is linking xll
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<r4pr0n> oh it's actually not my c code, i just wanted to try building the terminal i use with zig
<r4pr0n> well it was the same error for my window manager, which now also works flawlessly with zig cc :D
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<r4pr0n> though my terminal crashes due to illegal instruction while my window manager doesn't, i'm gonna try to isolate the problem
<andrewrk> r4pr0n, ah, you should know that zig enables UBSAN (undefined behavior sanitizer) if you do not disable it or add optimization flags
<andrewrk> if your c flags contain -O2 or -O3 that would disable it by default, or you can explicitly add -fno-sanitize=undefined
<andrewrk> or you can find the bugs and submit fixes upstream :)
<andrewrk> "UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer is not expected to produce false positives. If you see one, look again; most likely it is a true positive!"
<r4pr0n> yeah, disabling the sanitizer "fixes" it
<r4pr0n> i'll audit the code and look for the ub
<andrewrk> if you build with debug symbols, gdb should point you to exactly the line of problematic C code
<r4pr0n> is there any information why it thinks it's undefined behaviour?
<r4pr0n> and the weird thing is, this illegal instruction error only occurs, when i apply a patch to the terminal to add alpha support to the colors, but the part which gdb gives me is somewhere which is being edited by that patch so i don't really know what's wrong
<andrewrk> I believe clang has access to such hints, and if you compile the project with clang (not zig) and follow the directions on you'll get more helpful output
<andrewrk> (this requires more libraries to be installed which is why zig does not offer this)
<r4pr0n> oh, that helped, i found the part, zig cc now also builds it successfully ✅
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<r4pr0n> for what it's worth, zig actually showed the wrong line number, but clang showed the correct one
<r4pr0n> but i guess that's also because of those additional libraries
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<andrewrk> hmm that's interesting. what do you mean zig showed the wrong line number? you mean in gdb the backtrace?
<andrewrk> or did you somehow integrate zig's debug info / stack traces?
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<r4pr0n> er no, i mean the line number in gdb, when compiled with -ggdb
<r4pr0n> or rather yes, in the backtrace of gdb
<r4pr0n> well it was in the same function but a few lines off
<r4pr0n> and the c code gdb showed was the one that was on the line gdb showed, not the problematic code
<andrewrk> interesting
<andrewrk> well if that's to be improved that would be in clang's codebase
<r4pr0n> even though clang shows the correct one?
<andrewrk> it's clang either way
<andrewrk> they've clearly been prioritizing the use case where those libraries are compiled in, and not the use case of making the debug info accurate on the trap instruction
<andrewrk> which is understandable - but this other use case is also valid
<r4pr0n> well i guess i'll report that then, i'm just creating a minimal example
<r4pr0n> is it possible to use clang but not use those libraries?
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<andrewrk> yeah, -fsanitize=undefined -fsanitize-trap=undefined