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<r4pr0n> ok, thanks for helping me
<r4pr0n> but wait
<r4pr0n> even when using -fsanitize-trap=undefined, i still get the correct line
<r4pr0n> though the error message is the same as in zig then
<andrewrk> can you confirm that zig cc has different behavior with your simple example
<r4pr0n> yes, i'll send you the example
<r4pr0n> when compiled with zig, gdb highlights the for loop, when compiled with clang - either fsanitize-trap or not - it highlights the statement with the shift
<Kingsquee> I'm trying to get the hang of making automatic SoA containers in zig, but the reference code I've found doesn't seem to compile anymore
<Kingsquee> also for the record this looks way too big-braned for what it does
<Kingsquee> is there any way to just vararg the fields similar to rust macros?
<fengb> We used to have varargs and it was very buggy
<Kingsquee> $($field_name:ident: $field_type:ty),+ => ...
<Kingsquee> is it deemed desirable to unbuggify them
<fengb> We replaced most of the use cases with tuples
<Kingsquee> I don't think that suits this use case though
<fengb> I wrote up a hacky SOA at one point
<fengb> You can do it by passing in a reference struct
<Kingsquee> fengb: link?
<fengb> Challenging part is Zig doesn’t really support dynamically building a type, but there are ways around it
<fengb> I didn’t push it up anywhere. Once I get back to my desk, I can see if I still have it >_>
<Kingsquee> thanks
<fengb> More of proving to myself that typed tuples could do what I wanted
<Kingsquee> the issue is that if all those ways around it are challenging, I'll just fall back to writing a binary that generates the datatype I want
<fengb> The guts can be a little... annoying but it’s not hard and the consumption should be fine
<andrewrk> r4pr0n, would you mind filing an issue? I may not get to this tonight
<r4pr0n> okay, will do
<Kingsquee> also, not seeing tuples in the documentation :I
<Kingsquee> is that what we're calling anon structs
<waleee-cl> Kingsquee: yes
<Kingsquee> kk
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<r4pr0n> ok, i created the issue
<andrewrk> thank you
<r4pr0n> happy to help, i have to thank you for this great project
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<andrewrk> :)
<nycex> so i tried building zig with llvm10 according to that guide,-libclang,-and-liblld-from-source
<nycex> and built llvm, lld and clang
<nycex> but i can't build zig, because even though i use -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, it still wants to use my system llvm 9
<nycex> so i get CMake Error at cmake/Findllvm.cmake:33 (message):
<nycex> expected LLVM 10.x but found 9.0.1
<nycex> how can i fix that?
<andrewrk> maybe it's picking up llvm-config from your PATH
<nycex> oh
<nycex> i had to add $HOME/local/bin/ to the PATH
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<pixelherodev> One of the things I've taken to doing when implementing libraries is asserting that received values are valid (e.g. for my dynarec, that you're not trying to load a 64-bit value in a 32-bit register); this prevents a program from misusing the library and results in higher performance in release modes
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<daurnimator> andrewrk: I saw you've vendored zig into the bootstrap repository: it would be cleaner to do so with a git subtree. happy to help
<daurnimator> Anyone around particular familiar with LLVM? I'm curious to see if I can try and get to work with zig: will probably need to update it to LLVM 10... then somehow hook up a new arch to zig?
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<pixelherodev> daurnimator, you mean IR?
<pixelherodev> I'd like to think I'm familiar with that by now :D
<pixelherodev> If you figure out how to hook up an arch to Zig, let me know
<daurnimator> pixelherodev: more about how a new target is added; hooking it up correctly; perhaps familiarity with how the interfaces have evolved from, say, LLVM7 to LLVM10
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<pixelherodev> Ah, then I can't help
<pixelherodev> I know the IR, but I'm using that knowledge to build a competitor to the official interfaces; I never bothered learning those
<pixelherodev> (yet)
<pixelherodev> LLVM doesn't seem to like optimizing dynarecs
<pixelherodev> Takes much, *much* longer than optimizing projects that were far larger :(
<pixelherodev> By which I mean it seems to hang indefinitely :(
<pixelherodev> I'm switching on a type in a generic function, is there a way for `*u32 =>` to also match`*u32 align(4096)`?
<pixelherodev> Or do I need to check @typeInfo and switch to if/else chains?
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<pixelherodev> Maybe I'll just discard alignment info and do a cast before unmapping it
<mikdusan> do you always have a pointer for the switch?
<pixelherodev> No
<pixelherodev> It can be a Register (enum type), a u32, a *u32, a u64, etc
<pixelherodev> It's a generic Move instruction
<pixelherodev> For x64
<pixelherodev> There's a *lot* of permutations
<mikdusan> I think you'll have to switch on typeinfo
<pixelherodev> I just went with the "discard alignment" path
<pixelherodev> I'm assuming it's harmless to not know the alignment
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<mikdusan> how will you unmap without mem.page_size alignment?
<daurnimator> I think git attributes are being fucky with zig..
* mikdusan is only clicking because ascii video :)
<mikdusan> what does `git diff` show?
<daurnimator> the entire contents of those files
<daurnimator> my local copy has them checked out with unix line endings; but in the repo they are CRLF
<mikdusan> decent version of git? 2.26?
<daurnimator> yep. git version 2.26.0
<pixelherodev> mikdusan, the alignment is still correct, I just need to do an @alignCast before munmaping
<mikdusan> pixelherodev: oh you're just carrying it around as align(1) and then cast before gotcha
<mikdusan> that should work
<pixelherodev> Exactly
<pixelherodev> It *is* working :D
<pixelherodev> First block fully translated
<pixelherodev> ... though I think it's not translating the conditional jump correctly
<mikdusan> daurnimator: did you just start seeing these files crlf on a fresh clone of bootstrap?
<mikdusan> because I clone'd it and thoese files do not have CRLF
<mikdusan> the .html one does
<daurnimator> mikdusan: only after I touch those specific files; and then I can't get back again
<pixelherodev> "seems to be hanging indefinitely" I take that back; it *is*
<pixelherodev> Definitely hanging
<pixelherodev> zig at 100% CPU *still*
<pixelherodev> I thought I'd killed it, but apparently not
<pixelherodev> Been going for an *hour*
<pixelherodev> Explains why my compilations felt slower than usual
<mikdusan> daurnimator: weird. --reset hard fixes things for me. if you don't have any pending work, try `git rm --cached -r .`
<daurnimator> I think `deps/SoftFloat-3e/*.txt text eof=crlf` in .gitattributes would fix it?
<mikdusan> do you have anything in your global ~/.gitconfig that might be complicating things?
<daurnimator> nope
<mikdusan> for giggles try (from repo top level): `git switch --orphan nowhere`; everything is gone. then `git switch master` and git status
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<daurnimator> I managed to get myself out of it by modifying my .gitattributes to change the line ending; then stash that away...
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<pixelherodev> Working dynamic recompiler :D
<pixelherodev> Not finished, but good progress
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<Kingsqueee> so, it seems I can get the 'child' type of a pointer by doing std.meta.Chlid(somepointertype)
<Kingsqueee> i.e. []u8 -> u8
<Kingsqueee> is there a way to go the other way around?
<Kingsqueee> e.g. pass in a u8 and get out a []u8 etc
<daurnimator> Kingsqueee: just put [] in front of it
<daurnimator> Kingsqueee: `const T = u8; const PT = []T;`
<daurnimator> or whatever pointer type/attributes you want
<Kingsqueee> ...
<Kingsqueee> yes okay
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<Snektron> daurnimator: i had the same issue
<Snektron> git reset --hard HEAD worked for me
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<daurnimator> andrewrk: hmmm. seems I don't have permission to edit other people's comments any more (to fix formatting etc.)? I know you redid the github permission sets a while ago....
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<KoljaKube> Does the compiler only check code that is actually called?
<afontain_> I think it does, except for parse error
<KoljaKube> I guess that's one way to encourage test{}ing ;-)
<waleee-cl> KoljaKube: pretty common compiler behaviour
<KoljaKube> Been spending most of my time with javac and kotlinc, and I don't think those behave that way
<fengb> Zig takes laziness to a whole new level
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<KoljaKube> I guess that's also the reason for having an unnamed test block @importing files into _?
<fengb> Yep, `_ =` is a quick way of forcing a lazy reference into existence
<KoljaKube> Got it, thanks
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<ifreund> one thing that kinda bugs me about zig tests is that I couldn't figureout a way to move them out of my src folder
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<ifreund> anyone have an example doing that for a non-library project?
<waleee-cl> KoljaKube: seems like an unused method might pass through javac un-checked
<KoljaKube> Yeah, I was there for that
<KoljaKube> Don't have enough experience to know how I feel about the test "inlining"
<fengb> ifreund: these aren’t tests but I have scripts in a different folder:
<fengb> Add my main code as a separate package called “self” (because naming is hard)
<ifreund> fengb: ah, I think that may have been the line I was missing
<fengb> The std tends to stick test files as a sibling as the main file
<ifreund> i was trying to import my main code as a package, but it said that everything was private
<KoljaKube> waleee-cl: Sure that was the correct link? That only talks about linting unused vars
<KoljaKube> And I just checked, my uncalled method returning the wrong type was found by the compiler
<waleee-cl> KoljaKube: just did a quick test and yes, the type checking needs more coercing to ignore the unused methods
<KoljaKube> Does zig support building libraries? If yes, what is emitted for broken code?
<fengb> Zig prefers source based libraries
<fengb> Only way to share binaries is with a C compatible library
<fengb> And those are exposed with export, which also forces the unit to be built
<KoljaKube> Ah, OK, thanks :-)
<ifreund> fengb: looks like I have to make everything I want to use in my tests pub in my src/main.zig to use a separate folder, I think I'll just leave them scattered around my src dir since that seems cleaner
<KoljaKube> Is there a way to force runtime evaluation of something?
<afontain_> I'd be interrested in that ^, it totally makes sense in a `zig test …` or a debug build, if you ask me
<KoljaKube> I currently have a problem with a global variable from a C library, whose value changes depending on where in my code I access it. I _think_ that it might be due to some compile time stuff, or at least I'm at a loss what else it might be
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<KoljaKube> Printing the line in my main() changes the behavior of the code executed _before_ that print O_o
<KoljaKube> s/line/variable/
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<KoljaKube> Phew, finally managed to build a minimal example for my problem
<KoljaKube> Would this be something I should file an issue for, or am I missing something?
<Snektron> you should probably file an issue
<Snektron> KoljaKube: Same issue under Linux
<KoljaKube> Thank you for checking!
<KoljaKube> Anybody got a suggestion as to how to title this?
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<KoljaKube> And is there a template for new issues?
<Snektron> I don't think there is a template
<Snektron> I always look at other issues to see how they're structured
<Snektron> anyway, this has the same problem: (not sure why it detected as java)
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<KoljaKube> if anybody is interested.
<KoljaKube> By the way, the last issue I filed was answered within minutes on a sunday evening (CET) by andrewrk, which was really awesome :-)
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<FireFox317> KoljaKube, could you try to run valgrind on the code, maybe it gives some clues
<KoljaKube> FireFox317: Never used it before, and I need to make some food for the family now, but I've been looking for a while to find an excuse to get into it ;-)
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<TheLemonMan> got most of the stdlib working on sparc64 o/
<fengb> :o
<TheLemonMan> the register windows are a novelty I had never found in any other ISA
<mikdusan> what you never worked with Itanium ? :P
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<TheLemonMan> thankfully not, but I've heard stories about it
<fengb> I'm curious... could Itanium actually be a better arch?
<shakesoda> fengb: my understanding is that itanium actually was pretty good as an arch
<shakesoda> i don't know if this is accurate
<TheLemonMan> afair it was a nightmare for compiler developers
<fengb> I briefly studied it in college. But a lot of its complexity seemed to do with trying to SIMD everything
<fengb> And lack of out-of-place execution
<TheLemonMan> you had to be really really really smart to squeeze all its raw power
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<shakesoda> so... it was difficult in all the same ways it's currently difficult to get anywhere near the max throughput of architectures like x86_64?
<TheLemonMan> I guess so, but only if you consider all the newfangled vector extensions
<Thalheim> TheLemonMan: I am around all day so please ping if want to test on real hardware
<shakesoda> TheLemonMan: i'm certainly considering those, they are relevant if you want to squeeze all the raw power out
<shakesoda> that said, most of the real bottlenecks I see in the wild are things like not designing for cache locality
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<shakesoda> I've been working on optimizing for work (almost time to ship...) and there are high load areas with ~93% cache miss rates :|
<shakesoda> glacially slow
<shakesoda> the individually slow areas stopped being apparent recently so I had to bust out vtune to see what was going on, and it is as I feared
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<TheLemonMan> andrewrk, what's my disk quota on the aarch64 server?
<diltsman> Does anyone know of an example of how to use ArrayList with OutStream?
<TheLemonMan> Thalheim, I'm still trying to get everything to work correctly, we'll probably need a LLVM patch (and wait 'till LLVM 11)
<andrewrk> TheLemonMan, the machine has 245G used, 173G available. As far as I'm concerned you can have as much as you want. Do I need to adjust some kind of setting?
<TheLemonMan> nope, just wanted to ask if there were any limits
<TheLemonMan> I'll use that to hack on LLVM :) that's much faster than my laptop
<andrewrk> the only thing to keep in mind is this machine is provided to us by WorksOnARM and they could decide to revoke it at any time
<andrewrk> if that happens I'd be happy to use zig funds to pay for a machine that is always up that you can have access to
<Thalheim> WoA won't revoke it without good cause, rest assured
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<TheLemonMan> ok I have no idea how to use this NixOs thing, how do I get a gcc+binutils toolchain installed?
<pmwhite> I don't have context for your question, but I use NixOS.
<pmwhite> You can do "nix-env -iA nixos.gcc"
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<TheLemonMan> got it to work, I had to `niv-env -p gcc` or something like that
<TheLemonMan> gimme Debian or gimme death, I can't stand all those newfangled tools
<pmwhite> Yeah, there are some confusing parts of nixos that must be waded through before you can begin to enjoy it. Arguable not worth it, but depends on the person o think.
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<traviss> diltsman here's a really simple example of using an ArrayList's outStream to write a value to it:
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<shakesoda> the amount of @intToEnum I need to put everywhere with vulkan is really annoying :(
<shakesoda> i feel like it'd be a lot easier if there were just a way to represent enum values that have c's integer duality that translate-c could use on these things
<andrewrk> the enum equivalent of [*c]
<andrewrk> I was also thinking that @intToEnum could possibly have its type parameter removed, and would infer from the result location
<shakesoda> if you only had to @intToEnum only when you have to do away with the duality (e.g. for switching) there'd be a *lot* less noise dealing with c apis
<shakesoda> inferring would help a lot too
<andrewrk> we could also choose to translate c enums as integers rather than enums
<andrewrk> this would go for most "casting" builtins: @ptrToInt, @bitCast, @intCast, etc
<andrewrk> if you wanted to provide an explicit type you would wrap it with @as (or use an intermediate const variable with a type)
<shakesoda> i feel like it's generally a win to have them as enums too
<shakesoda> a lot of my compile errors are related to the way they're translated as both i guess, I'll do e.g. c.VK_WHATEVER where .VK_WHATEVER would infer the enum type
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<shakesoda> andrewrk: heh, broke it (messing with zig-vulkan-triangle)
<shakesoda> toOwnedSlice in getRequiredExtensions -> broken llvm module
<shakesoda> looks like this might be #4907
<shakesoda> rearranged it to work around
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<josch557> I'm seeing that std.math.big.Rational has private fns gcd and gcdLehmer, would it make sense to put that into big.Int and make it public?
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<andrewrk> quite possibly. tiehuis probably can answer that better than I can
<josch557> Ok, I'll create a Proposal issue for that.
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<shakesoda> how on earth do you open a dir that isn't relative to cwd
<andrewrk> it can be relative to any other open dir
<shakesoda> i want to open a dir with an absolute path and have absolutely no clue how to get one
<shakesoda> everything i can find just does opendir from cwd
<shakesoda> (and further in from there)
<andrewrk> shakesoda, `std.fs.openDirAbsolute` hasn't been added yet (planned) but it's safe to pass an absolute path to fs.Dir.openDir
<springworm> is there a motivation for comptime's branch quota other than reducing compilation time?
<andrewrk> no
<andrewrk> you can set the quota to whatever you want. it's just to prevent accidentally putting an infinite loop (or really slow logic)
<springworm> cool. i'm curious how it counts branches -- is there branch counting code inserted before every branch instruction?
<springworm> i guess i could read the ir but ..
<josch557> Does it show up in the IR? I mean the code is executed at compile time, before code generation, right?
<andrewrk> yeah the bookkeeping is all part of semantic analysis
<springworm> oh i guess i've misunderstood comptime. is the compiler interpreting the code and not actually producing machine code?
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<andrewrk> correct. it emulates the target
<andrewrk> consider that it works even for cross-compiling
<springworm> that's radical. color me impressed
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<andrewrk> furthermore, the compiler even has access to the target CPU model (if specified) and target CPU feature flags. so to be compliant with the zig language specification, a correct compiler will even emulate at compile-time, for example, the floating point bugs that a particular cpu model has, if that cpu model is the target
<andrewrk> in practice what this means is that you can rely on e.g. hash() at compile-time and hash() at runtime producing the same result.
<andrewrk> (barring bugs in the compiler itself)
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