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<DAGr8> omg team whiskey boot anim
<DAGr8> lol
<DAGr8> oops wrong chanel
<DAGr8> lol
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<whitequark> codeworkx: samsung believes they've fixed the RIL security hole
<whitequark> (now they're using AF_INET within abstract namespace)
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<Espenfjo> heh
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<mad-murdock> building i9300 requires a - in codeworkx's latest build, there was no such file, but only
<cdesai> so rename it
<Espenfjo> requires?
<mad-murdock> renaming was my first guess, but still its a slight glitch in makefiles, so i wanted to let you know
<Espenfjo> what requires it
<Espenfjo> ?
<mad-murdock> brunch i9300
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<mad-murdock> make: *** No rule to make target `vendor/samsung/i9300/proprietary/system/lib/hw/', needed by `out/target/product/i9300/
<mad-murdock> system/lib/hw/'. Stop.
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<Espenfjo> ah
<Espenfjo> yes, that is correct
<Espenfjo> vendor/samsung/i9300/proprietary/system/lib/hw/ has to exist
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<mad-murdock> Espenfjo: but there is no in codeworkx's latest builds...
<mad-murdock> maybe the should be updated
<mad-murdock> i mean, not a big issue at all - easy to fix - yet, should be fixed since its an error
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<Espenfjo> If you look at the makefiles you see that it copies the to
<Espenfjo> this means that no builds will have
<Espenfjo> And I guess the naming is done this way to ensure that people arent pulling to
<Espenfjo> is our wrapper that loads
<Espenfjo> == is the stock one from samsung
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<mad-murdock> Espenfjo: i see... still an issue remains... i started over clean, adb pulled all props from latest i9300 build, and ended up with this issue. then i pulled manually and renamed it - which is wrong - as i know now...
<mad-murdock> i am pretty sure, thats not straight forward, and i wont be the only guy triggering this trap (:
<mad-murdock> but then again, i dont complain at all, just wanted to mention a glitch
<Espenfjo> yup, is actually wrong :)
<Espenfjo> adb pull /system/lib/hw/ ../../../vendor/$MANUFACTURER/$DEVICE/proprietary/system/lib/hw/
<Espenfjo> should have been 'adb pull /system/lib/hw/ ./../../vendor/$MANUFACTURER/$DEVICE/proprietary/system/lib/hw/'
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<cdesai> Espenfjo: fix
<cdesai> gerrit :D
<Espenfjo> *waiting for roomservice*
<mad-murdock> i can push it
<codeworkx> gerrit it
<Espenfjo> If you want to
<Espenfjo> I have it done, but if you want to, doit ;)
<cdesai> race both of you
<Espenfjo> -1
<Espenfjo> :P
<mad-murdock> :P
<mad-murdock> as long as you dont -2, i am alright
<Espenfjo> argh.. google signs me in with wrong account
<mad-murdock> any idea why kernel compiling breaks?
<Espenfjo> Oo
<Espenfjo> this is based on the CM kernel, or something else?
<cdesai> mad-murdock: try make V=1 -j 1
<mad-murdock> was part of "brunch i9300"
<mad-murdock> cdesai: will do
<Espenfjo> or make V=1 -j1 bootimage
<Espenfjo> its a bit faster to reproduce error ;)
<cdesai> ye
<cdesai> j1 all teh things
<cdesai> Espenfjo: what if we ran 4-8 j1 builds? :D
<mad-murdock> hmm, wierd
<mad-murdock> - i did start clean
<cdesai> mad-murdock: /media/develop/system.cm9/kernel/samsung/smdk4412 is not clean, please run 'make mrproper'
<cdesai> in the '/media/develop/system.cm9/kernel/samsung/smdk4412' directory.
<cdesai> do that
<mad-murdock> how you exchange modified/new prop files btw, if you dont maintain a prop repo?
<mad-murdock> all devices i compiled so far had a prop repo somewhere... often at koush, sometimes at kali's github
<mad-murdock> oh, or pershoot
<cdesai> we send our devices to each other
<mad-murdock> rofl!
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<stickyboy> :P
<cdesai> Espenfjo still has my s2
<Espenfjo> damn
<Espenfjo> Thats because its friggin' expensive to send stuff like that to India from here
<Espenfjo> *bbl*
<stickyboy> Me too.
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<mad-murdock> i rm-rf'd kernel/samsung/smdk4412 and sync again, running into a similar issue - on rerun, i dont get request for mrpropper, but the same error
<mad-murdock> wonder if my build system misses something...
<mad-murdock> if anyone got an idea, /q my answering machine... will be back tomorrow
<mad-murdock> and thanks for the help so far
<cdesai> what os sven ?
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<Rebellos> Yoho! Any clues about " 01-01 00:09:37.082: E/FramebufferNativeWindow(13544): couldn't open framebuffer HAL (Not a typewriter) " on S5PC110 device?
<Rebellos> I think I could forgot something when kanging Aries configs... just not quite sure what. :D
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<n1kku> Help! I got a Galaxy Tab GT-P1000 GSM, i successfully rooted and installed CWM on it when it was on 2.3.3 XXJQ1. i tried installing both CM9\10 on it, and on the middle of the installation via CWM it reboots, showing me the Cyanogen logo, showing CWM running some lines of code for 1 second (probably errors, it's soo fast, i couln't read them) and reboots again and loops.
<n1kku> sorry for my bad english, i'm tired :S
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