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<nickl_> so no one here actually from hacksung?
<koud> nickl_: they might be sleeping I think most are based in europe
<nickl_> hello
<nickl_> koud: eish
<nickl_> I'm in the same timezone
<koud> CET?
<nickl_> AST
<nickl_> or is that ACT
<nickl_> no it's AST
<nickl_> but yes it ticks with CET less the daylight savings
<koud> ok :)
<koud> well I am in CET X) and I will go to bed now :)
<nickl_> koud: so I take it you wouldn't know anything about either?
<nickl_> well I hope you rest well
<nickl_> where about?
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<koud> nickl_: sweden
<nickl_> Awesome!
<koud> nickl_: no sorry, but I don't think it took long time for me to get registration email
<nickl_> MY best mate is it Gothemburg
<nickl_> oops
<nickl_> spelling
<koud> :=)
<koud> Göteborg :)
<nickl_> Jo
<nickl_> oh I know all about fiko =)
<nickl_> oops
<nickl_> fika
<nickl_> heh
<nickl_> well it's good weather for you guys now so you better savour those daylight hours
<koud> yeah :P I better get up early to catch the sun
<koud> while it is up
<koud> well I am off now
<koud> bye-
<nickl_> ciao
<nickl_> I think they didn't like my profile
<nickl_> thought it was quite klever though
<nickl_> submitted +- 30 different Hello Worlds
<nickl_> in different languages
<nickl_> doesn't get better than that really
<nickl_> I will try them again...
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<Entropy512> <koud> nickl_: they might be sleeping I think most are based in europe - most are, and I was at dinner. People idle here a LOT
<Entropy512> we are the kings of idling!
<Entropy512> and AFKing
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<remicks> aite bbl from work :P
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<nickl_> good morning
<nickl_> anyone from teamhacksung present?
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<nickl_> anyone from teamhacksung present?
<peterperfect> well you can leave message
<peterperfect> and try it
<nickl_> I would love to know what is taking so long with my registration request
<nickl_> on
<nickl_> how long is this supposed to take, maybe it got lost somewhere?
<nickl_> peternotperfect: Tx
<peterperfect> opps
<peterperfect> oops
<peterperfect> cant answer :P
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<nickl_> peternotperfect: Seems rather unorganised if you ask me
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<nickl_> o well I'm sure we will find somewhere else
<nickl_> good day
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<diego-ch> @codeworkx , u there? I have a few questions about the i9070 (galaxy s advance). I was working porting a custom recovery to it and I just saw that you were doing the same thing a while ago
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<DuperMan> my spelling shoul make Idlearh I was on on the stuffs lol
<DuperMan> seems ok now
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<peterperfect> ok
<peterperfect> device not found on ADB
<peterperfect> WHY?!
<peterperfect> -_-
<diego-ch> anyone knows what this means? <4>[ 67.284637] dhd: no symbol version for module_layout
<diego-ch> I built it the first time and everything was fine. then I had to change the recovery.fstab and now wifi doesnt work
<diego-ch> kmsg is getting flooded by this message
<codeworkx> diego-ch: long time ago i did something
<diego-ch> yeah I saw your code today
<diego-ch> I bought this phone last month but it didnt have any support so I tried to do it myself
<diego-ch> I got twrp booting but I had a few issues with wifi module
<diego-ch> I did some changes to the recovery.fstab, can you confirm if they're correct?
<diego-ch> codeworkx: ping!
<diego-ch> busy?
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<ldiamond> What's with the MediaRecorder with the voice_call source on the SGS?
<ldiamond> What's with the MediaRecorder with the voice_call source on the SGS2?
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<ldiamond> Can't start a recorder on this source, I presume it's because of some closed source samsung binary?
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