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<ohanar> pretty sure insignal just dropped quite of bit of code for us (assuming I have been paying close enough attention)
<Espenfjo> just now? or some days ago?
<Espenfjo> (its so slow to load)
<ohanar> within the last few days
<Espenfjo> yup
<codeworkx> need jellybeanz code
<Espenfjo> Havent looked through all parts yet, but the graphic related HAL updates (hwcomposer, fimc, gralloc) doesnt give us anything :/
<Espenfjo> Maybe fimc+omx+framework may do something, tho
<Espenfjo> camera perhaps
<ohanar> is libgps supposed to be up there? copyright seems to suggest otherwise
<Espenfjo> pull it!
<Espenfjo> :P
<ohanar> already did :)
<Espenfjo> good ;)
<Espenfjo> They pushed most of it some days ago, it was up on their webpage some hours before they took everything down
<Espenfjo> Dunno if they removed something, or if they just did that quad_core/dual_core split
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<ohanar> is libcamerazoom new?
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<Espenfjo> Yes
<Espenfjo> We have had very little success with their libcamera on the I9100, so I havent looked into the new versions yet
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<Espenfjo> N8000 arriving tomorrow or wednesday as well :)
<ohanar> well, this is something completely different:
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<Espenfjo> ok, dunno :)
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<ohanar> have fun with the n8000, broadcom (over atheros) should make your life a lot easier than mine :)
<Espenfjo> Hopefully, but they are masters at fucking up BCM as well ;)
<simonckenyon> stickyboy: can you help?
<ohanar> don't I know it (damn these mpu sensors...)
<ohanar> anyway, bedtime
<ohanar> g'night
<Espenfjo> :)
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<stickyboy> simonckenyon: Yo. I'm aorth. :)
<simonckenyon> i know. i would be ever so grateful if you helped me to build for the 6200.
<stickyboy> No problem.
<cdesai> stickyboy: device tress mergecd into cm?
<cdesai> *merged
<cdesai> for props pull req
<stickyboy> cdesai: Nope. Not yet
<stickyboy> Hold on, have to catch a baby fish before my turtle eats him.
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<cdesai> lol
<Espenfjo> :D
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<simonckenyon> i used <project name="ohanar/proprietary_vendor_samsung" path="vendor/samsung" remote="github" revision="jellybean_smdk4210-tab" />
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<stickyboy> simonckenyon: For the props, just use extract-files
<stickyboy> Prop repos are only for build bots :)
<simonckenyon> ok. you said there were some additional changes
<stickyboy> Yeah, you can use the smd4210-tab kernel, but adb is a bit fucked on there. Dunno why.
<simonckenyon> which branch. ics?
<stickyboy> We're working on moving to the same kernel as the Galaxy S II and Note people.
<stickyboy> Different kernel.
<stickyboy> Use ohanar's repo, on the 'tab-sensors' branch.
<simonckenyon> ok. anything else?
<stickyboy> That kernel is newer than the one we're using, but needs patches for our tabs (sensors!).
<stickyboy> Um, you'll want the wifi patch for libhardware_legacy. It allows the wifi driver to specify a delay before coming up
<simonckenyon> thanks. will do a build now and report back.
<stickyboy> Lemme get you the patch, it's on gerrit.
<stickyboy> repo download hardware/libhardware_legacy/ 20711
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<stickyboy> simonckenyon: And in order to use the new kernel, you have to edit your BoardConfig in the common device tree
<stickyboy> TARGET_KERNEL_SOURCE or such.
<simonckenyon> wasn't aware of that patch.
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<simonckenyon> are you using a different kernel config or is cyanogenmod_p6200_defconfig ok?
<stickyboy> The config is ok
<stickyboy> It's present in that _new kernel.
<simonckenyon> anything else?
<stickyboy> Don't think so.
<stickyboy> But I saw ohanar just put some new libsensors in the jellybean branch of the device tree.
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<stickyboy> The commit message says they're not working... so :)
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<simonckenyon> my problem was that i could not get wifi to work on my cm9 builds. kept cycling forever. maybe 20711 was required. anyway, i will continue to build cm10.
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<zeorin> Hello all. I have SGS2, CM9 stable. Thinking of switching to CM10 nightly.
<zeorin> Just wondering what Jelly bean hardware composer issues are exactly?
<stickyboy> zeorin: hwcomposer sometimes fire lasers.
<stickyboy> Like Mars rover.
<Espenfjo> It will burn your eyes :(
<Espenfjo> And melt your rocks
<Espenfjo> So no eyes, and no rocks around it
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<stickyboy> Other than that, zeorin I don't know. I don't have an S II. :D
<xEnt> tbh
<xEnt> i been using cm10 on the gnote
<xEnt> and went back to cm9
<xEnt> cm10 still has a bit to go
<xEnt> not fully functional, and slow/laggy
<zeorin> OK, so I should just wait until the ROM catches up with the hype
<stickyboy> I do have a Tab 7 Plus, though. I just got CM10 booting this weekend. It's better than CM9, but it's more like margarine than butter.
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<stickyboy> zeorin: And technically this is a dev channel :). User support is #teamhacksung-support
<stickyboy> We rarely speak in anything but 101010010001111.
<zeorin> OK, sorry. BTW someone should update the wiki to reflect that: "We're also reachable on IRC and are happy about every visitor. Network: Port: 6667 Channel: #teamhacksung"
<zeorin> Thanks for your input guys
<zeorin> :)
<zeorin> Wait, that's from the front page, not the wiki
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<simonckenyon> happy days. built cm10 for my 6200 and it all works (wifi, phone, front and back cameras and gps) . including adb!
<remicks> nice
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<simonckenyon> stickyboy: got jb built (with old kernel). works great, including adb.
<simonckenyon> stickyboy: applied no patches
<stickyboy> simonckenyon: Cool.
<simonckenyon> stickyboy: thanks for your help
<stickyboy> I dunno why my adb was acting up, I assumed it was the kernel because it started working when I switched today.
<stickyboy> The wifi.c patch was just merged, btw.
<stickyboy> No prob, bob.
<stickyboy> Stick around, ohanar and I could use the help.
<simonckenyon> stickyboy: i used smdk4120-tab
<simonckenyon> smdk4210-tab even. i will stay around.
<stickyboy> Well we're moving to the new kernel soon anyways hopefully. :)
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<simonckenyon> now to build this driver that has caused me all this heartache. "we'll use this fingerprint reader. it will be easy" says me. ha ha ha. it has taken me 2 months to get to this stage.
<squadzone> Stickyboy, gingerbread never die, see xD
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<stickyboy> squadzone: Good for you. I'm impressed by your dedication :)
<stickyboy> squadzone: I wish I could go back to CM7 on my Galaxy S... but I need that Stk patch. :)
<remicks> id like to roll GB on my gnex just for the lulz
<remicks> just sayin.
<squadzone> Stickyboy, wip backport for that, if done will submit in there :)
<stickyboy> squadzone: Nice. CM10/9 are almost unusable on my GT-I9000.
<stickyboy> Gave the Galaxy Nexus to my girlfriend.
<squadzone> Yup, i backporting feature from cm9/10 as long as not updating libs
<stickyboy> I understand why you do it now. :)
<squadzone> I need to backport fakewindow first to fix bugs in navigationbar while playing game
<squadzone> :D
<stickyboy> I should just sell this Galaxy S... wait for OMAP 5.
<squadzone> Woot? Omap5? When?
<stickyboy> I dunno. But the next Nexus phone should come around Christmas, like always.
<stickyboy> Maybe it will have OMAP 5. :D
<squadzone> Maybe google birthday? Sep 5
<squadzone> xD
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<stickyboy> Maybe
<stickyboy> I have someone coming from the US soon though... the $350 Gnex could be tempting.
<stickyboy> But I might as well wait.
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<squadzone> :D
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<stickyboy> squadzone: How much are Gnex in Indonesia?
<squadzone> $364
<squadzone> Rp. 3.890.000
<squadzone> When discount xD
<stickyboy> Not bad actually.
<stickyboy> In Kenya it's still 500 or more.
<squadzone> Normal price is $599
<Zhenech> it's 460$ in germany too :/
<Espenfjo> pft
<Espenfjo> Here in norway it is $669
<Espenfjo> the 16GB version
<Espenfjo> Cheapest store, retail price
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<squadzone> Espenfjo, cheapest? :/
<Espenfjo> yup
<squadzone> How about other store?
<squadzone> What about nexus7?
<Espenfjo> $438
<Espenfjo> 16gb variant
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<squadzone> Nexus7 16gb is $420 here (cheapest) :(
<Espenfjo> same-ish then :)
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<squadzone> Arrgghh, hate money politics :(
<Espenfjo> s3 is only 784 infact
<Espenfjo> But oh well.. Everything costs, and our salary is adjusted for it
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<Rebellos___XYZ_G> Hey, for sammy builds I've been cloning proprietary files manually from TheMuppets repo. Is there any automation stuff for that inside CM tree I should use instead?
<Espenfjo> in device tree
<Rebellos___XYZ_G> Uhm, thanks Espenfjo, but that script needs device to be connected. Is there any similiar script for fetching everything what's needed from git?
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<Espenfjo> no, everything you need are already separated into the device folders of themuppets repo
<stickyboy> Rebellos___XYZ_G: Samsung might eat your breakfast if you use the git repo.
<codeworkx> Rebellos___XYZ_G: local_manifest.xml
<Rebellos___XYZ_G> Espenfjo, okay, ty. stickyboy, lol. ;o codeworkx, thanks.
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<Xeon3D> Gnexus are stupidly expensive in here bw.
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<hrhr> hi all...anybody have skill to apply pdroid patches to CM10?
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<nickl_> hey
<nickl_> can someone tell me how long one is expected to wait before you get a reply from the site registration?
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<nickl_> wow not everyone at the same time please =)
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<Rebellos> Umm, why did initramfs stage2 invocation changed in aries kernel between ICS and JB? Wasn't extraction from boot.bin more... flexible?
<Rebellos> Not mentioning that now looks like it's doubled, in boot.bin's ramdisk area and in zImage CPIO.
<Rebellos> Guess gotta catch pawitp to ask why he did it so. ^.-
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<nickl_> not a very talkative bunch
<nickl_> I think they all had milk before the cat came past
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