xplodwild changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT http://irclog.whitequark.org/teamhacksung-support/
<MadMax1803_> 181510: 00 00 00 03 05 05 05 05 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
<MadMax1803_> i have no row with ending 181460h
<MadMax1803_> i am confused
<Thiagovfar> I see...
<Thiagovfar> Look for the row that STARTS with "181510:"
<MadMax1803_> 00 00 00 03 05 05 05 05 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
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<Thiagovfar> MadMax1803_: Pick this line, and the 12 following it, post it on http://pastebin.com/ and give us the link
<MadMax1803_> look http://pastebin.com/KjDXbSzc
<Thiagovfar> You said "00181470 8A DF FC 6F 28 95 40 8F FA 69 0A C3 E5 FB D0 BC" where is this?
<MadMax1803_> i startet with rowh 181510 and choose the following
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<Thiagovfar> Do it again. Start with row 181460
<MadMax1803_> ok, sorry i think my mistake
<Thiagovfar> Nah, I realize I didn't say which lines to pick
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<Thiagovfar> I even said row 181510 =(
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<Thiagovfar> MadMax1803_: Sit tight
<Thiagovfar> My pc is slow
<MadMax1803_> ok
<MadMax1803_> at me its 02:00 am, so i am tired and slow :) time for bed
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<MadMax1803_> do you find something?
<Thiagovfar> MadMax1803_: Not yet
<Thiagovfar> The dump you provided does not contain the "zero" hash, so I guess they changed it
<Thiagovfar> It is different from the post
<MadMax1803_> ok
<MadMax1803_> no problem, i will look tomorrow, for me its time for bed :) thank you for help
<Thiagovfar> Good night
<MadMax1803_> good night
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<Fragas> Hello friends!
<Fragas> I think i have bricked my phone, because only thing that loads is "Recovery mode"
<Fragas> is it possible to unbrick it via "Recovery mode"?
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<Fragas> I have tried to flash many diferent rooms but it always end up at "Samsung Galaxy Slll" logo and freezes :(
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<Fragas> solved, thanks!
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<Mick__> Do I need to flash G apps again if just updating the nightly?
<Zaba> no
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<|NIght|> no
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<MadMax1803> @night Hi again
<MadMax1803> i found a solution for the SIM network lock problem (cm10.1 nightly)
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<Bert__> OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooo do tell...... please, do tell
<Bert__> Also the EFS corruption, are they the same or the result of each other?
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<Horn> Hullo?
<Horn> !supported samsung
<clibot> Horn: Supported samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<Horn> Eh can you only put thison samsung phones?
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<|NIght|> hi
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<BubbleTea> fuck phone amps/dacs. /language
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<DuperMan> fuck phone amps/dacs. /language
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<_mrc_> hello
<_mrc_> I'm trying to follow Entropy suggestions on how to help finding solution for broken dock audio in i9100. Basically, I need to enable Sound and MC1N1 Debugging in Touchwiz kernel, find out the dmesg once connecting to dock audio and check dmesg for correct path.
<DuperMan> if you finds, gief dock audio here:P
<_mrc_> I guess dorimanx kernel should do, so I started with it. Building dorimanx seems to be quite easy, the strange thing for me is size of compiled kernel. It is bit less than 5MB. Precompilled version from Dorimanx is more than 7MB ...
<DuperMan> won't work for me with micro-usb -> 3.5mm headphones plug male
<DuperMan> you included the cifs, ntfs etc? those bloat nice
<_mrc_> DuperMan I used config that was already there, havent changed anything in the kernel configuration prior to compilation
<DuperMan> so it probably has less things
<DuperMan> then what's cofig'ed in.. I guess.. thread
<DuperMan> :D
<_mrc_> # CONFIG_NTFS_FS is not set
<DuperMan> or you couldn't build some things, and compiler chugged along mumbling that they aren't there
<DuperMan> figures
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> check fuse and cifs, probably gone too
<_mrc_> CONFIG_FUSE_FS=y
<_mrc_> CONFIG_CIFS=m
<DuperMan> oyeah. fuse is like nand's fs
<DuperMan> or something
<DuperMan> m=module
<DuperMan> coolio
<_mrc_> yeah
<DuperMan> it haz teh exfat? release with exfat, become xda hero
<DuperMan> :P
<_mrc_> anyway, if something went wrong and the kernel is corrupted, is there a chance i brick the phone? Or will I be able to push working kernel through Odin no matter how broke my compilation is? :)
<DuperMan> probably fixable with odin, never 'definitely'
<_mrc_> yeah
<DuperMan> but yeah, you should be safe
<DuperMan> ffs, it's a sgs2
<_mrc_> it is
<DuperMan> just flash boogers in it
* DuperMan shrugs
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<DuperMan> kill it with fire:D
<_mrc_> :)
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<Jiangyi> Thracky: New cable plans are now in my area :-D
<Thracky> new cable plans suck price wise though heh
<Thracky> I'm hopefully moving to burlington in the summer so we'll see what DSL is like there.
<Thiagovfar> Stop right there. You say DSL is cheaper than cable where you live?
<Thracky> well, the provider we both use, teksavvy, relies on the incumbent providers for infrastructure mostly.
<Thracky> the dsl provider has far better data costs, it's kinda nuts.
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<Thracky> unlimited cable 30/2 cable is like 120 a month, unlimited 50/10 dsl is 89/month
<Thracky> (or somewhere in that neighbourhood)
<Thracky> caps are a real bitch
<Jiangyi> Thracky: DSL continues to suck in my area, so... :-P
<Thracky> yeah it's so location dependent =\
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<Jiangyi> Cheap cable, only that they run off of CIK...
* Jiangyi no trust Chinese cable providers
<Jiangyi> Probably fine off-peak, but not so much during peak demand...
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<Thracky> jesus, 45/4 unlimited for 53/month
<Jiangyi> They're still on TPIA :-P
<Thracky> so am I :P
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<Jiangyi> Thracky: Oyeah, how's the OG dev coming along/
<Jiangyi> ?
<Thracky> heh I'm pretty much not doing anything with it at the moment, school has been too time consuming and I kinda lost interest tbh
<Thracky> but I'll help troubleshoot some stuff once in a while if it's needed
<Jiangyi> Ah I see
<Thracky> trying to focus on learning stuff that will help me in the real world hehe
<Jiangyi> I SHOULD do that too, but I really don't learn that kind of stuff at school atm :-P
<Thracky> me either :P
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<Thracky> this semester has been a wash mostly
<Jiangyi> I just did my OSSLT today
<Thracky> still have to do the work though
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<Jiangyi> Still think it's stupid, but... :-P
<Thracky> is that the english test or whatever?
<Thracky> I didn't go to high school in ontario :P
<Jiangyi> Yeah, that English exam that determines if you pass or fail high school.
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<Thracky> ah ok
<Jiangyi> Here's the most interesting part: It's written by Americans with a ton of standardized testing stuff. :-/
<Jiangyi> As in, the test is made by Americans.
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<Thracky> yeah, all the grade 12 exams in alberta are standardized.
<Thracky> worth 50% of your mark for each course
<Jiangyi> Ouch.
<Thracky> not really, cause you can do fuck all most of the semester and ace the exam :P
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<Thracky> I got a 90 on my english final without doing any coursework lol
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<Thracky> I was doing it by distance learning, didn't even start it, just skimmed the books and materials, went and wrote the exam.
<Jiangyi> Eh, English is English :-P
* Jiangyi is getting a 89 in English
<Jiangyi> an*
<Thracky> english exams are whatever the hell they want to hear :P
<Jiangyi> Pretty much lol
<Jiangyi> Damn, I thought today was a Friday :-|
<Jiangyi> Been a long week...
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<Thracky> today is my friday, but I have to do my part of a group research paper all weekend.
<Thracky> have a 45 min presentation to do on monday and a 15 page paper due on wed
<Thracky> and some exams along the way
<Jiangyi> Fun. ._.
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<Thracky> and trying to nail down some work for the summer too heh
* Jiangyi wants to find work too
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Can I work at your wife's cell phone shop? XD
<Thracky> lol you mean future shop? :P
<Thracky> she's probably leaving in a few weeks anyways.
<Thracky> her store was one of the ones that closed down, got full severance, but was rehired by another store in a diff department in a week and a half.
<Thracky> but now she has a potential job with a really good company and won't be doing retail anymore heh
<Jiangyi> Oh, I thought she had her own shop all this time :-P
<Jiangyi> Eh, it was worth a shot. Back to working at some restaurant I guess...
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<Thracky> haha no, if she had her own shop I probably wouldn't bother trying to find work :P
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<chadouming> 45 mins presentation, not that bad
<chadouming> last year we had a 3h40 mins presentation to do xD
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<Thracky> I can see that, I did a 45 min presentation last semester and barely scratched the surface of the topic.
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<Jiangyi> Holy damn. Just finished recovering my teacher's USB key.
<Jiangyi> Some of the things I saw, I will never unsee @_@
<frankdrey> LOLOLOL
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, what did you see?
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: My teacher with a guy in a bikini :-S
<frankdrey> o_o
<frankdrey> !geo host
<clibot> frankdrey: {country: "United States", region: "California", city: "Mountain View", latlong: {37.419205, -122.0574}, time: "Thu 14:53 PDT"}
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<Jiangyi> chadouming: Do you know the book "le dernier des raisins"?
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, you should say to the teacher. nice bikini your friend had on. and wink
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Nono, she was the one in the bikini
<frankdrey> ohhhhhhhhhhh
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> how's that weird?
<frankdrey> i thought the guy was in the bikini. that's why i said o_o
<chadouming> Jiangyi: nope<
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Still weird to me :-S
<Jiangyi> chadouming: I'm reading this book for French class. 1: It feels freaking R-rated; 2. So much Quebecois/French slang :-S
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<waratte> Raisins sound good at the moment.
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, wink at her and tell her, "looking good"
<chadouming> lol
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: How do you say that in French xD
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, "tu est sexy"
<Jiangyi> lol
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<Thracky> je veux manger ton chat?
<Thracky> or something like that.
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<Jiangyi> Thracky: I want to eat your cat? o_o
<chadouming> i think i missed something ?
<Jiangyi> You're not the only one. o-o
<Thracky> synonym for cat is?
<Jiangyi> Right, but the eating part is....
<chadouming> Thracky: feline
<Thracky> ok let's put this in proper english.
<chadouming> that's a synonym for cat :D
<Thracky> Hello miss, I would rather enjoy to perform cunnilingus on your vagina.
<chadouming> ah, lol
<chadouming> we don't say "je veux manger ton chat" in french
* Jiangyi is too traditional to accept that concept
<chadouming> "je veux manger ta chatte"
<chadouming> xD
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<Thracky> I never claimed I was any *good* with the idiosyncracies of talking dirty in french :P
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<Thracky> so, how about that huge ice storm that never showed up :P
<Jiangyi> Well, we still got snow in April. :-P
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<Thracky> meh, go to Calgary, then you see it in August every few years.
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<chadouming> lol
<chadouming> you guys forget i'm 13 hours north to you
<chadouming> Snow in august
<chadouming> ice storm in april
<chadouming> just the usually things
<chadouming> xD
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