xplodwild changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT http://irclog.whitequark.org/teamhacksung-support/
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<Christian_tab2> hi everyone
<Christian_tab2> i have a problem... STATUS 7 :P u.u
<chadouming> you downloaded the wrong rom
<Christian_tab2> i have tried whit several nigthles for my device
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<Ackwork> hello friends
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<Christian_tab2> i don't know what to do..
<Ackwork> !supported
<clibot> Ackwork: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<Ackwork> !supported Samsung
<clibot> Ackwork: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<clibot> Ackwork: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S II (ATT): http://get.cm/get/jenkins/4833/cm-7-20120722-NIGHTLY-galaxys2att.zip [4ceaf3]
<Ackwork> !download galaxys2att
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<frankdrey> yo dud nebkat
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<waratte> I always see it as "nekbat".
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<Jiangyi> <CscFeature_Message_EnableMmsAutoDownload4Spam>false</CscFeature_Message_EnableMmsAutoDownload4Spam>
<Jiangyi> lol Samsung
<Jiangyi> They put in the randomest things :-P
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<Ackwork> anyone know where I can find sotkc kernals?
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<tuor> hi, i have tried to install cm 9.1.0 an my gt-p5100 (galaxy tab2). I have cwm it says: assert failed: getprob("ro.product.device") == "p5100" || .......
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<tuor> E:Error in /sdcard/Mods/cm-9.1.0-p5100.zip
<tuor> what do i wrong?
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<MadMax1803> Hello, i have an questions for the GT-I9100
<MadMax1803> does anyone know if ther will be a stable CM10?
<McFrog> yes, no.
<MadMax1803> yes, no?
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<McFrog> yes, somebody knows. and no, there won't.
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<ilsaw> !changelog SIII
<clibot> ilsaw: Unknown device SIII
<ilsaw> !changelog S3
<clibot> ilsaw: Unknown device S3
<ilsaw> !changelog S 3
<clibot> ilsaw: Unknown device S
<ilsaw> !changelog I9300
<clibot> ilsaw: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S III: http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#I9300/cm10/latest
<ilsaw> !I9300
<clibot> ilsaw: Unknown command "i9300"
<ilsaw> !device
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<ilsaw> Hey guys, I've a little question, if I've CM10.1 and I wanna update for a new nightly release, the process is same to: Select the option to wipe data/factory reset. Select install zip from sdcard. Select choose zip from sdcard. ????
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<ilsaw> I'm a noob using custom roms...
<ilsaw> Can somebody help me? I've a short question
<ilsaw> *please*
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<McFrog> why don't you just update using the integrated update mechanism?
<ilsaw> Oh.. well... I saw the CM updater
<ilsaw> It works by itself?
<McFrog> yep
<ilsaw> omg...
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<ilsaw> Thank you buddy!!
<McFrog> welcome
<ilsaw> In CM how can view and clean up the clipboard?
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<McFrog> you'd probably have to use an app for that. i don't think there's any cm specific magic going on there.
<ilsaw> ok, I supposed that, well that's ok thanks again you rock
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<jm86ar> !supported Samsung
<clibot> jm86ar: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<jm86ar> !changelog i9300
<clibot> jm86ar: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S III: http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#i9300/cm10/latest
<jm86ar> !i9300
<clibot> jm86ar: Unknown command "i9300"
<jm86ar> !device
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<coriolanus> My Galaxy S2 shows that the external sd card isnt available if i open the camera or gallery. It is shown within the explorer. I got this version cm-10.1-20130409-NIGHTLY-i9100.zip. Any suggestions someone?
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<codeworkx> coriolanus: the camera app doesn't care about your external card
<coriolanus> It does at the moment. If i wish to open it, the message comes that i dont have any external card inserted (which i have) and closes.
<codeworkx> external card doesnt mean external
<codeworkx> it means your internal sdcard doesn't work
<codeworkx> the message is missleading
<coriolanus> Oh. Ok. So what?
<codeworkx> see if you can access your internal card
<codeworkx> storage/sdcard0
<coriolanus> seems yes. folder "lost+found" within
<codeworkx> adb shell mount
<coriolanus> error device not found
<codeworkx> ah, connect your device and enable usb debugging?
<coriolanus> I gotta leave now cause of an meeting. However thx for your help.
<coriolanus> try it later.
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<RossWell98> OMG its really possible to use adb in recovery ? :O
<codeworkx> OMG
<codeworkx> sure
<RossWell98> hey if I do a rm -rf /* --no-preserve-root
<RossWell98> it brick my device ? :O
<codeworkx> no
<RossWell98> yes , /efs :|
<RossWell98> Oh
<codeworkx> if you delete efs your radio will be dead
<RossWell98> yeah xD
<codeworkx> but you wont brick your device
<RossWell98> but for my i9100 recovery visn't on / ?
<RossWell98> It's a good way to clean my device ? :/
<codeworkx> no
<RossWell98> I have a efs backup
<codeworkx> data wipe / factory reset
<codeworkx> that's all you need
<RossWell98> mhhh
<RossWell98> no some shits in / ?
<RossWell98> Just what the device want to the utilization ?
<|NIght|> codeworkx: cant i just do rf * -f?
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<RossWell98> :D
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<codeworkx> RossWell98: / is a ramdisk. deleting something there is damn useless ;-)
<codeworkx> RossWell98: delete init.rc and reboot ;-)
<RossWell98> omg
<RossWell98> sure ?
<|NIght|> did you brick your device?
<codeworkx> RossWell98: do it
<RossWell98> :|
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<a-st> as far as you can enter download mode the device is still alive :)
<RossWell98> codeworkx: tried a cat in the init.rc >.>
<RossWell98> My eyes say, "DON'T RM THIS !"
<EgotisticalElf> i've edited the init.rc and it doesn't do jack
<EgotisticalElf> on reboot your chnages are gone
<RossWell98> EgotisticalElf: remove init.rc and init.rc.2
<EgotisticalElf> and i just wanted to remove the /data/media /sdcard symlink and move /extsdcard to /sdcard
<RossWell98> maybe it will keep your "config" x)
<EgotisticalElf> i'm good, thanks
<RossWell98> x)
<a-st> As fas as i know / gets created on boot. the kernel extracts the initrd which represents /
<RossWell98> ~ # ls /efs
<RossWell98> ~ #
<RossWell98> oh ok xD
<RossWell98> not mounted i think :/
<a-st> deleting /efs is a bad idea
<RossWell98> never do that ;)
<a-st> but I've read something on xda that you can recover it without any backup
<RossWell98> I have a backup
<a-st> all you need to know is your imei
<RossWell98> but no want to do this :|
<RossWell98> mhhh ?
<RossWell98> Where ?
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<RossWell98> what is the command to format manually /system /data and /cache ?
<EgotisticalElf> cwm recovery -> mounts and storage
<EgotisticalElf> they're all listed there
<RossWell98> yeaah I know :P
<RossWell98> but what command when we do that :P
<EgotisticalElf> some cwm versions did a rm and cleared it
<EgotisticalElf> newer ones actually fix the filesystem in some cases, so they have changed
<EgotisticalElf> (touchpad 5.x format didn't actually format, 6.x does)
<EgotisticalElf> and that's my extent of experience
<RossWell98> I seen in the "fstab" in /etc/recovery.fstab
<RossWell98> /systemext4/dev/block/mmcblk0p9
<RossWell98> so i've tried a mkfs.ext4
<RossWell98> not found
<RossWell98> just ext2 possible ...
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<Rockj> btw, is it interesting «report» that my camera died and I had to reboot phone to get it working again on my i9100 with nightly (9.apr)?
<Rockj> it happens when video recording and I think it even dropped like 35% of my battery. heh. :P
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<coriolanus> "@codeworkx" there? Concerning the thing with the external/internal sd card....
<codeworkx> coriolanus: y
<coriolanus> you tried to help me with the message "no external sd card found"
<coriolanus> at the end i should connect my device and enable usb debugging
<codeworkx> yep
<coriolanus> Ok. And how do i have to continue?
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<codeworkx> coriolanus: like i've said
<codeworkx> coriolanus: adb shell mount
<coriolanus> device not found
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<codeworkx> coriolanus: then fix your adb first
<codeworkx> coriolanus: you're probably running an outdated adb version
<codeworkx> coriolanus: 1.0.31 is needed
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<tushar> hi everyone!!
<tushar> is anyone else facing any issues with wifi in the cm 10.1 nightlies?
<tushar> !download I9300
<clibot> tushar: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S III: http://get.cm/get/jenkins/24640/cm-10.1-20130410-NIGHTLY-i9300.zip [879afa]
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<RossWell98> codeworkx ? How did you do to make CM compilable with java 1.7 ?
<codeworkx> i did nothing
<codeworkx> 4.2.2 + openjdk7 = good
<RossWell98> oh ok :(
<RossWell98> I want to compile AOKP with openJDK7, AOKP is in 4.2, but he want java6 and if I remove the error in build/core/main.mk... I have an error about java and lib
<codeworkx> ask the aokp devs
<codeworkx> i never compiled aokp
<codeworkx> and will probably never do ;-)
<RossWell98> you not like AOKP ?
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<codeworkx> no
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<RossWell98> why ?
<codeworkx> aokp = add a toggle to toggle the toggle which toggles another toggle
<RossWell98> :D
<codeworkx> it's bloatware
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<RossWell98> sometimes I have one option in double on differents menus x)
<codeworkx> aokp = cm7
<pw> :)
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<RossWell98> Oo
<RossWell98> yes, sorry but for me, cm7 was a pile of shit to config :|
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<cio> hi there
<cio> I've just installed today nightly on ma gt-i9100 and doesn't boot
<cio> it's stuck on samsung galaxy sII letters
<cio> any advice?
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<cio> it doesn't work the vol up + power + home
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<RossWell98> cio: locked bootloader maybe
<cio> i had cyanogen nightly from last week
<cio> RosWell98 can I fix it without odin
<RossWell98> ah
<RossWell98> black screen ?
<RossWell98> bootloop ?
<cio> it's stuck on samsung letters
<RossWell98> oh
<RossWell98> bootloop :)
<cio> with vol down + power + home I can enter download mode
<RossWell98> It's the first time you flash ?
<cio> I thought bootloop was when cyanogen logo appeared and then restarted
<cio> no, I flash every week since 2 years ago :)
<RossWell98> maybe >.>
<RossWell98> maybe you've flashed a rom for other device
<cio> I don't think so, I used the cyan delta app
<cio> do you know that app?
<RossWell98> yes bot not tested
<RossWell98> but*
<cio> it downloads only the changes (about 15mb) instead of 150mb each time
<RossWell98> Oh good :o
<cio> and if the download goes wrong, it checks md5
<RossWell98> I compile cyanogenmod, not for me x)
<cio> ok, you win :)
<RossWell98> try to reflash a kernel with odin :/
<cio> ok, I'm gonna try it
<RossWell98> You have a kernel ?
<DuperMan> orly
<cio> no, which one must I download?
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<DuperMan> which device, =which rom?:P
<RossWell98> cio: i9100 or i9100G ?
<cio> i9100
<DuperMan> rom==normal nightly cm10.1?
<RossWell98> ?
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<DuperMan> cio: you said you flash weekly since about two years' time
<RossWell98> question, in ODIN we can flash directly a zImage ?
<cio> yes +Duperman
<cio> you can call me flashaholic
<cio> :)
<DuperMan> it suggests you might be on some exotic kang or aosp or aokp or pa intermittently with cm
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> been there. totally. WHAT ROMS U IS ON???
<RossWell98> cio: flashaholic ?
<cio> last year I played with kernels, like siyah, and roms like jelly bam
<DuperMan> just nightly to nightly cm? nand rewriting addict, RossWell98
<DuperMan> :P
<cio> but since january I'm always with cyanogen, stock kernel :)
<RossWell98> I flash day by day :/
<DuperMan> hotness :) so... what preceded the phone looping right after the bootloader?
<DuperMan> which indeed sounds like 'kernel ain't awesome'
<DuperMan> tried reverting to a build you know worked? (just 'upgrading' to it in cwm over the wonky one)
<RossWell98> cio: no problem with audio if you use the stock kernel ?
<cio> +Duperman, the problem is I can't enter recovery
<RossWell98> cio: your kernel is "dead"
<cio> Rosswel98 what problem with audio?
<RossWell98> in i9100 recovery is in kernel
<RossWell98> apparently
<RossWell98> low sound :/
<DuperMan> cio: first thing's first. I assume you make nandroid backups semi-regularly
<cio> not for me
<RossWell98> :/
<DuperMan> if they're on the sd take the sd out and back those up on the pc
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<RossWell98> cio: you're in cm-10.1 ?
<cio> yes RossWell
<RossWell98> you know how use ODIN ?
<DuperMan> if not, try and flash odin siyah (I remember it fondly from my i9100 days)
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<RossWell98> DuperMan: NOH ! Dorimanx ;)
<cio> yes RossWell
<DuperMan> then as soon as you're in recovery, - UGH ok :) I'm out of date, damn my n7100
<DuperMan> makes me not follow sgs2 things :(
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<DuperMan> I meant 'any decent kernel you aren't being a fanboy of when you say is unlikely to cause more damage :P
<RossWell98> I have a S2 :/
<DuperMan> '
<DuperMan> I do too. loved it. now my family loves it, I love n7100
<DuperMan> <3
<RossWell98> !device n7100
<clibot> RossWell98: Information for Samsung Galaxy Note 2: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/n7100_Info
<RossWell98> oh
<RossWell98> a note :/
<DuperMan> problem?:P
<RossWell98> phablet =! phone
<RossWell98> for me :/
<cio> Rosswell, from here ? http://dorimanx.suckup.de/download/
<DuperMan> yup. so?
<RossWell98> nono ^^"
<DuperMan> ^^
<DuperMan> it has wacom
<DuperMan> it blends
<DuperMan> it runs crysis
<RossWell98> :|
<DuperMan> I blended crysis on it once and the universe froze
<DuperMan> true story
<RossWell98> you love S2 ?
<cio> thanks rosswell
<DuperMan> hehe siayh-dorimanx? teh what?
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<RossWell98> dorimanx is a siyah based kernel :)
<Baskey> DuperMan: DUPEY
<DuperMan> pongster all the thin... no
<RossWell98> removed the bad
<RossWell98> added some good :)
<DuperMan> I can't say that :D
<DuperMan> there wasn't bad, he castrated it :(
<DuperMan> good thing kernels don't need balls
<RossWell98> My battery is a ARK reactor now with dorimanx :/
<DuperMan> undervolt
<DuperMan> or overclock less
<RossWell98> Syiah = 10h ; Dorimanx ) 45h
<DuperMan> :P
<RossWell98> problem?
<RossWell98> Yes yes I undervolt ^^
<DuperMan> or get note 2. they be cheap soon :(
<DuperMan> 45h sgs2? bs
<DuperMan> :|
<DuperMan> can't be
<RossWell98> I can x)
<DuperMan> pic or din't happen
<DuperMan> :PPP
<DuperMan> eh, you probably use your phone as... a phone.
<DuperMan> so 2004
<RossWell98> no
<RossWell98> internet etc etc
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<DuperMan> gprs is not internets
<DuperMan> silly rosswell
<RossWell98> I have the 3G+ :/
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<DuperMan> 45h of hspua+
<DuperMan> aha
<DuperMan> *hspda+
<DuperMan> dude. what batt?
<DuperMan> ery
<RossWell98> call it a "tweak" x)
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<RossWell98> stock
<DuperMan> I call it mugen. is the tweak cupcake?
<DuperMan> XD
<DuperMan> oh. could be some mean tasker-fu
<DuperMan> an aversion to background syncs
<DuperMan> cio_, you still haz a phone?
<cio_> +DuperMan I've just flashed dorimanx kernel
<DuperMan> cio_: boot to recovery, backup the backups to pc, backup the things
<cio_> I see the Dorimanx logo, but still stuck :(
<RossWell98> not maxi tweaks
<DuperMan> give it time. lately recoveries are taking ages to load
<DuperMan> blowing my mind RossWell98
<RossWell98> ??
<DuperMan> not joking. I can drain my n7100's 3100mah battery like it's chump change
<cio_> Hey, good news! I'm on dorimanx recovery :)
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<RossWell98> with the last version of dorimanx I have estimate 35-45h
<DuperMan> :D huzzah. back the stuff up
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<RossWell98> DuperMan: it's good for a SGS2 or not ? :|
<DuperMan> very good.
<RossWell98> and I took metro, bus, train etc
<DuperMan> I think my best run ever was under 40h, and I wasn't touching it
<RossWell98> If you want my profile for STweak no prob ;)
<DuperMan> nah, ain't using the sgs2 no more - went to my sis :)
<RossWell98> hehe
<cio_> I flashed the cyanogen rom that worked (0604) but still bootloop :(
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<RossWell98> SO !
<cio_> any advice?
<RossWell98> DL another cm rom xD
<DuperMan> it was my good deed for 2012 :P couldv'e sold it for ~260$
<DuperMan> cio_: did you back up the backups?
<DuperMan> ><
<RossWell98> OHHH
<DuperMan> it wasn't idle advice, just obvious advice
<RossWell98> DuperMan: you sold a phone to your sis ?!
<DuperMan> 1. have your backups on the pc
<cio_> I've got the backups on dropbox, so no problem if I hard reset
<DuperMan> 2. have your latest, not working, /data backed up
<DuperMan> 3. whatever
<DuperMan> 4. ????
<DuperMan> 5. PROFIT
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<DuperMan> RossWell98: gave it. couldv'e sold for that much
<RossWell98> try the today nightly
<DuperMan> hence 'good deed' :(
<cio_> but I don't know why it's not working with the same rom it was last week
<RossWell98> :/
<DuperMan> cio_: from recovery, format /system and /cache before flashing anew
<cio_> ok +DuperMan
<RossWell98> who wares backup when a phone is in panic ? >.>
<RossWell98> cares * :|
<DuperMan> my bejeweled score xD
<RossWell98> Hey you're voice :o
<DuperMan> boo
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<DuperMan> cio_: are you wiping cache and dalvik cache between boots/flashes?
<cio_> yes +DuperMan
<RossWell98> cio_: you have access to the recovery now ?
<cio_> yes RossWell98, with dorimanx kernel
<DuperMan> he does until he flashes cm
<RossWell98> dont wipe :)
<RossWell98> when you flash cm
<RossWell98> flash this after
<RossWell98> dorimanx.shine.sk/kernels-jb-new-mali-cm/Kernel_Siyah-Dorimanx-V9.13-%5B23-32%5D-%5B03-04%5D-JB-CM-AOKP-SGII-PWR-CORE.zip
<cio_> so, what should I do?
<RossWell98> without reboot ;)
<DuperMan> dance like your life depended on it
<cio_> ok, I'm gonna flash it
<RossWell98> We will see if the kernel of CM is not dist by your phone
<RossWell98> digest*
<DuperMan> btw, does it freeze or loops after the samsung logo when you try to go to cm recovery?
<RossWell98> it can only work :/
<DuperMan> it will, probably. my bet is 'internal and external storage mixup'
<RossWell98> If the kernel have a problem you will be a message like "WELCOME TO MY NIGHTMARE..." with a skeleton in a chair in hell
<DuperMan> on 'why'
<RossWell98> ??
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<DuperMan> trying to think why it loops at handover from bootloader to kernel
<RossWell98> CM kernel ^^
<DuperMan> yup
<RossWell98> but why ...
<RossWell98> CM kernel is safe :/
<DuperMan> should see if it boots to android with doriyah :P
<RossWell98> yes ^^
<DuperMan> probably a kinky system.prop
<RossWell98> He flash CM and after dorimanx
<RossWell98> ah what
<DuperMan> or something odd in /data
<RossWell98> doriyah ?
<cio_> Rosswell98 you've got it! I see cm10 logo! :D
<DuperMan> even could be a 'magic' folder in either internal or external storage
<RossWell98> ^^
<DuperMan> :)
<RossWell98> cio_: he boot or he lag ? :)
<DuperMan> dorimanx/siyah:P
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<RossWell98> cio_: http://get.cm/get/79J << flash it now
<RossWell98> please
<RossWell98> without dorimanx
<cio_> it's stuck on cm logo :(
<DuperMan> cio_: GIVE IT TIME
<cio_> but I'm downloading todays build
<RossWell98> oh
<DuperMan> ~10 minutes to be 'sorta sure'
<RossWell98> 10 minutes it's long for cio_
<cio_> ok +Duperman, I'll wait
<DuperMan> is setcpu or something similar installed and set to apply settings?
<RossWell98> cio_: you've wipped ?
<cio_> haha RossWell98 :)
<cio_> yes RossWell98
<RossWell98> ahhh
<DuperMan> :) thought you said 'long for dori'. lol indeed
<cio_> dalvik and cache
<RossWell98> ok :|
<RossWell98> cio_: no regret ?
<DuperMan> hey, wasn't wiping those what you said he shouldn't do this time?
<DuperMan> O:)
<RossWell98> ...
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<cio_> ops :)
<cio_> still cm logo dancing....
<RossWell98> dancing ?
<DuperMan> doubt it mattered, they were wiped and half built at least 20 times since you started getting the loop
<DuperMan> hyperspacing
<RossWell98> He lag or the animation is normal ?
<RossWell98> DuperMan: ?
<RossWell98> what
<DuperMan> is the little man in the sliders epr bridge choppy?
<cio_> the animation is normal
<RossWell98> ok
<DuperMan> ^ the dalvik and normal caches were wiped before iirc
<RossWell98> Oh yes
<RossWell98> cio_: you've wiped the dalvik cacheN
<RossWell98> ? *
<RossWell98> in advanced
<RossWell98> return to recovery
<cio_> yes RossWell98
<RossWell98> oh ok :/
<cio_> shouldn't I?
<DuperMan> he did, he gets to recovery but not to android. I say 'advanced restore' and restore boot, then system
<DuperMan> to known good date
<DuperMan> if not helping, full restore
<RossWell98> never had problems with my SGS2 ...
<cio_> I've just downloaded today's build, I do first what +Duperman says?
<DuperMan> no, first try flashing today's
<DuperMan> brb
<RossWell98> already flashed the today nightly
<RossWell98> brb too
<RossWell98> dishes
<cio_> I had flashed today's build trough cyandelta app
<cio_> now I'm flashing from official link
<cio_> again stuck on samsung logo :(
<cio_> should I try the advanced restore now?
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<RossWell98> yes
<cio_> I can enter cm10 recovery
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<RossWell98> and stop flashing with apps x)
<RossWell98> Cyandelta need reboot ?
<Baskey> yes
<RossWell98> mh
<Baskey> I'm using CyanDelta and everything's fine
<cio_> I'm sorry, but where can I find the advanced restore?
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<RossWell98> backup and restore
<cio_> ok
<cio_> It says Couldn't open directory
<cio_> should I mount something before?
<RossWell98> :|
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<RossWell98> try "advanced restore from internal sdcard"
<cio_> the same
<RossWell98> Oo
<cio_> :(
<RossWell98> How it's possible
<cio_> sounds a hard reset?
<DuperMan> you said backups on dropbox
<cio_> I'm open to suggestions :)
<DuperMan> them being titanium?
<DuperMan> ><
<DuperMan> a. storage and mounts - > mount sdcard, mount extsd
<cio_> yes, data shouldn't be a big problem, it's on sd and on dropbox
<DuperMan> try again
<cio_> yes, titanium backup
<DuperMan> cio_: we assumed you had nandroid (i.e cwm or teamwin) backups
<DuperMan> we assumed incorrectly.
<DuperMan> :)
<Jiangyi> Aw man, that's pretty darn good.
<cio_> I did a cwm backup long time ago
<Jiangyi> Although refurbished + only in America :-P
<DuperMan> RossWell98: funny, I think I miss automated cwm backups the most from my sgs2/note 1
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: nooooo I used my last monies to buy cheap ereader
<DuperMan> :(
<cio_> +DuperMan it says unmount / sdcard, so I assume it's already mounted
<DuperMan> cio_: quite so. tried shutting down all the things and putting the sd in pc with card reader?
<DuperMan> to make sure your things are as backed up as can be
<cio_> ok +DuperMan
<RossWell98> I want a Nexus 4 for $100 ...
<DuperMan> I won't a Nexus for four 100$
<cio_> +DuperMan, my files are there
<DuperMan> cio_: back them up.....
<DuperMan> -_-
<DuperMan> you're not unlikely to format that sd soon hehe
<cio_> backing up...
<DuperMan> after you back the whole sd up to your pc, place something flashable in it's root to make sure the current recovery is seeing it well
<DuperMan> i.e able to mount it
<DuperMan> make sure it's something you don't already have on the internal storage of course
<cio_> ok
<RossWell98> seriously, why samsung integrated recovery into the kernel ...
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<cio_> Ok, so I format microsd and put only todays build?
<RossWell98> DuperMan ?
<DuperMan> here-ish
<DuperMan> why format so soon? we can try booting without it first
<DuperMan> :D
<cio_> ok
<cio_> thanks for your help, but it's still on bootloop :(
<RossWell98> ha
<RossWell98> it works only with dorimanx ?
<cio_> I must go to have dinner, one last tought before full reset?
<cio_> with dorimanx appears the logo, but doesn't enter to android system
<RossWell98> try a old nightly
<cio_> I can enter to the cm10 recovery now
<RossWell98> ok
<RossWell98> codeworkx ?
<cio_> I've just tried one from february, but still samsung letters
<RossWell98> :/
<RossWell98> EMMC not dammaged ?
<RossWell98> what you mean by "full reset" ?
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<cio> I don't think emmc is damaged
<cio> but I don't know what else I could do except full reset
<DuperMan> bbl
<RossWell98> and you've formated /system /data and /cache ?
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<RossWell98> format this
<RossWell98> and reboot into recovery
<RossWell98> and flash the last CM
<RossWell98> do again a wipe data
<RossWell98> and cache
<RossWell98> and in advanced
<RossWell98> do a wipe dalvik cache
<RossWell98> fix permissions
<RossWell98> and reboot
<RossWell98> if it does not... not understand ...
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<RossWell98> ok ._.
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<RossWell98> cio ?
<cio> I'm sorry, I'm having internet problems
<RossWell98> x)
<cio> could you paste your last comments, please
<RossWell98> You have important files in you internal SDCARD ?
<cio> I've just backup them
<RossWell98> Oh ok
<RossWell98> go to the recovery
<RossWell98> in mount and storage
<RossWell98> format /cache
<RossWell98> format /system
<RossWell98> format /data
<cio> done
<RossWell98> in advanced
<RossWell98> do "reboot recovery"
<RossWell98> flash the last Cyanogenmod nightly
<cio> done
<RossWell98> do a "wipe data /factory reset"
<RossWell98> and a "wipe cache partition"
<RossWell98> in advanced again
<RossWell98> "wipe dalvik cache"
<RossWell98> and "fix permissions"
<cio> done
<RossWell98> now
<cio> reboot?
<RossWell98> reboot system now
<RossWell98> yes
<cio> cm logo now....
<RossWell98> good
<RossWell98> it works
<RossWell98> I love do anything
<RossWell98> leave your phone 5-10 min
<RossWell98> :)
<RossWell98> Ok
<RossWell98> OK
<RossWell98> \o*/
<RossWell98> now flash gapps and other ;)
<cio> thank you!
<RossWell98> np
<cio> If you ever come to Spain, you have some beers waiting for you both :D
<RossWell98> >.>
<RossWell98> too young to drink beers
<cio> It's been a pleasure talking to you
<cio> well, a paella then :D
<RossWell98> xD
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<RossWell98> remember
<cio> thanks again and good night!
<RossWell98> do anything :)
<RossWell98> good night o/
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<RossWell98> DuperMan: SOLVED ! :D
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<delete> !changelog p3110
<clibot> delete: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (Wifi): http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#p3110/cm10/latest
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<MadMax1803> Hello, have a GT-I9100 Galaxy S2 (int) version with Cyanogenmod 9, today i installed newest kernel and CM10. nigthly from today, now i have the network lock, and i found now way to unlock!!
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<codeworkx> did you remove the network lock with any of those apps?
<codeworkx> or did you buy it without lock?
<MadMax1803> i by it without network lock and original stock rom, then i installed the CM9 stable with codworkx kernel 6.0.5, and have now problem
<|NIght|> simple enough to remvoe network look when you are root
<codeworkx> simple enough to break efs too
<MadMax1803> network lock comes today if i installed the newes kernel and CM10.1 nightly
<MadMax1803> thx for answer, i will test it, a moment pls
<|NIght|> :)
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<MadMax1803> i tested: first superuser rights, 1. backup - ok. 2.ste 2 change lock-bytes for unlock - app crashes
<|NIght|> try a differnt app, there are several on google paly
<MadMax1803> i read today about this nv_data.bin changing, i test it
frank-food4reals is now known as frankdrey
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<MadMax1803> changing nv_data. bin dont work:(
<MadMax1803> i found out that the hex code after reboot is again 01 NOT 00
<MadMax1803> i tried to copy direct and copy with the terminal
<MadMax1803> have anyone a other idea?
<MadMax1803> i heared that the SiyahKernel was good, is that a change to get the sim lock away?
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<MadMax1803> no one?
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<|NIght|> codeworkx: do you know of any way to have Galaxy S3 act as a nfc chip? retransmith an card i have copied?
<MadMax1803> does anyone know how i get the SIM-lock unlocked GT-I9100
<|NIght|> check xda thread i linked to
<MadMax1803> @night thankx i checked, the thread ist good, but changing NV-data.bin doesn't work
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<|NIght|> you sure you are network locked?
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<|NIght|> if that does not work there is something alse wrong
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<MadMax1803> my SIM card will not be accepted, if i flashed today new kernel and CM10.1
<MadMax1803> i entered PIN, than he will network unlock code
<MadMax1803> i am confused, i didn't change anything! wiped, factory reset, flash
<MadMax1803> can i flash other kernel, if this helps? like siyah
<|NIght|> give it a try
<MadMax1803> ok, (if i go from stock kernel to cyanogenmod 9.0 stable i do the same and have no lock)
<|NIght|> siyah does not support cm10.1
<MadMax1803> oO any idea?
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<MadMax1803> i found the homepage: http://www.gokhanmoral.com/?cat=5 home key is fixed. now it works both in recovery as well as CM10.1 and Samsung ROMs
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<MadMax1803_> disconnect
<MadMax1803_> i flashed siyahKernel
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<MadMax1803_> no way - SIM network unlock PIN
<MadMax1803_> @ night do you have any idea for me?
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<Jiangyi> Hmm...
<Jiangyi> Could be nice :-P
<MadMax1803_> GT-I9100 SIM network unlock PIN, does anyone have this problem also?
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<|NIght|> Jiangyi i have SD card buit in :P
<|NIght|> sowhats the neeed
<Jiangyi> |Night|: Good for Nexus devices
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<|NIght|> true
<Jiangyi> Except N4 that is.
<|NIght|> but im pretty sure those things cose like 50cent to make
<|NIght|> :P
<Jiangyi> Probably.
<|NIght|> they even look cheap
<|NIght|> im sure they also smell cheap
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<|NIght|> lol
<|NIght|> One-week atance notice will eb given,
<|NIght|> to travel to china
<|NIght|> you need longer than that just to get visa approved
<Jiangyi> I wouldn't want to go either ways, considering I come from China xD
<|NIght|> hehe
<|NIght|> can you cheap me some fireworks
<|NIght|> the stuff you make is alot more phone
<|NIght|> fun
<|NIght|> then aht toys iget here
<|NIght|> last time i made my own police was pissed
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<|NIght|> who said i cant use 500 grams of gunpowder in one rocket
<|NIght|> :P
<|NIght|> it was a big bada boom (if you get that your good) atleast
<|NIght|> btw do you know anyway i can retransmited stored NFC cards on my phone? use my phone as nfc card to access work and such
<|NIght|> morrans just use the serial of the nfc card to allow access, and left the card open so i can copy it and write my own stuff to it
<waratte> clear
<|NIght|> clear?
<waratte> I forgot my slanted bar symbol. :P
<|NIght|> why clear
<|NIght|> log everything
<|NIght|> i have abotu 5GB of irc logs
<|NIght|> it makes for fun stats
<waratte> I do log everything, but my client gets slow if I keep them all on the screen.
<|NIght|> hehe
<|NIght|> ah
<|NIght|> ANdroirc is crap
<|NIght|> :P
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<waratte> Nou, it's the best.
<|NIght|> it keeps diconnecting me
<waratte> Not it's fault.
<|NIght|> hehe
<|NIght|> i have redundant internet connection
<|NIght|> no other device goes oflnie
<waratte> :o?
<Thiagovfar> Why so much trouble?
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<|NIght|> 200mbit fiberoptic + 50mbit vdsl
<waratte> Wow, that sounds like it's something good.
<Thiagovfar> He lives inside a server farm. Just sayin'
<|NIght|> free space: 7208.98/33532.9 GB (21.5%)
<waratte> o.o
<|NIght|> that should explain it
<|NIght|> :P
<Jiangyi> ._.
<|NIght|> i hsot the internet
<|NIght|> :P
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<waratte> I wish I could host the Internet. ._.
<|NIght|> hehe
<MadMax1803_> GT-I9100 SIM network unlock PIN, does anyone have this problem also?
<|NIght|> nop
<|NIght|> no idea waht you did
<MadMax1803_> :(
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<frankdrey> MadMax1803_, buy unlock code?
<MadMax1803_> buy?
<MadMax1803_> this galaxy was buyed unlocked, i dont understand why this is gone
<frankdrey> ask old owner for unlock PIN
<MadMax1803_> thats an idea, but i think he will want to know will the phone is locked
<frankdrey> so?
<frankdrey> why should he care?
<frankdrey> are you borrowing / did you buy?
<frankdrey> if the first, just make up some BS about how it relocks with new SIMs, depending on how smart he is xD
<MadMax1803_> buy, but i think he will know that i have flashed something,...
<frankdrey> so? it's yours
<frankdrey> he won't care
<frankdrey> it's not illegal to flash stuff
<MadMax1803_> not?
<frankdrey> ofcourse not
<frankdrey> android is open source man!
<MadMax1803_> ok
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<frankdrey> i've seen Google's lead Android dev give tips to CyanogenMod :P
<|NIght|> oh?
<|NIght|> about
<frankdrey> Cm stats
<frankdrey> on how to get unique and safe identifiers
<Thiagovfar> !geo user MadMax1803_
<clibot> Thiagovfar: Error resolving ip for host gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<|NIght|> thats why they moved to google analytics?
<Thiagovfar> !geo host
<clibot> Thiagovfar: {country: "Austria", region: "Oberosterreich", city: "Stadl-paura", latlong: {48.083298, 13.866699}, time: "Thu 01:10 CEST"}
<frankdrey> they did?:o
<Thiagovfar> frankdrey: yes
<|NIght|> yeah
<Thiagovfar> MadMax1803_: I too had that issue
<Thiagovfar> MadMax1803_: There's an app that can give you the unlock code
<MadMax1803_> ok, i look
<frankdrey> Thiagovfar, seems like he's already tried. I think it would be easiest to ask previous owner :)
<|NIght|> mm
<Thiagovfar> I have to say, that sim lock thing scared the hell out of me
<Thiagovfar> There are no sim locked phones down here in Brazil.
<MadMax1803_> good for you!
<MadMax1803_> i hate this lock
<Thiagovfar> You can sell phones on contract, but can't sell them locked.
<MadMax1803_> i found many things today, but nothing help
<Thiagovfar> Then, some CM nightly sim-locked it. I was all like WTF
<MadMax1803_> i think so
<MadMax1803_> i dont made a backup........................
<Thiagovfar> Oh, restoring backups didn't solve the issue for me. Had to get a code.
<MadMax1803_> but the code must be in one of the files i think
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<Thiagovfar> The code itself isn't stored on the phone, I guess.
<MadMax1803_> and where he will verify the code wenn i have it?
<MadMax1803_> with galaxy S1 there should be the trick with the NV-data.bin
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<Thiagovfar> Ah, my friend, there are algorithms to verify that, even without having the actual code stored.
<waratte> Indeed.
<Thiagovfar> You should be able to get the code from the original carrier of the phone.
<MadMax1803_> ok thank you
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<Thiagovfar> did you see this one?
<MadMax1803_> no, a moment
<MadMax1803_> this is difficult, but i tried the app he discribe in his signature, it not worked
<Thiagovfar> Didn't work how?
<Thiagovfar> Did it refuse to run or tried but couldn't crack the code?
<MadMax1803_> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.chainfire.sgs2simunlockcode; app crashing after a while of searching
<Thiagovfar> Well, if the app is crashing after a while, the method described on the thread could still work.
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<Thiagovfar> nv_data.bin has a lot of sensitive info, doesn't it?
<MadMax1803_> what he mean with Put the hash into the BF exe for example:-
<Thiagovfar> BF = Brute Force
<MadMax1803_> whats that?
<Thiagovfar> It will start trying to crack the code by testing every possible password
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<MadMax1803_> i dont understand this, its very difficult
<Thiagovfar> Can you understand it until point 5?
<MadMax1803_> yes, he write put the hash from 0,,,, there are many signs
<MadMax1803_> i have complete other signs . like FF FF FF FF 00 00
<Thiagovfar> You have to look at the given address
<MadMax1803_> yes i know, but at the first adress 0x18146e i have other signs
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<Thiagovfar> MadMax1803_: Well, that's expected...
<MadMax1803_> second address i only have FF , the other adresses i dont have
<Thiagovfar> The addresses are very close one from the other
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<Thiagovfar> does the file ends soon after 18146e?
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<MadMax1803_> FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 35 C7 thats the row of00181460
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<Thiagovfar> Next row?
<MadMax1803_> nex row i havent
<MadMax1803_> 00181470 8A DF FC 6F 28 95 40 8F FA 69 0A C3 E5 FB D0 BC
<Thiagovfar> The file ends there?
<MadMax1803_> i cant find this 0x18146e (20 bytes), 0x18148e, 0x1814ae, 0x1814ce, 0x1814ee
<Thiagovfar> details, details
<Thiagovfar> that looks like the data
<Thiagovfar> could you post rows 00181460h through 00181510h? Don't spam the channel, tho, post it somewhere and give us a link.