xplodwild changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT http://irclog.whitequark.org/teamhacksung-support/
<Bert___> I guess I will just wait for Sammy to put out 4.2.2...........................................
<frankdrey> good luck
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<Bert___> Is Pie / Extended desktop known to be working / not working on latest CM for P7510?
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<Jiangyi> Daaaaaamn
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<bns2000> so maybe someone on here will know. What file systems dose cyanogenmod support on sd cards?
<bns2000> I can tell that is does not support ntfs or exfat
<Thracky> ext4, fat32
<Thracky> no exfat cause licensing is 300k minimum :P
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<bns2000> hmm ext4 supports over 4gb files right?
<EgotisticalElf_> for sure
<bns2000> k last question does windows and mac support reading it :-D
<EgotisticalElf_> only via MTP
<EgotisticalElf_> and directly w/ plugins / extensions
<EgotisticalElf_> mac may directly since it is already unix based
<bns2000> hmmm ok Thank you very much sir for the help
<bns2000> both of yall :-D
<bns2000> Hope yall have a Wonderful Night or Day :-D
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<CrimsonRaiden> sup beautiful people
<CrimsonRaiden> wow i miss this irc
<CrimsonRaiden> nebkat: ya there buddy?
<CrimsonRaiden> Well anyways i have a question
<CrimsonRaiden> i have a GT-i9100 and the storage is 16Gb with 2Gb main memory
<CrimsonRaiden> but for some reason ever since the latest CM roms, it thinks i only have 2Gb internal storage and separated from my 16Gb memory
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<neroon> do i get fm radio app with cm10.1 on international gs3 i9300
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<Kihokki> Why that neroon guy didn't use Google
<Kihokki> Why they are so lazy
<Kihokki> Why
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<CrimsonRaiden> Well anyways i have a question
<CrimsonRaiden> i have a GT-i9100 and the storage is 16Gb with 2Gb main memory
<CrimsonRaiden> but for some reason ever since the latest CM roms, it thinks i only have 2Gb internal storage and separated from my 16Gb memory
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<Kihokki> Umm I think that's the way it should be. How it should be then?
<Kihokki> Do you mean that that 16Gb memory should be a directory inside your internal storage?
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<CrimsonRaiden> yea
<CrimsonRaiden> i mean its using my main memory
<CrimsonRaiden> as the disk memory
<Kihokki> You want your apps to that 16Gb?
<frankdrey> what's up?
<Kihokki> Have slept for three hours. I would have a biology exam right now but I called my teacher that I'm going to do it a little later next week
<Kihokki> She is awesome <3
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<frankdrey> :o
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: JANGGIE
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<Ze0n> question ....i just downloaded the cm10 rom for GT-N7105 ... i keep on trying to flash it but ...it always ends with twerp saying error
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<cmm-t> hi, I am on gsII with CM 10.1 lastest nightly.
<cmm-t> since a while I have /data/log full of .log that flood my device memory. I have to delete all of them so often. Is there a way to disable this ? I was thinking to chmod the folder, but I don't want a crash
<cmm-t> (I wanted to ask on #cm but I don't have my credential right now (needed to join the channel)
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<Muddy> I'm getting errors when trying to flash to the nightlies on my i9305t
<Muddy> have been attempting it from the ext sd card
<Muddy> so am about to attempt from internal
<Muddy> will post up the error if it happens again
<Muddy> it's an assert failed error
<Muddy> anyone around?
<angelsl> what build are you trying to flash?
<Muddy> 20130401
<Muddy> tried 0402 but was same
<angelsl> wait, i9305t?
<Muddy> yea it's apparently an Australian thing?
<angelsl> okay, so supposedly i9305 and i9305t are just the same device with (??) different radio chipset?
<Muddy> yep
<angelsl> i'd warn against flashing a build not for exactly your model
<angelsl> but if you wish, disable asserts and try flashing again
<Muddy> tried that
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<Muddy> it's a bunch of getprop("ro.build.product") =="i9305
<Muddy> it's a bunch of getprop("ro.build.product") =="i9305" etc
<angelsl> i know
<angelsl> you could flash a i9305 bootimage
<angelsl> because that's what you'll be getting anyway
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<Muddy> ok i'll give that a shot
<Muddy> thanks :)
<angelsl> please be careful
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<Muddy> I made a bunch of backups etc and have the stock rom in case
<angelsl> meh, as long as you don't screw up your partition table and bootloader you should be safe
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<Muddy> meh, cant seem to find one that will install, it's nearly 1am here so think I will try again after some sleep..
<Muddy> thanks for your advice though
<Muddy> GTab worked easilyt so decided to attack phone while I was at it.
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<eric__> !supported Samsung
<clibot> eric__: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<eric__> !download p5113
<clibot> eric__: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (Wifi): http://get.cm/get/jenkins/11920/cm-10-20121106-NIGHTLY-p5113.zip [d9de51]
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<jomp16> eric__, use P5110 builds...
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<frogfire_> !changelog i9300
<clibot> frogfire_: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S III: http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#i9300/cm10/latest
<GeoPrey> I want to ask how to make USB File Transfer option? Because now my PC recognizes my SGS2 like Portable Media Player :S
<frogfire_> you still working on cam?
<frogfire_> @ i9300
<frogfire_> preview dont worj
<frogfire_> @ main cam app and whatsapp
<frogfire_> !download i9300
<clibot> frogfire_: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S III: http://get.cm/get/jenkins/23999/cm-10.1-20130402-NIGHTLY-i9300.zip [3e96c7]
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<GeoPrey> and how I need to turn off Keyboard vibration on key pressing?
<frogfire_> thats normal
<frogfire_> android 4.x use MTP
<GeoPrey> But it's a bit uncomfortable for me, other ROMs had USB File Transfer option :S
<pawitp> GeoPrey: Settings -> Storage -> Menu -> USB Computer Connection; if mass storage is available, it'd appear there
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<Krazar> !supported Samsung
<clibot> Krazar: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
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<frogfire_> thx
<frogfire_> i tried nightly
<frogfire_> worked their
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<danielbrr> oi, hi
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<danielbrr> hi
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<GeoPrey> Okay, I fixed USB mass storage problem, thanks for that
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<GeoPrey> but now I have 2 more little problems :S it's phone vibration of key pressing and screen turning off animation (blink), how to turn these 2 off?
<danielbrr> hey GeoPrey, I have a doubt, can you help me?
<GeoPrey> with what>
<RedShift> search around in the menu's
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<RedShift> vib keypress is a setting of the keyboard
<RedShift> screen off animation depends on your rom
<GeoPrey> I'm using CM 10.1
<danielbrr> I have installed android 2.3.6 with root and kernel semaphore. is the version of clockworkmod I need to be installing another kernel or package cyanohemmod 10 already comes with the new kernel?
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<GeoPrey> Any help in disabling screen off animation? :S
<RedShift> its in the menus
<RedShift> *it's
<RedShift> oh, looks like that has changed
<GeoPrey> I searched whole setting and didn't found anything about disabling it, but thanks for the link
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<yu> !changelog i9100
<clibot> yu: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II: http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#i9100/cm10/latest
<Thracky> Jiangyi: you see TSI's new pricing?
<Thracky> Jiangyi: 50/10 unlimited DSL is cheaper than 30/2 unlimited cable. makes total sense.
<Thracky> too bad I'd have to pay for dry loop also.
<Thracky> and modem rental :|
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<Chuck_Bartowski> !changelog nozomi
<clibot> Chuck_Bartowski: Changelog for Sony Xperia S: http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#nozomi/cm10/latest
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<SenorHeff> !device
<SenorHeff> How many modems are available for Samsung Galaxy SII (GT-1900T)? I currently have "radio-cm-10-i9100-LQ6-signed".
<SenorHeff> I have issues with my wifi, which I have seen others have too. I cannot change the router settings as it is not my router, and I was wondering if flashing a different modem would help.
<RedShift> senorheff: getril
<RedShift> it's in the play store
<SenorHeff> Thank you!
<SenorHeff> I'll check that out :)
<SenorHeff> Have to go now
<SenorHeff> Il
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<SenorHeff> I'll be back later
<SenorHeff> Bye and thanks again :)
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<diegoviola> hi
<diegoviola> i9100g here
<diegoviola> i have a i9100g running cm 10.1
<diegoviola> is there a way to flash the bootloader from stock *only*
<diegoviola> without having to flash full stock
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<diegoviola> reason i want to do this is that i want the jb bootloader
<diegoviola> cuz i get some image corruption when the device is turned on
<RedShift> I suppose you could extract the necessary part from the original firmware image
<RedShift> (you can get them at samfirmware.com)
<RedShift> and flash it with the right combination of odin wizardry
<codeworkx> diegoviola: see cm xda thread. should be linked there
<RedShift> the stock firmware comes in a tar format so you should be able to open that with any extraction tool
<RedShift> 7zip
<DvineLord> image corruption? i had a p505 for a few weeks that can use p500 roms only problem is it causes image distortion because it uses different graphics drivers. does the i9100g have the same issue?
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<KaZo58> whats wrong with my device or is it nightlies? hardcore laggy. takes +30 seconds to open a whatsapp chat
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<KaZo58> using ondemand governor
<diegoviola> codeworkx: ty
<DvineLord> disable facebook and maps
<DvineLord> =)
<DvineLord> you turn on force hardware and disable hw overlays?
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<Seraphic> evening all
<Seraphic> does anyone know of a fix for the poor bluetooth performance using the latest 10.1 nightly on the i9300?
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<Jiangyi> Thracky: Yeah I heard, totally jealous
* Jiangyi has to pay the same if he switches
<Thracky> main issue with dsl is no speed guarantee and you have to use their crappy modem/router
<Jiangyi> Yep
<Jiangyi> Last time I had Primus DSL, I only got 5mbps :-/
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<Chuck_Bartowski> !supported sony
<clibot> Chuck_Bartowski: Supported sony devices: anzu,aoba,coconut,es209ra,haida,hallon,hikari,iyokan,mango,mimmi,mint,nozomi,robyn,satsuma,shakira,smultron,urushi,zeus,zeusc
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<g_byers> xplodwild or nebkat you sent me an email, got the update and nothing, is their a client update also?
<xplodwild> was me
<xplodwild> yup the client is updated too
<g_byers> nothing :/
* waratte sets mode(s) -o Jiangyi
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<diegoviola> codeworkx: just updated the bootloader on the i9100g, worked great, ty
<diegoviola> s/updated/flashed/g
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<nebkat> waratte: wat
DJClean has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
<waratte> Yep, yep.
slainer68 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<nebkat> waratte: did u just troll or wat
<nebkat> because you did a real good job
DrDank has joined #teamhacksung-support
<DrDank> Hey fellas.. Im stumped.. Anyone had any experience with softbricked Galaxy S 2 Epic 4 G Touch? (Sprint) SPH-D710
<DrDank> Its powering on by its self while charging.. and Odin is not recongizing it. (and yes I have drivers installed and everything.. This is the tower I rooted and flashed roms with) --- Phone was fine... let a friend use it while I was locked up.. DIDNT THINK he would delete the files off my sdcard.. (backup/restore) apparently he did.. and now I'm stuck in a bootloop when the phone
<DrDank> is charged.. I can get into download mode but Odin doesnt recongize it for me to flash anything to it.. --- Any suggestions??