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<apeiros> csguest: I'd prefer if you'd use different vocabulary
<csguest> im sorry it just helps aid in the learning process to use silly variables
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<csguest> what is =>
<csguest> i for the life of me cant find it
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<Coraline> Hashrocket
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<csguest> hello
<csguest> how can I do such voodoo with a hash map?
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<Scriptonaut> Hi y'all. I'm messing around with the ncurses-ruby gem. A lot of it is wayyy too C-like, I'm trying to make it more ruby like (for example, when a method takes a pointer, I'm trying to override that method to just return the values rather than modify the pointers). However, it doesn't seem to be overriding it correctly. The top file is my app, and it's breaking on line 15, because it says I'm calling the method with 0 arguments when it takes 3. The bo
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<Scriptonaut> I thought in ruby, this was how you overrode methods
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<GraveLlama> Java
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<Scriptonaut> GraveLlama: is that in response to m
<Scriptonaut> me*
<GraveLlama> no
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<GraveLlama> #include <iostream> using namespace; intmain() { string name =""; int age = 0; cout << "Enter your name: \n"; cin > return0; )
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<GraveLlama> rBUY
<GraveLlama> RUBY
<GraveLlama> RUBY SHELL
<GraveLlama> ruby riding on the rails on the way to hell
<pontiki> !ops
<ruboto> fflush, apeiros, banisterfiend, seanstickle, zzak, Mon_Ouie, Radar, Havenn, jhass, sevenseacat, miah, workmad3, Coraline, drbrain, zenspider, slyphon, rubyhacker1, ljarvis, Aria, baweaver, Adaedra
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<apeiros> GraveLlama: stop it.
<Scriptonaut> Can somebody help me understand how 'super' works with modules?
<apeiros> Scriptonaut: take a look at .ancestors of the class in question
<Scriptonaut> I am trying to override a module method, however when I call super in that method, it says, there is no such superclass method "mymethod"
<apeiros> super works its way through it from "left" to "right"
<Scriptonaut> Ya, I'm well versed in the method lookup hierarchy
<Scriptonaut> let me gist my code
<apeiros> obviously you're lacking something ;-)
<apeiros> that'd help
<Scriptonaut> on line 15 of the first file, I call the method
<Scriptonaut> I attempt to override it in the second file, and it's saying there is no superclass method 'getmaxyx'
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<apeiros> you extend after calling super?
<Scriptonaut> yes, because initsrc adds a bunch of methods to the Ncurses module
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<Scriptonaut> I'm trying to override one of those freshly added methods
<apeiros> Ncurses.initscr does?
<Scriptonaut> yes
<apeiros> well
<apeiros> you just killed it
<Scriptonaut> killed what?
<csguest> is it possible to pass a global variable
<apeiros> module Ncurses; def self.initscr; # <- this removes the old Ncurses.initscr
<csguest> lol
<csguest> like using this global variables in this function'
<apeiros> csguest: if globals is the answer, you're asking the wrong question.
<Scriptonaut> damn
<Scriptonaut> so is there no way to override the method and eat my cake too
<Scriptonaut> I suppose I'll have to rename initscr
<apeiros> there's prepend
<apeiros> and there's doing it the way rails' alias_method_chain works.
<Scriptonaut> prepend wouldn't work would it, because it's still dynamically adding these methods
<csguest> idk
<csguest> it was just prettier
<csguest> :(
<apeiros> prepend would work in that it keeps the original initscr.
<apeiros> and that you could call super.
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<Scriptonaut> so, change my getmaxyx to self.getmaxyx, then prepend
<Scriptonaut> I'll try it
<apeiros> um, no
<Scriptonaut> isn't prepend like include?
<Scriptonaut> this is a method on the module
<apeiros> yes. extend is include on the singleton_class.
<apeiros> and prepend works like include, except for the order in the hierarchy.
<Scriptonaut> yes
<Scriptonaut> so wouldn't I need to change it to def self.getmaxyx
<Scriptonaut> otherwise the method wouldn't be set on the module
<apeiros> say… getmaxyx is (without your module) Ncurses.getmaxyx?
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<Scriptonaut> yes apeiros
<apeiros> uhm, then your approach is even broken in two places
<Scriptonaut> dang
<Scriptonaut> care to explain both :)
<apeiros> Class.singleton_class > Class.extend Module
<apeiros> check ancestry.
<apeiros> Ncurses.getmaxyx would have to call super for your RealRubyNcurses#getmaxyx to get called.
<apeiros> not the other way round
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<apeiros> and the other I already explained - you kill the method you want to super into.
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<apeiros> so I think all you have to do is: class << Ncurses; prepend RealRubyNcurses; end
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<GraveLlama> why is there no ruby .net
<Scriptonaut> I will poke around with it, thank you apeiros
<apeiros> !mute GraveLlama wrong place for random nonsense.
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<csguest> well shit
<csguest> why is there no ruby.net
<apeiros> there was ironruby. but afaik it's unmaintained and stuck on ruby 1.8.6 level.
<apeiros> seems to do what you want.
<eam> probably not a lot of overlap with folks who like ruby, and folks who like windows
<csguest> you know you can locally bind
<csguest> in scheme
<csguest> like let dope 5
<csguest> and if you call a function, it has access to dope
<csguest> can you do that in ruby
<apeiros> csguest: with define_method, yes
<apeiros> blocks are closures
<csguest> whats it called?
<csguest> define_method?
<apeiros> as far as I understood (not a schemer), it works slightly different, though.
<csguest> that == let?
<apeiros> no
<csguest> oh
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<apeiros> you define the method that way
<apeiros> and because you can define a method using a block with it, you can close over local variables.
<apeiros> check its docs.
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<Scriptonaut> so class << self, sets the self to B for all the methods prepended in module A apeiros ?
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<apeiros> Scriptonaut: sorry, almost asleep. I guess you should brush up your knowledge on how ruby's class system works after all ;-)
<Scriptonaut> I'm still learning, I'm like 1/3 way through the well grounded rubyist
<apeiros> `class << obj; …; end` opens the singleton_class of obj
<apeiros> i.e., self within that block is equal? to obj.singleton_class
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<Scriptonaut> ah
<apeiros> which is where "class" methods reside
<Scriptonaut> I see
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<apeiros> (quotes because there isn't really any such thing as class methods - there's only instance methods in ruby)
<Scriptonaut> I'm confused about the call to super on line 6 of the second file
<Scriptonaut> wouldn't super not exist?
<Scriptonaut> since I just overrode it?
<apeiros> or rather: the term "class methods" is merely a convenient term to say "instance methods on the singleton class of the class"
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<apeiros> Scriptonaut: there's a difference between *inheritance chain* and *redefining* a method.
<apeiros> and I don't redefine the method.
<Scriptonaut> I want to redefine the method but still call the old one
<apeiros> I define it in a module. the module gets prepended, i.e. it is before the singleton_class of B in the lookup chain.
<apeiros> no you don't.
<apeiros> as my code illustrates.
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<apeiros> of course, incorrect explanations on your part not withstanding - but it fits with the code you showed
<apeiros> anyway, I'm off to bed now.
<Scriptonaut> alright
<blubjr> bye apeiros
<csguest> hello gets
<csguest> why will this fail
<csguest> when I input first
<csguest> it rips in piece
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<csguest> oh im dumb
<blubjr> csguest: why is it indented so much
<csguest> ok jesus i get it
<csguest> ROFL
<csguest> vim likes to indent idk dude
<blubjr> configure your editor properly..
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<blubjr> after you split costellos_line you aren't doing anything with the return value
<csguest> yeah im silly
<csguest> i forgot to pass the words
<Scriptonaut> what's your tabstop set to in vim
<csguest> no idea
<csguest> public computer
<csguest> is my ruby design good
<csguest> do not repeat yourself style
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<blubjr> for ruby you should set it to always use spaces instead of tabs
<Scriptonaut> I have set expandtab on
<Scriptonaut> so ya it's spaces
<pontiki> does vim follow .editorconfig?
<csguest> why spaces
<Scriptonaut> no, it follows .vimrc
<pontiki> screw vim then
<Scriptonaut> :o
<Scriptonaut> what's .editorconfig
<pontiki> a univeral set up file that editors read to set up things like indent, spacing, and a bunch of other things
<Scriptonaut> well, most people who use vim *only* use vim, so you only ever have to write it once
<pontiki> and never *ever* work on a team
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<pontiki> is that what you're telling me?
<Scriptonaut> I pair program every day, they all use vim too
<pontiki> i will never work on a team that mandates what editor i use
<Scriptonaut> either way, why would working on a team matter here
<Scriptonaut> I've worked with people that use sublime, it was fine
<Scriptonaut> as long as everybody uses spaces
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<Scriptonaut> apparently there is a plugin for vim, but a plugin is required for most editors anyways
<blubjr> tabs wouldn't cause any problems either if you only use them for \t = 1 indentation level, semantically, and then everyone could set it so indentation levels are as wide as they like, transparently to everyone else
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<edj> is there somewhere i can take a test to see if i know enough ruby to do rails?
<Scriptonaut> I don't think so
<Scriptonaut> I would just get a decent understanding of ruby then try rails
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<Scriptonaut> how well do you know ruby
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<Radar> edj: ?rails
<Radar> ?rails edj
<ruboto> edj, Please join #RubyOnRails for Rails questions. You need to be identified with NickServ, see /msg NickServ HELP
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<blubjr> hi radar
<Radar> hi blubjr
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<pocketprotector> I have been tasked with learning python..
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<pocketprotector> I am finding Python to be more difficult than necessary.
<pocketprotector> I <3 Ruby
<Wsewolod> I like both, but then again I am not a Mac user.
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<pocketprotector> I think Lynda's python3 videos are low quality material
<blubjr> lynda....
<pocketprotector> I watched Lynda's Ruby tutorial and I think it did a very good job.
<pocketprotector> (teaching me)
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<shevy> does it really work to learn from videos
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<Wsewolod> shevy: I've always preferred books
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<pontiki> people have different modes of learning. different media work well for some, not for others
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<bigmac_> im reading a tutorial but i cant find the documentation on class HashTable
<bigmac_> nice example.
<pontiki> HashTable isn't a ruby core class...
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<Fire-Dragon-DoL> bigmac_: Hash is a class, HashTable doesn't exist
<Fire-Dragon-DoL> bigmac_: oh, the tutorial say "we'll need" aka, you have to create it
<bigmac_> i guess this class is his own?
<bigmac_> i hope to find assoc, value, key, fetch methods
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<blubjr> bigmac_: the article looks like its explaining how hashes are implemented rather than how to use them
<TrustInHim> are Jewish people evil because they don't read the bible?
<pontiki> !ops
<ruboto> fflush, apeiros, seanstickle, Mon_Ouie, banisterfiend, zzak, Radar, jhass, Havenn, miah, sevenseacat, workmad3, Coraline, drbrain, rubyhacker1, slyphon, zenspider, ljarvis, Aria, Adaedra, baweaver
<jhass> !ban TrustInHim !T 1w racism
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<bigmac_> i see, its his own class, its super fast lookups
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<bigmac_> when millions of entry's exist, it can take seconds to lookup a key vs this tutorial(ms)
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<bigmac_> maybe there is a gem that already exist for storing has tables in chunks?
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<bigmac_> hash*
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<douglass1> there's already a class, Hash, that does what that tutorial describes
<douglass1> bigmac_: the author just calls his re-implementation of it HashTable to prevent conflicts
<bigmac_> i believe he calls bin_count or bins...
<bigmac_> hash stuff is new for me...
<bigmac_> instead of storing millions of key/value's into a single has... he used bins
<douglass1> hashes use bins internally
<douglass1> you just don't have to think about them with Hash because ruby handles it all for you
<bigmac_> oh lol
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<bigmac_> ill see if i can compare the same benchmarks, with a simple hash=Hash.new
<bigmac_> i maybe missing something.
<pontiki> bigmac_: that article is not describing a "better" Hash class, it's explaining what a hash table is, how it's implemented
<pontiki> the Hash is called that because it uses the classic hashing table storage and lookup scheme
<bigmac_> so, he just shows how ruby already uses bins?
<pontiki> it's a pretty well known algorithm
<pontiki> yes
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<bigmac_> i see...
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<bigmac_> so, ruby already uses bins... when storing hash's
<pontiki> yes
<pontiki> this is in the article:
<bigmac_> thank you for your help... hours i would have been messing around with this
<pontiki> Ruby manages the size of the bins dynamically. It starts with 11 and as soon as one of the bins has 5 or more elements, the bin size is increased and all hash elements are reallocated to their new corresponding bin."
<pontiki> (i'm not shouting, that's the article text)
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<pontiki> from the top of the article: "Let's imagine for a second that we want to emulate the functionality in hashes because, for some strange reason, they have not been implemented yet."
<bigmac_> i see now
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<bigmac_> i guess i r4ead over to quickly.
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<bigmac_> ill watch out for implementation examples
<bigmac_> lol
<bigmac_> wondering off into the dark webs of examples
<pontiki> it's not you, especially, it's very common when reading on a screen
<blubjr> its good to know how things work, anyway
<pontiki> indeed
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<pontiki> reading a screen produces a lot of fatigue, actually, and most strategies people use skips tons of information. i'm sure you've heard the typical strategy is to simply scan over a page, looking for highlights.
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<bigmac_> i am glad i found that well written example.
<pontiki> if nothing else, staring into a glaring which screen trying to read a very thing, sans serif font
<pontiki> it's a great example, definitely
<pontiki> glaring white*
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<bigmac_> im working with duplicate key/values... But
<bigmac_> key[0]=[value,more]
<bigmac_> all the keys are 0-10_000_000
<bigmac_> there are duplicates besides the key
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<bigmac_> meh. nvm
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<bigmac_> i was thinking about turning some machines on my network into Bins
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<pontiki> heh, you'll reimplement Cassandra if you don't watch out!
<bigmac_> is that the gem
<bigmac_> lol
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<pontiki> it's a huge key-value store database, multi-machine, distributed
<bigmac_> oh... im book marking
<bigmac_> thank you lol
<bigmac_> also, i have learned that ruby mri threads are green?
<bigmac_> or locked
<bigmac_> when searching a hash for a key... its quick... but when searching for a value its slow
<bigmac_> does this make sense?
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<shevy> I guess looking for the associated value takes one extra step at least?
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<bigmac_> invert the hash
<pontiki> the point of the hashing algorithm is the speed up the lookup by finding the head of the bin quickly, but then shooting the list of items in the bin
<pontiki> it's always going to be slower than an array
<pontiki> (just an array)
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<pontiki> but, again, this algorithm has been worked to pieces, it's been around well before i attended uni
<pontiki> so unless you're particularly artful about algorithm optimization, you're probably not likely going to come with something better
<pontiki> if you're significantly worried about speed like this, you probably shouldn't be using ruby at all
<pontiki> but premature optimization is also one of the biggest problems coders have
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<bigmac_> im learning ,-)
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<bigmac_> dealing with hash size around 10 million
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<bigmac_> i hope to optimize for increasing to 100 million and maybe more
<pontiki> what are you storing?
<shevy> cats
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<douglass1> according to wikipedia, hash tables were invented in the early 1950s
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<douglass1> so yes, old old old
<shevy> damn
<shevy> we are digging towards the dinosaurs
<pontiki> older than i am
<bigmac_> i probably should own a computer if i dont understand email and how to use it
<shevy> you can still play games!
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<edj> does anyone know why this "Unable to save /c2f.rb Error: Permission denied" would pop up in sublime when i try to save my file?
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<douglass1> edj: just checking, are you sure you have write permissions for that file?
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<edj> douglass1: well I just created it so i would assume so
<edj> it wouldn't even let me officially create it though
<douglass1> huh
<edj> i tried to cmd s it
<douglass1> which os are you using?
<edj> osx
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<shevy> and you can save in other directories just fine?
<edj> normally yea
<edj> i have been coding in browser until now
<douglass1> can you save other files (not from sublime) in that directory?
<edj> i just started the grounded rubyist
<edj> i haven't tried
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<edj> i just tried with .txt
<edj> sublime wont save anything at all
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<edj> i just tried it with another folder
<edj> still same
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<douglass1> http://www.macinstruct.com/node/415 has some info on os x file/directory permissions that may or may not be helpful but since i haven't used a mac in months i should shut up now
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<shevy> edj might be a more general problem
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<blubjr> edj: try saving it as ~/c2f.rb
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<edj> blubjr: didnt work
<blubjr> weird
<edj> shevy: i only have one user on my computer so idk
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<douglass1> can you save other files (not with sublime) in this directory?
<edj> yes
<edj> and i was able to make a .rb file in aptana
<shevy> no idea what that is, normally saving files with sublime works fine
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<bigmac_> can i search a hash for a key starting with a regex 0-100
<bougyman> sure
<bigmac_> input_hash[/{0-100}/.to_s+" string"]
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<edj> shevy: could there be some dependency issue?
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<shevy> dunno. if you changed some python stuff, and that may be called during saving, perhaps that may explain why it would not work and delegate an error message
<douglass1> bigmac_: the keys method on a hash gives you an array of keys, and you can select the keys that match the regex
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<bougyman> >> {'98foo' => :foo, '102bar' => :bar}.detect { |k,v| k.match /^1?(?:[0-9]){1,2}/ }
<ruboto> bougyman # => ["98foo", :foo] (https://eval.in/477442)
<bougyman> #select would give you an array of arrays.
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<douglass1> huh, #select doesn't do that for me (ruby 2.2.1p85)
<douglass1> i get {'98foo' => :foo, '102bar' => :bar}.select { |k,v| k.match /^1?(?:[0-9]){1,2}/ } => {"98foo"=>:foo, "102bar"=>:bar}
<douglass1> so it just gives a hash that's some subset of the original one
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<edj> i got it figured out thank you guys
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<douglass1> ah, having select on a hash return on a hash was a change in ruby 1.9
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<douglass1> weird that they didn't change detect/find to match though
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<douglass1> *reads* apparently select and reject are the only enumerable methods that, when called on a hash, return a hash as you'd naively expect
<douglass1> how about that principle of least astonishment again?
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<edj> is there a way to get a ruby console in dreamweaver??
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<VeryBewitching> edj: I didn't even know Dreamweaver was still being made.
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<edj> verybewitching: is there something better i can use?
<edj> I dont like it
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<VeryBewitching> Well, I suppose it depends on what you're using Dreamweaver for.
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<VeryBewitching> If you're just using it as a text editor you'd probably do better with Sublime Text or a variety of other editors.
<VeryBewitching> I use RubyMine for Ruby, but you'd have to pay for that.
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<DurstBurger> hi there, im having trouble keeping ruby versions and gems aligned...
<DurstBurger> I had rbenv installed, but recently moved over to RVM
<DurstBurger> im on OSX
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<DurstBurger> $ which ruby
<DurstBurger> /usr/local/bin/ruby
<DurstBurger> $ ruby -v
<DurstBurger> ruby 2.2.3p173 (2015-08-18 revision 51636) [x86_64-darwin15]
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<DurstBurger> but when i run something like:
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<DurstBurger> run a script that requires ex. mechanize, i get the following error
<DurstBurger> if i do a gem install mechanize it installs and works fine
<DurstBurger> but im concerned about the "2.2.3/lib/ruby/2.2.0" in the path of the error
<DurstBurger> why if im running ruby 2.2.3 is it holding gem inside a 2.2.0 folder?
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<shevy> that is the API version
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<shevy> the error means that the gem that was used could not find a mechanize gem
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<DurstBurger> right
<DurstBurger> so Shevy, how do I know where a gem is installed because i know i had it installed before switching from rbenv to rvm
<shevy> it depends on the gem that is used
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<shevy> look at the output of "gem env"
<DurstBurger> btw, when i had rbenv installed i was running ruby 2.2.3, but after i deleted it and installed rvm, i still had ruby 2.2.3 installed
<DurstBurger> "gem env"?
<DurstBurger> ok
<shevy> yeah, it becomes more complex the more ruby versions you have, and the more different ruby version managers you use :)
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<shevy> I opted for a simpler setup altogether, on linux, I just keep one ruby version these days, residing under /Programs/Ruby/2.2.3
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<shevy> hmm
<shevy> in a .cgi file `ps aux` has US-ASCII encoding
<blubjr> hi shevy
<shevy> that always trips me up
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<shevy> >> p Encoding::ASCII_8BIT
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<ruboto> shevy # => #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT> ...check link for more (https://eval.in/477454)
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<shevy> why did matz use this in cgi.rb ?
<shevy> @@max_multipart_length = 128 * 1024 * 1024
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<mozzarella> maybe it can't be bigger than 128 MB
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<shevy> no I mean why he used @@max_multipart_length ... that seems just a normal constant to me
<shevy> perhaps it is because the code is so old
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<shevy> I see code constructs that I never before saw anywhere else
<shevy> such as this one:
<shevy> ObjectSpace::define_finalizer
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<[spoiler]> Lol
<[spoiler]> testetest: Hello
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<TripleK> for free speech type /join #IHATENIGGERS
<apeiros> !ban TripleK !P racists not welcome
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<blubjr> oops
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<jackcom> ruby can use selenium?
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<apeiros> jackcom can use google?
<apeiros> jackcom: you're making it much too easy for yourself, and I won't tolerate that forever.
<jackcom> i m not good at searching google. :(
<apeiros> then get better.
<jackcom> yea apeiros i will :(
<apeiros> what search term did you use then?
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<jackcom> selenium forever?
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<jackcom> selenium forever use
<jackcom> :(
<apeiros> and why'd you not search for "ruby selenium", or "use selenium with ruby"?
<tobiasgreen> heh
<jackcom> ruby selenium
<jackcom> ok i will try it :) apeiros
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<jackcom> oh thanks tobiasgreen :)
<tobiasgreen> nw
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<shevy> apeiros lol best reply ever :D
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<[spoiler]> shevy: You mean "can use google?" :D
<[spoiler]> Yeah I lolled at that, too
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<testetest> hey guys
<[spoiler]> testetest: hi
<blubjr> hi testetest
<[spoiler]> I think that's the end of testetest's vocabulary
<testetest> haha
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<[spoiler]> Lol. This happened earlier, too
<Ox0dea> It's a troll.
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<Ox0dea> It wants us to ?guys it, if I'm not much mistaken.
<apeiros> let's find out :D
<Ox0dea> It's gone.
<apeiros> oh, they left
* apeiros looks at Ox0dea
<apeiros> I wonder - what does it actually say?
<Ox0dea> I was going to recommend smart filtering if you used a client I recognized.
<apeiros> sadly limechat still doesn't have that :<
<apeiros> so I get either all the join/part noise, or won't notice joins/parts at all.
<Ox0dea> I see when a new speaker joined and when a recent speaker parts.
<Ox0dea> It's purrfect.
<apeiros> yes, that's precisely what I'd want.
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<apeiros> i.e. before first message, show time & other info about join. only show parts of people who recently spoke. also show joins of people I recently interacted with.
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<shevy> [spoiler] yeah
<shevy> [spoiler] was so fitting as a reply to jackcom :D
<[spoiler]> apeiros: I think it's hilarious you use a client called LimeChat, and are in a "lemon" situation (as in "when life gives you lemons..."). I think this is a perfect opportunity to make a lemonade and a pull request :P
<apeiros> [spoiler]: I'm actually just too lazy to abandon ship
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<apeiros> I want a client again which supports ruby scripting.
<[spoiler]> Weethus: is nice
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<[spoiler]> Sorry, I meant WeeChat
<apeiros> problem is - all the interesting irc clients are CLI clients. but I prefer "full blown" UI
<[spoiler]> oh
<apeiros> I got recommended to use irssi, weechat and textual I think
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<[spoiler]> Yeah I actually preferred UIs, but then gave in to some people here being all "Ooh but WeeChat is like God's gift." and "WeeChat is the best thing since the Holy Grail!"
<[spoiler]> GUIs*
<[spoiler]> and I tried it and... They were right.
<apeiros> ?guis [spoiler]
<ruboto> [spoiler], I don't know anything about guis
<apeiros> ;-D
<apeiros> j/k
<[spoiler]> LMAO
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<[spoiler]> I am not even sure why this is so funny, but I'm cracking up: http://img.memecdn.com/no-comment_o_2073517.webp
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<shevy> [spoiler] lol what kind of typo was this ... weethus ... weechat
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<Ox0dea> shevy: Are you jackcom?
<shevy> Ox0dea you think I am not too lazy?!?!
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<Ox0dea> It was a particularly double-plus-unsmart question is all.
<shevy> jackcom just has way too much time
<[spoiler]> shevy: I hit tab for some reason after typing Wee
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<Ox0dea> [spoiler] has been spoiled by tab completion to the point that he tries to use it to complete things other than nicks.
<[spoiler]> ^
<blubjr> m-/ :)
<Ox0dea> blubjr: How do you manage your RSI
<Ox0dea> +?
<blubjr> x_x
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<Ox0dea> More pressingly, anybody who proposes Alt-/ over Tab with a smile should probably get checked. :P
<jackcom> i think that osx is best os rathere than linux
<Ox0dea> jackcom: Enlighten us.
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<jackcom> :)
<Ox0dea> jackcom: Why do you think that?
<[spoiler]> Ox0dea: marketing
<jackcom> because if install something to linux, there is many thing to do with it. but osx can install program easily
<[spoiler]> What kina bullshit is this. Imagine tilting your wrist too muchhttp://img.memecdn.com/so-much-falling-out_webm_6021557.gif
<[spoiler]> or walking in tight spaces
<[spoiler]> oh my god
<[spoiler]> or peeing
<[spoiler]> #no
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<jackcom> osx is best
<[spoiler]> s/best/second best/
<jackcom> novel use mac too 8) servant use linux
<Ox0dea> jackcom: "novel"?
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<jackcom> nobility == aristocrat == lort
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<jackcom> lord
<jackcom> patrician
<Ox0dea> Right...
<shevy> Ox0dea you provoked him!
<Ox0dea> I'm still interested in them clinically.
<shevy> you are a true troll surgeon, dissecting and inspecting and stuff
<Ox0dea> Guilty.
<Ox0dea> For instance, they've said before that English is their native tongue, but I don't see how that could be.
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<Ox0dea> I'd like to figure out the whats and wherefores of that pretension.
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<[spoiler]> Lol
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<jackcom> where i can paste my code?
<shevy> jackcom ask Ox0dea if he likes you alot
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<shevy> jackcom is it really your code ... :)
<Ox0dea> I sure hope so.
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<ruboto> jackcom, we in #ruby do not like pastebin.com, I reposted your paste to gist for you: https://gist.github.com/3844245526602050cfa0
<ruboto> pastebin.com loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting.
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<shevy> lol
<jackcom> http://pastie.org/10588669 <—— help me
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<shevy> jackcom this works
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<jackcom> yeah, i know
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<shevy> Bar is different than Foo is though
<Ox0dea> jackcom: It's helpful to consider `increment_counter` to be a singleton method rather than a class method.
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<shevy> your @ is specific to either Foo or Bar
<jackcom> singleton method
<Ox0dea> jackcom: A singleton method is a method that exists on a single, specific object.
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<Ox0dea> >> s = 'foo'; def s.length; 42; end; [s.length, 'foo'.length] # jackcom
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => [42, 3] (https://eval.in/477483)
<jackcom> Ox0dea: oh i have heard of singleton method thanks
<Ox0dea> jackcom: Well, then it doesn't take much of a leap to realize that a Class is essentially just another object, capable of having its own instance variables and singleton methods.
<yxhuvud> jackcom: seems you are one of the few that actually want to use @@class-variables.
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<jackcom> ok thanks shevy Ox0dea yxhuvud
<jackcom> :)
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<yxhuvud> or hmm. actually, no. Your code doesn't really show what you want to accomplish.
<[spoiler]> yxhuvud: rarely does
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<apeiros> yxhuvud: weeeell actually… we don't have the faintest idea what jackcom wants.
<Ox0dea> How the tables have turned.
<[spoiler]> apeiros: oh your client inserts an ellipsis when you type `...` that is fancy
<apeiros> [spoiler]: it doesn't
<[spoiler]> oh
<[spoiler]> Did you add a plugin for it?
<apeiros> I think you can teach osx to do that, though. but I type it manually.
<apeiros> opt-. is faster to type than ... :)
<[spoiler]> Ah
<[spoiler]> Once upon a time I created cool mappings, then I never used them, then some bizarre things started happening in my text editor, and it took me 2 days to debug wtf was going on because I forgot about them
<apeiros> heh
<[spoiler]> oh and they started happening because I switched to atom and some atom KBs collided with my mappings
<Ox0dea> Vim's digraph support is pretty good.
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<[spoiler]> Ox0dea: Oh I love that
<jackcom> Ox0dea: i think that class method can access to instance variable. because instace variabel can be set when class is designed.
<Ox0dea> I only really use it for Greek and a few box drawing characters.
<apeiros> hm, I wonder whether git can now handle changing case of a filename…
<[spoiler]> this is the best thing ever: ^KOK
<jackcom> @foo_count=0
<jackcom> directly setting
<apeiros> jackcom: ivars can be accessed by classes because classes are objects
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<apeiros> objects are instances, instances have instance variables.
<Ox0dea> [spoiler]: Oh, I use the first-backspace-second input method.
<apeiros> Foo.instance_variables will list all ivars the class itself possesses
<[spoiler]> Ox0dea: Didn't even know about that one
<jackcom> yeah thanks apeiros :)
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<apeiros> whereas Foo.new.instance_variables will list all ivars an *instance* of Foo has
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<Ox0dea> jackcom: What kinds of object are permitted to have instance variables?
<jackcom> i don’t know
<jackcom> Ox0dea:
<jackcom> Ox0dea: i don’t know
<Ox0dea> Why do you do that shit?
<jackcom> heh my mistake
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<apeiros> !kick jackcom told you no more nickname only lines
jackcom was kicked from #ruby by ruboto [told you no more nickname only lines]
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* apeiros needs a lart-stick for this one.
<[spoiler]> Oh wow. How often does this happen for him to have gotten kicked for this LOL
<apeiros> all. the. f'cking time.
<apeiros> got better when I said I'd kick if it happened again.
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<apeiros> and with better I mean it took a full day
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<apeiros> I actually pondered whether to let it slip as their S:N ratio has improved significantly.
<Ox0dea> I don't see why you didn't, to be honest.
<[spoiler]> Damn. Maybe he's new to the concept or something.
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<Ox0dea> jackcom: Can a String have instance variables?
<jackcom> really i m member of IS. :x
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<[spoiler]> jackcom: Nobody accused you of that...
<Ox0dea> Regardless, I've phoned the authorities.
<apeiros> jackcom: that kind of deflection won't get you anywhere.
<apeiros> jackcom: you got kicked for a reason, and it wasn't "being a member of IS". own up to your faults and get better.
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<[spoiler]> Ox0dea: Wait, did something happen? Why did you have to call the authorities?
<jackcom> ok apeiros :)
<Ox0dea> [spoiler]: There's a terrorist in our midsts!
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<Ox0dea> *midst
<[spoiler]> jackcom: Essentially, you got kicked because your typing is faster than your thinking. :P
<jackcom> my hand is very fast
<jackcom> heh :)
<Ox0dea> jackcom: Wanna race?
<jackcom> i m eating food now
<jackcom> i can’t type now
<[spoiler]> I could go eat some food, too... BRB
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<Ox0dea> jackcom: Would you say that you're "afraid" to learn Ruby?
<apeiros> *sob* bootstrap repo - gemfiles with x flag set. sure…
<jackcom> food
<jackcom> :|
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<[spoiler]> Gave up on my quest. there's only sweets in the house lol
<apeiros> :-(
* apeiros at work, not even sweets here
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<[spoiler]> It's a Sunday!
<[spoiler]> Don't tell me I overslept and that it's Monday again
<arup_r> lol
<apeiros> [spoiler]: you've overslept. it's tuesday.
<[spoiler]> no it's not I checked the calendar now!
<apeiros> dang, foiled. again.
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<shevy> >> /abc/.encoding.to_s
<ruboto> shevy # => "US-ASCII" (https://eval.in/477493)
<shevy> hmm
<Marsupermammal> Given the following, how do I return the value after repos: for the line where name: == foo :
<Marsupermammal> service = [ { name: 'foo', repos: 'repo1'},{ name: 'bar', repos:'repo2'}]
<[spoiler]> Ever since our designer at work went to maternity leave, they're making me do her shit. I'm the junior sys admin not a "do-it-all" slave
<shevy> [spoiler] haha
<Marsupermammal> @[spoiler] doesn't junior sys admin == do-it-all slave?
<[spoiler]> Marsupermammal: I suppose that explains it
<Ox0dea> Marsupermammal: Are you a platypus, then?
<[spoiler]> Marsupermammal: you could use Enumerable#find
<apeiros> Marsupermammal: [] means you have an array. {} means there's hashes nested in that array. see Array#find
<shevy> so if I understand this correctly, regexes have encodings as well?
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<Ox0dea> shevy: Now you're a goldfish too?! :<
<[spoiler]> and/or map if you only want the value behind :repos
<Marsupermammal> Ox0dea Yes, and that's impressive.
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<shevy> Ox0dea come on man
<Ox0dea> shevy: We talked about Regexp encodings, like, a month ago?
<shevy> Ox0dea I have no recollection of that whatsoever
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<Ox0dea> Going from "does the encoding of a regex matter?" to "regexes have encodings as well?" is a little suspect.
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<shevy> ok that is cool
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<Ox0dea> But, like, what happened?
<shevy> no please
<shevy> you are wasting time
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<Ox0dea> I realize this is a little embarrassing, but there could be a very serious medical condition at play here.
<shevy> <Ox0dea> shevy: Now you're a goldfish too?! :<
<shevy> You set the tone pal
<Ox0dea> I'm not sure I follow?
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<[spoiler]> Ox0dea: that's because you're born to be a leader!
<Ox0dea> [spoiler]: It's right there in the name!
<[spoiler]> :D
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<Bilge> 0
<[spoiler]> 1
<Bilge> Do you guys think Rubo makes you into a smarter?
<[spoiler]> I was born a smarter
<Ox0dea> Bilge: How do I into smarter?
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<apeiros> smells like troll spirit
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<Ox0dea> I'll prepare the pyre.
<apeiros> I'll get the pitchforks
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<Ox0dea> We'll need a few pitchknives as well; barbecued troll isn't particularly tender.
<[spoiler]> apeiros: Well the question is nice. I think Ruby can help one become smarter. I learned a lot of new concepts by tinkering in Ruby and/or inspecting other people's Ruby code. I think it made am an overall better programmer. I don't think I would've been able to "grow" as efficiently in any other language. Not to mention some of you in the channel also contributed a lot to that, and showed me what a nice
<[spoiler]> community means (I had previous negative experiences). So yes, Ruby did make me smarter and a better person.
<[spoiler]> Damn
<[spoiler]> Didn't think it would end up this long
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<apeiros> Bilge: ok, unequivocal answer is "yes".
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<[spoiler]> LOL
<[spoiler]> or just "yes"
<apeiros> Ox0dea: the torch guy is sleeping again anyway.
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* apeiros not sure who's on torch-duty this week
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<[spoiler]> Next time someone asks me to do infographics, I'll just say "fuck no". Everyone's up in my business with what they don't like, without pointers what they don't like about it or how to make it better, and now I was given a 2KB essay and need to incorporate that into the infographics. What. The. Fuck. Saying yes to this has been such a colossal regret.
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<Ox0dea> [spoiler]: I'll be looking for you in /r/dataisbeautiful.
<[spoiler]> And to make it worse, I was supposed to have a work-free weekend, and I won't even get paid for this.
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<[spoiler]> Ox0dea: more like /r/datatotheground
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<Ox0dea> > I'm not a part of your system.
<[spoiler]> :D
<Ox0dea> For the uninitiated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAYL5H46QnQ
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<[spoiler]> na koju jebenu foru je logo skliznuo u 2013?
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<[spoiler]> wrong channel
<Ox0dea> Shinzu maki desu ne.
<adaedra> Gesundheit.
<Ox0dea> Baloncesto.
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<[spoiler]> translation (HR): "How the fuck did the logo slip into 2013" if you're wondering :D
<[spoiler]> probably sounds bizarre without context
<adaedra> It was better without the translation, tbh.
<[spoiler]> LOL
<adaedra> Yielded a better mystery.
<Ox0dea> I suppose that doesn't count as a Googlewhack?
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<jackcom> i eat snake that is catched a few days ago.
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<apeiros> jackcom: enjoy your meal, I guess?
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<jackcom> yeah, i like snake food. :) apeiros
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<shevy> so now he appends the nick
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<Ox0dea> jackcom: What other language(s) do you speak?
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<jackcom> i use Russian language Ox0dea
<Ox0dea> Thank you, jackcom.
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<jackcom> why? Ox0dea
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<Ox0dea> Because reasons, jackcom.
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<jackcom> :(
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<apeiros> anthropology, I presume
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<apeiros> so for one of my private projects I started with abandoning ruby & rails filenaming conventions, which allows me to automatically autoload all constants. I wrapped it up into a gem: https://github.com/apeiros/zeroload
<apeiros> opinions are welcome.
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<apeiros> I'll consider making it a 1.0.0 release once I figured out a way to provide it in 3 different ways: patch of Module, refinement of Module, neither (manual call to Zeroload.module). Not sure how to conveniently do that.
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<adaedra> I don't like autoload.
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<apeiros> it does have a significant downside: it kills explorability. reminds me that I haven't added "preload!" which would amend that.
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<adaedra> Even if, I agree, it's prettier than a bunch of requires.
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<apeiros> let me see. Zeroload.preload! shouldn't be hard.
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<adaedra> what
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<jackcom> when i can finish monk course? adaedra
<havenwood> jackcom: When you reach enlightenment. Not before!
<adaedra> When you're at the end?
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<jackcom> yes adaedra
<Ox0dea> jackcom: Why are you trying to learn Ruby?
<jackcom> Ox0dea: good point
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<apeiros> huh? I thought Module.const_get now was able to load "deep" constants?
<shevy> You can check-out any time you like from monkhood,
<adaedra> We need to load deeper.
<shevy> But you can never leave.
<adaedra> *inception horn*
<adaedra> *hotel california solo*
<jackcom> Ox0dea: because studying is better than nothing or playing.
<Ox0dea> jackcom: No, I don't think that's true.
<Ox0dea> If you're "studying" for the sake of "winning", you stand to gain nothing.
<jackcom> :(
<jackcom> i just study ruby for learning.
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<jackcom> there is no reason
<Ox0dea> apeiros: Did you mean `Object.const_get` or `Module#const_get`?
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<apeiros> the latter, calling it as the former
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<Ox0dea> They're different things.
<jhass> >> Object.const_get("Float::MAX")
<adaedra> what made you choose ruby then jackcom? there has to be a reason, jackcom
<ruboto> jhass # => 1.7976931348623157e+308 (https://eval.in/477509)
<apeiros> Ox0dea: nope.
<adaedra> I may have double highlighted as error.
<apeiros> >> Object.method(:const_get).owner # Ox0dea
<ruboto> apeiros # => Module (https://eval.in/477510)
<Ox0dea> Fancy that.
<adaedra> jackcom: you're making fun of us right now.
<apeiros> Object.is_a?(Class) && Class < Module
<jackcom> yeah. i realize one thing.
<jackcom> for ruby
<apeiros> Ox0dea: you made me double-check!
<Ox0dea> apeiros: I should've double-checked before making you double-check. :P
<apeiros> I thought it may be a case similar to how Array#map is its own thing and not Enumerable#map
<Ox0dea> Yeah, that was my intuition.
<Ox0dea> Either way, "deep" #const_get works fine?
<jackcom> i realize one thing.
<jackcom> :)
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<apeiros> jhass: oooooh, const_get does not like *symbols* when the name is nested
<apeiros> what. the. fuck.
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<apeiros> >> Object.const_get(:"Float::MAX")
<ruboto> apeiros # => wrong constant name Float::MAX (NameError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/477511)
<Ox0dea> Yeah, that's a bug.
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<Ox0dea> I don't know why Sasada-san agreed that `nil::Hash` is a bug, though.
<Ox0dea> I think it's useful for being able to dynamically decide whether or not to start resolving at the top.
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<shaibn777> Hi :) I started a new Logger and wanted to print the name of the log I'm currently writing to. How do I do that?
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<jackcom> All programming language is same, so it is important to do one language well.
<jackcom> this is one that i realized from ruby.
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<jackcom> right?
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<jhass> shaibn777: doesn't look like Logger exposes logdev again, so you can't in a sane manner
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<jhass> jackcom: kinda, some languages are very different but there are 2 1/2 - 3 types, when you know one of each type well enough, picking up a new one is fairly easy
<Ox0dea> What's the half-paradigm?
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<jackcom> very different :(
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<shevy> jackcom what is a monad
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<jackcom> monad?
<jackcom> i don’t know monad?
<jackcom> shevy…… i don’t know
<jackcom> hehehe
<Ox0dea> shevy: What is a monad?
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<arup_r> Haskel is monad.. .... ...
<jackcom> hahahaha
<jackcom> i know haskell already …. functional language
<jackcom> :) i m not beginner
<arup_r> then you know monad.
<jackcom> monad == haskell?
<shevy> Ox0dea I don't know. Do you know?
<arup_r> i know ruby only ( OOP + functional)
<jackcom> 2.4 Serializing <—— i will study it from tomorrow. very hard today
<shevy> jackcom are you a true monk?
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<jackcom> shevy: what mean?
<jackcom> what you mean?
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<jackcom> my dream is doing hacker.
<jackcom> member of annoymous
<Ox0dea> jackcom: Would you take offense at my asking your age?
<agent_white> No need citizen. I already have hacked the gibsons.
<Ox0dea> shevy: I think of Comparable and Enumerable as essentially monadic.
<apeiros> oooooh
<Ox0dea> They're not, but they demonstrate the utility well enough.
<apeiros> autoload properly works with Module#constants
<apeiros> *nice*
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<jackcom> Ox0dea: first
<Ox0dea> jackcom: You're first <units> old? You're a first-year? What does it even mean?!
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<apeiros> adaedra: updated https://github.com/apeiros/zeroload
<jackcom> i will sleep bye Ox0dea
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<Ox0dea> Shine on, you crazy diamond.
<adaedra> apeiros: this didn't fix my dislike for autoload.
<apeiros> which part about it do you dislike?
<Ox0dea> Spooky action at a distance is spooky.
<apeiros> mine have gone. it's thread-safe and .constants reports correctly
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<adaedra> The whole thing. I like to see where things are loaded.
<apeiros> those have been my only beefs. and I think rails' autoloading doesn't show nested constants because it does not use autoload, but const_missing.
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<Ox0dea> Perhaps adaedra has porks.
<adaedra> ?
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<apeiros> or sheeps
<apeiros> we won't know
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<apeiros> lambs are tasty, though.
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<apeiros> oh, lol. just noticed that zeroload fails to follow its own naming convention :D
<apeiros> how. terrifyingly. bad.
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<apeiros> at least git seems now capable of dealing with case changes in file names.
<shaibn777> jhass: thank you
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<apeiros> ok, too early. still can't handle it in directory names.
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<jackcom> i can’t sleep now
<jackcom> hacker’s way is difficult?
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<jhass> ?offtopic
<ruboto> this seems to be off-topic. Please move your discussion to #ruby-offtopic, to keep this channel free for Ruby related problems. Thanks!
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<jackcom> ok jhass
<jackcom> :)
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<Ox0dea> jackcom: Are you closely associated with the infamous hacker known as "4chan"?
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<jackcom> i know only annoymous
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<jackcom> Ox0dea: :)
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<jackcom> 4chan is an English-language imageboard website. :x Ox0dea
<Ox0dea> Uh, no, 4chan is an elite hacker.
<Moosashi> Has anyone ever seen the error ‘SSL not available in this build (StandardError)’
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<adaedra> Moosashi: context, please.
<agent_white> Ox0dea: I bet 4chan and zero-cool hangout.
<Moosashi> I’m getting it when running heroku local on a freshly installed machine and it appeares to happen when puma starts.
<Ox0dea> agent_white: 4chan is acidburn confirmed.
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<agent_white> Ox0dea: LEAVE B 4 U R EXPUNGED
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<Ox0dea> Moosashi: Looks like you're missing OpenSSL's BIO abstraction: https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/crypto/bio.html
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<Moosashi> how on earth did you determine that
<Ox0dea> Moosashi: http://git.io/vBDgJ
<Moosashi> I mean, thank you. I really appreciate that
<Ox0dea> That `#else` is attached to `#ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL_BIO_H`.
<Moosashi> interesting. i got there but wasn’t able to determine that
<Moosashi> as to how to fix it in the context of rvm, I tried running rvm osx-ssl-certs update all but it didn’t have any effect
<havenwood> Moosashi: OS X on Heroku?
<Ox0dea> `heroku` on OS X, rather.
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<havenwood> Ah
<Moosashi> osx on heroku indeed
<Moosashi> or rather, yes to Ox
<Moosashi> ran heroku local
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<Ox0dea> @jeremy's recommendation is also worth taking into account.
<Moosashi> damn b
<Moosashi> that worked. <3
<Moosashi> thank you
<Ox0dea> Happy to help. <3
<Moosashi> much obliged
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<gaussblurinc1> hello! I have a method in a module, defined without self. prefix. def; method_named_oh; end. How could I add this method to already existing class as instance method? (brr, as a method of an instance of an existing class ) I try to just include module but this seems doesn't help, instance doesn't respond to that method
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<Ox0dea> gaussblurinc1: https://eval.in/477522
<Ox0dea> You do in fact want #include; you must not be using it correctly?
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<apeiros> ?code gaussblurinc1
<ruboto> gaussblurinc1, We can't help you without your code, please post it to https://gist.github.com
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<Ox0dea> (That said, I might've just done.)
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* jhass bets on module_function
<jhass> oh, without
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<jhass> still confuses me when asked how to use modules for their primary purpose :P
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<apeiros> fu* what? we can't refine modules?
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<shevy> refinements - the ultimate afterthought
<nofxx> some built in way to [struct, struct,...].to_json ?
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<nofxx> need to define my to_json in the Struct.new ?
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<nofxx> ah...or #to_s, lemme try...
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<apeiros> sad, stdlib json does not consider #as_json
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<netuoso> ^ Ruby based Slack bot for searching ThePirateBay
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<nofxx> apeiros, yeah... had to def to_json(_arg = nil); values.to_json
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<apeiros> nofxx: I usually use * for that
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<apeiros> def to_json(*); …
<apeiros> nothing says "I ignore all args" nicer than that :D
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<nofxx> apeiros, great tip, ty
<adaedra> def to_json(*_we_dont_need_no_args)
<adaedra> :p
<apeiros> _we_dont_need_no_thought_control
<apeiros> I think providing zeroload as refinement is stupid.
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<apeiros> module Foo; using Zeroload; zeroload!; end # <-- worse than
<apeiros> module Foo; Zeroload.module(self); end # IMO
<apeiros> if we had binding_of_caller in ruby proper, I could do Zeroload.me!
<nofxx> to quote Ox0dea while true { wall << brick }
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<nofxx> apeiros, this worked too: def to_json(*); to_h.to_json ;
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<netuoso> if you want to run .to_json on a hash you can just require 'json' somewhere above it
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<netuoso> i didnt miss the topic so sorry if i am way off base here. but {}.to_json doesnt work unless you require 'json' . then {}.to_json works fine. little monkey patching
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<apeiros> netuoso: nofxx needs Struct#to_json, and they implemented it using Hash#to_json. i.e. they're aware Hash#to_json exists.
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<netuoso> apeiros: yeah sorry i figured i would be spouting nonsense since i missed the question
<apeiros> :)
<apeiros> no worries
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<apeiros> huh? yard fails to pick up documentation of some methods? wtf?
<apeiros> anybody got an idea why yard would fail to pick up docs here: https://github.com/apeiros/zeroload/blob/master/lib/Zeroload.rb
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<apeiros> Patch, Registry, Name, self.patch! and self.module all are undocumented according to yard
<apeiros> but self.preload! works properly
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<shevy> haha
<shevy> heisenbugs in your code!
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<Nilium> shevy is a heisenbug
<adaedra> apeiros: capitalized letter in the file name?
<apeiros> adaedra: requirement for zeroload
<Ox0dea> nofxx: You made me briefly consider that I might've actually used `while true` in Ruby code.
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<apeiros> adaedra: that's what I meant with "I leave ruby & rails convention behind"
<apeiros> it's wroth it.
<apeiros> *worth even
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<apeiros> I don't get why yard fails here :-S
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<dt__> I have setup an active job with sidekiq
<dt__> is it necessary to always do bundle exec sidekiq to run the job
<dt__> I did TransactionsResetJob.set(wait: 1.minutes).perform_later
<dt__> but it is not getting executed unless i do bundle exec sidekiq
<dt__> i m trying in console
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<jhass> dt__: that's kinda the point of a background queue, that it's processed by a background process
<TheBloke> Yes it's necessary - sidekiq is a job processing server. You have to run the server to run the jobs. It's like asking, "do I always need to start MySQL before running queries against it?"
<dt__> so should i need to do it each time....can i make it automatic
<jhass> that's a question for your deployment
<TheBloke> Once you start it, it should stay running until you stop it (or the server/container/VM shuts down)
<TheBloke> so if it keeps stopping, maybe you're not in a permanent environment. is it an app server or something?
<dt__> it is in my local system
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<jhass> why do you want to use ActiveJob?
<TheBloke> Check the Sidekiq logs
<dt__> i need to execute an action after 20 mins of form submit....how can i achieve this
<dt__> @theBloke- which server should i start....redis or sidekiq
<jhass> sidekiq is not a good backend for that, it doesn't come with a scheduler by itself
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<dt__> which backend adapter should i use?
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<TheBloke> dt__: I think you need to start from basics and the read the docs for the tools you're using and understand them. Sidekiq stores its data in Redis so you need to start both.
<jhass> given your confusion, probably delayed job still
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<dt__> Thanks buddies..i ll try that..
<dt__> but in active job basics ....they sadi we can use sidekiq for scheduling
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<jhass> dt__: where exactly? got a quote?
<jhass> oh, derp
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<jhass> I confused it with recurring jobs for some reason
<jhass> sorry
<dt__> np...thanks..
<jhass> dt__: you probably want to use the inline backend in development
<jhass> mh, though it probably doesn't allow delayed jobs
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<dt__> When i first tries to execute this without sidekiq, it said ou require a queue adapter for this
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<dt__> that's y i went for sidekiq
<TheBloke> Sidekiq will do the job fine, you just need to make sure you have Redis and Sidekiq server running.
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<dt__> bundle exec sidekiq -d.....will it run the sidekiq server in background
<dt__> ?
<dt__> i m new to this scheduling job section....earlier was using cron to execute these things
<dt__> with rake task
<TheBloke> Yes -d, and there are some other options to write log files and so on. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22958188/how-to-run-sidekiq-in-production-server
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<TheBloke> Redis should probably supply a standard OS start/stop script, or if you installed it from an OS package that may already be in place. Make sure Redis is started before Sidekiq starts
<dt__> redis is started ..i guess, when i did redis-cli ping...it gave me PONG.
<atmosx> dt__: it's really easy
<Nilium> Redis does provide a regular init script on the Debians
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<Nilium> Or did. Might be upstart now. Or systemd depending on the debian.
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<Nilium> Centos should also come with one, but installing Redis from yum on Centos is kind of hit-or-miss.
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<atmosx> Nilium: what do you mean hit-or-miss?
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<TheBloke> darix: cool.
<Nilium> atmosx: You're liable to end up with a very old version of Redis.
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<Nilium> Either that or you add a third-party source for Redis. Could also build from source if you've got a particular version/tag/commit hash you've standardized around, which is usually what I end up doing.
<atmosx> I see
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<atmosx> Nilium: hm, I've used redis + sidekiq for a sinatra app some time ago. I just installed the default freebsd redis on the server and worked fine. I mean if you're not using latest features, you should be fine with the OS's version. The package manager usually will handle security updates, etc.
<Nilium> Unfortunately, we use redis cluster at work, so we have a minimum version requirement
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<Nilium> Which means what ships is with an OS (or distro) is almost never what we want. That said, we don't use FreeBSD at work, so I don't know what ports/pkg install will get you.
<Nilium> We did almost end up using FreeBSD for our switches but found some sort of oddity in the process and had to use linux :(
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<atmosx> Nilium: precompiled version redis-3.0.4 on FreeBSD
<atmosx> what's the current version?
<atmosx> Nilium: Are you using docker to manage the cluster?
<Nilium> I think it's around there.
<Nilium> No, not using Docker for that.
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<darix> Nilium: you will probably have a common OS under all cluster nodes
<darix> and then you should have the same redis version for all of them too
<Nilium> We do, but the one available via the package manager is too old.
<Nilium> i.e., doesn't include Redis cluster, since that's fairly recent.
<atmosx> Nilium: what kind of linux distribution to do you use? debian?
<Nilium> Redis cluster is a little finnicky with configurations, so we haven't found a good way to make that run out of Docker.
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<Nilium> Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, unfortunately.
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<atmosx> Nilium: you should check out this one https://nixos.org/ - although if you had probelms with creating docker images with redis
<atmosx> I don't know if it's a good idea to automate the redis installation/configuration process.
<Nilium> There's no problem creating images, it's just a problem of there being no reason to use Docker.
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<Nilium> Which isn't to say we don't use Docker elsewhere, it's just that the redis cluster isn't a thing you can really grow easily.
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<atmosx> I see
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<arup_r> atmosx: 0/
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<atmosx> hello arup_r !
<arup_r> life is smooth now lol
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<atmosx> Nilium: I like your blog btw. Really nice design.
<Nilium> Thanks.
<Nilium> I should probably update it, but I first need to rewrite my tool to generate the site HTML.
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<Nilium> It's kind of a disaster.
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<Nilium> My university is now sending me emails about how I should try to become a student... I already graduated.
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<Nilium> Also, their email template didn't work.
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<atmosx> hahaha
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<VeryBewitching> G'day folks.
<Nilium> Hi
<atmosx> the NYTimes keep sending me email notifications asking me to subscribe to their awesome offer. I feel bad becuase I've subscribed to their previous offer already, from another email, which was more expensive :-P
<atmosx> hi VeryBewitching
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<VeryBewitching> Sounds like the NYTimes really wants your money.
<Nilium> I should probably renew my subscription to The Sun.
<Nilium> The literary magazine, not the daily garbage liner.
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<VeryBewitching> I read Reuters and AP online
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<VeryBewitching> Well, /. and Ars Technica too
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<Nilium> As online things go, I mostly just read Ars now and everything else I hear about by word of mouth.
<Nilium> Kind of wrote /. off a while back.
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<shevy> the good things die
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<Ox0dea> > [The world] kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially.
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<VeryBewitching> Slashdot has a variety that Ars doesn't, that's why I still read it.
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<VeryBewitching> Ars is almost exlusively technology-related material.
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<Radar> totes weird given that they're called ars TECHnica
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<Nilium> I think the only site I've made a personal policy of avoiding is hacker news
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<Nilium> Just because there's something wrong with that community, and I can't put my finger on it
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<apeiros> Nilium: what about reddit?
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<Nilium> I try to limit what I check on reddit
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<Nilium> It's hard to pin it down because it depends on the group on there, but a lot of it is more or less awful.
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<Radar> Nilium: The "Well Actually" crowd is the name I've given it.
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<Radar> They will debate you on any point, no matter how trivial
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<Radar> Just to prove themselves right
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<Nilium> Pretty much.
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<Nilium> It's worse when I look back and go "oh, I've done that"
<Radar> And also: "I did this thing in Ruby which I think is pretty great" and the reply is "That sucks. I did the same thing in Assembly in < 1hr when I was in high school."
<Nilium> It's kind of hard to train yourself not to be a crappy person.
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<apeiros> Radar: just reply "boo, I did it with punchcards in <1min when I wasn't yet born!"
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<apeiros> don't forget to link topper from dilbert :D
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<Nilium> I just try, not always successfully, to not put down someone's work because they tried to do something I think isn't useful/good/right.
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<Radar> Same
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<Radar> "Your code is shit and you should feel shit" is not helpful to anyone but yourself.
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<Radar> Yay feeling of moral superiority
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<Nilium> And even then you'll probably just feel bad about it later.
<Radar> Big deal, hotshot. The better person is the one who helps rather than wounds.
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<Nilium> Assuming you dwell on it the way I do, but I don't know how other people think.
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<Radar> Psycopaths don't dwell on their actions :P
<apeiros> for real?
<Radar> And that kinda comment is _really harmful_. It can lead to such a large confidence hit and take months to recover from.
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<Radar> apeiros: which is the "for real" directed at?
<Radar> brb walking home
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<apeiros> Radar: psychos dwelling
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<Nilium> That's more or less what psychopathy is, if I remember right.
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<Nilium> Aside from the other stuff that makes it up.
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<Nilium> So, not empathizing and whatnot doesn't mean someone's a psychopath, it's just a facet.
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<apeiros> time to restudy ICD I guess :D
<apeiros> (actually not really having time for such fun stuff :-S)
<Nilium> Bear in mind I could be (and probably am) way off.
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<apeiros> colloquial and medical definition might differ wildly anyway
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<slash_nick> Radar: previous actions, you mean? i'd imagine they dwell on future actions from time to time or in some cases
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<slash_nick> /join #psychology
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<atmosx> I don't know what are you guys talking about
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<atmosx> I am probably the only one here that can draw the structure of diltiazem, olanzapine and morphine/heroin/thebaine by heart! \o/
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<atmosx> that said, I'm going to bed.
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<adaedra> 'night.
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<Radar> slash_nick: yes, that's it
<apeiros> night adaedra
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<adaedra> That was for atmosx, apeiros
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<apeiros> whoops
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<Radar> I meant that psychos wouldn't dwell on their actions negatively.
<slash_nick> my only reliable source source is Dexter
<slash_nick> source source source
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<Radar> I think that maybe the word I was looking for is sociopath
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<adaedra> This is getting weird.
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<shevy> night adaedra
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<Ox0dea> Night, shevy.
<adaedra> Night, shevy.
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<shevy> I am staying
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<adaedra> Me too.
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<Ox0dea> Same.
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<ja> wat is dis
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<Ox0dea> A demonstration of the fact that Bignum uses essentially the same optimization strategy as used for String.
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<Ox0dea> "Never create Ruby Bignums longer than 23 bytes" is an equally "valid" "warning".
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<Ox0dea> KRI uses a static array for Strings shorter than 24 characters and Bignums shorter than 192 bits.
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<Ox0dea> On 64-bit systems, at any rate.
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<ja> uhh, that sounds bad, Ox0dea
<ja> and people are joining so fast I can't hit your link, lol
<ja> oh, there! got it!
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<Ox0dea> ja: irssi can hide joins and parts. :P
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<ja> oh yeah, I should get some of that
<ja> though I have trouble enough making it hide joins and parts in the activity bar thing :E
<ja> Jeez
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<blubjr> im padding strings, so ending up with [0, expr].max in a million places, is there a better way to handle that
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<adaedra> To pad strings?
<adaedra> &ri String#ljust String#rjust
<adaedra> derp
<blubjr> that isnt flexible enough
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<blubjr> i just meant for 'guarding' the expression from going under zero
<blubjr> or do i have to be explicit
<Radar> ?xy
<adaedra> Two bots down
<Radar> ruboto, why have you forsaken us?
<Radar> Hey, at least helpa stays up.
<Radar> :trollface:
<adaedra> blubjr: what are you trying to do in the first place?
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<Radar> blubjr: Sounds like you've come up with a solution and now you're asking us how to apply that solution to your rpoblem.
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<apeiros> Radar: ye, föcking problems with freenodes perma-netsplit
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<Radar> apeiros: I have two bots now. helpa + helpa-ping. If one can't reach the other then they disconnect and reconnect.
<apeiros> second time I have to manually get ruboto up :-(
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<slash_nick> nice
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<apeiros> Radar: sounds like a good idea
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<blubjr> im porting a program, and i would prefer to get it working period in ruby before i think about restructuring the whole thing. writing [0, expr].max over and over is cumbersome, thats all, its easy enough to write something to cover that but bounding the ends of an expression is general enough that i thought ruby might have something predefined, thats all i was asking
<apeiros> something about these netsplits kills cinch
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<adaedra> apeiros: maybe it's just at the other side of the netsplit, it happens.
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<apeiros> adaedra: nope
<apeiros> it's dead
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<adaedra> , jim.
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<apeiros> second time this happened
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<apeiros> lol @ ", jim"
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<apeiros> too sad I don't have the new ruboto up yet. would have been nice to see how it holds up.
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* Radar enjoys that people explain code with text
* Radar is not being sarcastic at all
* Radar no really
<Radar> blubjr: ^
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<apeiros> Radar: is that double plusnogood sarcasm
<apeiros> ?
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<Radar> apeiros: I.... don't know.
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<blubjr> radar: does ruby have an equivalent shorthand to def bound(x, l, h); x < l ? l : x > h ? h : x; end
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<Radar> blubjr: Show me what the method does.
<Radar> I already had breakfast this morning so I don't want to have some alphabet soup]\
<blubjr> i thought you wanted code
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<Radar> blubjr: Yes. And now I'm asking for an example.
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<Ox0dea> blubjr wants #clamp. Ruby doesn't have it yet.
<Ox0dea> !next
<blubjr> ox0dea thank you
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<slash_nick> yeah we want #clamp!, we want #clamp!
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<tobiasgreen> now that sounds like an awesome function
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<tobiasgreen> who else has it
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<slash_nick> crystal does
<Ox0dea> Crystal just got it.
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<tobiasgreen> interesting
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<adaedra> neat
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<apeiros> blubjr: I actually have that in my snippets (both ruby & js) as Numeric#cap(min, max)
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<apeiros> (and that means: no, vanilla ruby doesn't have it)
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<adaedra> yet.
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<Ox0dea> apeiros: "Cap" doesn't really fit for minima, though?
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<Ox0dea> "Clamp" really is the best "technical" term available for this operation.
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<apeiros> not a native speaker, so may well be that clamp describes better what this does.
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<slash_nick> but yeah i like clamp better
<blubjr> the syntax this program uses is {l,h,x} where h is optional, which is really ugly
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<slash_nick> perfect
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<adaedra> I didn't know the word "clamp" – but for me, "capped" coveys the idea of one (upper) limit. But I'm no native either.
<adaedra> conveys?
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<slash_nick> oi
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<Ox0dea> Yes, "cap" virtually always connotes a "ceiling", never a "floor".
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<Ox0dea> Today on Things You('ll) Wish You Could Un-know: If you can smell something, it's because particles thereof are *in* your nostrils.
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<douglass_> that's kind of true but kind of not
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<Ox0dea> douglass_: Enlighten me, Ol' Factoryman.
<Ox0dea> VeryBewitching: Any qualms with parenthetical apostrophization?
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<douglass_> distinction between the odor-bearing compound actually reaching your nose and the thing it comes from
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<VeryBewitching> Example please.
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<douglass_> if i smell indole, well, it's because there are indole molecules getting to my nose. simple.
<Ox0dea> VeryBewitching: I just did it with "You('ll)".
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<douglass_> but if i smell shit, what that actually means is *also* likely that there are indole molecules getting to my nose, since these are one of the main odor-bearing components of shit
<VeryBewitching> Oh, when it comes to a style of writing, I take cues from CS Lewis and Jabberwocky :D
<douglass_> doesn't necessarily mean other components are also in my nose
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<Ox0dea> VeryBewitching: Isn't that "anything goes"? :P
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<douglass_> (aside: indole is a weird compound. in high concentrations humans perceive it as smelling like shit. but in much lower ones, it's often said to smell like flowers; it's a significant component of jasmine oil for instance.)
<VeryBewitching> Ox0dea: The rules of English, in my opinion, can be set aside if the implied misusage promotes better emphasis or communication to with the reader.
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<VeryBewitching> Ox0dea: Mostly because English is a one to many compiler relationship; plain English can mean different things to different people.
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<Ox0dea> VeryBewitching: Aye, I suppose I was only look for whether or not you consider the construction to be an "improper" one.
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<Ox0dea> What say the prescriptivists of parenthetical apostrophization?
<VeryBewitching> Ox0dea: I like what it expressed, the parenthetical in that statement caused the content to have two meanings.
<Ox0dea> As would it have done if I'd instead parenthesized "Will", of course.
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<Ox0dea> VeryBewitching: http://i.imgur.com/AncNp0S.jpg
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<Ox0dea> I'm only bothering you because my go-to resource has failed me on the matter in spectacular fashion.
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<VeryBewitching> Make your grammer gooder.
<Ox0dea> I are want to make me grammars many much good as possibiliyu.
<Ox0dea> *possibility
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<Ox0dea> Is ##English a graveyard?
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<krobzaur> I think I justy discovered that the array.each{} block has its own scope. How do I get variables assigned within an array.each{} block to be accessible in the surrounding scope?
<Ox0dea> krobzaur: No.
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<krobzaur> Ox0dea: no as in I am wrong?
<VeryBewitching> English was the natural result of mashing as many contrary languages together as possible into a homogeneous mess.
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<Ox0dea> krobzaur: I suspect you don't have a sufficiently good reason for wanting that.
<krobzaur> Ox0dea: lol ok probably true
<Ox0dea> Sanity prevails! <3
<krobzaur> Ox0dea: I supposed I could put the rest of my program within that block
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<Ox0dea> Wat.
<Ox0dea> 360 no-scope is not programming advice.
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<krobzaur> Ox0dea: lol ok well I think I have a legitimate reason to want variables assigned in this .each block to persist after the program exits from the loop
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<Ox0dea> krobzaur: Go on.
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<krobzaur> Ox0dea: So how do I do that? It works if I just declare the variables I want before the loop but that seems like kind of a janky way to achieve the result I want
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<Ox0dea> krobzaur: That's the way to do it, and its jankiness is a feature.
<krobzaur> Ox0dea: lol fair enough
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<krobzaur> Ox0dea: It certaintly requires you to be attentive
<krobzaur> Ox0dea: and understand exactly what you want from the loop
<Ox0dea> krobzaur: It's really not the done thing in idiomatic Ruby.
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<blubjr> you probably want a fold
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<Ox0dea> *reduction
<krobzaur> Ox0dea: mmm I just picked up Ruby yesterday so i'm not really privy to any best practices or whatnot
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<Ox0dea> krobzaur: Whence do you come, if you don't mind my asking?
<Ox0dea> C, perhaps?
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<krobzaur> Ox0dea: This window management program I found has a Ruby API so I'm using it to script my window setups
<Ox0dea> That's about as imperative as it gets. :P