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That's why the error mentions privacy rather than nonexistence.
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is Rack::Auth::Basic just http basic authentication? do most browsers just know the pop up an alert-ish box asking for user/pass when they visit a page that requires this?
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tejasmanohar: Yep.
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It's essentially just a header.
And a status code, to trigger the dialog.
Oh, right.
You server says "You're not allowed to access this page, I require a password.", so the browser shows the dialog, and retries with the information provided.
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HTTP Basic is rather old tech now, so you can expect all browser to know it.
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is there a correct way to write this: @variable ||= do; block; end
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where block returns a value to set variable to
catphish: real code plz
@variable ||= do; 1; end
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where i want to set @variable to 1 if it's not already set
obviously in reality "1" will actually involve some processing, but i wanted to keep it simple :)
ah, i think the correct answer is: @variable ||= begin; 1; end
just do `@variable ||= expression`
@variable ||= 1 # is valid
adaedra: my point was that instead of 1, i wanted a block of code
that ultimately returns a value to assign
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||= has the same semantics than =
so yes, you can use begin; ...; end if it's a long calculation, or call a method
sorry, i think a better example would be: @variable ||= begin; 1 + 2 + n; end
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why not `@variable ||= 1 + 2 + n` ?
catphish: That's not really "processing".
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If you don't need to do anything stateful, just nix the `begin` wrapper.
sorry, i was trying to make my example fit on one line :)
you may want to explain what you want to do in the first place, the whole picture.
anyway, the answer is that the keyword is "begin" not "do"
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sorry for the poor question, slightly tired
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What's the simplest way of inquiring whether an object can be .dup-ed?
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.respond_to?(:dup) doesn't seem adequate - nilclass responds true, but then throws 'can't dup nil' if you try.. fixnums don't exen have .respond_to? available.
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jhass: yeah, i looked back and i mistyped my respond_to? check on fixnum, sorry. Hmm, okay... so I should basically just go with 'o.dup rescue o'.
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kiki_lamb: well, why are you so unsure about what you get but want to copy it all? seems a bit odd
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jhass: i'm writing some attribute helper methods for a set of classes, which accept an optional default. if the default is mutable, like a hash, we need to dup it so that instances don't end up sharing references to the same default object... but for other default values, like integers or boolean values, we don't need to call dup, and just want to pass the value straight to instance_variable_set to set the underlying storage variable.
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kiki_lamb: stdlib solves this by storing blocks that are called when needed, compare for example Hash#default and Hash#default_proc
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jhass: makes sense. is there anything particularly wrong with the rescue version, though? I'm already using my block parameter for an &after Proc that happens after the setter sets, and it's a little easier on the eye for this method's user to just pass a value instead of a big cumbersome Proc.new { value }.
Proc.new { value } is indeed odd, it's be proc { value }, lambda { value } or -> { value } rather.
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so the sad state is that few people implement .dup / .initialize_copy correctly
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so while it probably will most likely work for stdlib stuff, for user/library defined datatypes it might break subtly
also think about cases where sharing the same instance might even be desired
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Okay... the likely defaults are pretty much all stdlib items or classes I'm writing, so it's probably alright.
Yeah, I considered that - the only case I can think of, so far, where sharing a default makes for these atrribute would be when the default is a Module or Class.
So, on that basic I've revised the expression to: (Module === default ? default : (default.dup rescue default)))
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er, basis
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I can't think of another situation where sharing state would make sense for these. They're arranged in a tree structure, and behaviour covering when they should access each others state is already implemented (and working well) elsewhere, so sharing state via shared default objects seems at best unnecessary and more often than not a source for cconfusion and errors.
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Plus, these aren't really used to hold a mutating state over time, so any benefits related to that are moot. Once the objects have been built, they're essentially used as is, the only thing that's mutated over time after building them is literally a single Fixnum counter value on the topmost scope.
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(these 'bubbles' are essentially nodes in an AST created from the program's DSL, which is, at the moment, purely declarative and does not include mutable states... mutable states will probably be added in the future, but when that happens the DSL's AST and it's current program state will likely be held in separate objects, since, in addition to mutating state while keeping the same AST, here we're actually also going to need the ability to rebuild the
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it's a livecoding tool for performing music, so being able to update the code while it's running is kind of the entire point... mutable state would only be useful here if I can continue to update the program's code during execution without destroying that state. :) fun stuff.
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could someone help me, i need a quick fix
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anyone here?
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if i use the same words for a class and the code is created by 2 different person who do not know one another, how do i solve the problem
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Namespace collision?
That's tough. Rename one.
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i tried to but it crashes
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But what crashes?
the program
Right. Renaming isn't simple.
Where do these two classes come from
the class is actually used in the main program, the script i am talking about are extensions\
so its not like i thought
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i have a question
if i write class < class2
what does that mean
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would anyone be willing to do some ruby work for 5$
5 or 10$
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what kind of work?
do you have paypal
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what am i doing wrong here ? Using mongo and trying to use insert for a new document
thank you. I think a lot of the guides i'm using online are out dated :(
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anybody wanna work for 5 or 10$
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ruby-lang104: class Class1 < Class2 means that it makes a new class Class1 based on Class2 (inheritance)
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ok thanks
inheritance means inherit all attributes?
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ruby-lang104: yup.. and methods and all
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Melpaws: use the new gem site, there's a single page readme/doc
is there an online ruby debugger that i could use
easy to use
i am new
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ruby-lang104: so much easy just install it on yr machine
i use notepad++
ruby-lang104: nah, I don't do drugs.
online ruby debugger? What?
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anyone know why my jekyll install is failing? maybe its my ruby install? anyone know why my install is failing? https://bpaste.net/show/31aca15438cc
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"rvm" well there's your problem
(I kid, I kid)
cagmz: Weird error to be getting. Did you install "apt-get install build-essential"?
Radar, yes it's installed already, so is ruby-dev
cagmz: Then I don't know, sorry.
i just want to be cool and use ruby :(
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cagmz: Did you also install libffi and its development headers?
i created the config.ru, but when i reate a php file nothing happens
Mon_Ouie, yes, they are installed
Reading state information... Done libffi-dev is already the newest version. libffi6 is already the newest version.
Komanda come on man - php for ##php, ruby for #ruby
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shevy: it has nothing to do with php
it's a ruby tool, a ruby ecosystem
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Okay, Try having a look at the log files mentioned at the end of the message you pasted. Do they mention a more specific error?
it's about POW, i don't know how i can "let it know" of the existence of the config.ru
do i have to execute the config.ru or whut?
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hi all
what is the best ruby book who knows only a few programming syntax like C,C++?
what is the best ruby book for one who knows only a few programming syntax like C,C++?
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Guest0099: I don't know of any good ruby books. I tried the pickeaxe book and hated it -- terrible examples. And it's really dated now.
I mostly tried programming stuff, googling and asking on irc when I got stuck.
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Guest0099: There is a couple books around. Pickaxe used to be the one and only, though as bronson mentioned, it is a bit outdated.
bronson, honestly, I learnt programming like C, Pascal long time ago and I now remember only hello world program and forgot all syntax. now want to start learning ruby because want to develop rails
There is also "The Ruby Programming Language" by Matz himself, pretty decent book.
Maybe Learn Ruby the Hard Way, I've heard good things about that series.
norc, thanks
but haven't heard anything about the Ruby version itself.
I agree with learning Ruby before Rails, it will seem a lot less magic that way.
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Also it will drastically improve your code in the short run.
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Too many people who start using Rails, and think of all their classes as magical things, forgetting that they are dealing with just normal Ruby classes and modules.
norc, yes. that is why I want to start with ruby learning first
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How can I ask a class what it's instances respond to without instantiating one?
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kiki_lamb: You will have to walk through the ancestors chain to get a near complete list (you will be missing singleton_methods however, but you cannot know that without instantiating)
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Mon_Ouie, norc: perfect, makes sense... thanks, I'll give it a go. :)
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which part seems to be ignored?
line 2
I don't know what I'm doing wrong that my field interpolation isn't working for nested fields. `mutate { add_field => { "field" => "%{event}" } }` correctly replaces with the dynamic value, but `mutate { add_field => { "field" => "%{[properties][userId]}" } }` adds the literal value "%{[properties][userId]}" to the field
that recipe should be run, but isn't
it's even specified as a dependency for this cookbook
oops, wrong channel
nope, completely ignored
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no error, no message?
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grepwood: what led you to the conclusion that it's line 2 that is the source of the issue?
is the error with chef_gem a result of something in apt? the output does show it didn't ignore apt
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grepwood: to Ox0dea's point, what sources are you telling chef_gem to use?
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pontiki, the issue can be fixed by running apt-get update before invoking chef-client to run the ldap-thingy recipe
and I've no idea what sources are called
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Is here anyone knowledgeable in ruby-graphviz? I'm trying to force position of nodes, but I have no idea how to achieve it, and the docs are less than useful, and so is the code.
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Alternatively, I could use an another gem that could create images out of graphs
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grepwood: this would be more for the #chef channel, i think, but does the apt recipe run the update even if you're not running apt to install/update/remove an apt package?
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grepwood: are you purposely ignoring ruboto ?
I've an account on pastebin :/
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Hello good people. I was tasked to fix a problem on a server where when trying to run 'ruby' it returns ' cannot load such file -- rubygems.rb'. I noticed that the ruby, gem and bundle binaries are located at '/opt/ruby/install/bin' I tried to install rubygems 'rubygem-bundler-1.3.1-1.noarch.rpm' but it says it is installed already
Maybe it is a problem with environment variables?
Any suggestions?
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The rubygems folder is this one: /opt/ruby/ruby-2.0.0-p353/lib/rubygems
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Ant the binary: /opt/ruby/install/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems
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Not binary, the libs folder :)
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grepwood: I can tell you that there's a couple of high profile helpers here who'll simply ignore your questions for using pastebin.com (myself included)
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Dat modesty.
well that really makes ruby an inclusive language
I feel oppressed </joke>
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Hello. I have a Sinatra App and i want to run someAcceptance tests using Watir. it works when i test my production environment but when i make changes and want to run those test doesnt work .
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do you know if there is a way to connect watir and Rack::Test
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Hey, I'm having a bit of trouble using Curl's ruby wrapper 'curb' and timeout. I set c.timeout= 5 and/or c.timeout_ms= 5000, but it looks as if the timeout is not being applied (i.e. the request runs for longer). Any hints?
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people rejoice!
it is a Caturday again
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anyone here knows regular expressions?
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brainfire: Regexp question?
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havenwood: yeah I've been trying for a while but don't seem to get it
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you know what brainfire / havenwood... I can't seem to get the hang of it either... it just seems so alien to me!
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I have a large mysql database dump, the data I'm looking for is in the form (number, 'string') with many of those occuring in the same line. I get a positive match if I do /\(*,*\)/.match(line) in ruby but whenever I try to be a little more specific like /\(\d{1,3},'*'\)/.match(line) it fails
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also I can't seem to get the actual matches, the match object just has the length 1 though the file should have hundreds of matches
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brainfire: /\(*,*\)/ is'nt what you think its doing
s/is\'nt/doesnt do/
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gregf_: the asterisk * is a placeholder for any character type and number right?
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I'm tring to install jekyll and redcarpet in cygwin, but here is the error output:http://paste.ubuntu.com/13330689/
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it said I didn't install rdoc
thanks guys I'll play around with it.. may have more questions later though :)
but I checked with the cygwin's installer, I did install it
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?guys brainfire
brainfire, Though inclusion was probably intended, not everyone relates to being "one of the guys". Maybe consider using "folks", "all", "y'all", or "everyone" instead?
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UniFreak: An easy workaround would be to not generate docs. You can add `gem: "--no-document"` to your ~/.gemrc.
UniFreak: Or do you want docs generated?
havenwood: I don't even know what that mean
brainfire: not quite sure what the "?" is supposed to ask :)
UniFreak: After installing each gem Ruby generates documentation. Since that takes time it's fairly popular to disable documentation generation.
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apeiros: I wasn't sure what the problems with "guys" is
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UniFreak: Ruby Documentation (rdoc).
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brainfire: I think the message from the bot is pretty understandable?
apeiros: is this a gender thing?
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havenwood: I did that, now the installation is silence
brainfire: you have as much the right to be offended by anything just as much as you have the right to not care if you don't want. (Oh, when I use that method it's for trolling purposes.)
UniFreak: I'm not sure why rdoc isn't found with your cygwin install. Hem.
UniFreak: But that works!
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Papierkorb: just that people who don't care about certain things in this channel can be shown the door.
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(which in no way inhibits their right to still not care)
no one's offended right?
brainfire: no, not at this point :)
good ;)
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ok so if I may ask another question: the scan method for the string object should return an array which contains all the matches of the regular expression that it was invoked with right?
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if your regex contains capturing groups, the result will be an array of arrays, with the inner array being the captured values
ok, so I've tried string.scan(/\(\d*,'.*'\)/) on that string containing all this data in the brackets like I mentioned earlier, it's all in a single line because mysqldump did it that way. It returns a match, but the array only has length one with this one containing all the matches ...
apeiros: yeah I tried that too, same deal -.-'
brainfire: the .* happily matches as far as it can
you probably want [^']*' or .*?'
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the .*? seems to be working.
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apeiros: could you tell me what exactly that did?
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apeiros: it takes anything left of the last "=" right
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yes. because the last = is needed to still satisfy the expression
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basically the .* will match until the end of the string, notice that it then can't satisfy the "=(\d)" part, and backtrack until it can.
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(a modern regex engine will probably optimize how it does this, though)
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i see
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the ^ matches something to the beginning of the string though?
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[] is a character class. and [^] is a negated character class. [^a] is "any character except a"
[^abc] is "any character except a, b or c"
right. I remember actually lol
apeiros: thank you, you've been very helpful
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I'm trying to run a cronjob on my macbook that execute a script every 10min
I know the script is running because the log file is being created every 10minutes but nothing happens: nothing in the log files and the API supposed to be hit isn't being hit
(the scripts uses capybara)
any idea of what can be the issue?
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Spami: it crashes?
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Spami: Also it is possible I keep deleting your log files.
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apeiros, where could I see it a log of it crashing?
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Spami: you'll have to make it write one. e.g. by instructing cron to redirect stderr to a file.
the only special thing is that ruby -w won't warn about reusing it inside a single expression and it won't warn about it never being read
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ah, I see
and that holds true for all variables starting with _, so _foo, _bar and so on
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_ is too just a variable starting with _ so to say ;)
thanks guys ^_^
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that pretty much explains everything
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apeiros, nothing in the log still: "*/10 * * * * /bin/bash 'ruby /Users/theonegri/Projects/job-distribution/postingjob.rb &> /Users/theonegri/Projects/logs/crontab.log'"
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Spami: I don't think that redirection catches all output
think you want.... command > file.log 2>&1
specifically, it might not be logging error output
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Does someone know the fatal error "No live threads left. Deadlock?" in rubys thread.rb? Getting that message (with an abort afterwards) when trying to use xmpp4r to connect to an XMPP server
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Googling shows that it occurs for a bunch of ruby tools
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ah, no, the error is raised from within xmpp4r, sorry
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it looks like climbing a huge mountain for me but simple for you :D
thank you for the help
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btw you can use newlines inside a regular "quoted string" too
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hello m going to partivipate in my first hackthon, i want to make some awesome app in ruby any idea?
isn't coming up with your own idea sorta the deal with these?
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no i ahve some api making idea
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actually this will be my first hackthon so getting confused how much they are expexting?
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I don't think there's some standard for that, aim for something you'll be proud of to realize
in that timeframe
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like stock market teding api
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demonlove: flappy bird with the level being generated out of live stock trading data
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Papierkorb explain litle bit..
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demonlove: well you must've heard of flappy bird. you control a flying 'object' (a bird or so), and can only really interact with it by telling it to fly up a bit, after which it quickly descends again. then, the original ripped sprites out of super mario (or something), and put pipes from the bottom and the top, creating a course which you have to navigate through. The object goes to the right by itself. that course could technically be
generated out of stock data.
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demonlove: not claiming it's a good game mechanic though :P
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demonlove: flappy bird was basically a rip off mechanically wise from the 'helicoptergame' http://www.helicoptergame.net/ (warning, requires flash)
Well, let me share a personal challenge. I've been trying to understand the whole "put stuff in and out of a datastore" thing for a few years and in more than one language.
gets in C is broken because it has no bounds checking and the target buffer is fixed size.
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that's not the case in Ruby so it's fine if you just want to read a little bit of stuff
I am reading "Learn the ruby the hard way" by Zee Shaw
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Every once in a while I come back to an attempt to finally figure this out. SInce my wife is out of town on a trip, I figured this might be the time. May also keep me out of trouble...
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mg^, thanks.
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One day I'd like to look at more secure coding skills. Right now I'm still in coder kindergarden.
if you were asked to search one’s genome for a specific set of proteins, what would be the most efficient way to do that? i got asked this in an interview yesterday
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EllisTAA just run a BLAST search on it
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shevy: i’ve never heard of it, ill look it up
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Note that my expectation is "operator error", just haven't figured out the paticular error. Off to make a little coffee, back shortly.
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leitz: a bare gets is equivalent ARGF.gets, so the result is the first line of the first file you gave it on the command line. Try STDIN.gets instead
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No need to berate him for not knowing not to paste in IRC. Everyone's new at some point...
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pastebin is down
There's tons, gist is mentioned in the topic and https://dpaste.de is one I use a lot for some reason
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leitz man what up!!!
Yeah, shevy. I tried to cut and paste too fast.
I *thought* was I was pasting the Gist URL...
what IRC client do you use?
curious :)
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I had similar problems with irssi and weechat... I never managed to get it right
I run on a CentOS 6 laptop.
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Nyah, this was purely operator error.
anyone good with deep knowledge of system and os related to ruby?
I hate laptop keyboards... I can't write as quickly on them as I can on my desktop machine at home
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That's why I have a big one plugged into mine. :)
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There's really no good excuse for that last bit.
I will point out, though, that no one seemed to see the apology before booting me or calling me a dumba$$.
Thaxll best you can do is to try and ask anyway
leitz: I don't think your apology came through
leitz spammers must die early!
i didn't see it
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No one saw the apology because it wasn't sent to us
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It was at the :57 mark, right after the spam.
Odd it didn't come through.
Your client probably throttled the amount of messages that it actually sent to avoid getting killed for spam, that's what happens when you try sending many messages at once
I have a realy weird problem it's related to puppet + passenger on Centos 7, I got that error first: http://pastebin.com/EjDAqMV1 for some reason it can't execute hostname and env
I'm pretty sure that either your client or the IRC server was rate limiting you
pastebin.com loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting.
shevy: irssi actually asks before sending more than 5 lines
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I can try to test that!!!
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I don't actually remember, it was a long time ago
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hostname and env are available to all users after doing some strace() on passenger process I found that it was trying to execute those commands with the wrong path
Interesting. My client shows the entire mess.
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The last message I saw before muting you was "key_to_edit = STDIN.gets.chomp", FYI
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Anyway feel free to paste in a link to your code if you want us to actually answer your question :p
Ah, okay, Mon_Quie,
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* leitz
tests his paste first...
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You should probably have a look at the list of methods in Hash, some of the things you implement are already available as methods on that class
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For example, collecting an array with all the keys of a hash is simply hash.keys
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For that matter, you also shouldn't rescue Exception. You should get as specific as possible, in this case a JSON::ParseError I believe.
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Mon_Quie, thanks! I've made that change and eliminated the show_keys method.
this is more of a stylistic choice I guess, but you may want to consider putting this functionality into a class instead of using global variables
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mg^, I'm still learning to use Exceptions, lemme go read up on JSON::ParseError.
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The main thing is that you want to rescue things you expect, so that unexpected things don't cause mystery errors.
hohenfall, I'm even worse at classes than I am at IRC. :) Still, your point is vaild and I'd really like to put this into a class.
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For example if you manage to delete require 'json', then JSON doesn't exist anymore, but your valid_json? simply starts to return false for everything
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and while in a small thing like this that's easy to spot, once you get into bigger things you'll tear your hair out and start shouting "BUT THAT IS VALID JSON!!!" at your monitor
so this is how you lost your hair
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I don't think I lost any that way, though in my early days transitioning from a lazy bash/perl programmer to a Ruby programmer, I certainly rescued more than my fair share of Exceptions :)
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G'day folks.
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hello bery vewitching
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shevy: I can tell you have some reverseations about their name
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Still have a couple things to fix. There's no clean way to exit out before updating. Also, it assumes a two depth hash. Some of the ones I need to work on are one deep or more than two.
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leitz: your valid_json? method is real weird conceptually
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leitz: Usually methods ending with ? return true/false, but yours returns [data, true] *or* raises a ParserError
newdan, how so? It came from my errors editing json manually. vaild_json is mainly a way to ensure I'm actually using json.
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The parser error is about half an hour old. I heard about it somewhere.
The other bits, yeah, I see what you mean.
newdan: I would name it maybe something like try_parse_json and have it return [data, true] or [nil, false]
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What about the exception? That was mg^'s point, I thought. To show more than just "it broke".
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leitz: Either let it propagate (meaning don't even bother rescue-ing it if you're just gonna raise it again), or handle it there
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leitz: Returning [data, true] in one case makes it seem like your method is *meant* to handle invalid data in the bad case, by doing something like returning [nil, false]. But instead it just raises a ParserError, which doesn't buy you anything over just calling JSON.parse directly instead of calling valid_json?
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In your calling code you still need to begin/rescue JSON::ParserError, so the question then is why use valid_json? instead of JSON.parse?
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Hmm...lemme go try that.
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leitz: You don't seem to be handling the ParserError at the call site anyway. So you could probably just delete valid_json? altogether and use JSON.parse directly
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Is there a way to get just a very short message on an exception"? The JSON::ParserErrror gives me an IRC paste worth of screen.
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I can do my own error, but wasn't sure if there's a more Ruby way to do it.
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you can do your own error?
you should not be doing any errors!
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shevy: I think he means show an error to the user
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I think I'm quite prficient at errors! Wanna see some code? :P
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leitz: Oh and I was mistaken when I said you weren't rescuing the error anyway. You are on line 54. So instead of outputting "bang" you can just, say, puts "Error: JSON is invalid"
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leitz: Although it's generally good to write to STDERR and return a nonzero status code to the OS. #abort does both of those
leitz: So on line 55 you can do `abort "JSON is invalid"`
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leitz: And since you don't use the exception object you might as well turn line 54 into just `rescue JSON::ParserError` (taking away the `=> bang` at the end)
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ALso get used to using single-quoted strings when you don't need interpolation, or someday Rubocop is going to come around and shoot you in the nethers
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Or just disable this warning, it's not really important
yeah, fuck using single-quoted strings just because you dont need interpolation
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I'm kind of on board with it a bit, but mostly due to habit formed from using languages that are more fast and loose with interpolation
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Tried to just use the Hash.keys option but it puts all the subkeys into one string as opposed to an array item each.
Line 14 failed.
You're concatenating when you use <<
doesn't do what you expect
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Why doesn't L15-L17 do the same?
well, your line 14 concatenates an array as a single element
that is, it's an array nested in an array
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your 15-17 are concatenating individual keys, so that's getting what you want
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Okay, I'll stick with 15-17.
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I need to take a break and see if I can figure out the multi-level issue.
After your break, read the docs on what Hash#keys does
specifically what it returns
leitz: Also don't be afraid to play around with small snippets and methods in irb/pry
yeah pry is your friend
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Hey, I've noticed that when I use Object.send(:remove_const,blah) to undefine a class and then re-load, it's instances seemingly retain their old behaviour. Is there a way to have the instances adopt the behaviour of the reloaded class?
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kiki_lamb: Classes don't undergo garbage collection, so you'll almost certainly have to drop down to C or do some hackery with Fiddle to completely forget a class definition.
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kiki_lamb: you are asking for changing object's class on the fly
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afaik it is not possible in pure ruby
TTilus: Fiddle.
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ok, yes, with fiddle
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i reserve the right to feel that fiddle isn't "pure ruby" ;)
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or that there should only exist a finite (and limited) set of classes during the lifetime of a process
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corollary: classes should be thought as static stuff
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didn't rails dev mode used to leak classes just because of non-anonymous classes not being collected?
Ox0dea: okay, so if I decide to actually try doing this i'll go with anon classes, then.
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Ox0dea: also, thanks, you always have really good answers to my perverse questions, heh.
kiki_lamb: if you need them to be collected, apparently you have to
kiki_lamb: How come? You're almost certainly approaching your problem the wrong way, but it's been demonstrated that it's quite easy to just swap a class in.
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I suppose you'll want to use anonymous ones if you'll end up creating millions of 'em.
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And you're welcome, of course. I quite enjoy the perverse questions. ^_^
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Ox0dea: this question's not immediately applicable to any particular problem I'm having, it's more just speculation at this point.
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I see. Well, the slightly saner way to juggle behavior is Module#prepend.
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It's essentially redefinition, except you still have the option to "super down" into the old behavior.
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hahah. you might recall, i'm working on that drum livecoding thing... so, I'm sitting there working on it, editing code in one pane and watching it's output scroll in another, hammering the save button in the text editor and then tabbing over to the other pane to start/stop my tool every minute or two to see the result of the changes I just made...
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soo, the thought had occured to me that i could save a lot of starting/stopping of the tool if I just made it undefine and reload half it's class structure on every clock tick. :P
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but apparently this is not that practical, and as that behaviour has no serious value in the finished product, it's not worth putting a lot of work into, I suppose.
Ox0dea: eh, I've already got enough weird fun things to implement for the end use without sinking a lot of time into writing things solely useful for my own use during development
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kiki_lamb: Users and developers are mutually exclusive, you say? :P
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i mean, really, in practical terms, i can basically get the effect i want on that front by setting my program to play 1 bar and then die and wrapping it in a bash while loop
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Ox0dea: well... clearly not very exclusive, given the nature of what i'm making in the first place
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kiki_lamb: You could get a bit nutty and use something like guard?
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Guard isn't nutty.
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spaceghost|work: hahah, I can only handle so many layers of nuttiness at once.
kiki_lamb: No, seriously, try it.
It is a nice fs watcher that can do different configurable things when fs events match what you specify.
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There's bunches of plugins available too.
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if the goal is merely saving me some hammering of 'C-cC-c!!\n' in bash, a while loop suffices, and lets me focus all the nuttiness at the heart of my actual program, where it belongs.
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spaceghost|work: oh, sure, i'm definitely not saying it's bad. from a cursory glance, it looks like i could probably use this to reimplement the loader class I use to read this thing's input language more cleanly.
kiki_lamb: It'd give you new processes!
but, for now, that component is working fine and I have a long list of fun and useful features to add elsewhere before revisiting it.
Use something like spring or a preloader too.
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maybe someday, sure. one day the loader will be visited, and some of that stuff could probably be handy.
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right now though, i've got a full plate: more advanced loop manipulation features, MIDI CC events, 'multiplayer mode', nodes that evolve on their own over time and figuring out how to produce some event models based on more complex math, like geometry and physics simulations, are all currently higher on the list than tampering with the loader.
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you build a game?
i've got some ideas for some genetic algorithm like behaviour to toy with too, once i've got the randomly mutating nodes
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shevy: nah, music tool
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hi everybody! quick question: i can't find use of the word “recipe” outside Ruby, so it originated with it? synonym for script or is there a nuance i'm missing?
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That's chef vocabulary, no?
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right now it basically just lets you write interesting drum beats a lot more quickly, but if I manage to implement all those features it should be able to do about 80% of the composition required to produce a fairly decent techno tune with little more than a gentle nudge.
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yeah that's a Chef thing
i thought so, but i've seen it on some generic ruby webpages.
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guess it was a retroactive adoption there.
well, I think there's been a longstanding use of the word "recipe" for "brief instructions" for a long time
Can-ned_Food: Just fluffy language, then.
cool beans, thanks all.
I am sure you can find things like "here's a bash recipe for doing X"
that pre-date Chef or even Ruby
its just that your major search engine results are going to bury those pretty deep
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From which we could reasonably conclude that it's simply not the right terminology.
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Has anyone worked with writing to Tab-Seperated files before?
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Just ask your question, if anyone has or can, they will respond.
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Ox0dea i agree, it sounds too much like a human-user set of instructions
Komanda: Adding `&& path !~ /\.(css|js)$/` should do the trick.
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i'm completely new to ruby, i have located the cgi.rb on my harddrive
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Komanda: You can just reopen the class and directly redefine the method. ^_^
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ok awesome
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anyone here who contributed to tryruby.org ? i've caught a bug (and i'm going fishing)
Can-ned_Food: Are you sure?
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yes, Ox0dea, but it's a small one. it inspects results, not input.
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Ox0dea: well, when it wants you to try the to_s method on an integer, then reverse it, i can prompt it to advance in the tutorial simply by reversing the string myself viz. "40".reverse — meh
bed << self
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the cartoon characters are cute, though.
adaedra: The call is coming from inside the mattress!
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Can-ned_Food: You're right that it does do that, but it's really for the best; spending an inordinate amount of time parsing your input to determine if you're up to no good wouldn't make much sense.
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sure, that's why i appended the “meh” when i'd finished writing that. time for supper.
Don't you have to catch it first?
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bug -> minnow -> trout
what is "is your ruby interpreter running" alex
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