molay: Well, persistence is almost always a precursor to querying; you do intend to query the data, right?
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molay: it's often a bad sign if you're manually escaping things.
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Ox0dea: yes I will need to query too
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molay: Then SQLite3 is a fine choice, and the Sequel gem is great for interacting with it.
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not sqlite4?
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Ox0dea: well i'm noticing a lot of comments saying its not a good idea doing it the way i'm doing it... each line of the table has 25 items, and I wasn't sure how else to input that many without building a string as i was writing the query
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how can i find which items of an array are duplicate?
molay: You should probably be using a prepared statement.
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Ox0dea: how do you mean "prepared statement" ?
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fun fact: a lot of database drivers just turn prepared statements into interpolated strings within the driver
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molay: It's very Google-able. :P
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Ox0dea: yep, found it.. thank you
I sure have a long way to go... the ruby world is huge!!
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It's... pretty big, yeah.
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the sun never sets, etc
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haha. eam you must be british
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is it vampire time again?
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ok bbl.. thanks guys
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spawn of, at least
shevy: 1827 is a vampire time, and it's just around the corner for some folks.
There's one O(n) approach, but there are others.
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It's better than the O(n^2) approach of assigning your collection to a variable and using `foo.select { |e| foo.count(e) > 1 }`, at any rate.
Ox0dea: you helped me a couple weeks ago about finding a Ruby equivilent to MySQL's "to_days" function and it was 2 days off. I figured out why.
jericon: Enlighten me. :)
Ox0dea: Ruby starts at day 0, while mysql starts at day 1 (0000-01-01).
so that's one day
also, ruby figured that 0000 was a leap year
Ah, interesting.
It's hard to say whether those assumptions are entirely wrong or right.
We index everything else from zero; why not history?
Counting 0 as a leap year seems a little weird, though.
dealing with dates which span governments is always difficult
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/which span governments/d
yes, I should say even moreso than usual
see also: maps
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exactly, 0000 was a leap year, and MySQL didn't even recognize 0000-02-29 as a valid day.
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I think it's probably the case that MySQL's interpretation is more accurate by dint of including some of the "political" information.
although ultimately... I updated my script to use this:
cur_days = @client.query("SELECT to_days(now()) as days").first["days"]
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Then I can rely on MySQL giving me what it believes is the number, and only using that. No fiddling necessary
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If it fits, you ships.
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My fear is that somewhere down the line, something would change and then Ruby would be 1 day off... or 3 days off... and then the script breaks.
but thanks for the help :)
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nexus 5x doesn't come with a regular USB cable so I had to wait to get an adapter
now it takes a nanosim instead of a microsim
so I have to clip my simcard
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Question: I've been studying YAML for a bit using Ruby, and I'm attempting to write an array to a YAML file.
Anyone have any recommendations on a tutorial for such?
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I read about PSStore, is there a quick way to write, for example, a hash that has a string and an array, to a yaml file?
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droptone: You can use `YAML.dump hash` or `hash.to_yaml` to get a string, and then write that to a file however you know how.
Can you simply use Yaml::load_file if the file doesn't exist?
Ox0dea: Thank you.
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droptone: File.write('foo', bar) will open 'foo' in write mode (thus overwriting its previous contents if they existed), write `bar` as a string (by invoking its #to_s method), and then close the file.
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Ok, so for writing a file in YAML format, are there no YAML-specific methods I should leverage?
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Or just use standard File.write and manually write in YAML-compatible format?
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droptone: YAML.dump can be given an IO-like as its second argument.
I guess that's probably the one you want.
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"IO-like" here means anything which has IO as an ancestor or responds to #write.
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Gotcha, thank you.
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can someone help me with a webscraper
i need an algorithm to scrape all the text from each profile in angel list
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do they have an API?
if not, it's generally considered bad form to scrape
i was able to scrape the names of the people
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> [C]rawling the Service is permissible in accordance with this agreement, but scraping the Service without the prior consent of AngelList except as permitted by this agreement is expressly prohibited.
ruby-lang429: ^
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Use the API
it'd be easier to use anyways
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i'd rather not use it
I'm phoning the authorities.
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* baweaver
kinda is the law in these here parts
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ruby-lang429: we're not going to help you break their rules
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AngelList Terms of Service § XIII(c)(xvii): Participants in the AngelList community will not ... use or launch, develop or distribute any automated system, including, without limitation, any spider, robot (or "bot"), cheat utility, scraper or offline reader that accesses the Service....
The API will be a cleaner and easier interface to work with.
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ruby-lang429: Scraping is a gateway crime.
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And unfortunately probably a Federal crime under the CFAA.
(If you're in the States.)
well, we've already covered that it's bad, so we can leave it at that.
scraping is a crime? :O
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no need to go over it multiple different ways.
dorei: The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act is incredibly broad.
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how is scraping different from having someone clicking each link and then print screen? or is that a crime too? :O
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dorei: Everything is a crime. They just pick whom to prosecute.
let's go to offtopic if we want to delve this much deeper
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Can anyone lend an eye to do a code review on a gem I wrote?
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Hi there, sorry for bothering everyone...a bit of a newbie question here, but I have looked and can't find what I'm looking for. I'd like to see ruby documentation in the command line. I've been trying to massage ri to fit the need, but keep running into issues and have read that when used in conjunction with rvm it will eat a lot of memory. Can anyone recommend a way to find ruby documentation that interrupts one's workflow less than naviga
ting to ruby-doc.org?
i know how to access last object in array but how do I access one before last?
oh nice didnt know negative worked thanks sam_
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Evenin' folks
sam_: I'm not sure I follow; ri is really how you ought to be accessing Ruby documentation from the command line.
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module names matching the file path, convention or hard requirement? eg Foo::Bar::Baz is located foo/bar/baz.rb
freedrull: Convention, but there's no particularly compelling reason to break it.
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its kind of hard to make a good case against it in a code review, since it doesn't necessarily break anything
It breaks Rails' autoloading mechanism.
breaking a convention is a great reason to flag it
there should be good reasons given for breaking conventions, not the other way 'round
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Ox0dea: oh right, thats true, i have definitely seen that before
pontiki: makes sense
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Ox0dea, thank you, I will try harder to get it working.
sam_: I think pry does docs
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and most ruby workflows probably involve an open pry (or irb) window
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bnagy, what would you type in a pry or irb prompt
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sam_: help
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Ox0dea, thanks
sam_: Sure thing.
how do i sort an array of objects into groups based on a property of the object?
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Ox0dea and bnagy, I know you probably think me a fool (and are likely right) but your simple instructions helped me out worlds - I wasn't using half of what pry is good for.
sam_: Probably not even a tenth! :P
Thank you
It's a very powerful tool.
Ox0dea, even that's generous
sam_: In any case, I'm glad we've helped you to see that particular light.
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mallu: Yep, just flip the parameters for `calculate`.
Then I get this error syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting ')' def calculate(*numbers, options = {} ) ^ from C:/Ruby22-x64/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
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mallu: You'll need to make options a keyword argument.
Ox0dea: how do you do that? I'm new at this
mallu: Er, sorry, that wouldn't quite work. You'll have to use `add` and `subtract` as optional keyword arguments.
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Alternatively, you could just accept *arguments, and then pop the last and use it as the options if and only if it's a Hash, but that's hackish.
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"You'll have to use `add` and `subtract` as optional keyword arguments" How do you do that?
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oh im an idiot i didnt read far enough down that page
thank you
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Other than Ripper.sexp or compiling with CPDEBUG, is there a way to get a look at the AST, ideally seeing the actual NODE_ types and underlying structures?
Or do I have to plug in my debugger for this?
yorickpeterse: Thank you I shall assess its usability for my scenario. :)
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Or maybe I should just figure out whether I can fix this bug in the compiler. CPDEBUG really is what I want in the end.
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anyone here know of a software where i can build a 'front end' to a manhattan/vertica back end y dragging/dropping elements instead of actually coding. similar to this: http://pinegrow.com/docs/editing/layout.html
lseactuary I guess you can create a simple template quickly and easily in this, and then use something like https://github.com/ankane/chartkick for graphs
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lubekpl the problem is i cant code - therefore i need a tool where i can drag/drop/change stuff
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if my class has both an cluded module and a parent class, both containing an initialize method, how do I control which one I am calling with super in my own class's initialize method?
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suchness: if i'm reading that right, there's no way to ensure both intializers are called, assuming the module and parent class don't know about each other
sounds like super will hit the included module, and the parent class's initialize will never be called?
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You could call super in the module
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Just remember the difference between super and super()
seems like for that to work properly, the module would need to know something about the parent class
* norc
is still baffled by that
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kiki_lamb: Well, it depends on what exactly you are trying to accomplish, in some situations the module would know, other times not so much. I don't know what you are implementing, but basically that's the lookup, if you need it to do something different you need to call super where necessary, or implement your architecture differently.
kiki_lamb: Best way would be to not define an initialize method in a module, but work with callbacks rather.
Let your class hierarchy call callbacks, that your module can register.
For example
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right now i've got something like 'class Instruments < Hash; include TimingScope; ...; end'. Each Instruments needs to initialize it's parent Hash with certain arguments, but it also needs to do the same with it's TimingScope.
super without parens implicitly passes arguments up right
there are plenty of other classeds including TimingScope that are not descendents of Hash, so having TimingScope initialize the Hash seems impractical
blubjr: yup
blubjr: It also passes a block if present. ;-)
^ figured that was kind of implied, but yeah
Ideally just use super() - it is so much more readable.
suchness: so, for my snippet there, is there any possible way for Instruments (not it's included TimingScope) to initialize it's parent Hash?
kiki_lamb: Heh, internally blocks are considered very much differently from arguments.
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kiki_lamb: I don't see a snippet
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norc: maybe under the hood, sure.. but from a language user perspective, though, they're integrated into the method argument system and at any given time they're a character or two of sugar away from being the same as any typical Proc argument.
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suchness: 'class Instruments < Hash; include TimingScope; ...; end'
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blocks are a really ugly wart to me right now still i've only been doing ruby for like a week tho, maybe theyll grow on me
kiki_lamb: I think if that's your goal you need to look at composition over inheritance
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blubjr: definitely. once you get to the point where you're building your own little task specific DSLs you'll find that often half the arguments you're dealing with are blocks.
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kiki_lamb: The most interesting part about blocks is, is that they are one of the very few things that actually are not objects in Ruby.
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norc: sure, just not something you have to think about a lot as a user, given how trivial it is to box/unbox them in Procs
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the most interesting part about blocks to me is how i can use them
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kiki_lamb: I was just trying to make a point. IMO it is not obvious that super should also pass along a block, especially since is neither implemented as an argument, nor does it look like one, or becomes apparent that one can be passed.
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anyone have ideas?
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lseactuary: You want a drag and drop front end because you can't code and you're asking in an IRC dedicated to coding, I don't think you will get much in the way of help.
suchness then what do i do?
lseactuary: Well, learn to code perhaps.
pay someone(s) to make it for you
i dont have that option
and i have tried learning but i dont even know where to start
Better start learning then.
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kiki_lamb: And in cases of class hierarchies, an upper method that does fancy things based on block_given? can suddenly lead to bugs. :D
There are a lot of first rails app tutorials on the internet, pick one.
and there is no one at my company who can walk me through stuff
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i dont even know if rails is what i need
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lseactuary: What is your job?
my job is to analyse data and scope tools
the problem is without programming i cant get the data nor build any tools
so we hired a data engineer who is writing scripts for data
lseactuary: I think you might need to find another job then.
but i need to help him wit hthe front end
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because we are under-resources
If you aren't willing to learn how to do your job it's better you let someone who is.
well i didnt say i dont want to learn
i just have no clue where to start
people send me a bunch of github links and i dont get it
i dont have any background in this
lseactuary: What do you want to learn?
oh, i asked the other day but i dont think anyone answered, does ruby have something like lisp's FRESH-LINE, where it prints a newline unless you're already at the start of the line
its like learning a newl anguage
without any help
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i see
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lseactuary: For the future, HTML and CSS are not 'coding', though javascript is.
CSS is 'torture'.
CSS is just widely misunderstood.
I like css
When it's nice and neat
But when it's not, then kill me please
Vanilla CSS can be a pain.
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Using a preproccessor makes things a little more managable.
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lseactuary: Did one of those tools help?
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yes - exactly what i needed :)
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lseactuary: Good
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hi dooo
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fuck freenode, okay
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suchness: how did elastic stuff go
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I'm trying to translate some code from ruby from python. I stuck on line: .pack('n'). How that would be in python? What struct directive is equivalent to pack('n')?
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FailBit: Really well, I decided to just do the one to one correlation, we don't really have a requirement to have more than one parent, so it should work out fine. We are collapsing all our indexes to just be in one with different types. It's going to be a couple months before we get through it all though. I have high hopes.
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dooo: Array#pack
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According to the Ruby language docs, Dir.entries() does not guarantee any particular order of the listed files, so if you require some order it's best to do it explicitly yourself.
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^ found on stackexchange
"Note that case sensitivity depends on your system (so File::FNM_CASEFOLD is ignored), as does the order in which the results are returned."
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but the results are still consistent for one OS
so it's not like, random.
i think we're seeing cached results
like if we did it again tomorrow it might be different.
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. and .. are always first.
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ah, I jsut got diff results.
copied my dir to another name, did the Dir.entries on that one, and the results are different.
ah, good thinking
the only order that doesn't seem to change is . and ..
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cool :) well now I know!
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me, too!
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derpity derp derp
it is only so fitting when I say that, I run a site with "derp" in the name :V
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underpants.io ?
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blubjr: you can write a method to do that.
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x = or_set(foo(), default) { |x| bar?(x) }
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but IMO that signature would be ugly
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the closure complicates it
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hi, when deploying a ruby app that has a Gemfile and a Gemfile.lock in VCS, but also uses a non-VCS Gemfile.plugins that somehow automagically adds stuff to Gemfile.lock when bundle install is run, what's the best practice? Re-Commit Gemfile.lock?
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sorry, ultimate ruby noob here, just a sysadmin
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shouldn't be enough to add Gemfile and Gemfile.lock and let Gemfile.plugins do his job when deploying && bundling on the server?
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I would go for a hook after the deploy that runs bundle install (if it's not already like that)
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the problem here being that my deployment managment borks on the second run after installing because there are uncommitted changes in the repository
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oh, i see...
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i read somewhere that Gemfile.lock should be version controlled, but am unsure how to deal with that
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yeah it should
oh ok, sorry i misread it
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i think the best way then would be to check in the updated Gemfile.lock
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well, it IS the best practice, so that's the way to go (and that's the way i usually go :) )
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plonk: git add Gemfile.lock
that is all?
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what would happen if I then removed things from the Gemfile?
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then you check in changes to both
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both Gemfile and Gemfile.lock should be version controlled
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plonk, if you remove gems from the Gemfile, they are no longer in your bundle, but they are not automatically uninstalled
Additional gemfiles that are not in source control being sourced
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plonk, Could you comment out that section?
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centrx: Since I am deploying a tagged revision of that onto a porduction system and I just want to add plugins, I'd rather not commit stuff into VCS or touch any of the sources...
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the idea here being stable automatic deploys :S
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we all have our grand ideas
then we end up using wordpress :(
not me
* plonk
does not use wordpress
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shevy loads up wordpress inside an iframe in his rails projects
I don't use rails
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what do you use bb?
shevy: gtfo
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shevy: I knew you were going to say cgi! Ruby Par Avion.
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yorickpeterse: stfu
lol what just happened
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havenwood oldschool never dies!
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shevy: 1990 called, they want their web app setup back
shevy loads up wordpress inside an iframe in his rails projects
16:52 shevy
I don't use rails
shevy: :>
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shevy: yorickpeterse practices krav maga better not get him mad
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ddv something strange is going on, now we have an echo :/
Krav Maga is unfair, they kick into the balls
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so np
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who will stop the damn lead pipe bashings
__desmondhume northern italy?
yeah shevy
well that's like central europe so it's fine
momomomomo: see, krav maga at least teaches you how to sorta deal with that
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fine about taxes? lol
Though guns is mostly higher levels and for the police/army branch of krav maga
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there even were people doing bioinformatics/bioruby in milano + hiring a few years ago ... I didn't wanna go though
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"Ruby, you'll shoot your eye out!"
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yeah i work in milano, but i just moved to my hometown
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remote work is cool
so startup
much wow
__desmondhume dunno you could be living in Sicilia too :)
working from home atm but have a meeting in an hour :(
yay spark job done, time to go in :/
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the best part of having meeting from home is wearing just ashirt
could u please stand up? well no
I did that in a training session last night
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:| my workplace is pretty laid back anyhow, most days I just hang out on the top floor next to the fireplace with my shoes off
top floor
about as comfy as home, but better coffee
did they lock you away?
top level
nah, we have a roof and a penthouse
humor is getting better and better
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ooooh penthouse coding suite!
coding like a boss
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isn't it like a naked women thing?
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?ot __desmondhume
__desmondhume, this seems to be off-topic. Please move your discussion to #ruby-offtopic, to keep this channel free for Ruby related topics. Thanks!
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lol i'm just asking guys
what is penthouse?
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nah it's like the top floor of a hotel / building
?huys __desmondhume
__desmondhume, I don't know anything about huys
no, just top floor, usually the costlier flats
oh, LOL
sry :D
I am almost in the basement :(
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sorry havenwood
havenwood codes in a skyscraper, at the very top of the top!
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shevy: he's sauron
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do you guys read medium?
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what is that
only when it pops up on HN/reddit
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shevy: like a blog for fancy people on someone else's platform
blogging platform
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aka 57M investment for dunno-why
fancy people like fancy things
btw, i wrote an article on that lol
and to sit on fancy soap boxes
not that there's anything wrong with that
ruby-lang383: I really do think the CFAA needs to be amended to allow tinkering or educational exceptions and to bar prison time for violating TOS... but alas...
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lol ruby is becoming a selfpromoting channel
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ugh, I can't seem to install rest-client on my comp
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with the stdlib CSV, why won't csv.each { |row| row.headers.each { |h| row[h] = 'foo' } } work?
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If you try and read the csv after that, the rows are unchanged
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I have a string which looks like this: "{\"a\":\"some customer data\", (...) ". Notice that there is a backslash before every ". How can I display it without the backslashes?
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It says that the second character is \" - this is a single character. inspect only makes things worse
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DEA7TH: puts it. It shows up in the string rep, but not when you print it. or use single quotes, but I'm not sure how well that would work with what I assume is JSON
oh, that worked! I thought that puts = p
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and it didn't work with p
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hxegon: well, you're modifying the data in-memory, you have to write the data back
DEA7TH: I'm looking it up, and I guess p is basically prints foo.inspect vs puts, which uses foo.to_s
'p foo' == 'puts foo.inspect'
DEA7TH: so, #to_s might be more appropriate
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it's all right, I'll throw away the code in several minutes anyway
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#to_s on a string is identity..
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adaedra: so your saying its just passing me a copy of the row and not a ref to that row?
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hxegon: well, how did you get your csv variable?
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User458764: Maybe you could show me a code sample if I'm not understanding correctly.
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hxegon: sure
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plonk: that's my only suggestion, sorry :P
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segfalt I use ruby for years and I am just asking myself how do I build code so that I don't pass an array where an integer is expected?
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User458764: Always wrap everything into an array?
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Deal with collections rather than singular objects?
User458764: Oh, you want a type system. There are some projects that half-bake in a type system. What I did was switch to another programming language. :)
segfalt lol
type like a duck.
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kill the duck
be the duck
That works for a while, generally until you have 10,000 lines of code in production and wonder why you thought class-level DSLs were cool.
but ruby is awesome because it is not type base
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User458764: and yet, you're asking how to add a type system.
segfalt: They can be if you don't screw them up.
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segfalt yes I think my solution is to better comment my code
It works whale beyond 10K LOC.
User458764: Or just wrap everything into an array!
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spaceghost|work thanks I will check that
.Array() is neat.
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I definitely use Array() in code that accepts one or many things. Clean approach.
is it possible to on init of a class have it fail gracefully without throwing or the like?
NO_BOOT_DEVICE: your initialize is throwing an exception?
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NO_BOOT_DEVICE: When you say init of a class, do you mean when the class is defined?
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Or when you're instantiating an instance of the class?
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segfalt: no, and i don't want it to, but i want it to not do full init and such when it won't work basically saying "fail_gracefully() if [bad init check condition]"
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NO_BOOT_DEVICE: What's gracefully mean? What do you want .new to return instead?
spaceghost|work: instantiating
NO_BOOT_DEVICE: What have you tried? Did you try raising an exception?
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spaceghost|work: i'd rather not, i'd like for it to more just say, return "nil", as it's not really an exception, it's just "this functionality isn't implemented"
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NO_BOOT_DEVICE: #initialize always returns the instance, override .new if you want to do something else.
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NO_BOOT_DEVICE: I'd find it really confusing for .new to return nil, as a user.
NO_BOOT_DEVICE: There is NotImplementedError though. That way at least the caller can get a chance to rescue it and handle it themselves.
It seems like immediately after that happens you'll end up with NoMethodErrors on whatever you try to do with the nil, anyway.
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spaceghost|work: oh, that's actually probably what i'm looking for, i guess if the program makes it clear that it's just "not implemented"
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csv was dropped from stdlib and fastercsv renamed to csv with 1.9 (iirc)
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jhass: could be, the api is certainly better than 1.8 :/
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jhass: (i have to use 1.8 for work stuff, it's, uh, clunky)
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pabs: do you know why this doesn't work? csv = CSV.new("foo\nbar", headers: true); csv.each { |row| row['foo'] = 'anything' } # it changes row in the scope but not in csv
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hi. I am trying to write tests for concurrency using concurrent gem.
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Is there a good way of testing concurrency?
I did not find anything useful yet.
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what specifically do you want to test?
I want to test that the deployments are going in parallel
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hi not a robot
aaeron: parallelism is impossible to test using some form of runtime testing
You can test if something is "most likely" parallel, but it's impossible to get a 100% guarantee
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Anyone knows if AWS will allow me to fetch RDS stats?
Make one blocking
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And run the second one.
atmosx: Cloudwatch has them
yorickpeterse: has what?
not_a_robot: beep bop?
atmosx: RDS statistics
hxegon: you'll need to read the csv in, make your changes, then write it back out again, it doesn't make the changes on disk when you edit
ah yes, I'm on it (google)
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yorickpeterse: and I can access cloudwatch via ruby SDK?
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aaeron: then you're no longer really testing parallelism
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Yeah. But i need to be able to write tests which shows that the process is concurrent
* atmosx
Sam Cooke - Cupid
If not 100% correct
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aaeron: you can not test something happened in parallel, only _that_ it happened
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That would work
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e.g. if you have something like `a = nil; b = nil; Thread.new { a = 10 }; Thread.new { b = 20 }` there's no guarantee (or way to ensure) that the two threads actually run in parallel
the same applies to processes
Heck, on MRI the threads won't even run in parallel in the first place
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I got ur point yorickpeterse
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also in both cases the OS might take longer to start them up, which could break any timing sensitive tests
so I'd test "did it happen" instead of "did it happen at exactly the same time"
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I think I am just going to test if the state of all the threads is pending after sleeping for half a second
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that does not work at all
read again what I said
timing sensitive execution is seriously difficult when dealing with parallelism
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When I call execute on concurrent promises. It would change the status of the promises to pending. It might not execute them
So will that not be a good test?
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That sentence makes no sense
Sorry about that yorickpeterse. I am new to concurrency
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The difficulty of concurrency is that there's no guarantee as to when what happens
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Got that.
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But when I call p = Concurrent::Promise.execute{ "Hello, world!" }
It would make the p.state as pending. Pending does not mean its getting implemented. (afaik)
getting implemented?
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If the state is not "pending" by default and it's modified from another thread it could be that when you call "p.state" the state hasn't been set to "pending" yet
so you'd get a race condition
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but this depends on how things are implemented
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for such a condition the code would probably pass 999 out of 1000 runs
and fail one time on Friday the 13th at 17:00
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I think I am going to test parallelism by making it sequential. Block the first thread. And wait for the second to finish.
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This will just guarantee that one thread does not block the other one.
and hence they are in parallel.
one thread not blocking the other doesn't make them parallel
e.g. a paused thread won't block another, but isn't running in parallel
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in my case: I was running deploys in sequence running a loop. So lets say jobA, jobB. If I block jobA, jobB would never get executed. As it is sequential.
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But now that they are running independent of each other. I can block jobA and expect jobB to finish.
It was a single threaded deploy previously.
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what's the hardest part about parsing ruby?
seydar: parsing ruby
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yorickpeterse: no further questions, thank you
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ruby syntax is implicit to the point of near ambiguity
that's the hardest part
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FailBit: can you expound upon that?
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say you wanted to pass a hash to a function
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FailBit: ruby allows people to be lazy in what they write; nobody stops you from satisfying the parser with more syntax
if less syntax could be achievable then ruby core would do it
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shevy: do you read reddit? did you see the new Rush shell that was posted to /r/ruby?
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That shell that doesn't even offer pipes?
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seydar I do read reddit sometimes, not regularly though. The rush shell... was that the extension from the old ncurses one, with the in-built dropdown box when someone hits tab?
people often fatigue or tire in projects :(
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shevy: yeah i just remember it as the project that was parsing bash grammar and running it on ruby
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well, ruby itself does a bit of shell syntax analysis as well doesn't it
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eam: i can't remember how the original project was done. me, shevy, and the original guy all kinda worked on our own separate shells under the single banner of "rush"
i came back years later and wrote chitin
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and someone just took the name rush and wrote something similar to chitin
i've heard of chitlins
and now, chitin
if i could get the startup time down to zilch, i think it'd be more usable as a shell
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but on my computer it takes like 3 seconds to start up because of gems and my shitty-ass laptop
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hmm... so that row mutation works when I do CSV.parse, but not CSV.new...
i'm trying to beat a bit ancient radiant 0.8.0 site into working shape to serve until i figure out where to transition to
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so i figure i'll just `ruby-install ruby 1.8.7 && chruby 1.8 && gem install radiant --version 0.8.0` and be done with it
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but for some weird reason `ruby-install ruby 1.8.7-p358` gives me a ruby without gem :-/
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like 'gem: command not found'
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i thought gem didn't come with ruby until 1.9
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blubjr: that would explain
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Is anyone in here?
Steve_: yup
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Steve_: A thousand Rubyists.
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Cool. Can anyone help me out with a RoR question?
?rails Steve_
Steve_, Please join #RubyOnRails for Rails questions. You need to be identified with NickServ, see /msg NickServ HELP
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction ruboto
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What're some ways the new Hash#to_proc is useful other than, say, in a call to #map as an alternative to Hash#values_at?
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I guess being able to #call a Hash lets you remove the distinction between a lookup and a real invocation in a memoized method, but that's the only other use case I can see.
It's kinda weird that it got accepted, I'm saying.
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amazingly there is nothing parked at yes.com
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hmmm is anyone using mruby for anything yet?
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darix: I was more referring to Tom Stuart's "Programming with Nothing".
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programming with nothing
not even a computer
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you know how you can add a main method to a module in ruby? this way, you can run the module on its own AND include its methods? how can you do this with ruby?
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not sure what you are asking
you mean both standalone and module methods?
one way is private_function :name
grill: Use `module_function`.
another is: extend self
or def self.foo manually, with def foo calling that method